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The Outlandish Companion

Page 23

by Diana Gabaldon

Alasdair Kirby (m)—a young inhabitant of the village of Broch Mordha, whose death of the bloody flux is reported by the elder Ian Murray in one of his letters to Jamie. [Drums]

  Joseph Fraser Kirby (m)—tenant at Lallybroch. [Dragonfly]

  Mrs. Kirby—widow of one of Jamie’s murdered tenants, who took refuge at Lallybroch. [Voyager]


  Laoghaire—see “Laoghaire MacKenzie.”

  Madame Laserre—a professional groomer of noble ladies. [Dragonfly]

  †Pastor Waiter Laurent—an itinerant Swiss preacher, whom Claire encounters hiding in a shed on Louise de Rohan’s estate at Fontainebleau. [Dragonfly]

  Tilly Lawson (m)—woman who first looked after Margaret Campbell; declined to accompany the Reverend and his sister to the West Indies. [Voyager]

  †Leiven (m)—a Danish inventor from St. Croix, who made Geillis Abernathy’s concealed box. [Voyager]

  LeJeune (m)—a renowned French sword-master. [Dragonfly]

  Fergus mac Leodhas (m)—Scottish mercenary; in command of a regiment serving in France, where both Jamie Fraser and Ian Murray (the elder) served. Namesake of the young pickpocket Jamie adopts in Paris. [Outlander, Drums]

  Captain Thomas Leonard—young third lieutenant in HMS Navy, acting captain of HMS Porpoise, who impresses Claire as ship’s surgeon, to deal with a typhoid epidemic aboard. Later lost with his ship during a hurricane in the Caribbean. [Voyager]

  Leroi—Stephen Bonnet’s closest companion. [Drums]

  †Mr. Lillington (m)—a prominent citizen of Wilmington, at whose house Jamie and Claire meet Governor Tryon. [Drums]

  Kenny Lindsey—one of Jamie’s comrades from Ardsmuir prison, later settled on Fraser’s Ridge. [Drums]

  Rosamund Lindsey—wife of Kenny Lindsey. [Drums]

  ‡ Dr. Eric Linklater7—author of The Prince in the Heather [Dragonfly]

  ‡ Bill Livingstone8—Drum Major of the 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipes and Drums. [Drums]

  †“Lochiel”—Donald Cameron of Lochiel, one of the Highland chiefs who fought at Culloden. [Dragonfly]

  †Louis XV, King of France. [Dragonfly]

  †Louise—see Princesse Louise de la Tour de Rohan, under “R.”

  †Dowager Lady Lovat (m)—Simon Fraser’s first wife; rumored to have been married forcibly for her lands and title. [Dragonfly]

  †Lord Lovat—see “Simon Fraser (Old Fox).”

  Anthony Brian Montgomery Lyle (m)— son of Kitty Murray and Paul Lyle; grandson to Ian and Jenny Murray. [Drums]


  MacAlpine (m)—an Edinburgh tavern owner who knowingly buys smuggled brandy, and unknowingly accepts the body of a mysterious Customs officer, sealed in a cask of créme de menthe. [Voyager]

  General MacAuliffe (m)—World War II general, recollected by Claire. Famous for his remark upon being requested to surrender—“Nuts!” [Outlander]

  Hamish MacBeth—one of Jamie’s tenants; a soldier fighting with the Jacobite troops; wounded at Prestonpans, where Claire repairs the injury to his scrotum. [Dragonfly]

  MacBeth the postie—the Inverness postman who delivers a letter for Brianna, revealing to Roger her interest in tracing her parents’ life in the past. [Drums]

  †Aeneas MacDonald (m)—a minor banker who helped to finance the Rising; one of the companions who landed at Glenfinnan with Charles Stuart. [Dragonfly]

  †Angus and Alex MacDonald of Scotus (m)—brothers; prominent Jacobites. [Dragonfly]

  †Duncan William McLeod MacDonald, of Glen Richie9—one of the Jacobite officers executed at Culloden by order of Lord Melton. [Voyager]

  Robert MacDonald—a member of the Glen Elrive Watch; forcibly interrogated by Claire and her sister-in-law,Jenny, in their efforts to find and rescue Jamie. [Outlander]

  Tammas McDonald (m)—one of the Frasers’ neighbors in North Carolina; Jamie considers him as a prospective husband for Brianna. [Drums]

  Mavis MacDowell (m)—the daughter of an Inverness tobacconist; one of Roger Wakefield’s early loves. [Drums]

  ‡ Labhriunn MacIan—a piper with the Scottish forces at Falkirk. [Dragonfly]

  Martin Mack (m)—resident near Lallybroch, with a horse for sale. [Outlander]

  Alexander MacMahon MacKenzie “Auld Alec”—Master of Horse at Castle Leoch. [Outlander]

  Ambrose MacKenzie (m)—one of Roger MacKenzie’s distant ancestors, mentioned by the Reverend. [Drums]

  Colum (Callum) MacKenzie mac Campbell—Chief of the MacKenzies of Leoch, brother to Ellen, Dougal, Jocasta, and Janet; uncle to Jamie Fraser. Father (presumably) to Hamish, heir to the leadership of the clan. Concerned with the shape of future events, Colum debates the wisdom of committing his clan to the support of the Stuarts, and will do anything to protect what he sees as the interests of the clan. [Outlander, Dragonfly]

  Dougal MacKenzie—war chieftain of Clan MacKenzie, brother to Colum, sister to Ellen; uncle to Jamie Fraser. Father to four daughters: Margaret, Eleanor, Molly, and Tabitha (Tibby). Unacknowledged father of Hamish MacKenzie (who is passed off as the son of Dougal’s brother Colum), and secret father of the bastard child (later known as William Buccleigh MacKenzie) born to Geillis Duncan. [Outlander, Dragonfly]

  Ellen MacKenzie—see “Ellen MacKenzie Fraser.”

  Geordie MacKenzie—a MacKenzie clansman, killed by a boar during a tinchal at Leoch. [Outlander]

  Hobart MacKenzie—Laoghaire’s brother, who comes to avenge her honor, when he discovers that her marriage to Jamie is bigamous. [Voyager]

  Hugh MacKenzie of Muldaur—one of Colum MacKenzie’s tacksmen; (first) husband of Laoghaire. [Dragonfly]

  Jacob MacKenzie (m)—late chieftain of clan MacKenzie; father of Ellen, Colum, Dougal, Jocasta, and Janet; grandfather of Jamie Fraser and Jenny Murray. [Outlander]

  Janet MacKenzie (m)—younger sister to Ellen, Colum, and Dougal. Died of a fever, age twenty-four. [Outlander]

  Jeremiah MacKenzie (m)—husband to Mary Oliphant, great-great-grandfather to Roger Wakefield. Jeremiah is “an old family name,” being borne also by Roger’s father and others in the MacKenzie family tree. [Drums]

  Jeremiah Buccleigh MacKenzie (Jemmy)— son of William Buccleigh MacKenzie and Morag Gunn MacKenzie, five-times great-grandfather to Roger MacKenzie. Emigrating to the American Colonies with his parents as an infant, he narrowly escapes death from smallpox and drowning, on board the Gloriana. [Drums]

  Jerry (Jeremiah Walter) MacKenzie (m)—Roger (Wakefield) MacKenzie’s father, a WWII hero who was shot down in his RAF Spitfire over the English Channel in 1941. Married to Marjorie Wakefield MacKenzie, Roger’s mother. [Drums]

  Grannie Joan MacKenzie (m)—old woman whose corpse was burnt in place of Geillis Duncan’s. [Voyager]

  Jocasta MacKenzie—youngest sister of Ellen, Colum, and Dougal; Jamie’s aunt. Married three times: to John Cameron, to Black Hugh Cameron of Aberfeldy, and finally to the late Hector Cameron, with whom she fled to America after the failure of the Stuart Rising. The Camerons settled near Cross Creek in the colony of North Carolina, and became prosperous owners of the plantation called River Run. [Outlander, Drums]

  Letitia (Chisholm) MacKenzie—wife to Colum MacKenzie; mother of Hamish (by Dougal MacKenzie). [Outlander]

  Laoghaire MacKenzie10 (pronounced “Leery,” “L’heer,” or “L’heery,” depending on regional usage)—a young girl at Castle Leoch, with designs on Jamie Fraser. Later marries Jamie, following Claire’s return to the future and Jamie’s release from captivity. Mother of Marsali and Joan. [All]

  Morag Gunn MacKenzie—wife of William Buccleigh MacKenzie, mother of a son called Jeremiah (“Jemmy”), and Roger MacKenzie’s six-times great-grandmother. Attempting to save her son from being drowned during a smallpox scare on board the Gloriana, she hides in the hold, where Roger discovers her. Not knowing her identity, he is moved by her plight, and saves her and her child from Captain Bonnet’s wrath. [Drums]

  William Buccleigh MacKenzie—illegitimate son of Geillis Duncan and Dougal MacK
enzie; fostered to a family who had lost a child of the same age, and given the same name as the dead child. Married to Morag Gunn, he later emigrates to America with his wife and infant son, Jeremiah. [Dragonfly, Drums]

  Willie Coulter MacKenzie—one of Dougal’s men, who comes unexpectedly on Jamie, Dougal, and Claire at the conclusion of the fight in Culloden House, which has left Dougal dead. Shocked, he allows Jamie to leave with Claire. [Dragonfly]

  Simon MacKimmie (m)—Laoghaire’s second husband; father of Marsali and Joan. Died in prison, following the Rising. [Voyager]

  ‡ Iain (Taylor) MacKinnon—one of the Jacobite soldiers who helps Jamie off the field at Culloden. [Voyager]

  Barton MacLachlan (m)—an inhabitant of Cross Creek. [Drums]

  John MacLeod (m)—a lobsterman found dead in one of the stone circles. Mentioned in the grimoire of Gillian Edgars. [Drums]

  MacLeod (on Naylor’s Creek) (m)—ex-Ardsmuir prisoner, come to settle on Frasers Ridge. [Drums]

  †Cluny MacPherson (m)—a fugitive Jacobite who lived in hiding in the Highlands, mentioned in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Kidnapped. [Voyager]

  Mrs. MacPherson—one of Claire’s assistants at Prestonpans; wife of one of the Jacobite soldiers. [Dragonfly]

  Maura (Grant) MacKenzie (m)—Dougal MacKenzie’s wife. [Outlander]

  Rupert MacKenzie—a tacksman of clan MacKenzie, a distant cousin to Dougal and Colum. He helps Claire to rescue Jamie from Wentworth Prison, and later dies by Dougal’s hand in an abandoned church, after being wounded during the Battle of Falkirk. [Outlander, Dragonfly]

  Sarah MacKenzie (m)—a deceased member of clan MacKenzie, who expired following treatment by Davie Beaton. [Outlander]

  Father MacMurtry (m)—parish priest at Broch Mordha, following the Rising. [Voyager]

  Grannie MacNab—elderly resident on Lallybroch estate; mother of Ronnie; grandmother of Rabbie. She asks Jamie to take Rabbie onto the estate as stable-lad, to remove him from his abusive father. [Outlander]

  Mary MacNab—widow of Ronald MacNab, mother of Rabbie. She comes to offer Jamie comfort in his cave, on the eve of his surrender to the English. [Voyager]

  Rabbie MacNab—abused son of Ronald MacNab; he becomes stable-boy at Lallybroch, later the best friend of Fergus. [Outlander, Dragonfly]

  Ronald MacNab—a tenant at Lallybroch; a drunken, violent sot. He abuses his son Rabbie, who is rescued by Jamie. Ronald is later suspected of betraying Jamie to the Watch, and dies when someone sets fire to his house, presumably in revenge for the betrayal. He leaves a widow, Mary, who becomes a maid at Lallybroch. [Outlander]

  Andrew MacNeill—a plantation owner near the Cape Fear, and prominent member of the Scottish community. He leads Jamie and Claire to the sawmill where the lynching takes place, and later meets Lizzie in Wilmington, where he tells her the whereabouts of Jamie Fraser. [Drums]

  Donald MacNeill—son of Andrew MacNeill. He comes to inform Farquard Campbell of the incident at the sawmill, and summon him to oversee execution of the slave Rufus. [Drums]

  Nettie and Abby MacNeill—the two elderly, spinster sisters of Andrew MacNeill. [Drums]

  John MacRae—the village locksman in Cranesmuir, who is obliged to imprison Claire and Geillis in the thieves’ hole, and to assist at the witch trial. [Outlander]

  Lady Annabelle MacRannoch—wife of Sir Marcus MacRannoch of Eldridge Manor, who helped the Frasers to escape from Scotland after Jamie’s rescue from Wentworth Prison. [Outlander]

  Sir Marcus MacRannoch—owner of Eldridge Manor, near Wentworth; early suitor of Ellen MacKenzie. Gave pearl necklace to Ellen; later sends wolfskin and pearl bracelet to Claire. [Outlander]

  Madeleine—a maid at Madame Jeanne’s brothel; sister of one of the Fiends victims. [Voyager]

  Sister Madeleine—a nun at L’Hôpital des Anges. [Dragonfly]

  Magdalen—a woman of Castle Leoch, a minor acquaintance of Claire’s. [Outlander]

  Magdalen—the Frasers’ pregnant red cow, whose impending state gives Brianna fears for her own future. [Drums]

  Maggie—a sometime prostitute, who confronts Jamie and Mr. Willoughby in the World’s End, starting a minor riot. [Voyager]

  Magnus—Jared’s butler at the house on the Rue Tremoulins. [Dragonfly]

  Maisri—a Highland seer, possessed of second Sight. [Dragonfly]

  Maitland—cabin boy aboard the Artemis. [Voyager]

  Alexander Malcolm—Edinburgh printer; Jamie Fraser’s alias. [Voyager]

  Mamacita—Ermenegilda’s mother, who stays to take care of Father Fogden after the death of her daughter. [Voyager]

  Captain Manson (m)—World War II acquaintance of Claire Randall’s. [Outlander]

  †Jean-Paul Marat (m)—important figure of the French Revolution. [Voyager]

  Annalise de Marillac—an old flame of Jamie Fraser’s, for whose sake he fought his first duel, at the age of eighteen. [Dragonfly]

  †Signor Manzetti (m)—an Italian banker, approached for a loan by James Stuart. [Dragonfly]

  †(Johan Erskine) Earl of Mar (m)—a prominent, elderly Jacobite noble, who took part in both the 1715 and 1745 Risings. [Dragonfly]

  Marley—Jonathan Randall’s mentally deficient but physically powerful orderly at Wentworth Prison. [Outlander]

  Marguerite—Jared’s parlormaid at Rue Tremoulins. [Dragonfly]

  Marie, Queen of France. [Dragonfly]

  Vicomte Marigny (of the House of Gascogne) (m)—Mary Hawkins’s erstwhile fiancé. [Dragonfly]

  †(George Keith), Earl of Marischal—a prominent Jacobite noble. [Dragonfly]

  Marsali—Laoghaire’s elder daughter by Simon MacKimmie; Jamie’s stepdaughter, who marries Fergus on a beach in the West Indies. See “Marsali Joyce MacKimmie Fraser.” [Voyager]

  Charlie Marshall (m)—K-9 Corps sergeant; World War II acquaintance of Claire Randall’s, who gives her advice on withstanding a dog attack. [Outlander]

  Martin the porter—porter and lodge-keeper at the Oxford college where Roger is employed as a history don. [Drums]

  Mrs. Martins—midwife who delivers Jenny Murray’s second child, Maggie (Margaret Ellen). [Outlander]

  Mary Ann—parlormaid at Ellesmere. [Voyager]

  Mathilde—Jared Fraser’s cook at the house in the Rue Tremoulins. [Voyager]

  Sorley and George McClure—brothers; tenants at Lallybroch. [Dragonfly]

  Dr. McEwan—head of the Institute for Highland Studies in Inverness, where Gillian Edgars began her research into the standing stones. [Dragonfly]

  Kenneth and Rosie McIver—Jared’s overseer in Jamaica, and his wife, who live at Blue Mountain House. [Voyager]

  Giles McMartin—one of the young Jacobites executed after Culloden by Lord Melton’s troops. [Voyager]

  Mrs. McMurdo—one of Claire’s assistants at Prestonpans; wife of one of the Jacobite soldiers. [Dragonfly]

  Mrs. McMurdo—one of Roger’s neighbors in Inverness. [Drums]

  Comte Medard (m)—neighbor of Louise de Rohan, with land adjoining hers at Fontainebleau, on which he hanged three Huguenots. [Dragonfly]

  Dowager Countess Melton—Lord John Grey’s mother. [Voyager]

  Harold, Lord Melton—eldest brother of Lord John Grey, who found a group of Jacobite officers in a farmhouse near Culloden Field, and ordered them all executed—save for Jamie Fraser, whom he saved in order to repay the debt of honor owed by his younger brother. [Voyager]

  Graham Menzies—the patient whom Claire helps to die, in Boston. [Voyager]

  Mickey—one of Jocasta’s slaves. [Drums]

  Millefleurs (aka “Milly”)—one of the horses at Helwater. [Voyager]

  Sister Minèrve—a nun at L’Hôpital des Anges. [Dragonfly]

  †Madame Montresor (m)—one of the King of France’s many mistresses. [Dragonfly]

  Freddy Mueller—Petronella’s young husband. [Drums]

  Gerhard Mueller—patriarch of a large German Lutheran family, with a farm some miles from Fraser’s Ridge. The old man is up
right and honorable, devoted to his family—but highly intolerant and rigid, given to drawing wrong conclusions and clinging stubbornly to them. Deciding that the deaths of his daughter-in-law and grandchild were the result of a hex put upon his house by Indians, he sets out to take vengeance, and in retribution kills three women whom he comes across in the forest—Gabrielle, Berthe, and Nayawenne, the Tuscarora shaman. [Drums]

  Petronella Mueller—daughter-in-law of old Gerhard Mueller. Claire delivers Petronella’s first child, but both mother and child die shortly afterward, in a measles epidemic. [Drums]


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