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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

Page 14

by C. P. Mandara

  'Ah, yes, that is a beautiful look. I was right.' The Spaniard winked at her and ran the tip of his index finger around her right nipple. Marianna whimpered. The tiny portion of nipple left poking out of the clamp was extremely sensitive and even his small caress was enough to make her gasp. 'A little sore, right? You wait till you start serving. It is going to be a very sweet agony, I think.' He caressed the underside of both breasts, whilst pretending to straighten out the tray. She moaned and her pussy clenched tightly. Pain hadn't dulled her arousal in the slightest, it had just reinforced it. 'Now, how many jugs would you like start with?' He gave her a questioning look and reached for one of the pretty ceramic jugs that had been delicately patterned with brush strokes, depicting Japanese characters of some sort.

  'Can I start with one?' Marianna raised her eyebrows and gave her best pleading expression. She could barely contain the pain flowing through her body, a jug of sake would double it and two jugs... well, she might decide to run screaming after all and damn the consequences.

  'Of course, but you are going to make things hard for yourself. Each waitress has to serve ten jugs. You take one at a time and you're going to be the slowest serving girl here.' He gave her an unimpressed look, but Marianna was beyond caring.

  'I can walk quickly,' was all she said.

  'Suit yourself,' he said with a dark frown. Marianna had managed to get a hold on the initial pain and her breath evened itself out, but she knew that would all change with the additional weight and braced herself accordingly.

  The Spaniard held the jug above her tray several seconds longer than necessary. He was enjoying her discomfort. The marks of a sadist were already evident in his sharp, caramel eyes. They hungered for pain. The jug finally landed on her tray with an audible click and as much as she would have liked to disguise the look of immediate agony that appeared, it was impossible. Tears instantly sprang to her eyes and she witnessed his smug look of satisfaction, albeit through miserably blurred vision.

  'If you break a jug I get to play with you for a bit as punishment. Would you like that?'

  Marianna declined to reply and began walking towards her Master, but she was yanked back by his hand upon her arm. 'Uh, uh, uh,' he said, waggling his finger. He held up a red rubber ball-gag with a leather strap.

  'But I haven't made a sound,' she protested, aghast at this unfair treatment.

  'You just did.' He pressed the gag to her lips and she had no choice but to accept its presence. The large gag filled her mouth completely and the unpleasant taste of rubber infused her tongue. The leather strap bit into her lips and she knew it would not be long before she began to dribble.

  'Get to work, querida. The gentlemen are waiting.' He slapped her backside, making the sake jug wobble precariously, and laughed as she winced at the sting in her raw ass cheeks. She didn't need to be told twice though, and her feet sped along the floor.

  It took only a couple of steps before she realised the intensity of the pain would increase with each move she made. The tray wobbled and bounced with each click of her stilettos, thus causing the chains to pull painfully at her nipples. Although it would be only a short journey to return to Mark, it would undoubtedly be challenging. Concentrating on making her progress as smooth as possible she glided elegantly along the smooth plastic floor. The jug did not wobble again. There was no way her Spaniard was getting a freebie, gorgeous though he might be. As faint wisps of steam rose from the jug and teased her nostrils with their light scent she was taken aback for a second. Sake was served warm? Surely not?

  'Ah, Marianna, here you are.' Mark smiled and, turning to face her, plucked the jug quickly from her tray. She moaned with relief as the painful weight was lifted. 'They had to gag you, hmm? We'll need to work on your pain tolerance then.'

  If Marianna could have made a grimace at that statement she would have. Instead, a long sliver of drool chose that moment to drop with a splat upon her tray. The corner of Mark's mouth rose. He slowly picked the white linen napkin up off his trousers, shook it out and proceeded to dab at the corner of her mouth with it. He then very gently wiped her tray.

  'You're going to need to try to carry at least two at a time. The weight hurts but the jarring motion of the tray as you walk will be the killer. He sucked a single finger into his mouth and circled a drop of saliva around her left nipple. The strain in Marianna's face as she took the caress was exquisite. 'A little bit sensitive, aren't we?' He raised both eyebrows in challenge and smiled. 'Off you go, Marianna. Come back and see me when you've completed your task.' He returned his attention to the meal and scooped up a line of noodles, tipping his head back to eat them.

  Groaning silently in frustration she made her way back to the bar and her new challenge of carrying two jugs at a time.

  Walking back to the table for the second time in her new role as a drinks waitress, Marianna politely positioned herself between two gentlemen as they ate their fill. Her nipples were on fire with the increased weight and her jaw strained around the gag in silent anguish. She had no choice but to await the gentlemen at their leisure, however, and stood in the correct submissive posture with her body erect but her head and eyes dipping slightly downwards. Even though her vision was somewhat reduced, she still had an excellent view of the girl and judging by the amount of naked flesh on display, she ascertained that the diners were over halfway through their meal. One of the men had even stretched over the table to begin sucking and lapping at the bared flesh of her stomach, in order to enjoy some of the trickier titbits and crumbs that had escaped from the main dish.

  'Her skin has been coated with something, any idea what?' The gentleman in front of her, with dark hair greying around his temples, turned to his colleague in a questioning manner. He licked his lips in pleasure. The other gentleman, a little younger in years, stood up from his seat to complete his own taste test.

  'Miso, I think,' he said, as his tongue worked its way around his mouth, savouring the flavour.

  'That's it. Fish. There's a different taste to her legs. Salty.'

  'Might be that someone's got carried away with the soy sauce.' They both chuckled at the remark. Her body was dribbling with the popular Japanese condiment and it ran down the sides of her body and legs in little rivulets. 'I think it's time for a drink. What say you, Stephen?'

  The younger gentlemen nodded and both turned their attention to Marianna and the contents of her tray. Stephen frowned. 'She's clothed. Shouldn't she be naked?' He urged Marianna forward with his hand, which cupped under her buttock.

  'This one isn't your run-of-the-mill submissive. She's the prized pet of Mark Matthews.' He smiled and shared a knowing wink with his friend. 'For all intents and purposes, though, she's mostly naked. We can still have a little fun with her.'

  'Thank goodness for that,' came the dry reply, 'because she looks almost as delicious as our little Japanese lady, Dev.'

  Dev had picked up his flask of sake and poured it into his friend's tumbler. 'Why don't you have a little drink? You can watch and learn.' Picking up his napkin he dabbed at his lips before twisting his body around to face Marianna. Studiously ignoring the choked spluttering of his colleague he directed her down with a single swipe of his finger and said, 'On your knees, slut.'

  Marianna knew an order when she heard one. With a pained grimace she tried to lower herself to the floor as smoothly as possible. There was no easy way to complete her task with the tray anchored to her nipples, and as she set to one knee before the other there was an awful yank. Her left nipple felt as if it had been wrenched from her body. Looking down, expecting to see carnage or at the very least bloodshed, she was surprised to find everything intact, if not throbbing somewhat ferociously.

  'You're a beauty, aren't you?' Dev put his finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to meet his. 'Only the best for Matthews, I expect.' He pulled the tag from the back of her dress and examined it. 'This dress probably cost more than my car,' he commented thoughtfully.

  Stephen took a sip of s
ake and said, 'Don't tell me the green-eyed monster is upon you?'

  'Hardly,' came the reply, 'she'd be one hell of a handful, don't you think?'

  Stephen could only murmur his agreement.

  Dev arched his head forward to suckle upon her temptingly erect nipple and the clamp that surrounded it. Warm flesh surrounded by hard, cold steel. It was a surprisingly pleasant taste, made even more pleasant by the fact that his little servant mewled pitifully at his touch. Reluctantly he drew his mouth away from the luscious peak and addressed her.

  'Has Master not serviced you this evening, slave?'

  Marianna had no choice but to nod and tell the truth. If she was caught lying a mere spanking would look very tame to the ingenious punishments Matthews could dish out, she suspected.

  'Ah, so you're a greedy little slut who needs constant attention. I bet you're already dripping wet for me, isn't that right?' His mouth hovered over the other nipple, his warm breath caressing the tortured flesh and sending heat spiralling through her body. Marianna tried to shake her head, humiliated that she should be so aroused for a stranger she had only met several minutes ago, but he took hold of her chin in a vicious grip and forced her to look at him. 'It's easy enough to find out if you're lying, sweet slut, and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes,' he looked down at her expensive footwear, 'stylish though they may be, when Matthews finds out. So I'll ask you one more time. Are you ready to be finger-fucked, slut?'

  Furious heat flooded Marianna's cheeks, but she nodded her acceptance of the fact. There was no question that he would check and, sure enough, his hands had already begun to snake up both her inner thighs. The dress melted in his fingertips and rose gracefully above her buttocks, settling there quite happily. The whole of her nether regions were now on display for public perusal. It was mortifying. She watched several pairs of eyes turn around to watch Dev at work and wondered how she would be able to endure this.

  The first touch of his hand was a lot kinder than she expected. It was a silky-soft caress of her labia. She sucked in a painful breath. Immediately wondering if she'd be allowed to orgasm she then cursed herself, because the thought of climaxing in front of this crowd sent shivers of horror racing through her. The taxi driver had been bad enough, but there was always the chance he hadn't actually been watching them. In this room there would be no question that she would be a focal point for onlookers.

  'Widen those legs for me,' he demanded, as a long finger searched for the entrance to her sex. She whimpered, but did exactly as he asked. The awkward shuffle of her legs caused the tray to drag painfully at her teats and blood to pound through her body. Marianna's frantic eyes scanned the room quickly, searching for Mark, hoping he would give her an escape route of some sort.

  'That's right, search for Master,' said Dev, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  When she found him it was to find he was already occupied with a serving waitress of his own. He appeared to be quite busy with his hands and his eyes did not stray from the girl in front of him. Rescue was not on the cards.

  Dev's finger sunk inside her easily. Her hips bucked of their own accord. 'She's wet, all right,' he confirmed. One finger swiftly became two and he used the pad of his thumb to roll her clitoris back and forth. Marianna choked around her gag. It had taken seconds for her body to become aroused to boiling point and the desire to explode for these people was frightening in its intensity.

  'Does Matthews take your arse, princess?'

  Marianna spluttered and was almost grateful for her gag. She decided to keep moaning her little moans and hope the question would go away.

  'Shall we find out, Stephen?' Dev pulled his empty dinner plate towards him and ran his free fingers through the liquid which remained. It was a combination of grease and soy sauce for the most part and Marianna knew exactly where his hand would be headed. Her nipples ached terribly, her clit was close to bursting and the evil man in front of her was about to introduce food residue to her back passage. She directed another helpless glance at Mark, who was still completely immersed in doing something similar with his serving wench.

  Dev drew his slimy fingers along the line of her butt cheeks. He took his time with the journey, but when they reached her sphincter they were still well coated with the grease he had dipped them in and he began to spread it about liberally. 'I'm waiting, Marianna. Does he fuck you here?' His finger popped into her backside and she shot forward unthinkingly, cursing her own stupidity as the tray she was wearing followed suit. The question that she didn't want to answer needed to be addressed. She shook her head to get the message across. Dev looked at her incredulously as her words sank in. He grabbed her chin and eyeballed her. 'Are you telling me Matthews has never taken your ass?' Marianna shook her head miserably, embarrassed at the confession. Now they would all know she was a new addition to his fleet of women.

  Dev's eyebrows managed to float back down to earth as he considered that little snippet of information. His finger worked its way inside her slowly. It had been so long since she'd had anal sex that the penetration felt quite alien to her. Working his way deeper and deeper he watched as her desire-drugged eyes fluttered open and shut.

  'You like this, don't you?'

  She nodded helplessly. She didn't merely like it, she loved it. Tilting her head to one side in breathless anticipation she gave a loud moan as he began to play with her, thumb on her clit, finger in her backside. Seventh heaven did not begin to describe the sensations floating through her. The brutal ache in her nipples was long forgotten as he worked his magic. Her hips shuddered from side to side, the tray shook and the tight muscles of her stomach were vividly outlined as her body tensed under his onslaught.

  'Would you like to come for me?'

  Marianna had to think for a minute. She was almost lost to reality, caught in a thick haze that threatened to overwhelm her. Her tormentor was aware of the thrall he held her in. As his tongue snaked out again and began to tease the clamped tips of her nipples, the spectacular bolt of pleasure and pain that accompanied it was nearly her undoing.

  'Do you want to come, slut, in front of all these people?'

  Her eyes flew open to acknowledge his question and she was about to nod when her eyes caught Mark's, who now appeared to be very interested in her serving skills. She wanted this, but she wasn't at all sure she could go through with it, not with all these eyes upon her. A quick scan of the room told her she was attracting the lion's share of attention. Her head was torn in indecision. She wasn't sure if it would shake or nod, or plead for mercy to have the decision made for her.

  'I'm waiting. Do you want this?' His fingers had her gurgling in breathless excitement, but then her eyes caught Mark's again and they looked dark and thunderous. Oh no, what had she done now?

  'I'll take that as a "yes",' Dev murmured, and she shook her head in panic.

  'No?' He threw his head back and laughed as the fingers of his left hand worked furiously. The fingers of his right threaded through the pins at the nape of her neck and with a sweep of his hand he tore her neat chignon to pieces. He gripped a handful of hair and pulled it sharply downwards, so his head hovered above hers. He whispered dangerously, 'Whatever made you think you had a choice?' With that her body tumbled into the dark but joyful abyss of pleasure and the many eyes of the room devoured her.

  When Dev had finally finished with her she was sent back to the bar with her dress still up around her waist. That wasn't the worst of it by far. Two empty sake bottles and two heavy plates rested upon her tray and she thought her nipples might explode under the pressure. She was openly crying and her feet couldn't move fast enough. Add to that the two sets of chopsticks that were protruding from her ass and Marianna was beginning to wish she had never laid eyes upon Mark Matthews.

  The Spaniard had obviously seen it all before. He pulled the chopsticks out with an elegant flourish and proceeded to unload her tray for her, agonisingly slowly. 'You had much fun out there, bonita, si? I saw you playing with the rich boys
. They all have small cocks.' He snorted as if to emphasize the fact. 'You need a big man, like me, si?'

  Marianna nodded politely. It wasn't as if she could smile. Right now the only man she needed was Mark. She had been left deep in a pot of very hot water, and it was sink or swim time. For some reason he felt the need to test her. She'd show him. These people would not get the better of her.

  'How many jugs you want this time, senorita? Two again?' Marianna shook her head. 'Three? Four?' She shook her head. 'All of them?' He wore a look of awe. She gave him a nod. There was no way she was doing another three trips if she had to endure more men like Dev and Stephen. She'd make it one. Tears would be a small price to pay.

  The Hot Walker

  Jenny had no idea what time it was, but the blackness surrounding her would indicate it was somewhere in the small hours of the morning. She had thought sleep would overtake her almost instantly when she hit the straw floor of her cell, but that hadn't been the case. Although her eyes had been quick to close nearly as soon as the wooden door slammed shut, she had only been able to nap fitfully. That was solely down to the device which had no concept of night or day and plagued her incessantly with its ridiculously irregular timetable. Sometimes the build-up would be rapid and she would be allowed a half hour of peace. Other times the machines would work their magic in an excruciatingly slow fashion before they stopped just shy of the main event, and she would only just manage to get her heaving gasps of breath under control before the antics repeated themselves.

  Things proceeded to get worse the longer the night drew on. Being tied up tightly had taken its toll upon her limbs and they ached bitterly for freedom. Her jaw protested in a similar fashion from the ball-gag. Pussy, rectum, clit, nipples, skin, and eyes - everything was beginning to hurt, itch, ache, rub or burn. She was hungry, thirsty, tired, grumpy and mad, but little good did it do her. Tonight had brought her to an all-time low at Albrecht and it didn't look like it was going to improve any time soon.


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