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Havana Sunrise

Page 5

by Kymberly Hunt

  “I call it a responsible life,” Nicole shot back. “I’ve had enough of this…this conversation. If you’re so in love with Julian Marquez, you call him.” She walked out of the room.


  Every time he put down an empty glass, someone handed him another. Julian wasn’t sure how many shots he’d consumed at this point, but he knew he wasn’t drunk. At any rate, he’d better leave before he really was.

  The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded with jet-set revelers. They were celebrating. Actually he didn’t remember what they were celebrating. But it was one of those hot nightspot parties on South Beach that Luis had told him it was good to be seen at. Well, he had been seen.

  Quickly, Julian eased past a flock of sparkling, sequined women, and blinked as a camera flashed in his face. It would be nice if he could get away without catching the eye of Natalie Gennero, the famous movie producer’s daughter. The girl looked like Jami. Even the guys looked like Jami.

  The night air was humid as he slipped out into a sea of Ferraris, Porsches and limousines. He slid into his modest Lexus and watched the lights fade in the rear view mirror.

  He’d just returned from Brazil a few hours ago, where he’d been filming his latest music video. There had been a lot of partying down there too, and he was amazed that his brain was still functioning, if indeed it actually was.

  The hot night screamed in his head. He wanted to press the accelerator to the floor and launch the car forward like a NASA rocket, complete with flames and smoke spewing from the exhaust. He wanted to break the sound barrier and then drift gently down into a quieter, less chaotic world.

  It was nearing midnight and he found himself on the north side of Miami, cruising slowly through a peaceful, middle-class enclave. He swung left and entered the gates of Vista Condominiums. This was it. This was where Nicole lived.

  He drove through the grounds and parked the car in a space that was near section 4B. Yawning, he cut off the motor and sat there, bathed in darkness, waiting. Waiting for what?

  She would probably appear soon, because she got off work at midnight. It was insane, but he had to see her. Observing her at the concert had confirmed it even more. It baffled him that he had spent almost the entire show watching her, and suddenly she had bolted from her seat and vanished. It was actually kind of insulting. Most women did not run away from him.

  The minutes ticked away, and it dawned on him that she might not appear. Maybe she hadn’t gone to work that day. Maybe she was on vacation. “You’re totally losing it, man,” he told himself. He felt oddly like an obsessed pervert, but something had convinced him it wasn’t all one-sided.

  Two days after the concert, he’d gotten a message on his answering machine from a woman claiming to be Nicole’s sister. She’d told him that Nicole was definitely interested, but there were complications in her life that caused her to avoid relationships. She had added that Nicole was about to give in and call him soon. The call had never come and he was tired of waiting.

  Julian got out of the car, went inside, and climbed up a flight of stairs. He stopped at 4B and looked down. There was a light shining under the door. Someone was up.

  He lifted his hand to press the bell, then hesitated. These are regular people, not creatures of the night like you. Regular, sane people do not appreciate visitors after midnight. He knocked anyway.

  “Nicole, is that you?” a voice rang out from inside. Before he could even think of a reply, the door opened and he was face-to-face with a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Nicole, only she had darker hair, cut in a short, chic style. She looked as if she were about to scream and go into cardiac arrest simultaneously.

  * * *

  Nicole had gotten off from work an hour earlier, had gone home briefly to check on Trey, and then gone to Allyson’s salon, taking the dog along to keep her company. There were some financial matters that had to be taken care of and it was best done at night when no one was there to interfere.

  Allyson and Lynette were great at cosmetology but their business skills left something to be desired. The inventory count of supplies did not tally and the bookkeeping was shoddy. It would be even worse if she didn’t occasionally check up on it.

  She punched the figures into the computer and the cursor blinked a negative response. Angrily, she stabbed at the keyboard again. The spreadsheet came up.

  “Shane, Ally doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing,” Nicole said to the dog lying at her feet.

  Shane pricked up both tawny ears and seemed to agree. She was glad he was with her because it was a little unnerving to be alone in the shop at this hour. The only thing keeping her awake was the now cold cup of coffee.

  Suddenly, the dog bristled and stood up. He released a low growl and started backing away from her desk.

  “What? What is it, boy?” Nicole asked, and then she heard someone knocking. Her heart leaped into her throat. Who would be knocking on the door of a closed shop? She was way in the back office with only a dim light on. No one could tell she was here, unless it was the police.

  She opened the door of the office and Shane burst out into the salon area, now barking furiously. He stopped at the main entrance, scratching and snarling, prepared to attack. Nicole followed him slowly.

  “Who is it? What do you want?” she yelled, trying to raise her voice above Shane’s ear-shattering barking. She gripped him by the collar and turned on the outside light.

  A tall man was standing there. A man with very dark hair and equally dark, penetrating eyes.

  “Julian?” The shock registered on her face.

  “Can I come in?” he shouted.

  She unlocked the door and held it slightly open so he wouldn’t have to yell. With her other hand, she fought to control the dog.

  “What in the world are you doing here?”

  “I want to talk to you. I was told I could find you here.”

  “Told? Who told you that?”

  “Does it matter? Can’t we just talk…please?”

  “Yes, it does matter,” she said. The shock of seeing him was starting to turn into irritation.

  “Okay, okay. I met your sister. She told me. Now can I come in? Unless you’re planning on letting your bodyguard have me for supper.”

  “Considering what time it is, that might not be a bad idea,” she said, wondering how Allyson could do this to her. I’ll kill her, she thought.

  Julian was unfazed. “I might add that your sister is a lot friendlier than you are, and she’s got a really cute kid.”

  “The cute kid is mine.”

  “Does the cute kid come with a father?”

  “The cute kid’s father is dead,” she retorted. She silenced Shane’s growling and stepped back, allowing him to enter. At the back of her mind a little voice cried out in protest. Why are you letting him in?

  “I’m sorry about your…husband,” Julian said, entering a bit cautiously, glancing around in the dim light. “What happened to him?”

  “I don’t care to talk about it,” Nicole said.

  The nerve of him, she thought, and then she looked at him hard. He was as handsome as ever, in a silvery gray silk shirt, a darker gray tie and black pants, but this was not the same icon she had watched on stage. This was closer to the vulnerable man she’d met in the hospital. His eyes looked tired.

  Julian got down on his knees in an attempt to make peace with Shane. He scratched the dog behind the ears while talking to him. Nicole observed, with shock, that he was successful. Her once faithful guardian was now fawning all over the enemy, kissing his face with his tongue.

  Julian stood up. “Nice dog.”

  Nicole folded her arms defensively. This whole scene was pointlessly ridiculous. She had work to do and she didn’t want to spend another hour here. “Julian, would you please tell me what you’re here to talk about?”

  He smiled disarmingly. “I came to ask you why you haven’t called me. You did get the note?”

he rolled her eyes. “Yes, I got the note. Oh, thanks for the flowers by the way. The rest of the staff thanks you too.”

  “Why didn’t you call?” he repeated.

  “Do you always make a personal appearance to every girl who doesn’t call? Or is it that they usually do?”

  “They usually do,” Julian admitted, without mincing words. He began looking around. “Your sister has a nice place here.”

  Nicole was frustrated. She turned away, motioned for Shane, and started for the back office again. If he wanted to hang out here that was his business. It had occurred to her that he might be slightly inebriated. Famous people were known for their vices.

  Julian followed her. “How about if I take you to this little place downtown. It’s open all night…”

  It’s after midnight,” she interrupted him. “And I think you’ve had enough to drink.”

  She sat back at the desk and fixed her eyes on the computer screen. Julian paced around and then came close to her.

  “I did have a few drinks, but I’m not drunk. Just got back from Brazil on business, then there was this party I absolutely had to appear at. All this traveling and the different time zones can be tiring. I…”

  “Poor baby,” she murmured aloud, toying with the keyboard. She really had no clue what she was doing, but she didn’t want him to realize it.

  He stood so close that she could smell his cologne. She took a deep breath. He smelled sinfully intoxicating. Was this really happening? Or was she so tired that she was having delusions?

  Mercifully, Julian stepped back and wandered down the hall, opening the door to the room where there was a couch and a television. He turned left and glanced in the bathroom.

  “Nice set-up. It’s even got a shower,” he commented. “Mind if I use it?”

  Nicole didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. She didn’t look at him. “Why don’t you go back to your palace and take a shower?”

  “That would be pointless. I have no one to annoy there.”

  She pushed back a stray lock of hair. “You poor thing…all alone in a glass palace.”

  “I’m not alone. My sister and her family live there.”

  “Really? Not quite what I would expect from a superstar and swinging single.”

  “You don’t know me, Nicole, you just think you do.”

  “True,” she admitted. “I don’t.”

  His eyes twinkled. “I’m giving you the opportunity.”

  “Julian, I’m trying to add these figures, and you’re distracting me.”

  “Well, excuse the hell outa me.” He vanished into the bathroom.

  She gave a sigh of relief. How could she of all people, find herself alone in an empty salon with Julian Marquez taking a shower? A shower? She heard water running full force. The man is nuts. She knew that a lot of famous people were eccentric, but this was bizarre. He had shown up out of the blue, babbled a few pointless words, and then ended up in the shower. She didn’t really know what she was supposed to do next because he was too unpredictable.

  Nicole leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. She could virtually feel the steam in the room, see the cascades of water running down his lean, sinewy frame, feel his strong, wet hands on her shoulders as he pulled her into the swirling mist.

  The door opened and she nearly choked on her coffee as he stepped out naked, except for a towel tucked loosely around his waist. Short spirals of wet black hair clung to his forehead; his midnight eyes shimmered, along with the gleaming muscles on the exposed parts of his body. And what a body! Broad chest, flat, well-toned mid-section, and narrow hips.

  Her mouth opened, closed, and issued forth no words. He gazed at her nonchalantly, as if it were the most natural scene in the world. “I’m gonna crash on the couch for a few minutes, wake me when you get ready to leave.”

  The words still did not come as she watched him vanish into the tiny lounge room and close the door. She slapped her palms against her face and screamed inwardly. What should she do? What should she say? It was even more apparent that the man was insane, drunk, or both. But who was really crazy? She couldn’t deny that she was both offended and charmed by his behavior.

  She glanced hopelessly back down at the computer. It had frozen into a loop, not moving.

  “I hate you!” she shouted, and gave it a hard whack.

  The screen went completely black except for the leering cursor. It was time to go. She stood up and cautiously approached the door of the room into which Julian had vanished. She could not will herself to open it. Turning, she nearly tripped over Shane and went into the bathroom.

  His clothes were hanging neatly on the towel rack. Impulsively, she yanked them off and returned to the office where she balled up his Armani…Versace, whatever, and crammed it all into a paper bag.

  “Let’s go, Shane,” she said, glancing once more at the closed door.

  She locked up the shop, seized the bag with Julian’s clothes, and left with the dog trotting beside her. She passed his silver Lexus parked near her car. I’m being cruel, she thought to herself, but I don’t care. She tossed his clothes into her trunk.

  “Now greet the morning in your birthday suit, Romeo,” she declared aloud, while Shane panted his agreement.

  * * *

  A sliver of sunlight pierced the tiny window. Julian came awake with a start. For a couple of seconds he had been dreaming he was lying next to a certain slender green-eyed, mocha-skinned beauty. Then it all came rushing back. Feeling foolish, he got up and looked at his watch. It was almost seven o’clock in the morning. Alarmed, he flung open the door. Why hadn’t she wakened him?

  “Nicole!” he shouted, but there was only silence.

  The towel he was wearing dropped to the floor. Quickly, he tied it back on and stumbled out, vaguely remembering where the bathroom was. It was clear that Nicole had abandoned him, and since this was a place of business, he probably didn’t have much time to get out before people started coming in.

  There was only a lone towel hanging on the rack in the bathroom. Where were his clothes? He looked all around…nothing. He went into the office and searched everywhere, under the desk, in the drawers…nothing. A wave of embarrassment washed over him. She had gotten him really good.

  Think, man, think. His mind raced. Fumbling with the main entrance door, he scanned the street. A few cars were passing, but there were no people walking. He would have to move now. Barefoot, wearing only a towel, the great Julian Marquez rushed to his car.

  “Yes!” he declared triumphantly as he reached for his key, but his hand touched the terrycloth of the towel, and he remembered the key was in the pocket of his missing pants.

  Nicole had won.


  Maria was off duty that evening, and her replacement was Nurse Ann Robinson, a rather obese sixty-year-old veteran who normally worked the day shift. Nicole was escorting an elderly patient back to her room when Ann waddled up, her shoes making swishing sounds on the linoleum floor.

  “Nicole, when you’re through, there’s a handsome young man who wants to see you. I told him to wait in the solarium.”

  “Uh oh,” Nicole gulped. She knew who that handsome young man was. “Thanks, Ann.”

  In the morning, she’d had Allyson both mortified and rolling on the floor laughing when she’d related what she’d done with Julian’s clothes. Now that she was about to face him, it didn’t seem so hilarious. But the truth was she’d had no recourse except to defend herself. He deserved what had happened. She approached the room.

  Julian had slipped anonymously into the hospital with nobody recognizing him. It sometimes worked out, especially at night or very early in the morning, because fans did not expect to see him moving around in ordinary places without an entourage.

  He was standing in the sitting room, staring out at the panoramic view of the city from the large bay windows, when he heard her quiet footsteps approaching. He turned to face her with a sardonic smile etched on his face.<
br />
  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite nurse. You really got me last night.”

  Nicole leaned in the doorway, folding her arms, faking the self-confidence she didn’t feel. “You were such easy bait,” she said. “I suppose you’re here for your clothes.”

  “Please don’t tell me you threw them out. My car keys were in the pants pocket.”

  Ouch! She hadn’t realized that. Horror upon horrors, she giggled, and then caught herself. “Well, I have a few minutes. Let’s go outside. They’re in the trunk of my car.”

  “That’s not the main reason I’m here,” he said, regarding her closely.

  “Oh?” She looked at him quizzically, noting that he was wearing a black pullover sweater and khakis, like any ordinary man.

  “First, I’m not apologizing for showing up last night, but I am sorry for the way I acted. I was totally…totally out of it.”

  Nicole wanted to ask him why he’d been so out of it, but nervousness was making her impatient, and the less said, the better. There was no reason not to forgive though. “I guess we’re even,” she said, glancing at her watch. “I really don’t have much time. Let’s go to the car.”

  He started to say something else, but she was already moving, so he followed her out to the parking garage. She unlocked the trunk, pulled out the bag, and handed it to him.

  “I’m afraid everything’s in a thousand wrinkles,” she said.

  “Doesn’t matter. Before you go rushing off back to work, I want to ask to see you tomorrow.” He held up his hand upon observing her expression. “I mean at a reasonable time. No games. I promise. I’m too old for games.”

  Instincts told her to decline, but he was very appealing in his sincerity. “I accept,” she said softly. “But only if I get to name the time and place.”

  He smiled. “Whatever you want.”

  “I still have your number, so I’ll call you later tonight.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Julian said. “And I want the call to come from you, not your sister.”

  She laughed. “It will come from me.”


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