Book Read Free

The Secret Crush

Page 9

by Tina Wells

  “I didn’t know where you were,” Chloe said.

  “And I didn’t know where Landon was. Nobody did,” Jasper added. “It wasn’t very polite of you to leave Conrad’s party without telling him.”

  “It wasn’t Landon’s fault. I was really upset, and he was just helping me,” Zee defended him. “We lost track of time.” When she looked over Chloe’s shoulder, she realized that she was definitely going to need to defend herself, too. “Ohmylanta! My parents!” Zee said. “What are they doing here?”

  J.P. and Ginny Carmichael were walking across the parking lot toward the group, and judging by the looks on their faces, they weren’t happy.

  “When I couldn’t find you, I got desperate,” Chloe explained. “I asked Missy if she had seen you. We were worried, so she called her father.” She bit her lip and looked at Zee’s parents, who were getting closer. “I guess he called your parents.” Chloe handed Zee her purse. “You left this at the table.”

  Zee rolled her eyes to keep from crying again. She knew she was in big trouble. She never imagined her first kiss would be such a disaster. In fact, it was such a huge disaster that it wasn’t even a kiss!

  Zee waved to her friends and started walking toward her parents. “I’ll see you when—I mean, if—I get out of prison.”

  * * *

  E-ZEE: OMG!!!!!

  * * *

  * * *


  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: L almost kissed me!!!

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: !!! 411 pls.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: The SWAT team came & stopped us.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Ur parents?

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: C & J.

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: R u kidding? They r ur friends.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: NK. I am grounded 4 2 days. This is my last IM session b4 I go behind bars. But it was worth it. At least I know L likes me!

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: I’m so jealous. I haven’t even kissed my b/f.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: Really????

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: I’ve been practicing.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: ON WHO?!?!?

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: LOL! On an apple. I put lipstick on 1st, so I can c if I am doing it right.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: R U?

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: I hope so!

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: The Beans still have A BIG prob. No1 is talking.

  * * *

  Zee filled Ally in on the fight.

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: That is a prob. I c y u r upset, but y not just apologize?

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: 4 what?

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Tell thm u want 2 hear their ideas. But u & K will make final decisions. U cld have another party. A costume party 2 plan costumes.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: WFM! Thx!

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: NP. GTR. Dad and I r going 2 le marché aux puces de Saint-Ouen.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: ????

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Paris flea market. Lots of cool vintage clothes.

  * * *

  * * *

  E-ZEE: Like the thrift shop!

  * * *

  * * *

  SPARKLEGRRL: Actually, waaay better. Bye!

  * * *

  Zee reread the IM. It was totally cool of Ally to help her out with her problem, but her comment about the thrift shop stung. Did she mean to make Zee feel so bad? Zee thought she’d always be able to count on Ally, but she desperately wished they could hang out together in person. Too much was getting lost over IMs and email. She needed Ally here.


  Friends? Day

  * * *

  Terms of My House Arrest

  1. No leaving the house (of course).

  2. No visitors.

  3. No computer—unless it’s for homework, but even then I have to do it where the warden can monitor me.

  4. No texting and no phone calls. (No kidding—I’m not allowed to communicate with my buds.)

  Since my punishment is just for this weekend, Mom and Dad said I could have my costume party next weekend.

  5. No biggie!


  * * *

  With nothing else to do, Zee sat next to her father, thinking about her latest problem. How am I going to invite everyone to my party if I can’t tell them about it? Zee felt awful about the fight and wanted to make up with all the girls as soon as possible.

  Mr. Carmichael tossed an unopened envelope into the kitchen recycling bin. “Junk,” he said. “Junk. Junk.” He added a catalog to the pile.

  “That’s it!” Zee exclaimed.

  “What’s it?” her father asked.

  “I’ll make homemade invitations for my party today,” she explained, picking up the catalog and a magazine that had gotten buried. “I’ll cut out pictures and make funny captions.”

  “I thought you said you already had plans today. I believe your exact words were, ‘shrivel up and die of boredom.’”

  “Plans change, you know.”

  “Flexibility is a fine quality to have.”

  “Later, dude!” Zee stood up and headed to her bedroom. She pulled a basket full of markers, paper, scissors, and glue sticks from under her bed. “This might actually be fun.”

  Zee grabbed her iPod, which had somehow stayed off the forbidden list, and stuck it into the docking station.

  Then she turned up the volume and began cutting, folding, and gluing.

  Hmmm. Now the hard part—what to say. These had to be invitations and apologies, all in one. “Roses are red/violets are blue,” she recited. “I’ll admit I was wrong/if you do, too.” Just kidding.

  Zee put her pen to the first card. “I was a jerk/I made a mistake./So let’s give this scene/a second take.” Zee quickly scribbled down the verse, then kept writing. “Come to my house./We’ll all play a part./Wear a wild costume./This is sealed with a—” She glued a pink heart at the end of the final line.

  Zee made a card for everyone, then stared at the stack. How would she deliver them since she wasn’t allowed to contact anyone? When she heard Adam’s feet pounding down the stairs, she had an idea. She followed him into the kitchen. Dressed in his tennis clothes, he was on his way out the door.

  “While you’re out, can you deliver these to my friends’ houses? It’s really important.” Zee held the stack of cards out in front of him.

  Adam stared at the stack. “Are you kidding?”

  “No.” Zee shook her head.

  “Funny, that’s what I was going to say.” Adam grabbed his tennis racket from the counter and stepped outside. “Bye-onara.”

  Zee sighed and wondered what she was going to do. Then she remembered the person who might want to patch things up with the group as much as she did: Chloe. Zee found her father and put her arm around his shoulders. “Hello, Daddy.”

  “What do you want, Zee?” he asked suspiciously.

  “I’m going to try not to be offended by your implication.”

  “And then will you tell me what you’re after?”

  “Yes, I will. I was wondering if I could make one teensy-weensy phone call to Chloe—” Zee began. Her father’s eyes grew wide. “Keeping in mind that she’s the one who was looking out for me the other night and I need her help to tell my friends I’m sorry.” She
handed her dad an invitation. “I want her to deliver these.”

  Mr. Carmichael read the card. “Just one phone call?” he asked.

  Zee made an X across her chest. “I promise.”

  “Well, okay.”

  “Cool beans!” Zee threw her arms around her dad’s neck. “You’re fantabsome.”

  “Is that a compliment?”

  “The best!”

  As Zee raced out of the room, her dad shouted out, “One phone call!”

  “Got it!” Zee told him. “Like a prisoner.”

  When Zee called, Chloe was heading to her soccer game. “I’ll stop at your house on my way home and pick them up,” she promised.

  Zee reached into the bottom of her book bag to get a pen so she could address the invitations. No pen. She pulled out her binder and textbooks, then looked at the green flier on top. Friends’ Day! Zee had completely forgotten.

  “Cool beans!” Zee mumbled to herself. “The invitations will arrive just in time for me to actually have my friends back for Friends’ Day!”

  Tap, tap.

  “Come in!” Zee called out.

  Mrs. Carmichael opened the door slightly, then pushed her head through the crack. “How’s it going?”

  “Fine,” Zee told her. “I’m trying to figure out if I should wear my green high-top Converses on Monday—or if that’ll look too much like a string bean.”

  Mrs. Carmichael pointed to the mess of craft supplies spread out on the floor. “How about cleaning that up while you think?”

  “Okay.” Zee got down on her hands and knees to organize the chaos as her mother shut her bedroom door again. She looked at her computer and wondered how many emails she hadn’t been allowed to read. Mostly, she wondered how many Landon had sent and what they said. She knew she wouldn’t be able to find out until the weekend was over. After all, if her parents—or Adam—caught her, a double grounding would only make matters worse.

  * * *

  Hi, Diary,

  You’re all I have left.

  I’m so confused! What does a kiss even mean? You know, Ally has never kissed her b/f, but she knows he likes her. I almost did kiss Landon, but I have NO IDEA if he likes me. Did he just feel sorry for me? Does he know I like him?

  * * *

  Zee looked at the last question. That was it! Maybe he was just as confused as Zee. She needed a way to let Landon know she liked him. She looked at the art supplies lying all over the floor and decided what to do.

  * * *

  I’ll make Landon a Friends’ (wink, wink) Day card. That should give him a clue.


  * * *


  (Just?) Friends’ Day


  Did u miss me? I FINALLY got my computer and phone back this AM. I had A TON of messages. U were so right about the costume party. Every1 is completely into it—and no1 is mad at me anymore. THANKS!!

  Unfortunately, there were 0 messages from Landon. I’m sure my parents completely freaked him out. The Friends’ Day card I made 4 him is so cool. Of course, it’s really a More Than Friends Day card. I cut out a picture of a woman talking on the telephone, but I glued a globe over her face. Then drew a voice bubble that said, “Earth to Landon.” LOL!

  WB when u get this!


  Zee turned the dial on her combination lock, then jerked it open. She checked herself in the mirror that hung inside her locker and adjusted the light blue scarf around her neck that highlighted her green sweater perfectly. A note fluttered from the shelf to the floor. She picked it up.

  “What’s that?” Chloe asked. She’d worn an olive-green tank top with a light green long-sleeved shirt and camouflage capris.

  “I don’t know,” Zee said.

  “What’s it say?”

  The outside was decorated with green smiley stickers. Zee opened it up and read, “‘You’re a great friend! Happy Friends’ Day! (Think green.)’”

  “Who’s it from?” Chloe wondered out loud.

  “It just says, ‘a secret admirer.’” A smile spread across Zee’s face. “But I know who that is.”

  Chloe grinned, too. “You do?”

  “Landon, of course!”

  Chloe’s smile disappeared. “Why do you think it’s Landon?”

  “Because he wants me to know he likes me,” Zee said as she started walking to class.

  Chloe hurried to catch up with her. “Maybe it’s someone else—who just wants to be sure you like him first before he tells you.”

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Zee countered. “How can he find out if I like him if I don’t know who he is?”

  “I guess he didn’t think of that,” Chloe said quietly.



  When the girls turned the corner, Jasper was heading in their direction. He was wearing his khaki dress pants with a green collared shirt and his blue uniform jacket. He also had on his new sneakers.

  “You look happy,” Jasper said to Zee, turning to walk with her and Chloe.

  “I am,” Zee told him. “I got a Friends’ Day card in my locker.”

  “That’s ace. Do you know who delivered it?”

  “Umm…yeah.” Zee hurried her pace, eager to get to first period—and Landon.

  When the three friends arrived in class, Landon hadn’t gotten there yet. But Kathi zipped across the room as soon as she saw Zee. She was juggling an armful of cards and flowers.

  “Who gave you all that?” Zee asked.

  “A bunch of guys,” Kathi said without much interest. “Mostly eighth graders. You want one?”

  “No, thanks,” Zee said, holding her own card tight to her chest.

  “This is for you.” Kathi handed Zee a small cardboard box, then said, “Happy Friends’ Day!”

  “Thanks,” Zee said, lifting the lid. Inside was a thin silver necklace chain with a flower pendant. It wasn’t Zee’s style, but it was nice of Kathi to think of her.

  “My aunt gave it to me for my birthday,” Kathi explained. “I didn’t like it, so I thought you would—since I know you like used stuff.”

  Even when she was being nice, Kathi was Kathi. It was hard for her not to think about herself first. “It’s pretty,” Zee said. “Thanks.”

  “Hey, Zee!” Chloe said, placing the bow on her cello strings. “Listen to what Jasper and I wrote for the musical this weekend.” As she started to play, Jasper joined in on his bass.

  Zee tried to listen, but she kept looking at the door. When is Landon going to get here? she wondered.

  Suddenly, the music stopped. “That’s all we have so far.”

  “That was really good,” Zee said.

  “Did you really li—” Jasper began.

  At that moment, Landon walked into the room. Zee grabbed the card she’d made for him and hopped out of her chair.

  Chloe grabbed Zee’s arm. “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To thank Landon for his card.”

  “Why?” Chloe’s voice sounded panicked now.

  “Because it’s polite.”

  “Ummm…ummm…” Chloe desperately searched for words. “The card said it was from a secret admirer. Maybe he wants it to stay a secret.”

  “That sounds exactly right!” Jasper chimed in.

  “If he wanted that, he wouldn’t have made it so obvious.” Zee shook her head. “You guys are just worried about my mom. Don’t—I’m not breaking any rules.”

  “That’s not it.” Jasper stood up next to Zee. “Maybe he’s shy. You don’t want to embarrass him.”

  “If anyone is shy, it’s you,” Zee told Jasper and patted him on the back. She turned away and rushed over to Landon. “I got it!” she said to Landon.

  “Got what?” Landon asked. His face was blank.

  “The card.”

  “What card?”

  Zee’s heart dropped. Could she have been wrong about Landon? “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” she asked.
/>   Landon shook his head. Zee hid the card she had made him behind her back and slunk away to her seat.

  “What happened?” Chloe asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Zee said. “But I don’t think Landon is my secret admirer.”

  “Do you have any other ideas who it might be from?” Jasper asked.

  “No,” Zee said, looking absentmindedly back at Landon.

  By the time Zee turned around, Marcus had appeared next to Chloe. “For you!” he said, and with a flourish handed her a rose. Chloe blushed and looked as if she might melt into a puddle right there. After a squeaky “Thank you,” she was speechless.


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