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Unexpected Eden

Page 14

by Rhenna Morgan

  Maybe she could have both. Trailing in an unhurried path along the stark veins and ridges, she sampled his hot, hard flesh. Her tongue. Her lips. Gliding along his slick shaft. Then, mimicking the pleasure he’d given her, she circled the crest, lifted her gaze—and sucked.

  He thrust into her mouth with snarl, and his hands tightened in her hair.

  She was lost. The taste of him, salty and warm. His grated sounds. This was more than sex. It was intimacy. Two people mingled into one, combining every God-given sense. Inhibition flittered into nothing, her heart laid bare. She palmed his sack and tongued the tender ridge below the crown.

  “Perfect.” A reverent groan. “Fucking decadent.”

  She opened her eyes and found his gaze focused slightly behind her.

  A mirrored wall. Eryx loomed, tall and proud, his cock scant inches from her lips where she knelt before him, gripping his shaft. Her lips were red and swollen and her eyes glassy with lust.

  “Beautiful.” He guided her to face the mirror, his front to her back. “And mine.” He skimmed her rib cage and palmed her swollen breasts. He raised them gently, the subtle shift in weight heightening her vulnerability. “You can’t doubt what’s between us. I won’t let you. Not anymore.”

  Water spilled from a waterfall shower behind them, multiple faucets raining a gentle spray from all three walls.

  She opened her mouth to question the water’s source, but groaned instead when Eryx gave a gentle tug to both nipples.

  “I used my mind.” His teeth grazed her neck and a veil of humor laced his voice. “I’d thought by now you’d be used to it.”

  Steam billowed from the marble enclosure and swirled at her ankles in a sensual invitation.

  “Now, let me take care of you.” He stepped in first and eased her beneath one stream.

  The rain-like pelts soaked her hair. Hot rivulets streamed around her breasts leaving them heavy and tight. “You’re going to ruin me.”

  “That’s the plan.” He turned her to the mirror and picked up a bottle behind them, the open entry leaving their every intimacy bare for reflection.

  The steam wound around her, lulled her and tugged at her eyelids.

  “Open your eyes.” His sultry voice stroked her. “Keep them open.” A lemony scent bloomed in the thick heat. His soap-covered hands circled her waist and rubbed seductive circles across her belly. “I want you to see us together.” His hands grazed the bottoms of her breasts and her breath hitched. “Watch me touch you.” His cock pressed along the crease of her ass. “Watch me take you.”

  A needy mewl slipped from her lips. He toyed with her nipples, and she angled toward the source of the pleasure. She couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t get enough of his hot hands against her slick flesh. She gripped his corded neck, and ground her ass against his straining length.

  With a frustrated snarl, he turned her to a side wall and pressed her hands against the stone. He nuzzled the space behind her ear. “Don’t move.” His warmth disappeared, and a cool gel drizzled along her spine. He worked the silky substance at the small of her back, but withheld any other contact. Seizing her hips, he lifted. “Arch for me.”

  She answered in the most primitive of ways, angling her hips in invitation.

  A low rumble of approval wrapped around her, but still he didn’t move close. He traced the curve of her ass to the seam at the top of her thighs and nudged her legs apart. “Wider.”

  Erotic. Sensual. The order sent goose bumps everywhere. Never had she felt so exposed and alive. Out of balance and perfectly placed at the same time. “Eryx, don’t leave me like this.” Every nerve ending protested his lack of touch. Shivered with a need she wasn’t sure he could ever sate.

  He grazed the back of her knees. Crouched behind her, he faced her blatantly exposed core. “Shhh.” His whisper landed against her center a second before his devious tongue.

  Ache was too inadequate a word. Soul wrenching, needy desperation was close, but still lacked the necessary weight. Her hips flexed up and back, but Eryx kept her locked in place with a ruthless grip on her thighs and devoured her sensitive flesh.

  “Eryx. Please,” she wailed, begging for mercy and fulfillment.

  He pulled back with a volatile hiss. A second later his cock teased her pussy. “Look at us.” A sultry predator, staking his claim. “Say it. Tell me what you want.”

  She almost wept, his slick shaft poised at her entrance, prodding but not giving. She quivered despite the heat. Lust clouded her vision. “Take me. Please.”

  His erection pressed deep in one, powerful thrust. Her pussy rippled with a mixture of pleasure and pain. It was perfect. Completion in its most literal sense.

  Their carnal image in the mirror hypnotized. His dark skin against hers. His long fingers gripping her waist and his head thrown back in pleasure. The steady flex and release of his ass as he pumped in and out and dragged her toward sweet oblivion.

  He lifted his head and met her stare in the reflection. One hand snaked between her slick thighs and circled her clit in time with his hips. “Let it come.” His jaw tightened. “Now.” He pressed her swollen nub, plowed deep, and shoved her into an orgasmic free fall.

  Her knees shook and her channel flexed. A steady, delicious pulse.

  Eryx rode his own release, his cock jerking inside her as his hips rolled and bucked.

  She clung tight to the wall and savored each stroke, willing her heart to find a steady beat. Her legs buckled.

  Eryx caught her, cradled her tight against his chest, and sat with a thunk on an overlarge bench behind them. Water spilled over them with hypnotic warmth, a gentle massage to guide them back to Earth.

  Lexi trailed the droplets of water against his chest. His heart thumped steady beneath her ear and water spattered against the tile. How did someone land from something so profound?

  He kneaded her nape. “Don’t overthink it. Accept what I offer. Give me what you can.”

  Such simple, yet profound words. Given without demand for anything in return.

  She didn’t know what to say. For once, her doubt-laden thoughts lay eerily silent beneath a cinder block of emotion. Was this really all she could give? When this amazing man offered everything?

  “I know what I want to give you,” she whispered.

  His heart stuttered beneath her ear and his steady caress along her spine hesitated.

  Water trickled down her arm. She splayed her fingers wide over his heart. She was safe.

  One deep breath. One simple sentence. She could do this. “My answer is yes.”

  Chapter 15

  Maxis perched on a rocky ledge at the height of his training grounds and observed Reese with the new recruits below. Despite Asshur’s cooler temperature, most had shed their shirts mid-drill. Their bodies shone slick with sweat even with the cloud-covered sky. They ducked and weaved and counterattacked in smooth kicks and punches. Their hesitation and strategy still needed work, but their grunts and shouts promised staunch determination.

  If only the rest of his plans would fall in line.

  The nagging thought tapped at his impatience and shoved him to his feet. Four days since he’d spied Eryx with Lexi and still no sign of her anywhere in Eden. Sightings of Eryx abounded, but there’d been not so much as a glimpse of the dark-haired woman from Evad.

  Doubt waggled in the back of his mind. Maybe Eryx had contained his interludes to some remote corner of the human realm. For all he knew, the man had a damned harem locked away in Timbuktu.

  He waved off his doubts and sent a mental summons to Reese. Second-guessing himself was a waste of time, especially with the other options he could work with. The bit he’d learned from Phybe about Serena promised an entirely new and intriguing angle for his schemes—and he intended to leverage every last thread he could find.

  He situated himself on a nearby rock. S
tone the color of burnt adobe stretched out, a wasteland, barren and dismal. Only sparse outcroppings of spindly, gray bushes broke the dull terrain. Thanks to the somewhat constant rain in this region, the men stirred very little dust as they drilled, but if a drought were to occur, the place would be a dust bowl.

  Reese landed on the hard rock. “What do you want?”

  Maxis ground his teeth. Remember his value. Patience.

  “You’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to, strategos.” Maxis emphasized the title and bared his teeth under the guise of an empty smile. “The army you’re training is young with very limited loyalties. You could be replaced. Rather quickly.”

  Reese placed his hands formally behind his back, but the move screamed of mockery.

  Maxis pushed from his seat. “I have an assignment for you.” He peered over the ledge to watch the men once more. “There’s a woman we’d do well to court. Welcome her into our fold, so to speak. Her name is Serena Doroz.” He faced Reese. “I understand she’s spent considerable time in the malran’s bed. Are you familiar with her?”

  Reese cocked his head. “Gossip about the malran’s love life isn’t a topic I follow.”

  Maxis paced with slow steps along the ledge. “Apparently, this lady was involved with the malran some time ago and is a bit distressed she’s been unable to regain his interest. Keeps throwing herself at him in hopes he’ll take another bite.”

  Reese’s face hardened. “How does the malran’s discarded lover have anything to do with me and my efforts to train an army?’

  Maxis waved over his shoulder and headed in the other direction. “The two have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. This is a new effort. One that will pay off for us handsomely if we play our cards right.” He paused directly in front of Reese. “Find this woman. Work your way into her good graces. And her bed, if it furthers our cause.”

  “And that gets us what?”

  Plenty. Evanora’s ruthless, deadly reign proved it. “The emotions of a jilted woman can fuel enormous power. Serena may be a laughing stock at court, but she allegedly has free rein in the castle. Why not use her access when it suits us?” Maxis resumed his seat and crossed his legs. “You’re a handsome man, and the woman can’t be too ugly to have caught the malran’s eye.”

  Reese’s mouth opened and shut—twice.

  “You never know. She may end up being the perfect woman for you.”

  Reese stared a few moments more before nodding his head—not altogether convincingly. “I’ll make some inquiries.”

  Maxis smiled and savored the agreement. “You do that, strategos. You do that.”

  * * * *

  “Oh, Lexi.” Orla’s muffled voice rang from deep inside the closet. “Wait until you see this.”

  Lexi ignored her. Or tried to. She still hadn’t learned to turn off her senses and Orla’s happiness had pelted her non-stop ever since Eryx announced the upcoming mating. This had to be how parents felt after too many hours locked in a room packed with sugar-saturated four-year olds.

  “Are you ready?” Orla’s voice fairly twinkled behind the bathroom door.

  A hell of a question. When Lexi had told Eryx she’d marry him, she’d thought there’d be time to adjust. To make plans and settle into her new life. Not leap into wedded bliss the next night. So, no, she wasn’t ready. Not really. “Sure, bring it out.”

  Orla swept into the bedroom Lexi shared with Eryx, a jaw-dropping gown of black velvet draped over one shoulder and her arms. “It’s beautiful, don’t you think?”

  Lexi plunked into the armchair behind her and her heart leapt into her throat. She was getting hitched. Tonight. To Eryx. The dress proved it.

  “Don’t you like it?” Orla hustled over and let the bottom of the dress fall toward the floor to better display its grandeur.

  “It’s beautiful.” She brushed the velvet surface and the fabric whispered a soft greeting. Platinum clasps with delicate filigree were spaced in six-inch segments from the neck to the sleeves, holding the front and back of the gown together. Magnificent rubies adorned the center of each clasp with diamonds embedded at the edges.

  “Do you love him?” Orla’s voice changed, levity replaced with concern. A tremble of fear.

  Lexi dropped her hand to her lap and fiddled with the edge her robe. “I thought I did. And then he left for…” She waved toward the door. “Whatever secret stuff he had to do. Now I keep asking myself if I even know what love is.”

  She surged upright and resumed the path she’d worn off and on all afternoon.

  Orla laid the gown out on the bed, her footsteps soundless. She snatched Lexi by the elbow on her next pass, and spun her around. “Turn your silly mind off and answer my question with your heart. Do you love him?”

  She thought of waking in Eryx’s arms. The intensity and comfort of each touch. The sincerity of his actions, and how her disconnectedness from life had ended the day she’d met him. “I think so.”

  Orla raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” The admission shook her to her core. A fine sheen of sweat broke out along her spine and her head felt light enough to fly off her shoulders.

  Orla stroked Lexi’s cheek, and her cornflower blue eyes filled with understanding and sadness. Or was it pity? “Then why fight it?”

  “It’s just so…fast.”

  “Is it?” Orla took both her hands in hers and pressed them tight together. “He looked for you for years. If you know he has your heart, why waste precious time?” She released Lexi’s hands and lifted the sleeve of her loose silver gown. The dull-gray image of a Rowan tree covered the space from her wrist to her elbow, its roots intricately twined around her arm.

  “This was my mate’s mark.” She sucked in a ragged breath and gazed longingly at the faded image. “The marks pale when our other half moves to nirana, but when they’re alive, they’re a glorious, bold ebony.” She met Lexi’s stare, eyes wet and mouth trembling. “My fireann was taken from me when I was far too young. We had no children when he died, and I thank The Great One every day for the gaping hole Eryx and his family filled when they took me in.”

  She let the sleeve drop and gripped Lexi’s shoulders. “There are days when I would give anything to have one more day. If you know this is right, then charge in and don’t look back. Drink up every minute of your love with no regret.”

  Rattled from the strength of Orla’s emotions, Lexi’s shoulders curled inward of their own accord, like the action might somehow better protect her heart. “I don’t know how.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. The answer’s easy.” Orla pulled her tight. “You let Eryx teach you.”

  Such warm, heartfelt words. They radiated out across Lexi’s soul and cocooned her spirit in a soft embrace.

  Orla held her for long, patient moments.

  As soon as she could pull a steady breath, Lexi stepped away. The dress lay on the bed, waiting. A fairy tale promise—if she dared to take the leap. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Orla whooped with delight, all solemnity washed away under the happy clap of her hands.

  The dress slipped over Lexi’s head, and the silk lining slithered into place in a wicked glide. “I’ll never get used to this no underwear thing.”

  Orla’s chuckle was downright naughty. “Admit it. Au naturel feels better. Right?”

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Perfect timing.” Orla smoothed out the velvet along Lexi’s shoulders. “We’re just finishing up, Graylin. Come on in.”

  The door opened without a sound.

  Orla stepped to the side with a Vanna White motion. “Doesn’t she look beautiful?”

  Graylin strolled into the room, hands clasped at his waist. He hadn’t deviated from his usual tank and lounge pant combo, but this time the fabric was as black as the velvet of her dress. “Radiant.” He kissed Lexi’s knu
ckles and winked at Orla. “Eryx is a lucky man.”

  A pretty pink dotted Orla’s cheeks.

  Graylin’s lips tilted in a sly smile.

  A sweet, innocent moment—and here she was, a gawking intruder.

  Stepping to Lexi’s free side, Graylin settled one hand in the small of Lexi’s back and motioned toward the door. “It’s customary for a woman’s mother and father to walk her to her soon-to-be mate. I hope it’s not presumptuous of Orla and I to ask for such an honor in their absence?”

  Orla looked up from her study of the floor and smiled hopefully.

  “Are you kidding?” She was about to walk headlong into the single biggest step of her life without so much as a clue what to expect. If they were offering to stand beside her for the first few steps, she was very much on board with the plan. “I’ll take all the help I can get.”

  He nudged her forward. “I know you’re nervous, but you should know all Myren women go into a mating with exactly the same knowledge you will. It’s a tradition. A very worthy and important tradition.”

  The candles along the hallway flickered, the subtle twitches and turns of the flames a fair representation of the nervousness skimming beneath her skin.

  Graylin’s mouth pursed, the line between his eyebrows etched deep. “Tonight will be about Eryx proving himself. Demonstrating the manner in which he means to act as a mate. How he intends to provide for you, care for you, protect you and, most importantly, love you. Your task is to observe each action, each nuance, and determine if he is worthy of your commitment.”

  She took the first steps toward the main level and rifled through the meat and potatoes of what he’d shared. The concept of Eryx putting himself out in such a formal way sounded beautiful, but Graylin hadn’t given much in the way of her responsibilities. “What about me? Don’t I need to do the same for him?”

  Graylin halted. “Praise The Great One, no.” He shook his head and urged her into motion. “It’s a man’s honor to display his intent in a mating.”

  So she was supposed to just sit and watch? Do nothing? Say nothing? The idea wouldn’t jibe with the world she’d grown up in—at least not in her neck of the woods. “Shouldn’t a woman have to prove her own intentions in a marriage?”


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