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Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 55

by Claire Adams

  "No, actually it's pretty understandable," she smiled. "I mean it's not like you're trying to replace her or something."

  "No, not at all," I said shaking my head.

  "What happened?" Alex asked. I hesitated because the memory was so overwhelming that I tended to keep it bottle up tightly, but the look in Alex's soft blue eyes made me feel like letting go.

  "She was volunteering at a South Side women's clinic," I said. "And someone with a grudge against things they knew nothing about threw a Molotov cocktail through the front window, and then three more right after it. The same people had blocked the back exits, so there was no escape once the front area was on fire. Quinn and the staff tried to get the patients into rooms where they could block off the smoke and wait for the fire department, but the records room and lab both caught fire and it brought the roof down before firefighters could get to them."

  "Were you there?" she asked quietly.

  "No, I was in training then," I said looking at my plate. "But we heard the call go out on the radio and I knew it was Quinn's clinic. One of the Battalion Chief's came and got me out of class and drove me to the hospital. They wouldn't let me go to the site. Quinn was still breathing, but they had her on a ventilator because she'd inhaled so much smoke. I sat with her for two days before they told her family that there was no hope and let them make the choice to disconnect the machines."

  "That must have been horrible," Alex said. "How did you survive that decision?"

  "I knew it was the right thing to do," I said sadly. "I knew that letting her go was better than keeping her in a state of limbo forever, but I didn't want to let her go. I think that was the worst day of my life."

  "I can only imagine," Alex said. "I'm so sorry you and Quinn had to go through that."

  I looked up at Alex as she spoke. It was the first time anyone had ever included Quinn's name in that statement. Everyone had always said they were sorry for me, for Quinn's family, for her patients, but no one had ever sad how sorry they were that she had to go through it, too.

  "Thank you, Alex," I said holding her gaze for a few seconds before looking away and saying, "Sorry, I'm dominating the conversation with my sad tale, aren't I?"

  "No, I mean, yes, but it's perfectly okay," she replied. "I was just thinking about how interesting it is that we all have our stories and that you never know a person's story just by looking at them."

  I nodded as I watched her trace a circle around the bottom of her wine glass with the tip of her finger. There was something very comforting about the motion, but the movement of her finger was also incredibly sensual. I could feel myself responding to the idea of her touch.

  "What about you? What's your story?" I asked as I looked up from her finger and caught her staring at me.

  "My story isn't very interesting," she laughed. "Just the usual: parents who didn't really like each other, but stayed married for the sake of the kids. Teenage heartbreak, from which I actually did recover, despite feeling like I never would. Failing out of college my first semester. You know, the usual."

  "I can't imagine what idiot would have ever broken your heart," I said. "But I'm kind of glad he did."

  "Eh, he was a jock with a chip on his shoulder and I was to easily impressed by his cute smile," she laughed. "Teenagers are stupid sometimes."

  As she said that, I sensed a slight shift in the tone of conversation before she laughed again and turned to look for the server.

  "Should we get the check and go walk around a little?" she asked changing the topic and indicating that any further questions were off-limits for now.

  We pulled on our coats and went out on to the street where a light snow was falling making the city look clean and fresh. Alex took my arm as we walked down the street toward my truck and chatted about work and the way in which all of the residents were completely worn out by the shifts they were required to work. She talked about her classes and her exams, and as we waited for the light to change, I looked down at her and smiled at the snow blanketing her hair. I reached out to brush it away, but instead leaded forward and kissed her.

  Her lips were cold but soft, and I felt the familiar rush of blood as she reached up and rested her mittened hands on my cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off the ground as passing cars honked their approval. Alex started laughing as I lowered her to the ground.

  "I think we should take this show out of the public view, don't you agree, Mr. Connor?" she grinned.

  "Where to?" I asked as I nodded in agreement.

  "Well, it's either your place or mine," she shrugged and then added, "Where do you live, anyway?"

  I debated about what to tell her, since I still lived in the house that Quinn and I had bought. I'd done all of the remodeling myself in the years after the fire and now it looked like something completely different than what it had back when we'd stared the overhaul.

  "Over toward the West Side," I said avoiding the issue altogether. If she continued to be a part of my life, I'd take her there and tell her about it, but right now I didn't feel like having to explain CSC on top of everything else.

  "Well, then my place is closer!" she said as she reached down and scooped up a handful of snow and tossed it at me. The light flakes broke apart in mid air and showered us both with a dusting of snow making Alex laugh again.

  Back at her place, we picked up where we'd left off almost as soon as we'd shed our coats. The feeling of Alex's body pressed against mine was almost more than I could bear as I cupped her round bottom with both hands and kissed her harder and deeper. I could feel her fingers running through my hair as she parted her lips and pushed her tongue into my mouth. The intensity of our kiss made my pulse race, and suddenly I felt light headed.

  "Alex," I groaned into her lips as she ran her hands down my chest.

  "Mmm hmmm," she hummed as she took my bottom lip between her teeth and lightly bit it. Anything I was going to say flew out of my brain as her hands continued their downward descent.

  I found the hem of her dress and quickly pulled it over her head, inhaling sharply as I saw that she was wearing a black lace bra and panties. With her blonde hair falling down over her shoulders, she looked like a fantasy. I yanked off my shirt and pulled her against me, but she pushed me back as she looked up with a wicked grin on her face and unzipped my jeans.

  "Are you sure?" I asked as I stepped out of my pants and ran my fingers through her hair.

  "Are you?" she smiled. All I could do was nod my head as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again. The feeling of her bare skin against mine was almost more than I could handle, and it wasn't long before she'd pushed me back down onto the couch where she straddled my lap as she undid her bra and then pressed her soft, beautiful breasts against my lips one after another.

  She moaned softly as I teased each nipple with my tongue before sucking them until they were both engorged and stiff. As I slid my fingers between her legs and teased her through the sheer fabric, her moans grew louder and more insistent. When she suddenly stood up, I was surprised and wondered if she'd changed her mind, but when she quickly walked across the room and opened a paper bag then returned holding a familiar blue box, I smiled.

  "We have to be protected," she smiled as she tore open one of the packets before slipping out of her panties. She gave me a sexy smile as she asked, "Don't you want to lose those boxers?"

  "Oh, yeah!" I replied as I quickly shed my underwear and watched her kneel in front of me so she could roll the small ring of latex down over my thick erection. After a moment, she giggled and looked up at me.

  "I was trying to be cool, but I'm not doing this right," she sighed. "Help me?"

  "Gladly," I grinned as I took over. I few seconds later I pulled her back on to my lap and held my breath as she grabbed my shaft and positioned it at the edge of her warm opening. I could hear her softly humming as she stroked herself with the tip of my now throbbing erection before she dropped down and took me deep inside in one swi
ft motion.

  I almost climaxed as I felt her tight warmth enveloping me, but she sat completely still and let me regain my composure as she kissed my jaw and ran her tongue over my ear. The sensation was incredible, and I could feel her beginning to rock back and forth as she slipped a hand between us and began to stroke herself.

  "Oh God, Alex," I groaned as I felt her tighten and release. She smiled and kissed me again as she began to rock a little harder and faster. I could feel her rising up and then dropping down again, and the motion combined with the pulsing of her inner walls was more than I could bear.

  "Come for me, Cam," she whispered breathlessly. "I want us to come together."

  I swallowed hard and nodded as I looked up into her beautiful blue eyes and did exactly as she'd asked. The sensation shook my body as I felt the wave of orgasm flow over us both. She cried out and gripped my shoulder as she reached the peak just a few seconds after I did. I could feel her pulsing and throbbing as I did the same. I gripped her hips as I held her in place and continued thrusting up and up and up.

  When we'd both regained our senses, I looked up at her and smiled as I shook my head.

  "What?" she said.

  "You're amazing," I replied. "Simply amazing."

  Her only response was to lean down and softly kiss my lips.



  My night with Cam ended in the early hours of the next morning. He'd stayed as long as he could, curled up on the couch with me even though I'd offered to make room for him in my textbook filled bed. He'd had to go home to check on Tesla and get ready for work, and I'd needed to brush up on my anatomy for the practice exam we were taking.

  "I want to see you again, soon," Cam said as he stood at the door giving me a look that said he definitely didn't want to leave.

  "Then you shall," I smiled. "Call me when you get off work tomorrow and we'll see if we can't arrange something."

  "I don't want to go," he said pulling me to him for one more kiss.

  "All right, I'll be the adult here, I guess," I laughed. "You need to go to work and I need to go to class! So, go!"

  He laughed as he stole another kiss, and then headed out the door to his truck. I closed the door and stood leaning against it with my arms wrapped around myself for a few minutes before I shook my head and went to take a shower.

  In the shower, I fantasized about what Cam would look like wet and naked, and how his large, strong hands would feel on my slippery, wet skin. It drove me to the edge of distraction as I slipped my hand between my legs and stroked myself to another orgasm. It was official: Cam Connor had reignited my sex drive. I laughed out loud as I thought about how happy Liz would be to hear this good news.

  Several hours later, on the way to class, Liz peppered me with questions about the date and everything that had happened afterwards. I laughed as I told her that her gift had come in handy, and she'd demanded a high five.

  "I told you it would be a good thing for you," she said with a knowing grin. A few seconds later, Liz tripped and went sprawling onto the sidewalk.

  "Liz!" I cried as I rushed to her side to help her up.

  "Oh my God, you don't even know how to walk, do you?" Violet said as she passed us on the campus sidewalk. She was alone today, her sidekicks elsewhere as she made her way through the snow to class.

  "Shut up, Metzler," Liz muttered as she brushed the snow from herself and stood up slowly. I could see that she'd cut the palms of her hands as she'd fallen on the concrete, so I brushed them off and offered her a tissue to wipe away the blood.

  "Articulate this morning, too," Violet said rolling her eyes. Then with a mean grin, added, "Maybe you should rethink following in the footsteps of your family, Baker."

  "You bitch!" Liz hissed as she moved toward Violet. I grabbed her arm and stopped her from getting too close.

  "Violet, move on," I said waving my hand as if shooing away a bad dog. "Go on!"

  Laughing loudly, Violet turned and strutted down the sidewalk on her way to class. I turned and looked at Liz and found her standing with her bleeding palms up tears running down her cheeks.

  "Liz! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked, worried that something was terribly wrong.

  "That bitch is too mean to live," Liz sniffed as she wiped her nose with the bloody tissue. I handed her another one and she gratefully accepted it. "I hate Violet Metzler."

  "I know, darling," I said. "We all do."

  Liz flashed me a grateful grin as I motioned to her that we needed to get to class, but I wondered why Violet had chosen to go for the throat this time. I knew she and Liz didn't like each other, but to aim so low and invoke Liz's troubled family was low even by Violet's standards.

  "Liz," I wondered out loud. "Have you done anything to really piss Violet off lately?"

  "You mean besides simply being alive?" Liz asked with a grimace. "Not that I can think of."

  "Hmmm, I wonder why she's being so mean," I said.

  "No idea," Liz shrugged. "She seems to have just been born that way."

  "No one is inherently evil," I scolded gently.

  "Don't bet on that," Liz said as she pulled open the door to the building and wincing as her hand made contact with the metal door handle. "You haven't met most of my family."

  We stopped in the bathroom to clean up Liz's hand before we took the practice exam. She'd ripped off several layers of skin when she'd fallen, and I did my best to clean it up without hurting her, but she inhaled sharply as I applied soap and gently scrubbed away the dirt and debris.

  "You okay?" I asked.

  "Yeah, fine. It just stings," she said biting her lip as she ran her hands under the faucet to wash away the soap.

  We were late for class and received a stern look from Professor Jackson as we grabbed our exams and sat down. I tried hard to focus on the exam, but the whole time I was answering questions, a part of my brain was back at my apartment with Cam feeling all of the wonderful ways in which his touch made my body come alive. Half way through the exam, Liz elbowed me and then pointed to the papers on my desk. Having a crush on Cam Connor was not going to be good for my grades.

  "What the hell was going on in there?" Liz demanded as we gathered our things and got ready to head to the lab.

  "Nothing, why?" I replied.

  "You look like a love struck school girl," she grinned. "Cam Connor is going to ruin your GPA if you aren't careful."

  "The thought crossed my mind, thank you very much," I said primly. "I've got it under control."

  "Yeah, sure you do," Liz laughed. "Just like Violet has her meanness under control. It's snake handling, my friend."

  I looked at Liz, wide eyed, not believing that she'd said that, but her roaring laughter pushed away any shocked outrage I was feeling and we both laughed until we were holding our sides. Our laughter continued as we entered the lab and prepared for the lesson, earning us nasty looks from Violet and her posse.

  "Why is she so nasty to you, Liz?" I whispered as the lab assistant instructed us, yet again, on the necessity of proper slide handling techniques.

  "I don't know, she's got a bug up her ass," Liz murmured making me laugh and earning us a stern look from the lab assistant.

  Meanwhile, across the room, Violet, Jessica and Lydia all stared with rapt attention at Robert, the lab assistant, who could really only be described as tall, dark and handsome. He was attentive to everyone in the class, and always cheerfully answered questions, so most of the girls in the class had a crush on him; everyone, except Liz. She treated him as if he were part of the furniture, functional and necessary, but of little real interest.

  "Robby, can you help us with our slides?" Violet asked in a sticky sweet voice. He sighed as he walked over to the table and showed her, for the third time, what she was doing wrong, and was rewarded with a hand on his arm and an overly grateful, "Thank you so much, Robby!"

  Liz mocked the girls under her breath as she mounted the samples on the slides and p
ut them under the microscope. When Robert walked by and asked if everything was going all right, Liz grunted the affirmative without looking up.

  "Why are you so mean to him?" I whispered as I stared at a slice of epidermis I'd mounted on my slide.

  "I'm not mean, I just don't care," Liz replied. "There's a huge difference."

  I watched her closely, wondering what had happened that had turned her mood from good to sour so quickly, then shrugged as I turned back to my own slides. We worked in compatible silence for the next hour and a half, and by the time we were done cleaning up, Violet and her crew were, again, fawning over Robert.

  Liz rolled her eyes dramatically as she walked past his desk toward the door. I waved and said thank you as I joined my friend. Liz suggested we get something to eat before we went to the library to study, and I reminded her that we'd picked up an extra shift in the ER that night.

  "Aw, crap!" she swore as she kicked a pile of snow in front of the building. "I forgot about that. Alright, well, I'll meet you at the hospital, then."

  "You don't want to come over and get ready and go together?" I asked.

  "Nah, thanks; I have something I need to do first," she said taking off in the direction of her apartment before I could say another word.

  I watched her moving down the sidewalk and wondered what she was up to -- and whether I'd have to pull her out of whatever it was that she was doing.


  I met Liz at the door of the ER a few hours later and smiled as I saw that she was in a good mood. She'd brought a bag full of fortune cookies and proceeded to pass them around to the ER staff and nurses. For a while, the department was calm and everyone enjoyed their sweet treats, but around ten things started picking up as a guy with a gunshot wound arrived, followed soon after by a stabbing and then a heart attack.

  I loved the swift flow of the ER and the way that everyone played a part in keeping the rhythm going. The admitting people got the information and checked the past history, while the nurses took vitals and got a run down of what had happened, then the doctors moved in and evaluated the injury or illness before turning the patient's care back over to the nurses. Chicago General's ER was a well-oiled machine and I loved being a part of it.


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