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Rock Star Billionaire: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

Page 85

by Claire Adams

  "Darlin', you need to get a move on," Norma called from the front office. "You were supposed to meet with Leah an hour ago. Oh, and the construction foreman said Leah's office is finished, so you might want to go take a peek at it.

  "I know, I know!" I said as I grabbed the folder with her employee file in it. I rushed past her desk without stopping to check my schedule for the rest of the day.

  "I'm out of here in a bit. I’m having a party for my granddaughter tonight, and I still need to frost the cake!" she called after me as I headed for the back stairs. "Your schedule is clear!"

  "Thanks, Norma! Have a good night!" I called over my shoulder as I headed for the back stairs. I quickly ran down the stairs to the ground floor and headed for Leah's office without stopping to see the progress the construction crew had made. I tapped on Leah's door, "I'm sorry I'm late, got hung up on a call."

  "No problem," she said without turning around. "I was just running the last of the numbers so that I could show you where we are."

  "While that's printing, do you want to go see your new office?" I asked. "Norma said the construction crew finished it."

  "Sure. Let me say good night to the warehouse crew, and then we can check it out," she said, finally turning around. I felt my breath catch as I looked at her.

  She was wearing her usual warehouse uniform of a t-shirt and cotton skirt paired with sturdy boots, but she'd done something different with her hair. It was pulled back. A few tendrils had escaped and were framing her face. Her eyes looked bluer than I'd seen them before, and I could see that she'd applied mascara and lipstick at some point during the day because both were a little smudged. I smiled as I nodded, leaning against the doorframe and waiting for her to finish.

  A few minutes later, she stood up and followed me down the hallway to the warehouse floor where we talked briefly with Burt and the guys before heading to the corner where the construction crew had shaped the space to fit Leah's managerial and personal needs. I pushed the door open and urged her to go in first. I was glad I did because hearing her gasp in surprise at the finished office was worth every ounce of effort I'd put into it.

  "Oh, my gosh, Jack!" she whispered as she looked around the room and took in the entire office. To the left of the door was a small seating area with comfortable chairs and a couch that could be converted into a bed should she ever get stuck in the office overnight. Behind the seating area was a conference table that could seat all of the warehouse workers comfortably so that Leah could hold meetings in her office rather than on the warehouse floor. To the right of the conference table was a desk that held a large computer screen and was connected to shelving with all kinds of storage compartments neatly tucked into the design. The whole office was done in soothing earth tones and felt calming.

  But the best part of the place was the small bathroom that contained not just a toilet and sink but also a tiled shower and radiant heat flooring. I knew how dirty it could get on the warehouse floor when the orders were deep, and I knew that she'd probably want to clean up before heading home. It was a relatively small expense given the large expenditure for the warehouse update, so I'd gone with it.

  "Jack, this is an amazing office!" she exclaimed as she walked around opening doors and looking at all of the features. "I can't believe I get to work here!"

  "I'm glad you like it," I said as I pushed the door shut to show her the storage space built into the wall for her boots and coat to drip dry when winter finally hit.

  "This is absolutely amazing," she repeated as she turned around in a circle, taking in all of the elements.

  "I'm assuming that since you like this so much, you're willing to stay and continue working here," I teased as I gripped the file in my hand.

  "You're nuts! Of course, I'm staying!" she laughed as she reached out and gently smacked my arm.

  "All right, then we need to talk about your salary increase," I said as I showed her the file and gestured to the sitting area where I sat on the couch. I laid the paperwork on the low table in front of it. "In my estimation, you are overdue for a raise. As best I can tell, my father didn't give you a raise for over five years. Is that right?'

  "No, he didn't, but he did give me benefits," she said defensively. "He wasn't a bad boss."

  "I didn't say anything about him being a bad boss," I replied brusquely. "I'm talking about monetary compensation for a job you've been doing exceptionally well."

  "I'm sorry, Jack," she said laying her hand on my arm. "I just feel like your father did so much for me. I don't want you to think he was a bad guy."

  "It's okay," I nodded, feeling my body respond to her touch almost immediately. "He's a touchy topic for me."

  "I know," she said, sliding closer as she moved her hand lower on my arm. "You don't have to be so defensive with me, Jack. I understand what it's like to live with a difficult parent. I know they have the nice side that they show other people which is so different from the one we get."

  I nodded, but the tenderness in her voice and the feel of her touch were almost more than I could stand. I knew that if I were going to stop anything from happening, now was the moment to stand up and walk out the door. I felt frozen in place as her thigh pressed against mine and her fingers gently caressed my forearm.

  "Leah …" I began as I looked down into her deep-blue eyes. I couldn't stop myself. The dam broke as I reached out and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her body against mine as I sought her lips. I kissed her hard at first, as all of the things I'd imagined flashed through my mind. I pulled her onto my lap and ran my fingers through her hair as I felt her responding to my kiss. She moaned softly as I undid the clips that were holding her hair away from her face and slid both hands deep into the soft, beautiful curls.

  "Jack …" she groaned as my hands began to move lower. "We shouldn't …"

  "I can't help it," I whispered into her lips. "I can't help wanting you…"

  She moaned again as I ran my fingers down her back. She put her palms against my chest and pushed herself up off my lap and out of my reach. Her eyes were as wild as her hair, and she quickly walked to the door and turned the knob only to find it locked.

  "What the hell?" she said looking down and flipping the mechanism before trying the knob again without success. "We're locked in!"

  "No we're not," I said trying to hide my disappointment. "I'm sure it's just caught."

  "Jack, we're locked in this room," she said trying the door more forcefully. She turned and looked at me suspiciously, "Did you do this on purpose?"

  "What the hell?" I shot back. "No! Why in the hell would I want to lock us in this office?"

  "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it's the one place we could be alone, and you thought I'd give in to your seduction," she said in a voice that gave away the fact that she was more than a little irritated.

  "Are you kidding me?" I said, stunned that she'd think this mistake was intentional. "You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

  "Don't get mad at me," she warned. "I didn't set this up so that we'd be trapped together here."

  "I didn't either!" I shouted as I strode over to the door and tried unsuccessfully to force it open. "Well, we'll just have to call someone to come down and let us out."

  "I don't have my phone on me, so you'll have to call, Mr. Big Shot," she said dryly. I reached in my back pocket and realized that I had left my phone on my desk upstairs.

  "Shit," I muttered as I walked to the desk and picked up the receiver, only to find that they hadn't yet connected the line. I looked at Leah and said, "We're locked in."

  "You are kidding me," she said as she turned to the door and began pounding on it yelling, "HEY GUYS! WE'RE LOCKED IN THIS DAMN OFFICE! COME OPEN THE DOOR!"

  We both listened for movement outside of the door, but when no one responded, Leah slumped against the door, looking defeated.

  "I didn't do this on purpose," I said a little defensively.

  "Oh, I know you didn't," she replied. "No one is that stupid

  "Hey, there's no need to get mean," I said, realizing that she was really upset. I looked at my watch and said, "I'm sure that someone will come looking for us in a bit. It's only … six thirty."

  "What if everyone's gone home for the night?" she asked.

  "Then the cleaning crew will find us," I replied trying to sound certain of the fact that a cleaning crew would be coming in tonight. I cursed myself silently for the tenth time for leaving my phone on my desk. I looked at Leah, who was now sitting on the floor with her back against the door and her knees drawn up to her chest. "What's really going on?"

  "Nothing, I'm just upset about being locked in an office with my boss!" she shot back.

  "Leah, look at me," I said as I walked over to her and held out a hand. She looked up, hesitated, and then took my hand so I could pull her off the floor. "At least sit on the couch or somewhere more comfortable, and tell me what's going on."

  She sat down on the couch and dropped her head into her hands as she massaged her forehead. I could tell that she wanted to say something, but the words refused to come. I decided to be patient and wait for her to tell me what was going on.

  As the minutes ticked by I could feel my anticipation—and my worry—growing.



  As I sat on the couch trying to figure out what to say to the man who had sparked the flames of desire in me but was also my boss, I was torn between wanting to toss everything aside to just follow the path we'd been heading down since his father's funeral and maintaining my professional demeanor so I didn't lose my job. As the war between the two raged, I felt my frustration at being trapped rising.

  Trapped in a life that I hadn't chosen, but had made the best of. Trapped in a constant battle with my family. And now, trapped in a room with my boss who I desperately wanted. It all seemed like a cruel joke played by the universe, and I was sick of towing the line and being the good, responsible one.

  "Jack …" I said as I looked up into his eyes and searched for a reason to let go. "I … I … I want …"

  The next thing I knew, he'd leaned down and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me up off the couch and into his strong embrace. He set me on the ground and ran one hand through my hair as he held me tightly against his body. I struggled for a moment, and then let go and melted into his arms.

  "Leah …" he said as he bent his head so that his mouth was inches from mine. "I need you."

  My sigh was all he needed as encouragement before he pressed his lips to mine. I let go and returned his kiss as I reached up and wound my arms around his neck. Our mouths desperately tried to do what our bodies had been aching for. I felt the need welling up in me as Jack ran his fingers through my hair and down my back.

  With our lips pressed together, I began unbuttoning his shirt as he removed mine before quickly dispatching with my bra. I felt him breathe in deeply as his hands cupped my breasts and began teasing my nipples. At first he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, but as I moaned softly into his lips, he increased the pressure until I was groaning with every squeeze. He pulled away and dipped his head so that he could capture one of them between his lips. As he licked and sucked it, I pushed his shirt down his arms and dug my nails into his bare back. I heard him inhale sharply.

  In rapid succession, he stripped my pants and underwear off until I was standing stark naked in the middle of the room. Jack pushed me gently backwards until I fell on the couch, looking up at him with my legs spread.

  "My God, you're so beautiful," he said as he yanked his pants down and kicked them to the side. He dropped to his knees and lightly ran his fingers up the insides of my thighs as he watched my expression.

  I'd never wanted anyone so much in my whole life. When his fingers reached the soft, sensitive spot between my legs, he stopped and began lightly stroking a path from top to bottom with his thumbs. I moaned as he slowly increased the pressure before splaying my lips and sliding his fingers into the slippery wet folds.

  "Oh God," I groaned as he spent long moments just stroking from top to bottom while never quiet reaching my point of pleasure. The teasing was exquisite torture, and he reveled in the way my hips involuntarily moved in time with his strokes.

  "You like this, don't you?" he whispered as he stopped and traced a cruel path around the outer edge before dipping back down and slipping a finger inside me.

  "Oh yes," I sighed as I pushed my hips forward, trying to force him in deeper. He pulled back, keeping just out of reach and frustrating me beyond belief.

  "Mmm, you're so wet," he observed as he dragged his fingers lazily up to spread the wetness around before rubbing just enough to elicit a deep groan from me.

  "Jack, please!" I begged as I pushed my hips up to meet his fingers. "Please!"

  "Please what?" he said, bending forward to give me a soft kiss before pulling back to await my answer.

  "Please, I want you," I begged again. "I need you."

  "I want you, too," he said as he slid his hand across my skin and squeezed my nipple as his fingers slid into me once again. I thought I was going to lose my mind as he teased my g-spot with his fingers. "I want you to come for me, Leah."

  He lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth as he buried his fingers deeper inside me, stroking as he sucked. I let loose with what felt like one continuous moan as his thumb pressed harder and his fingers dived deeper and deeper. He stroked me insistently and I felt myself getting perilously close to the edge.

  "Let go, Leah," he urged as he lifted his head and kissed me deeply. As his tongue probed mine, I felt the wave of pleasure begin to roll deep inside me, and I let go.

  Two more strokes and my body was swept up in the orgasm. I let go as it washed over me. I moaned into Jack's lips as I contracted around his fingers. As I came down from the high, I looked up at him watching me and gave him a quizzical look as he pulled his hand away.

  "Why stop?" I asked. "You didn't join me."

  "No condoms," he said with a shrug and a grin. "I didn't want to miss that just because I wasn't prepared."

  "I appreciate that," I said smiling gratefully. "That's one thing I do not need to add to the mix right now, but about you …"

  I looked at him with a playful grin as I sat up and ran my fingers down his chest. He raised an eyebrow as I reached between his legs and wrapped my fingers around his engorged erection.

  "Oh my," he said as I began squeezing.

  "Indeed," I replied as I let go and brought my hand up to his mouth and instructed him, "Lick it."

  He did as I asked and soon my hand was sliding up and down his shaft as he groaned. With my other hand I reached up and grabbed a fist full of his dark, curly hair, bringing his mouth down to mine so I could kiss him hard. I could feel his body tensing as I stroked up and down, harder and faster, and the release of pre-cum made my hand slick and slippery.

  "Oh God," he moaned as I teased the tip with my thumb before stroking the underside. "Leah, I'm going to …"

  He jerked in my hand and bit down on my lip as he released. I cried out in pain but held firm as I coaxed him to ride his own wave of pleasure. His lips softened, and he wrapped his arms around me as I felt him start to soften in my hand.

  "That was a little quicker than I usually like," he said sheepishly.

  "I didn't even notice," I replied as I kissed the side of his face and enjoyed the warmth of his body pressed against mine.

  He climbed up onto the couch and pulled me on top of him, wrapping his arms around me as he held me tightly against his bare chest.

  "Are you okay?" he said as he twisted a strand of my hair around his finger.

  "Mmm-hmm," I nodded as I rubbed my cheek against his chest and inhaled his musky scent. "I'm more than okay. Are you okay?"

  "Oh yes," he said softly. "I'm definitely more than okay."

  "We're still locked in this office, you know," I said bringing us back to reality.

  "I know, I'm not sure what to
do about that, but I'm sure we will figure a way to get ourselves out," he said caressing my back. "Or we'll wait until they find us. Either way, I'm okay with us being trapped here together."

  I didn't quite know how to respond since my brain was swirling with all of the disastrous possibilities that could occur now that I'd officially had sex with my boss. Would I lose my job? What would happen to Riley? What would happen to me? The anxiety set in, and I could feel it building inside me.

  "Leah?" Jack said. "What are you thinking?"

  "Do you think we could pick the lock?" I said, pushing myself up as I looked around the room for an implement that might work.

  "Oh, okay, sure," he said. I could feel his confusion at my sudden shift, but I was intently focused on trying to get us released from our prison before anyone discovered what we had done. "Let's get dressed and see what we can find."

  I was up off the couch like a shot and back in my clothes in minutes. I dug through the new desk drawers and was surprised to find that they were already full of office supplies. I chose a few that I thought might work and handed them to Jack.

  "What am I supposed to do with these?" he asked in a slightly irritated tone as he finished buttoning his shirt.

  "Pick the lock," I said.

  "Do I look like MacGyver?" he asked with a wry grin.

  "Okay, good point," I said looking at the door and realizing that the hinges were on the inside. "Let's take the hinges off!"

  "Now, that I can do," he nodded as he took the letter opener from me and began loosening the screws that held the hinges together. In short order, he'd taken out the hinges and we'd pulled the door away from the frame.

  "Nice work, MacGyver!" I laughed as I headed for my office to grab my things. "We need to get home, or your mother and Riley will be calling the cops on us."

  "God forbid they do that," he muttered as he nodded and headed for the stairs. "I'll meet you at the car in a few minutes."

  Once he'd left the office, I took a deep breath and flopped down into my desk chair, wondering what in the world was going to happen next.


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