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POUNDED BY MY BOSS, complete series (#1-3): First time, fertile, one-on-one and MFM, forbidden, older man younger woman, CMNF

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by Anya Aurelie

  Pounded By My Boss

  The complete series — three stories in one!

  (Virgin, fertile/unprotected, one-on-one and MFM, forbidden, older man younger woman, clothed man naked woman)


  Anya Aurelie




  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Aurelie

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


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  Pounded By My Boss, #1

  I closed the stall door behind me and gratefully pushed my fingers into my panties, feeling the gush of wetness between my legs. Most everyone in the office was at lunch, so I had a few minutes to myself without much chance of getting caught.

  Still, I was very, very quiet as I rubbed the protruding nub of my clit with increasing ferocity. My finger slid around on the slick surface with no resistance, and I let my finger wander down toward my hole, then back up, I imagining that I wasn’t all alone in the work restroom — imagining that I was about to finally lose my virginity to a thick, hard cock.

  My hole was too tight to push more than one finger inside of, and then only gently. At eighteen, I still had a hymen, though I knew many virgins my age had broken theirs accidentally by then, bouncing on trampolines, practicing gymnastics, riding horses, or engaging in any number of activities I’d also done over the years.

  Fuck, I was so horny. In fact, just about every day lately I’d been sneaking off to take care of myself during the workday. There was something about spending half of every day in a swimsuit that made me almost unable to contain myself — the feeling of the cool water entering my swimsuit, filling up the area between my pussy lips, cooling my clit. The knowledge that the parents at the pool were watching me, while pretending to watch their kids. The tight fabric of my suit stretched over my curves.

  In my imagination, I was back in my bedroom, completely naked. A male figure stood behind me, and I was draped over the bed, my breasts pushed down into the comforter and my naked ass at a right angle to the guy as I stood there bent at the waist. I couldn’t tell who it was — it didn’t matter who it was. I just wanted to get fucked.

  He spread open my ass and fingered my pussy with one finger, staring down at its pinkness. Then he slapped my sensitive skin with his hard cock once, twice, three times, before lining the tip up against my hole and pushing deep inside of me, popping me open for the first time ever.

  Oh god, it would feel good. In my fantasy, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. And against my finger in that tiny bathroom stall, my clit began to throb as my body pulsed its release. I moaned out loud; I couldn’t help it. My cunt got wetter still as the orgasm shook me, took me over for those few seconds.

  Finally, panting, I pulled my finger out of my panties and my pussy pulsed one last time. I licked my finger clean before exiting the stall, washing my hands, and returning to the real world…and my meeting with my boss, Brian.

  It was my first month in my first-ever job, and things weren’t going so well. I’d decided to take a year off before starting college to work, and was excited to start working. I finally had my own apartment (well, almost — I shared with two roommates), and was getting my first taste of life as an adult. I loved it.

  And I loved working for the Parks Department at the city. That wasn’t the problem — not at all. The problem was that the department seemed only lukewarm about me. They hadn’t even had a full-time position available, so I’d taken a part-time gig as an administrative assistant and a part-time gig as a swim teacher. Both were through the Parks Department, but they were such different jobs that it was a hard transition every day. And the swim teacher job would only last through the end of the summer.

  If I was lucky, the administrative assistant position would last longer, but even that wasn’t a guarantee.

  I knocked as I pushed open Brian’s office door. He glanced up at me. “Ah, Nina, come in,” he said, sounding distracted. I wondered whether he’d forgotten about our weekly meeting. Was I that unimportant?

  I tried not to feel hurt as I sat down with a nervous smile on the other side of Brian’s desk. “How are you?” I asked. Brian was probably forty years old, over twice my age, but he was attractive in a way that guys my age weren’t: a body that looked like it had seen manual labor, hard and chiseled, with smile lines around his mouth and eyes that I thought were very sexy.

  “Not great,” he admitted, frowning at something on his computer.

  “What’s going on?” Being my first job, I felt like I never knew how to act around Brian. Should I treat him like I would a teacher? More like a friend? “Coworker” and “boss” were whole new categories to me, and they were odd ones that I hadn’t yet fully figured out.

  “I got some bad news today,” he admitted. “Budget cuts.”

  He looked up at me with a significant expression, but I was still confused.

  “We’re going to have to lay some people off,” he explained.

  My heart froze up in fear. Lay some people off? I was the most recent Parks employee, and definitely the most expendable. Was he saying I was about to lose my job?

  “Nothing has been decided yet,” he said firmly, as though reading my mind. “But I do have some tough decisions to make.”

  He shook his head then, as though clearing it, and looked at me again as though seeing me for the first time. “You know what, forget I said anything,” he said. “It’s too soon, I shouldn’t have mentioned it. This isn’t your problem.”

  “But…it could become my problem…right?” I ventured. I glanced at his strong-looking hands, folded in front of him on the table. What would it feel like for those firm fingers to push inside of me?

  “Nothing has been decided yet,” he repeated, and I snapped out of it. What was I doing thinking about him penetrating me when my job was potentially on the line?

  But I had to know if I needed to worry. “Um,” I tried again, tentative, “is there anything I can, you know, do…to prove myself? I’ll do anything. I really like it here.”

  Brian glanced me up and down then with an expression that was hard to read — but decidedly not professional. His eyes seemed to linger on my breasts just a moment too long, then snap back up to my face. Surely he wasn’t thinking about me in a sexual way, was he? I’d always assumed Brian would never be interested in me that way. I was so much younger than him, practically a child, while he was a real, true adult who could probably get any woman he wanted.

  But then the moment was gone, and I wondered whether I’d actually seen it at all, or whether it was all in my imagination.

  “I shouldn’t have mentioned it,” he repeated. “That was a mistake on my part. I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as the situation becomes clearer. In the meantime, let’s talk about how the swim lessons are going.”

  I took a deep breath and tried to shift my attention. “Well,” I be
gan, “there are a few parents I’m not sure how to deal with…”

  After our meeting, though, I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I had to do something to save my job. Whether or not Brian should’ve said anything to me about what he’d read, he had. Now I knew, and I couldn’t take that back. Neither of us could.

  And I was determined to do whatever it took to prove my worth.

  For the rest of the day, I tried to stay on top of my duties more than ever before. I had my filing done in record time, returned phone calls, and dealt with complaints in a cheerful voice, even though it was the worst part of my job. I wasn’t sure Brian noticed, though.

  I would have to do more if I really wanted to prove to him that I deserved to keep my job. And I had to — I just had to. I’d only just gotten my apartment, had just gotten my very first taste of adulthood. I couldn’t have it all taken away already, just like that. The thought of moving back in with my parents made me shudder. They were nice enough, but I wasn’t a child anymore. No, I told myself, I would have to find a way to keep my job, whatever the cost.

  As far as I knew, I had only one advantage over my coworkers: I was, it seemed, the only one in the office who knew about the impending layoffs. No one else acted any differently, and I knew Brian had just gotten the news when I’d gone in for our meeting earlier in the day.

  I stayed late that night, finishing up work I could’ve easily done the next day. By six o’clock, the office was empty and I’d finished all my tasks.

  Well, I thought, no point in staying when there’s not even anyone here to know how hard I’m working.

  I got up from my desk with the lingering feeling that I could’ve done more, should’ve done more. But in truth, the sinking feeling in my stomach wasn’t the thought of what I could’ve done to prove myself; it was the thought that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I worked, I was still the expendable one. I was still the youngest employee, the most recent hire, and the one they could most do without.

  I was going to get laid off.

  Feeling low and dejected, I headed toward the parking lot — when I realized the light was still on in Brian’s office. On an impulse, I knocked and pushed open the door without waiting for a reply, which was what everyone in the office did.

  I’d stepped only a foot into the office, though, when I realized my mistake. Brian was sitting behind his desk with his cock in his hand, moaning coming from computer in front of him.

  I froze. Brian froze, staring at me. Then both of our words starting coming out together, in a jumble.

  “I’m so sorry —”

  “What are you still doing here? I thought everyone had gone home —”

  He hastily tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped up, his face turning beet red. Against my will, I felt my pussy start to get wet at the sight. He clicked his mouse sharply, and the moans on the computer silenced.

  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated, eyes wide. “I’ll — I’ll leave.”

  I started to back up toward the door, but Brian cleared his throat. “What, um…what did you want to talk to me about?” he asked, trying to put his professional voice back on.

  I looked between Brian’s red face and the doorway, unsure what to do. “I just…I know you told me to forget about what you said earlier. But I was worried…”

  Now I was turning red too, I was sure.

  Brian cleared his throat. “Nina…I’m sorry, there’s really nothing else I can tell you right now.”

  I felt dumb. “I know…I just thought maybe there was some other way I could prove myself.” I was repeating what I’d said earlier, I knew, and I felt even worse for it. I’d interrupted him masturbating for this? For something he’d already told me to forget?

  But instead of leaving, I just hit my mark stronger. “I’ll do anything, Brian. Anything at all. Whatever it takes.”

  He seemed to pause, then looked me up and down again with that same odd expression I’d noticed flashing over his face earlier. He took in my curves, the way my jeans hugged my ass — unprofessional, I knew, but I didn’t yet know how to dress for an office in those days. His eyes swept over the tiny bit of cleavage peaking out the top of my top.

  What was my best strategy here? He was clearly horny since I’d interrupted him before his release. Against my better judgment, instead of turning and leaving the office, I walked toward him. Then I leaned over his desk, resting my chin in my hand in a way I knew made my breasts squeeze together and pop out the top of my shirt.

  “Surely there’s something I can do,” I whispered.

  He stared at my tits, not even trying to hide it now. He swallowed hard. “You want to prove your worth, huh?” he repeated, almost to himself. I nodded, not letting my eyes leave his.

  “And you’ll do anything.”

  I nodded again. I was toying with him, sure, but I never thought he’d actually respond to my advances. I thought we were just flirting. I’d never done this before, any of it, and I guess I was naive to think it could never happen. I can’t quite explain it, but sex seemed like something that happened only at parties or between people who were dating already. So when I leaned in toward my boss, it was a kind of joke.

  What he did next, though, was no joke. He reached out and slid two fingers across my chest, tracing my bare cleavage from one breast to the other, two mountains with a valley in between.

  I gulped. We had suddenly gone from playing to crossing a line, and I knew it. Deep in my brain, an alarm went off. But deep in my pussy, the desire only grew.

  Seeing that I didn’t pull back, Brian moved his hand slowly down over my shirt and cupped my breast. He was still staring me straight in the eyes. My nipples were hard as rocks, and I knew he could feel it through my bra and shirt.

  “Nina,” he breathed. He stood up then and I saw clearly that he was still hard, his pants almost bursting at the seam. I wondered how much of that was from the porn he’d been watching, and how much from me.

  “This will be just our little secret?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I said, though my mind was racing. Was I really doing this? Was I really going to sleep with my boss, lose my virginity to him, for assurance that I’d get to keep my job?

  I knew somewhere deep inside that this was a very bad idea, but in that moment I couldn’t quite remember why. I was so horny, Brian was attractive and strong, and I would get to keep my job. I could see only positives.

  Still, I was shaking as I too stood up. Brian came around the desk to stand beside me, and lifted my hand to touch his cock through his pants. I tried to still my fingers. He was so hard. My god, it felt so good to squeeze him.

  He reached inside my shirt with both hands then and grabbed my breasts with nothing in between them and his skin. I gasped. It was the first time anyone had done this to me. Then he leaned over and kissed me, his mouth wet and soft.

  “Do you watch porn in here a lot?” I asked, teasing him to hide my nervousness.

  “Only when the office is empty,” he said. “Or when I think it’s empty, at least. But I guess I got lucky that you were the one who caught me, aren’t I?”

  I smiled, not sure what to say. My pussy felt like it was straining to open myself up, as though preparing itself to be penetrated, entered. I wanted him inside of me so badly it almost hurt.

  Brian pulled his hands out of my shirt and got to work on my pants. He unbuttoned me, unzipped the zipper, and my heart raced faster. This was really happening. He thought I’d suggested it, while I’d thought I was joking. Yet now that it was happening, there was no way I’d stop this. Every cell in my body screamed out for more. I wanted to get filled up and used, to feel his body slamming into mine.

  He began pushing my jeans down my legs, and I let my hand drop away from his erection to help him, pulling my pants the rest of the way off. Then all at once he pulled my shirt over my head, and I stood there in front of my boss in only a bra and panties. I felt naked in front of him, especially since he was fully cl
othed in a professional outfit, a business suit. I was standing there in lacy panties and a matching bra.


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