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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

Page 70

by Story, Ronald

  “At the window there were the shadows of what looked to be human forms. I could not make them out, only that they looked humanoid. There were two or three of them at the window. At this time the high-pitched sound stopped and a feeling of numbness came over my body. The fear that I had before left me and I felt a very peaceful calmness over my body. It was like floating on a cloud. At this time the object lifted very fast and was gone. It made no sound as it left, only a slight more glow than before.

  “What I will tell you two folks now does not come easy for me but I feel that you two will be the only ones who will understand. Jim, as I told you over the phone, I have been remembering some of what took place that night. There was definitely a contact made. I only wish that someone like you and Coral could have been there that night. I can tell you that the people of this world have really misunderstood UFOers and what they are doing. It’s not only just one advanced race that is studying this planet earth but a group of them and within three years from now [which was 1979] they will make themselves known to all mankind. It may be as early as midsummer 1976. I can also say that it will not be a pleasant type of meeting for there will be warnings made to the people of this world. Their plan is for only limited contact and after 20 years of further study and only after deeper consideration will there be any type of closer contact. They also fear for their own lives and will protect themselves at all costs. Their intent is a peaceful one and if the leaders of this world will only heed their warnings we will find ourselves a lot better off than before, and at this time it’s not up to us to accept them, but for them to accept us!

  “My dear friends Jim and Coral, what I saw that night aboard their craft were things I cannot explain but I can only try. The beings were about 5 feet tall and very much like us except their heads were larger and no hair, cars very small, eyes a little larger than ours, nose small and the mouth had very thin lips. I would say their weight was maybe between 110-130 pounds. There was speech but their lips did not move. Their type of clothing was skin-tight. I could not see any zippers or buttons on their clothing at all. The color of their clothes was black except for one of them that had on a silver-white looking suit. There were no names said but they knew who I was and called me by my proper name—Charles, and did not use my nickname, Chuck. It was like they could read my mind and I believe they did because the elder or leader would speak sometimes before I would ask something.

  “I was taken to a room and the elder or leader touched my back and legs with a rod-looking device and when I asked what he was doing he said there had been a scuffle when they first made contact with me and he only wanted to correct any misplacement that might have happened. I do not remember any type of scuffle or fight but I do know my back hurt the next day.

  “The inside of the craft was as clean as an operating room. I cannot say if the fixtures were metal or plastic. The lighting was indirect. I did not see any source of light but there was light. I was .thinking to myself ‘If I could only see the drive unit of the craft, how wonderful that would be.’ The elder or leader put his hand on my shoulder and said to follow him. We went to a small room that had no fixtures in it and was dimly lit and stood on the side of the room. The floor seemed to give way like an elevator. I guess we went down about 6 feet and what I saw then was a room about 25 feet across and in the center was what looked like a huge carbon rod going through the roof of the room; around the rod were what looked like three holes covered with glass. Inside the glass-covered holes or balls were what looked like large crystals with two rods, one on each side of the crystal, One rod came to a balllike top, the other one came to a “T” type top. I was told that this was the drive unit and that I could understand it if I tried. There were no wires or cables. I then saw what looked like a large black box on the side of the room. I asked about it and was told what it was but then was told not to ever reveal what the black box was for. I have really tried to remember but I can’t remember about the black box, only that it was there.

  “I guess I was there about half an hour looking at the drive unit. it was then taken back up through the same way we came down—part of the floor just went up with us. with us. The elder or leader then told me that this was not their main craft, but only used for observing, and that their main craft was about 400 of our miles above the earth. And the drive unit on it was different from the one on their craft. I asked if I could go to the main craft and I was told no, that their time was short but they could find me any time they desired and that in a short time they would see me again.

  “I then asked the elder or leader why I was so sluggish and clumsy, and he told me that I was quite hostile at the first contact and that they had to use a type of sound or light on me to calm me down and that the effect would go away in a short time. The elder or leader then put both his hands on the sides of my head and told me it was time for them to leave and asked me not to remember what had been said or what I had seen for at least two weeks. I don’t, know why the two weeks but I guess there was a reason because it was about two weeks later that you came to Alamogordo and shortly after that it started coming back to me—what had happened to me. I asked him if we would meet again and he said yes, in a short time. And then he told me to be sure and visit a doctor soon. And I did—I guess there was a reason for that, too. I then asked why they had talked to me and why was I taken on board their craft. He only said that in time ‘you will understand’. The next thing I knew I was sitting in my car watching a strange object lift into the sky and trying to start my car—the rest you know about.”


  Morel encounter Lyndia Morel was driving home from work (from Manchester to Goffstown, New Hampshire) when she was allegedy followed by a UFO and its occupant, which she could see through an oval port hole on the front of the object. The UFO was described as spherical, with a honeycombed appearance all over its surface, and was glowing bright yellow.

  The UFO encounter scene as described by Lyndia Morel

  The episode reportedly began soon after 2:45 A.M. on Friday morning, November 2, 1973, when Mrs. Morel signed out at the Swedish Sauna in Manchester where she was employed as a masseuse. She then stopped to have coffee with a friend, purchased gas for her car, and proceeded home.

  After crossing the Merrimack River via Queen City Bridge, Mrs. Morel proceeded northwest on Mast Road (Route 114A). As she passed the Bi-Wise Supermarket in Pinardville (outskirts of Manchester), her attention was attracted to a large, bright, yellow light in the sky to her left and ahead of her. Resembling a bright star, the object flashed red, green, and blue colors. In fact, the witness could not tell at this point if it was moving and thought the object was a planet. After traveling about a mile, Mrs. Morel said she looked at the object and saw that it was still in the same position but seemed to be brighter.

  Approaching the intersection of routes 114A and 114, she lit a cigarette, and at that moment, as she looked at the object, its light went out. Thinking that was peculiar for a planet, she entertained the idea for the first time that the object might be a UFO. However, she was not apprehensive, and after passing the intersection, the light reappeared in the same spot to the left and ahead of the car.

  The road was dark but up ahead on the right Mrs. Morel said she could see the lights of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home (the so-called “country farm”) and across the road, on the left, the lights of Moore General Hospital. As her car approached the farm, the object’s light went out again.

  About a half mile from the nursing home, near the Boston and Maine Railroad crossing, the light came back on again, perhaps at an even brighter level. For another two miles the strange object maintained the same appearance and relationship to the Morel car as before.

  On the outskirts of Goffstown (population: 2,300), about where the town’s streetlights began, the UFO’s light vanished once more and, after about three quarters of a mile, reappeared for perhaps fifteen seconds. But as Mrs. Morel veered right around a corner into downtown Goffs to
wn, the light went out and remained out during the drive of a third of a mile through the lighted downtown area.

  Veering left at the intersection of routes 114 and 13 (near a popcorn stand), the witness said she was astounded to see the light dead ahead down North Mast Road (Route 114). The object appeared larger, quite a bit closer, and lower than before—and positioned as if waiting for her.

  She described the object, now, as an orange-and-gold globe completely covered with a honeycomb design of hexagons except for an oval window of paler color situated on the upper left portion of the UFO. The witness thought the object was not totally opaque, but had a peculiar translucent quality about it. The flashes of red, green, and blue light were rays or beams emanating from a source in the center; these three colors constantly changed back and forth, as in the twinkling of a star. A steady, thin, high-pitched whine could be heard, and, according to the woman, this sound was felt through her body as a tingling sensation.

  Mrs. Morel said her amazement quickly turned to panic when she suddenly was unable to remove her hands from the steering wheel. Moreover, she reported that she felt her eyes pulled toward the UFO and had the sensation it was taking control of her body and drawing her toward it. When later asked about any possible disturbances to the car’s electrical system, she said she was not aware of any effects on her automobile’s engine, lights or radio which was playing at this time.

  At no time during this phase of the sighting did the witness recall stopping her car. However, as she drove forward a “short distance” from the intersection she said she experienced a “loss of memory” for nearly a half mile. She said she was unaware of driving a stretch between a church on her right and Westlawn Cemetery on her left, although she felt her eyes followed the UFO without interruption. After the experience, she speculated that “they” may have “retrieved” and “recorded” her memory during this interval.

  Suddenly, Mrs. Morel said she realized where she was and became cognizant that the car was moving at a high rate of speed and that the vehicle was out of her control. She had the definite impression that the UFO was pulling her car toward it like a magnet and getting closer. It was at this point that she noticed the figure in the upper left window of the UFO.

  As the car approached a point opposite the middle of the cemetery, the UFO closed possibly to within less than five hundred feet (perhaps considerably less) becoming larger than a quarter at arm’s length. At the same time, the object grew brighter and the whine seemed louder. At this point, Mrs. Morel estimated the object to be at the height of a three-story building. The figure in the window was now distinct.

  She said the figure’s head, upper body, and arms were visible, while a dark horizontal surface occupying the lower portion of the oval window obscured the rest of the body. She thought the humanoid could have been standing at a control board of some kind. Behind the figure was a white background. The occupant’s body appeared darker than the face, with small shoulders, but it was uncertain whether the body was clothed in a uniform or not. The rounded head was grayish (between a gray and flesh tone), except for a darker color on top, and the face bore wrinkles or loose skin like an elephant’s hide. Angling upward across the forehead, two large “eggshaped” eyes with large dark pupils gripped the observer’s attention so much that she felt unable to look away. She said she received an impression or awareness that “told” her “don’t be afraid.” A mouth-slit turned down at the corners completed the description of the face. No nose or ears were noticed.

  Panic-stricken, Mrs. Morel believed she was in imminent danger of being captured by the UFO occupant. Passing by the cemetery, she spotted a house ahead on the left. The globe became so dazzling that she covered her eyes with an arm and simultaneously turned the wheel with the other hand, entering the driveway of the Beaudoin house at an angle, and coming to a halt partly on the front lawn. The witness had covered a distance of almost exactly a mile from the Route 114/13 intersection, and now she was only three quarters of a mile from home. Leaving the engine running and the headlights on, Mrs. Morel said she pushed open the door of the car. At that instant, the Beaudoin’s growling German shepherd dashed up to the woman as she got out of the car. Normally afraid of strange dogs, she said she “belted” the animal across the mouth. Though she did not recall running to the house, she began pounding on the kitchen door, ringing the bell, and yelling over and over again: “Help me! Help me! Help me!”

  Glancing to her right, she noticed the UFO had shifted its position from west to north, as if to keep her in view, and was now hovering directly across the road opposite the Beaudoin house. The object still emitted its high-pitched whine, which according to Mrs. Morel was becoming almost unbearable.

  After what the witness estimated to be about two minutes of attempting to attract the attention of the residents of the house, the door was opened by Mr. Beaudoin—as Mrs. Morel began sinking to her knees in almost a faint.

  The Beaudoins had been asleep upstairs and reluctantly came down in response to the persistent noise at the door. Mrs. Beaudoin said an obviously frightened woman, her eyes wide open with terror, fell into Mr. Beaudoin’s arms, crying, “Help me! I’m not drunk! I’m not on drugs! A UFO just tried to pick me up!” Mrs. Beaudoin said the witness was covering her ears but neither she nor her husband remember hearing an unusual sound. Mrs. Morel said that the sound ceased and the numbness or tingling sensation she had experienced vanished after two minutes in the Beaudoin kitchen. However, she became aware of an afterimage (the effect caused by staring too long at a bright light source).

  The clock on the kitchen wall read 4.30 A.M. Mrs. Beaudoin said the woman’s story sounded impossible, but she did phone the Goffstown Police Department and reported the occurrence. Goffstown Patrolman Daniel Jubinville, 23, received the call while on routine patrol, and proceeded to the Beaudoin house, arriving there at 4:40 A.M. On his way to the door, the officer turned off the lights and engine of the Morel car, then heard Mrs. Morel’s account. In his report he stated: “This writer took note that the subject was quite shaken up and this writer did not note any evidence of alcohol or drug influence.”

  After Officer Jubinville arrived, the four went outside and spotted an object whose light seemingly went out when a flashlight was trained on it, and appeared to move slightly, occasionally changing colors. However, the multiwitness phase of the sighting should probably be ruled ambiguous and therefore nonsupportive of the Morel sighting because: (1) the object, as described by all four observers, matched the appearance and behavior of both the planet Mars and the UFO (the latter when seen at a distance); and (2) the planet’s known position was too close to the UFO’s estimated position to entirely dismiss the planet from contention. Other aspects of the case are, so far, unconfirmed and rest on the testimony of Mrs. Morel herself.


  Morning of the Magicians, The (Editions Gallimard, 1960). French authors Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier pioneer a conspiracy theory of history. They make a case that the traditions and myths of secret societies, and mutations in human intelligence throughout history which produced genuises like Leonardo da Vinci, could be a byproduct of extraterrestrial visitors who genetically tinkered with human evolution.


  Moseley, James W. (b. 1931). Veteran UFO researcher and journalist who is known as the “court jester” and “Voltaire” of UFOlogy. Having been part of the American UFO scene for half a century, Moseley keeps UFOlogists on their toes with his satirical newsletter called Saucer Smear (with the tag line: “Shockingly Close to the Truth”).

  Originally from New York City, Jim Moseley attended Princeton University for two years. He became interested in UFOs after the famous Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947, and more so in 1948, when the Mantell incident occurred.

  In 1954, Moseley founded a magazine called Saucer News, which was subsequently taken over by Gray Barker in 1968 (publication ceased in 1970). In 1976, Moseley began publishing Saucer Smear, whi
ch he describes as a “non-scheduled newsletter devoted to humor, satire, and UFOlogical scandal.”

  Today, Moseley’s newsletter takes an attitude of benign skepticism toward the more extreme UFO beliefs, and generally reflects the various ways in which he has mellowed in his thinking over the years.

  Moseley’s archeological interests are also notable. In the late 1950s, he spent about three years living in Peru, where he succeeded in excavating and exporting hundreds, if not thousands, of Inca and pre-Inca artifacts, dating as far back as the pre-Christian era. These are highly artistic objects of ceramic, wood, silver, and gold.

  For several years in the 1980s Moseley was proprietor of a pre-Columbian art gallery in Key West, where he sold artifacts from Peru and other South American countries, as well as rare wood carvings from various parts of Africa. In 1992 he donated his remaining Peruvian material to the Graves Museum of Archaeology and Natural History, located in Dania, Florida, near Fort Lauderdale, where they are now on permanent display.

  James Moseley

  His three books on UFOs are entitled: Jim Moseley’s Book of Saucer News (1967), The Wright Field Story (1971), and (with Karl Pflock) Shockingly Close to the Truth (forthcoming in 2002).


  P.O. Box 1709,

  Key West, FL 33041



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  POSITION STATEMENT: Over the years, my views on the UFO subject have changed several times. In the early days, I took what might be called a NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) position, in that I believed saucers were extraterrestrial, but that the contactees were basically lying. Later I flirted, for a time, with the theory that UFOs were secret weapons. By the early 1960s, I was back with the extraterrestrial theory.


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