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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

Page 110

by Story, Ronald

  Souls that become sufficiently polarized are ready to graduate to the next level, where the mission then becomes to develop unconditional love. RA said it only takes about 50 percent positive polarization toward service to others to graduate. This planet is being transformed into a 4th-density positive planet, and those souls not sufficiently polarized will have an opportunity to incarnate on another 3rd-density planet. After a soul has learned to express unconditional love, it then becomes ready for the 5th-density experience of developing true wisdom. Many 5th-density souls may combine to become a galactic teacher, a 6th-density being that some call an archangel. RA, a galactic teacher, who was once worshipped here as the Egyptian Sun God, said he went through his 3rd-density experience on the planet Venus, 2.6 billion years ago. He said that half way through the 6th density those of positive and negative polarization become one, and graduate to the 7th density as part of God’s plan.

  My second description of the levels of evolution comes from Deepak Chopra’s July 20, 1996, lecture at the Institute of Noetic Science’s (IONS) conference in Boca Raton, Florida. He described the “shades of awareness” detailed in ancient Vedic teachings. He described the first shade of awareness as deep sleep, and the second as a dream state. The third is the awake state that I hope most people reading this are experiencing. He said if you “woke up” from this state you would think it is not real. Chopra describes the 4th as transcendental awareness. One characteristic is that you acquire nonlocal awareness. It seems to me that the rising culture on this planet is acquiring nonlocal awareness through telepathy, through remote viewing, and through out-of-body experiences. At this level, Chopra said, “You can get a glimpse of the soul.” The 5th shade he describes as cosmic awareness, where one can have simultaneous local and nonlocal awareness. (I think Pleiadians can do that.) The 6th level he describes as divine or God awareness. Here a being can cognate, or cause to be born, objects in both local and nonlocal awareness. (Perhaps Sai Baba is one of these.) At this level, intentionality assumes awesome power. The 7th level is described as Unity. He says, “The spirit within merges with the spirit without, and the universe is experienced as one’s body.” These seven “shades of awareness” seem to be parallel descriptions of the seven “densities” or levels in the evolution of the soul as described by RA in 1982.

  Assistance from a Galactic Council: We have been told through various sources that Ashtar has been given responsibility by a local galactic council to coordinate the activities of the various beings helping us with our transformation. Ashtar says that Sananda or Jesus, is his spiritual adviser. This is primarily a transformation of consciousness, so Jesus is directing that process. Perhaps he decides when we are ready for more Marian apparitions or more phantom hitchhikers.

  Marian apparitions, sometimes associated with UFOs, are increasing around the world, and I have found that the phantom hitchhiker phenomenon is also widespread. Evidence indicates that on November 22, 1993, eight different cars traveling on I-IO east of Tallahassee, Florida encountered a phantom hitchhiker. Most drivers felt compelled to stop and pick up a strange looking man along a lonely stretch of the highway. He looked a lot like Jesus, and once in the car he said, “Gabriel is about to blow his horn.” Then he just vanished. On one occasion two children were in the back seat, and the man just appeared in the front seat next to their mother. The children were quite disturbed, and the man said, “It’s time for Gabriel to blow his horn.” He then vanished. Seven such events happened that day just west of a speed trap, and each driver sped up and was stopped. Each of the seven related their story to the state trooper, and the eighth felt compelled to report the event by phone. Within a three-day period I received reports of these events from three independent sources in Niceville, Panama City, and Yalaha, Florida. I wonder if they were each inspired to tell me so that these events would become public knowledge.

  I mentioned these events at a couple of UFO conferences and learned that a series of similar events took place on the Washington, D.C. belt way, near Los Angeles, and in Illinois. Foreign investigators said the phantom hitchhiker gave the same message in Great Britain, Germany, and Italy. Gabriel blowing his horn is mentioned in the Bible in relation to the end times. I think someone is trying to tell us something, and if it is not Jesus, I think it must be one of his angels.

  In July 1996 the late Willis Harmon, then president of IONS, was speaking on the Pathfinder Project. This project is defining the path from here to there, where there is a sustainable society, a new world order, or heaven on Earth. A question from the audience was, “How can we get from here to there when there are so many selfish people on Earth?” After Harmon, my answer was, “We can’t do it without celestial assistance.” I think we are getting that assistance. We are being guided. But, beyond that, I think that whoever decides which souls reincarnate here will send the highly selfish souls somewhere else. Perhaps only those souls oriented primarily toward service to others will reincarnate here, and their mission will be to develop unconditional love of others. Encouraging evidence of this celestial intervention can be found in the recent book, The Millennium Children (1997) by Caryl Dennis.


  Three of the physical aspects of our transforming to a 4th-density society are an increasing number of photos and videos of alien vehicles, advanced technology that is kept away from 3rd-density society until all national leaders choose peace, and a human/Zeta hybridization program. Some people might add to this list the crop circles and amazing pictograms that have increased in magnitude and meaning in recent years.

  Photographs: Because photographs can be faked, photographic evidence of the alien presence is usually a non-threatening way to raise the awareness of those who are ready, without destroying the worldview of those who are not. Albums of good UFO photos fill several shelves in the archives of Wendelle Stevens in Tucson, Arizona. When Jaime Maussan, a top TV journalist and UFO researcher in Mexico, requested that people send him UFO videos, he received over 5000 of them. Some showed groups of up to 50 objects. As the transformation progresses our alien visitors become bolder in their careful indoctrination program. They have now made an appearance at each of the last eight independence day celebrations in Mexico.

  Carlos Dias and his lovely wife Margarita are an intelligent and spiritually-oriented young couple who have willingly cooperated with Pleiadians. Carlos was contacted in 1979 by humanlike beings, and he received guidance for many years before being allowed to take close photos and videos of Pleiadian vehicles. One video shows him in a field inviting contact as the vehicle pops into view above him, wakes the roosters and dogs, and then pops out. After one missing-time experience in the mountains a man got out of his car and said, “If you want to know what you went through today, I will wait for you tomorrow at noon…” at a certain location in Mexico City. When they met, the man was teaching school children to respect all living things. The man told Carlos we humans should open our minds and hearts. Carlos was offered further education about the transformation while in his community and while on their vehicles.

  Another interesting set of pictures are the Almintaka photos taken on September 27, 1989, in Tennessee. The object appeared to be twice the size of the full Moon and was photographed with the best film Kodak makes, using a 2000 mm lens with special filters. Graham E. Bethune of Toms River, New Jersey, a retired Navy fighter pilot, is the chief investigator and a longtime friend of the anonymous photographer. The man was apparently inspired to put the camera and film in the trunk of his car, and when driving near Nashville the object flew over. He stopped, and his wife said he appeared to be in a trance as he got the camera and took a whole roll of film. The photos show the object demonstrating a great variety of lighting effects, including a blue beam coming from a protrusion. Some type of smoke or water vapor condensation was used to delineate some of the light beams.

  Photo opportunities of strange vehicles in Gulf Breeze, Florida have been newsworthy for more than a decade
. Phase one started on November 11, 1987, and included forty-one excellent photos of three types of vehicles taken by Ed and Frances Walters during eighteen sessions over five and a half months.

  These were well documented in their first book The Gulf Breeze Sightings (1990). I have seen seventy-five photos of the vertical-sided vehicles taken by various people in that area. Ed and Frances later published UFO Abductions in Gulf Breeze (1994) to relate information about six abductions and other strange events that we investigators advised they leave out of the first book. Phase two of the Gulf Breeze sightings included an eighteen-month period when anomalous objects, usually over a mile away, were recorded by the Gulf Breeze Research Team 175 times. During this period they were documented by every news reporter and seen by most of the visitors that came from around the world. Phase three involved continuing daylight photo and video opportunities by Ed Walters. Three additional types of vehicles and a number of Ed’s interesting encounters are now documented in UFOs Are Real! Here is the Proof (1997), coauthored with Dr. Bruce Maccabee.

  One of these vehicles was photographed as an F-15 made a close identification pass. It was 29 feet in diameter and 19 feet high. It had similar domes top and bottom and was rimmed by eight eggshaped protrusions. A later photo of this type of vehicle was made as a column of water raised up from the sound to contact the vehicle. A hamburger-shaped object was photographed three times. The last time, after it came closer, Ed said he just pointed the camera and something else clicked the shutter. He said that during this event a strange thumping noise was coming from the window, and an anomalous black dot appears there in the picture.

  Ed even wrote about his opportunity to video his own abduction, but after he viewed it on TV it was apparently erased by some alien technology as he watched. A third type of object is an apparently unmanned disk 8 feet in diameter that hovered over the beach behind Ed’s house in November 1995. Unfortunately this photo was inadvertently left out of the book by the editor. In November 1996 he took a closer photo of this type of object after it appeared 25 feet away in his back yard, about 3 feet above the ground. The shadow is plainly evident in both photos.

  My conclusion after studying the Gulf Breeze UFOs for nearly ten years is that the vertical-sided, Type-I vehicles come in two sizes: one about 12 feet in diameter that is too small to take on humans, and one about twice that diameter that is designed to carry humans. These have the capability to energize the surrounding air so that it produces orange photons. I think they do this because the orange-ball UFOs are less frightening than structured vehicles.

  In the summer of 1994 Bland Pugh photographed, from Ed Walter’s front yard, an unseen disk immediately above a frequently-seen red light during a Moon-lit night. He used Ectar 1000 film. This disk had the same shape as the 8-foot-diameter disk Ed photographed in November 1995 and November 1996. If it is the same, the red light was 2 feet in diameter. Investigators of other red-light UFOs in Gulf Breeze determined that the lights were about 2 feet in diameter by using triangulation. I think some of the many red-light type UFOs are produced by unmanned vehicles, while others may be the reddish veil of plasma that hangs below Gulf Breeze Type-II vehicles shown in The Gulf Breeze Sightings. I have seen evidence to suggest that these Type-II vehicles belong to Ashtar’s observers.

  4th-Density Technology Programs: For several decades UFO investigators have heard stories about secret underground bases and humans and aliens working together. One story has President Eisenhower getting demonstrations of alien technology in April 1954 and asking them to please minimize their effect on our society. William F. Hamilton III has written several books about underground bases, and Dr. Richard Sauder speaks about the machines, mostly built by companies associated with Hughes Tool and Dye, Inc., used to construct the bases and connecting tunnels. Magnetic levitation vehicles are postulated for rapid underground transport, and strange air vents, many on AT&T facilities, suggest the base and tunnel system is widespread. Tunnel evacuation is probably necessary for the high speeds reported to investigators.

  Bill Uhouse claims to have worked for twenty-five years in two underground facilities, one near Area 51 and one near Dulce, New Mexico, that he was told are no longer under U.S. jurisdiction. World territories perhaps? Uhouse was told there were six such bases in, or beneath, the United States. He was working on a flying saucer simulator in the 1970s. Uhouse said their team had an alien consultant. On the 1988 NBC special, “UFO Coverup Live,” a shadowy figure called “Falcon” showed diagrams of alien physiology and said aliens have operational control of parts of Nevada. Amazing devices, some perhaps made by Lockheed-Martin, are test flown in Nevada at night and photographed by many people. Bob Lazar claims to have worked on a vehicle designed for small aliens.

  One young technician told me he has seen evidence that transporter technology, a la Star Trek, is used to move people from Area 51 to Pine Gap, Australia. I wonder how much of this is U.S. technology and how much is world technology being kept out of the 3rd-density society by a world-level organization operating under a galactic prime directive.

  Retired Army intelligence officer, Philip J. Corso, recently wrote The Day After Roswell (1997) with William J. Birnes. They indicate that secrets from confiscated UFOs led to laser technology, fiber optics, night-vision capability, and the microchip.

  Others have provided interesting evidence suggesting an electrogravitic propulsion system for the B-2. In 1996 Al Gore, a dual-hatted member of government, announced the contract award to Lockheed-Martin for the next generation space shuttle. This is a delta-shaped single-stage vehicle with “linear aerospike engines” that carries a large payload into space and lands like a plane. These engines burn hydrogen and oxygen through a linear aerospike nozzle. When I got my Mechanical Engineering degree I was taught there was not enough energy in that chemical reaction, even with zero waste, to accomplish that mission without reducing the effects of gravity. Perhaps electrogravitic propulsion, Star Trek-type transporters, and most zero-point energy devices are being reserved for use by 4th-density society until all national leaders choose peace.

  Members of world government, which include many dual-hatted members of national governments, are working hard to cause all national leaders to choose peace. Meanwhile, some new technology is being released for limited use. I have been told that the Patterson Power Cell is a cold-fusion heat source that can now be leased for $5000 per year. It is not likely to be used for war. Electrogravitic propulsion systems seem to be used only where they can remain highly controlled by unselfish people. And I wonder if the reason nations don’t spend more money on the ability to go to Mars is because some humans already have the ability to go, either on their own vehicles or perhaps on vehicles of their alien friends.

  Human-alien hybridization: Budd Hopkins introduced many of us to evidence of human-alien hybridization through the experiences of “Kathy Davis” and others in the 1987 book, Intruders. While she raised two of her children, she apparently carried two for over three months that were raised by aliens, and she was told there were seven more developed from her eggs. Kathy later met on alien vehicles the two she had carried for three months. She thought they were beautiful, but she agrees that because of their larger heads and eyes most of us would not accept them in 3rd-density society. During at least four of Ed Walters’ eight abductions, he apparently provided emotional training for a total of thirty-five hybrid children two feet tall.

  My friend “Pam” is raising two children born of Immaculate Conception. Both have been able to see people’s auras since birth, and they recall many onboard experiences with aliens and many backyard experiences with hybrids, all without fear. One even said she could see through the ceiling while waking up, like superwoman. Her mother was standing over her bed watching her expressions change as this happened. In 1996 Pam said she often felt a presence nearby. Later, when she was taken on board by aliens and presented a baby to hold, she felt the same presence. I wonder if the spirit of this child was not checking
out mom while the new body was growing in an artificial womb.

  I think we, as a species, are being genetically enhanced. The result may be called Homo noeticus: humans with increased consciousness or ways of knowing. At the 1993 Human Potential Foundation Conference in Washington, D.C., “When Cosmic Cultures Meet,” a recently retired legal counsel to the National Research Council and legal consultant to NASA called the next species Homo alterios spatialis in his talk on “Extraterrestrial Progeny of Humankind and a Declaration of Interdependence.”

  George S. Robinson’s paper in The Proceedings was given the lead position, but the title was changed to “Homo Alterios Spatialis: A Transgenic Odyssey.” My interpretation of one of his sentences is truly profound. He said, “In short, Earth-kind may well be the common progenitor when cosmic cultures meet.” Perhaps more of us will soon meet our space-kind sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and perhaps some missing twins.

  Three of the 1996 movies I saw were Phenomenon, Powder, and Independence Day. The first two seemed to address the public reaction to people who are different, as does the TV series Alien Nation. They show that many people in our society are not yet ready to accept 4th-density capabilities. I think we all need to give serious thought to these messages, because it is happening among us. Independence Day seemed to be designed primarily to attract a big audience, but one underlying message was that to survive we must give more thought to being a citizen of the world rather than of a nation.

  We are being given greater awareness, greater knowledge of all, that is, greater knowledge of God. We are being given greater telepathic ability to the point that I think it will become a normal means of communication as we join the Galactic Society.


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