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Heart Song Anthology

Page 18

by Carolyn Faulkner

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And Nanny Etta. You must ask her to punish you for being naughty.”

  Tears were falling faster. “Please, Nanny Etta, punish me for scaring you.”

  Etta patted her bare bottom. “No kicking or we start over, understand, little one?”

  “Yes, Nanny Etta.”

  “No bad language or yelling bad things at me, understand? You may cry or yell. In fact, you will cry, and I suspect, yell out.” She waited for an answer.

  “Yes, I understand, Nanny Etta.”

  “I want you to count the first ten. I suspect you won’t be able to, after that, but I want the first ten after each spank. If you stop counting, we will start over. If you break any of these three rules, we will start over. Understand?”

  “Yes, I understand,” she whispered.

  Etta put her hand on the middle of Mindy’s back. Mindy heard the whistle of the air displacement before she felt a twin line of fire right across the center of her bottom.

  “Oh please, not so hard! That really hurts.”

  “It is supposed to, but is that what you are supposed to say?”

  Ike had tightened his hold, watching her carefully for real distress. “Count, little one. That is one. You don’t want to start over.”

  Mindy quickly counted, “One!”

  The next strike came a second later, laying another twin line of fire just below the first.

  “Uh, two.”

  The next just below. Mindy continued counting until the next stripes landed on her sit spots. She squealed out her distress. “Oh! Four.”

  “Another on the sit spots, I think, before we start on the thighs. Keep your legs together, Mindy, so the tips of the strap don’t accidently hit that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Mindy quickly closed her legs tightly as the strap struck her sit spots again. She began to sob harder as she counted. Hearing Sally enduring her own punishment at the other couch, made her misery worse.

  Ike held her hands tight, as Etta continued down the back of her thighs, the strap long enough to wrap around the sides. Etta was right, by ten it was hard to understand Mindy anymore. They took whatever she could get out.

  Etta moved to the other side and delivered the last five to the other thigh. She stood and looked at Ike, who nodded to her.

  Ike smiled grimly. She had done a good job for the first time. He would tell her later. She had tears in her own eyes and Ike liked that she cared so much for Mindy, but knew this was necessary to keep their little one safe. She loved Mindy the same as he did.

  She came around the front and took Mindy’s hands from Ike, holding tightly, as he retrieved the brush and came around behind his little one.

  Ike patted her bottom before he made short work of the final fifteen. His little one had just as much as she could take and no more. She was a sobbing mess when he picked her up and heard her moan as his rough jeans rubbed on her sore, apple red bottom. He pulled her close and let her cry until she stopped. He pushed the hair back from her face and kissed her cheek. “It is done, little one. You did well. All is forgiven. Please never do that again. I don’t like punishing you so severely.” He stood her between his knees, as he heard the deep rumble of Shaun’s voice telling Sally the same things.

  Etta and Nelda finished setting the table as the men gently pulled up the girls’ pants and led them to their chairs. On each one sat a soft pillow. Ike smiled at the relieved smiles he saw on the girls’ faces. Mindy turned to give him a hug, before he gently lifted her onto the chair, just as the women brought in the delicious smelling lasagna and cheesy garlic bread. A large glass of milk was placed in front of each of the girls.

  Mindy looked to Etta. “I am sorry for being naughty, Nanny Etta.”

  Etta looked at her kindly. “All is forgiven, little one.”

  With a nod, Mindy took a sip of the ice-cold milk. The six of them sat at the massive table and enjoyed the delicious meal. The women waving the girls away when they offered to help them clean the table.

  “Your daddies have plans to discuss with you. We will see you upstairs in your rooms tomorrow morning to begin getting you ready for your wedding.”

  The girls were spending the night in one of the guest rooms at the top of the stairs so their daddies wouldn’t see them before the wedding and cause bad luck.

  Shaun shared, “The minister is in one of the nearby cabins. He will be here around eleven to start the ceremony. Clint and Adam will be here in the morning.”

  “How will they get through in the snow?” Sally asked.

  Shaun smiled. “Clint is the best pilot I know. He can make it through anything. It is supposed to stop snowing and blowing by tonight. Clint is bringing his chopper. If anyone can make it, Clint can. Adam is going to be with him. I want you on your best behavior around them. They are daddy doms, too, and will spank you if you misbehave. They will have our permission. Understand?”

  Mindy crossed her arms. “Seems like everyone has permission to spank us.”

  Ike chuckled. “All of the adults will either be spies for us or able to punish you.”

  Shaun continued. “Mom and Pop are coming with a surprise for you for after the ceremony.”

  The girls squealed in delight at that, and at the first sign of a yawn, the men helped them up the stairs to their rooms, and after tucking them in and telling them a story, they left, telling them to be good and go right to sleep.

  As soon as the men left, Mindy crawled out of bed, walking to Sally, and turning. Pulling down her bottoms, she asked, “Is it bleeding, Sally? Or all black and blue?”

  Sally reached out a hand to touch the red stripes. She could feel the heat. “No, just red. How about mine?” She rolled over and pulled down her pants.

  Mindy touched her bottom that she knew looked pretty much like hers. “Nope, but it is really red and hot.”

  Sally and Mindy laughed as they drew up the blankets once again. “Our daddies sure love us, Mindy.” Sally smiled.

  “Yep, and the nannies, too. Now good night before we get in more trouble. My bottom can’t take any more for a while.” They both turned and went right to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning Etta and Nelda brought up breakfast and started running the bath. The hot water on her still tender bottom made Mindy squeal, giving Sally a heads up.

  Etta put some rose bubble bath in and let Mindy play for a few minutes while she got the dress, slips and stockings all out.

  Meanwhile, Sally ate her breakfast, before getting ready to take her own bath.

  “The hair dresser will be here to do your nails and hair soon. Do you know what you want?” Etta asked as she helped Mandy out of the tub and gently dried her off with a big fluffy towel.

  “I want two pig tails and doves on my fingers.”

  “I think that is an excellent idea. Something little and something big. Very wise,” she praised.

  Soon, the girls were standing in all their glory, waiting at the bedroom door for two strange men to walk them down the stairs to their soon to be husbands. They had gotten word that Clint and Adam had made it earlier.

  Etta and Nelda looked at their charges. They glowed. Both girls had long pigtails and beautiful white dresses, with doves on their nails. There was a soft, but firm knock on the door and Nelda opened it to two big men. Both were the same as their daddies: strong, muscular, and big. Mindy took the arm of one man who introduced himself as Clint. He smelled of fresh air. Sally took Adam’s arm.

  The men led them down the stairs to where their daddies waited for them by the big fireplace, the minister in front. Nearby there were tables full of food and all the ranch’s employees had gathered and were sitting at tables, watching. Adam and Clint led the brides next to their daddies before they took their places on the other side of them.

  During the vows when they repeated the “Obey” part, both girls put their hands on their bottoms, causing the four men to chuckle.

  After the ceremony, they a
ll sat and had a great catered meal. The caterers were also cleaning up afterwards, so that Nelda and Etta could have the day off.

  It seemed like almost no time had passed before Ike and Shaun were pulling the girls to the door. After helping them on with their coats, they sat the girls down and helped them with boots and mittens. After putting on Mindy’s hat, Ike kissed her gently.

  They led the girls outside, and were followed by everyone else, to see Pop was out front with a large sleigh pulled by two horses. Blankets waited on the seats, and after lifting them in, Shaun and Sally in the front seat, and Mindy and Ike in the back, the men tucked the blankets around them. Everyone from inside was outside watching and cheering as the horses and sleigh took off.

  Snow began to fall again, but gently this time, and the cold made their noses red, but the rest of them were toasty under the blankets. Pop took them for a ride around the ranch. Over trails and around ponds covered in ice. He had a bottle, which Mindy suspected had something in it to keep him warm too, while Shaun and Ike uncapped the thermos filled with hot chocolate. They ate valentine cookies the women had made the day before and drank hot chocolate while they rode around the ranch, enjoying all the glistening, snow-covered sights. Eventually, they came to the front, near the entrance.

  Pop stopped the sleigh, while Shaun pointed out the large sign that hung on great hooks next to the road. The girls began to laugh as Shaun explained he had carved it out himself and the ranch hands had hung it the day before yesterday. The great sign said:


  Underneath, in smaller letters it said:


  Underneath that, were four small hearts.

  “Because we found the love of our hearts on Valentine’s Day. We will add more when Clint and Adam find theirs.”

  The girls hugged their husbands, as Pop turned the sleigh around. They arrived back at the house, full of love and plans and good smells and good feelings. Where the girls still had a lot of learning to do, but they could be themselves.

  The End.

  Stay tuned for Clint and Adam’s stories soon.

  Char Cauley

  I am a happily married mother of three sons and two kitties. I live in a very small town (unincorporated) in Wisconsin. I love to garden, write and of course read. I also work in a glass factory with robots. Writing is a lifelong dream come true.

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Char Cauley and Blushing Books!

  Healer Series

  Amanda’s Wolf – Book 1

  Colleen's Laird – Book 2

  Little Hope’s Doctor – Book 3

  Seitka’s Shifter - Book 4

  The Healer Collection

  Daughters of Samual Fox Series

  Spring’s Savior - Book 1

  Summer’s Lawman - Book 2

  Autumn’s Doctor - Book 3

  Wynter’s Storm - Book 4

  Willow’s Journey - Book 5

  Daughters of Samual Fox Box Set

  Single Titles

  Ivy’s Hunted Dom


  Amanda’s Wolf

  The Lover’s Ball

  Valentine’s Day at the Dominion Hotel

  Michelle Peters

  Chapter 1

  As Alison entered through the glass entrance doors of the Dominion Hotel, she felt a comfort, like returning to an old friend, that’s if a building could be an old friend. The Dominion Hotel felt like an old friend to Alison. Its elegant design, the spacious lobby with high ceilings, the plush couch in the middle of the lobby, always stirred a warmth within her. As she made her way across the marbled lobby floor, she caught a scent from the large floral arrangement in the heart of the lobby, right beside the couches. It made her smile.

  The fragrant floral scent always reminded her of Tony Marino. Tony was the long-time manager of the Dominion Hotel, and more recently, the reason why her husband Matt Warrington was a part owner. Tony had always been very particular about what floral arrangements greeted the hotel guests. Apart from their aesthetic appeal, the floral perfume had to be perfect: subtle yet noticeable, never forward, always in the background.

  The bouquet was again perfect, and it is with sadness that Alison noticed this. The bouquet did not make her sad. She was sad because its smell brought back memories of Tony. Tony had died last summer, shortly after the Lover’s Ball. There wasn’t a day that went by when Alison didn’t miss him. The floral tradition of the hotel had now fallen to Miranda, Tony’s widow. Miranda is also Warrington’s ex-sub and Alison’s best friend.

  Miranda strode across the lobby towards Alison. “Here to see Matt?” she asked.

  Ever since Tony died, Warrington was spending more time at the Dominion. He’d set up an office there, making it his work base when in town. Warrington was a part owner of the Dominion, part of the consortium Tony put together to purchase the hotel. Tony’s ownership stake fell to Miranda upon his death. Warrington had taken it upon himself to mentor Miranda in all aspects of hotel management.

  The Dominion Hotel was one of the thirteen hotels Warrington had a stake in. He also owned the Broadstone Hotel, having acquired it from Alison’s father. Warrington owned the Broadstone as well as Alison. Alison had come along with the purchase of the family business, professionally as the hotel’s general manager, and personally as Warrington’s sub.

  “Have you seen him?” asked Alison.

  “Same place as always, in his office.” Miranda was dressed in a business jacket and matching skirt. The middle button of her jacket was done up, tight around her tiny waist, while tight across her chest, accentuating her ample bosom. The skirt was short, stopping above the knees, made to look shorter by her long legs. Her white open-collared silk shirt and a string of pearls showed off her long neck. She’d tied her long, thick blond hair back as best she could, but it still looked wild and free. Her makeup was subtle, hiding her freckles while enhancing the paleness of her skin. Her lipstick was fiery red. Try as she might, the business-woman Miranda could not completely mask the free-spirited wild child. Miranda was fine with that.

  Alison noticed the large binders Miranda had tucked under her arm, awkwardly shifting them from one side to the other, never finding a comfortable spot for them.

  “What’s he got you working on?” Alison asked, indicating the binders.

  “Budgets, forecasts. Spreadsheets.” Miranda’s face showed displeasure.

  “Well, if you ever get tired of the paperwork, you can always come back and drive the hotel car for me again.”

  Miranda flashed a half smile. ‘No, thanks, I’m good.” With a nod, Miranda continued across the lobby towards the ornate mahogany front desk and through the door hidden in the paneling. Her office, Tony’s old office, was behind the front desk.

  Alison watched her go, noticing how confident her step was. Miranda had always possessed a self-assuredness, but this was different. There was a new kind of strength in her. She was coming into her own.

  Alison crossed the lobby in the same direction as Miranda had gone, going past the front desk to the elevator bank. She pushed the call button for the express elevator to the Penthouse level. Once the elevator arrived, she stepped into the car, waving her key card across the security pad, simultaneously pushing the button for the Penthouse level.

  The Penthouse level was restricted access. Only guests registered to the floor were allowed access. Warrington maintained his office on the Penthouse floor, therefore Alison also had access to the floor. He’d set up shop in Tony’s old living quarters, not much more than a sitting room and a bedroom. There was no kitchen. Tony had either dined in the hotel restaurant or gone out. When Tony and Miranda married, they rented a small apartment a few blocks walking distance from the hotel. Tony gave up the hotel suite soon after.

  Alison swiped her key card once again, gaining access to Warrington’s office. She entered, stepping into the suite, the door closing quietly,
automatically behind her. She stood in the entranceway, looking across the suite at Warrington, his head down as he made notes while sitting behind his desk. Even after five years of marriage, she still got excited upon seeing her husband – her Dom – her Matt. His masculine, musky cologne filled the small suite. Alison breathed him in, watching him work.

  Warrington sensed she was there, looked up and smiled. His deep blue eyes, little wrinkles at the corners, looked directly at her. Amanda wasn’t sure what disarmed her the most, the intensity with which he looked at her, or the curling lips of his smile, perfect white teeth showing through. It didn’t matter. Either way, she loved being in his presence.

  She stepped into the suite. “What are you working on?”

  Warrington’s smile disappeared. “The Lover’s Ball. It’s tomorrow.”

  “I still don’t know why you’re organizing it. You’ve got enough on your plate already.” Alison asked. “Isn’t there usually a committee for this sort of thing?”

  “It kind of fell through the cracks this year. Tony usually spearheaded the committee.” They both paused, not wanting to go on in that direction. “Miranda seemed to want to avoid it altogether.”

  “Too many memories of Tony associated with it, I guess.” Alison finished Warrington’s thought.

  Warrington carried on. “By the time the holidays came and went, nothing was done, so I picked it up.”

  Alison placed a hand and her chin on Warrington’s shoulder. She brought her face close to his. He dropped the paper he was holding, turning to look into her eyes. He smiled, creases forming at the corner of his eyes.


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