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Out of the Woods (The Coalescence Book 1)

Page 20

by P. S. Power

  Then, he pulled his pain stone first. Being focused was part of what was needed, after all. When he managed to do that for an hour without being blasted by growing pain, he put that away and switched to making the copy. That took effort. Mainly in learning how to think about things correctly. Words were natural for him, but magic was largely without that sort of thing. It was about finding the raw idea behind what made a thing work and holding that in a given location until part of the item, in this case the rock in his hand, took on the characteristics needed.

  Before he started, he used the first cutter to trim the new stone. Everyone knew that you didn’t do that kind of thing to a magical item. Not if you wanted it to work afterward. So he ended up with a slender stone wand, about the length of his hand. It was smooth, as if polished, with two cut bands around the center. Working with wood wasn’t that different than stone. Not if you were using magic for it. He’d had a bit of practice, so it actually came out looking fairly nice.

  Then he did the work itself. It wasn’t brutally hard, but he kept going, not certain when he was finished. At first light Taman came out of her house, dressed all in black. He realized all of this when she started poking him. Apparently she had to do it for a while.

  “That’s done. Probably hours ago. On the good side it’s a very clean field. Powerful, so it should last a while. You need to test it. A cutter, so… How about…” She ran away then, as he stood up. His legs weren’t asleep or anything, even if he’d been sitting on hard focus stone all night.

  When she came back she was holding a solid focus stone brick.

  “Tiles, please. About a quarter inch thick, each slice of this can be quartered.” It was tan in color, made of earth from the area, at a guess. Rather than just start slicing, he worked out a guide rule, which took about half an hour. The end product was actually even however. Nearly perfectly so. Taman didn’t complain about it. She did make a face when he took the rock scrap back to the food device and came back with two leaves filled with fruit and bugs.

  To her credit, she nodded.

  “Fair enough. These aren’t even alive. They never were, so it doesn’t really count.” She still looked at them skeptically, then took the new cutter and the one that had been given to him for his copy attempt. After a bit she picked out a small oblong shaped fruit and bit it in half. Those were a bit sour, but had been in the mix with every meal that he’d had there, meaning she apparently was used to that.

  Looking at the magic devices she finally nodded.

  “You were in Vagus. The work isn’t Tor’s or Alyssa’s, since I’d recognize those. One of their mages. A woman or girl. I’d have to meet her to know more than that. The work is solid. Not wonderful. There’s no guide light on it, for instance. No glowing sigil either. That isn’t mandatory, but is popular in a lot of places right now. Technically the copy you made is a lot stronger than the original device. That only means it will last longer, however. Was that the plan?”

  Thinking about it, eating some rather slimy seeming wormlike things that had a vague dirt flavor, he had to admit it hadn’t been.

  “No. I was just supposed to make a simple copy. So, I probably wasted time.”

  That got his aunt, who was avoiding her insects while trying to seem like she wasn’t, to nod.

  “Yes and no. You did more than needed for the task assigned. The work itself isn’t at fault however. You didn’t waste anything doing that either. That kind of thing is close enough to meditation practice to count. It is interesting that you sought out training there. I mean, I can show you what to do. It’s even part of the plan.” She didn’t seem hurt or anything by it.

  Willum snorted.

  “Right. Seek out… I was handed the thing by one of their Mages. Tor did ask for her assessment of my mental skills, based on using that device of yours. She seemed to have a bit of trouble with it. Tor didn’t.”

  Finally, her eyes going a bit glassy, she ate one of the bugs. It was the kind with the crunchy legs, which had a bit of a nutty overtone to them. When she swallowed, the tiny wizard just grinned.

  “Well, he wouldn’t have an issue that way. Timon wouldn’t either. That’s it. Maybe Dare. He’s gotten good for some reason. Those are the builders that you need to model that part of your life after. You probably can’t afford to take a long time to learn how to do it. What do you have planned for today?”

  Looking up at the sky, he tried to work out the time factors.

  “I need to get with Count Ward. We have botanists coming in from the Ysidril. Twelve of them, I think. Ward is hosting them for the first bit. Queen Bumie has a place set out for them in Afrak, near their port there. Do you think that the people here can handle them? I don’t know how to even ask that.”

  She nodded, eating a banana. That had a peel on it, but was small and red.

  “This is good. Thanks. Anyway, Dareg did that one already, making light statues for people to look at, showing them. We announced that some of them might be past and that they are very kind, if fierce seeming. It shouldn’t be an issue. We don’t have violence here. The worst problems so far, since I came about five months ago, has been a few arguments. They don’t even expect me to fix that for them. They do this group council thing, to decide issues like that. The worst anyone would do with strangers is run away in fright.”

  That was good to hear. Probably bad for their long term survival, but for the Ysidril that would work really well.

  “Neat. So, can we put up accommodations for them here? I don’t know how long they might want to stay. We can use the same one that you have planned for the tour next week? Oh… I think I also have a deal in place with Dareg, for my new messenger service. Going to different realities? I didn’t know if I was supposed to set up how to get to places like that. Troy Lopez might help me as well. I need to groom him a bit more first. Hopefully being his friend will work, since he mentioned having a rather exclusive sounding lady back home. Otherwise I could just throw you at him.” That was teasing, but also not.

  Most men would accept Taman Baker as a lover, or even a friend, just based on her looks. Even if she made him eat bugs he didn’t think she was evil or mean. So far. Matter of fact occasionally, but that wasn’t always unwelcome.

  “Gold is out as well. The line walkers, his people, have fabulous wealth that way. More than Tor does, even. I think that being his friend is perhaps the best in we can get for now. The people from Brian’s world are having a similar issue with human Lopez. He’s their main contact, but other than fine foods they have little to offer him that he actually needs. We can do that as well, but he doesn’t eat that much. I was thinking of setting up a vacation palace for them. We have some lovely places here in this reality, along the Baker county coastline. I’d choose a spot here in Soam, but too much of it is radioactive.”

  Willum didn’t understand the words, but the explanation still made sense. It was the nuclear bomb contamination. Noram had gotten a bit of that. It hadn’t made anyone in Pine Creek ill, but had been a worry for a while.

  “We might want to avoid that then. Who do we need to bribe for rights to land there? Baker County, that sounds possible, for some reason? Queen Tiera used to rule there?”

  Taman braved another bug, though Will had eaten all of his already. It was just food, after all. Glancing at it she shook her head.

  “I… Didn’t mean you could only eat grubs and worms from now on. It was just a test, designed to push you now, so you wouldn’t fold or falter later.”

  That got him to fake a smile.

  “I know. I don’t want to do it either, but that’s why I have to. You aren’t wrong. Anything that might be a problem could cost me later. It’s why I have to do things with men as well. That’s… It’s hard for me. I don’t want to. It feels wrong.” His tone was sulky, so he shook his head. “Sorry, I won’t do that again. I can’t, can I?”

  Taman looked miserable suddenly.

  “No. I don’t think that’s allowable. It isn’t fair o
r anything. Even putting all of this on you isn’t. The idea that you might be good at it because other versions of you were… Well, that really does seem to work a lot of the time. Anyway. I’ll handle the land for the palace. You were telling me about botanists?”

  That story led to circling back to other things. One of them involving the newest mage trainee.

  “Erath of the Ysidril. A child. Have you met ye?”

  That got a head shake.

  “Not personally, but I’ve heard a lot of stories about them. Dareg is their friend. Along with High Leader Hess and Ambassador Neesa. She was at the meal the other day. I haven’t really gotten to speak to any of them at length yet.”

  “You should. They’re very intelligent. Probably more so than you or I are, so that isn’t faint praise. They also hold to some interesting ideas about serving others. Oh, that reminds me, I’ve been telling people to get in touch with you if they need me. I don’t have a listing on the handhelds yet. I’m not certain I should.”

  That got her to make a twitch with her head.

  “Well, keep me up on where you’re going then. At least when you’re planning to check in. Noon to three today?”

  “Sure. Oh, I need a magical sign. Can you get that for me? It’s for anyone coming out of the transport hut at Lairdgren School. It needs to be in English, so that we can direct people to Diana’s room, if they need help. During the night. When it’s light out they need directions to Doris’s classroom.”

  That got her to consider things for a bit, then she shrugged.

  “I’ll have that for you before you go today. Be back here at noon.”

  Then she took his large leaf, which he thought was from a banana plant, at least in style and walked away. Instead of hopping up, even though he needed to go and bathe himself, he pulled his handheld and got with Count Ward. The man smiled when he saw him.

  “Willum! Is there news about the guests?”

  “Yes. I arranged for you and myself to go meet them at seven, my time. That isn’t an exact measurement, which they’re aware of. That means I need to come get you in… Call it twenty minutes? I have to bathe first. Then we’ll come back with twelve botanists. Queen Bumie of Afrak has housing for them at her space port there. Ancient Taman of Soam is putting a palace up here. It’s the same one that you’ll be in later in the week, but there will be more than enough room. We can almost certainly take them to Vagus as well. Oh, Erath the Ysidril? Ye has gained entrance to their mage school there. Passed the test and everything.”

  The idea that Count Ward might have been impressed was why it had been mentioned. Instead the man teared up, smiling.

  “That’s incredible! We should hold a party in Erath’s honor. I… Honestly, I don’t know if the Ysidril do that kind of thing. I should inquire about it. Perhaps with High Leader Hess? I know him best of all the Ysidril, so far. Great being, Hess.”

  “Funny, one of Neesa and Erath’s parents, Tom, he mentioned you in a similar fashion. Count Ward, Blue Circle. One of the three he considered great beings from Earth.”

  That got a very pleased smile then.

  “In twenty minutes?”

  “Only if I run. See you then.” It was rude to get off the device that quickly, but it was either that or not wash. He had no clue how sensitive the Ysidril were to scents at all. They had noses, which were actually easily identifiable as such. That meant dashing in to borrow Taman’s soap and towel amulets, then dashing away, at his full speed.

  That nearly got him to stumble in amazement. So far he hadn’t really tried to do anything physical since his change. He’d been told that he was faster, but he’d figured that it would be twenty or thirty percent greater than before. It was closer to ten times. More, Will was nearly certain that he could actually go faster than he was, without a lot of effort. That got him to the bathing pool, which was still empty for the day. As he was running back, he encountered Taman, who was dressed up like the locals.

  That meant topless, with only a red skirt on. She was pale compared to them, but he managed to ignore her being anything more than his aunt and passed the amulets to her.

  “Got to run. I’ll be back at noon. Hopefully.”

  He tried to come up with what kind of clothing was needed for the trip. He decided to wear what he had the evening before, which was brown student’s clothing, with his pine tree emblem on it. He had everything else he owned with him still. Including the new cutter and the one that Mage Jin had lent him for the effort.

  His amazing pain rock, too. Everything was on him. That had been one of the rules, really. That he always be prepared. So he had a sack filled with amulets on his side as well. Untouched for the most part. One of the disguise amulets needed to be around his neck at all times, however.

  As he walked into Warden, by the bake shop there, which was still closed, Will found Count Ward right in front of him. Alone, dressed all in stately black, with the middle of his tunic a blue circle that could probably be seen from half a mile away, thanks to its size. That got him to smile at the man, as he bowed.

  “Okay, no wonder they like you so much. Here I thought the pine tree was me being clever. Oh. There might be a news gathering crew there, to see us off. From the Forten? I don’t know much about them. Humans. Other than that, not much. I don’t want you to be shocked, but I don’t know how invasive this will be. The Ysidril thought it was important enough to argue both having them and not doing it, in their own language. I could barely understand them.”

  The Count held his head high and gestured to the hut that Willum was standing in.

  “Thank you for the warning then. I have a good, space worthy shield. Dareg provided it for me. Do we also have the magics that make the Ysidril comfortable here?”

  That got wide eyes.

  “Thank you for the reminder. Okay. I…” He was at a loss, totally. Worse, when he tried Dareg on the handheld there was no answer at all. In desperation, he found High Leader Hess, hoping that the being would know how to find Dare Canton. That didn't seem likely at all, to be fair. The King of Noram wouldn’t know where Will was at any given time after all. He only had one kingdom to watch out for as well. Hess had the entire world of Mars.

  The being answered the device almost as fast as was possible.

  “Greetings. I am Hess. How may I serve you today?”

  “Hello! Um… I’m Will Baker. Pine Tree Emblem.” He moved the handheld slowly so that it would show and tapped it with a finger. Three times. It was a thing now, he decided. “We have twelve of your people coming here, to Warden in the kingdom of Noram, on Earth. Now. I was hoping to get with Dareg about the devices that will let them move comfortably, but can’t reach him.”

  Hess bobbed, his mouth popping open easily.

  “That is not a problem. Dareg, in his wisdom, has seen fit to leave many of those in the magic stores here. I can get those and meet you at Mars two. The café. Call it three minutes?”

  Willum bowed, going low. Behind him the Count was doing the same thing. It wasn’t every day that the High Leader of anything ran errands for you, after all.

  Hess hissed out a single word, which meant that he’d see them shortly.

  That meant going to Mars first, but they would be no more than a few moments late. Maybe not even that, if Hess was right on his time assessment. That turned out to be a bit off, but the man, and he was clearly male, floated up to them at a high rate of speed, a magical floating case behind them.

  “Sorry I took so long. I tried to run first. That was too slow. Here, Will Pine Tree. This amulet will allow you to control the box. I loaded it with fifty units, is that enough?”

  Will didn’t correct the High Leader. After all, it was close enough and might help the fellow recall him later.

  “Twelve today. Thank you for this. If you need me for anything, please get in touch with Taman Baker for that? Or of course, Count Ward. Blue Circle.”

  The being actually clapped his lower hands then.

  “I thou
ght that was you! Wonderful. We should get together soon and discuss how to lead human beings. This is… I don’t think I’m doing it right, so far.”

  Will bowed, going low, since the man was, for the time being the king of an entire planet.

  “That isn’t what I’ve heard. In fact, everyone that spoke about it with me said you were one of the finest leaders they’ve ever seen. Not that talking with Count Ward isn’t a wonderful idea. His people are happy seeming, which is a good sign. Oh… Um, do your people have parties and celebrations? Erath of the Ysidril has earned a place learning magic in Vagus. Count Ward wants to put something together for ye, but we don’t know the customs and of course, don’t want to give offense.”

  The leader went still for several moments, which was what they did when they were uncertain of the situation, Will was starting to understand.

  There was a hiss then, which was hard to work out. Mainly because it was under the other being’s breath, more or less. Also, some of the words were new.

  Tilting his head, he remembered to bob a bit, to show he was thinking.

  “The little something is proving ye’s self?”

  Hess actually roared then. Happily.

  “Ahhh! That is right! The Little Troublemaker is proving ye’s self. Exactly! Where did you learn our language? I’m humbled and honored that you would try, even.”

  There was a bow with that, which got the Count doing it as well.

  “Erath and Tom tutored me a bit last night. I need to learn more. Quickly. I think the plan is to put me in as the human representative to your home world, if I can prove myself worthy of that. I have a year to learn, but have other studies at the same time.”

  Hess was just bouncing then, which seemed very happy to Will.

  “Yes and yes and yes. I can see this, Pine Tree Emblem. Will Baker? I have the name correctly?”

  “Either will work. Oh, we’re planning to come past in a week or so. Count Ward, his Countess, Alyssa Baker, Ambassador Neesa and possibly a few other people. Doing a tour of several lands and worlds. Possibly the new fleet as well, yours, if we can manage it. Is it all right for us to come here for that? We can change the plans if it isn’t. We don’t want to be a stress or burden.”


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