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Mending (This)

Page 14

by J. B. McGee

  He was relieved when he heard the chime of a text on the cell phone. He wasn’t sure who it was from, but he silently prayed it would be from Gabby. He reached down and pulled his cell phone from the cup holder in the center console of the compact car. He swiped the screen and saw that it was indeed from Gabby.

  Gabby – 6:17pm

  *Got your messages, just got home.*

  He quickly punched the button for the voice command and immediately replied.

  *What took you so long?*

  He waited and waited but nothing. She never answered him. She was clearly still upset with him and was giving him full force silent treatment, including texts. He exhaled running his fingers through his hair, he was thankful she had at least let him know she was home. He decided he’d give her a little bit of time to get settled and then try to call her again.

  At 6:45pm, he decided he’d try to call her. His brows furrowed and his face crinkled when he heard a guy’s voice on the other end.


  “I must have the wrong number.” Bradley fumbled.

  He could have sworn there was a small chuckle on the other end before he heard the other guy say, “Who were you trying to reach?”

  “Gabby Gerhart.” Bradley spoke authoritatively.

  “She can’t come to the phone.”

  Bradley was fuming at this point. As his emotions heightened, so did the amount of gas his foot was giving his car increasing the speed. “Who the hell is this?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. Who the hell are you?”

  It was a good thing that Bradley was only talking to the fool over the phone because if he had been anywhere near him he would have slapped the living shit out of them. He wasn’t just furious at this point, either. He was concerned. Who the hell had Gabby’s phone. “I’m her boyfriend, jackass. Put her on the phone.”

  “No, she doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore. From the sounds of how her day has gone, you’re the jackass. Have a nice night.”

  The line went dead and Bradley threw his phone into the passenger seat while banging his fists against his steering wheel cursing. He accelerated the gas even more determined to get to Gabby as soon as possible.

  When he arrived at Gabby’s apartment, he noticed that her car was in the parking lot. He didn’t see John’s car in the parking lot and he was 99% sure that the guy on the phone had not been John. He’d met him a couple of times and they had always gotten along well. John’s accent was different, though. His accent was more southern than the guy from earlier. He really didn’t know any other guy friends that Gabby had. She really seemed to keep to herself and other than he, Sam and John, he didn’t think Gabby had many friends that she hung out with on a personal level.

  He looked through the rear view mirror smoothing his hair into place. He couldn’t help but think that he looked like crap, but then again, who wouldn’t given his situation. He shook his head from side to side when he thought about how differently his day had gone than he planned. It was all still very surreal, as if he were watching his life unfold before him. As if he was in a movie watching some actor go through these terrible motions. He reached over and grabbed his cell phone. He’d be lucky if that dang thing survived the day it was having. He couldn’t help but smile at thinking of how many times the phone had been thrown over the course of his nightmare. He climbed out of the car and made his way up the steps thinking he should have stopped and at least gotten her flowers. But, he also had not wanted to waste time getting her flowers when he was worried that she could be in danger.

  When he got to the door, he knocked and no one answered. He put his ear up to the door to see if he could hear anything. Nothing, it was completely quiet in her apartment. The lights were all off and the front porch light was on, as if she wasn’t home. This time, he punched the door with his fist. “Gabby, let me in, it’s Bradley.” Still nothing. Finally, a neighbor who had heard his banging opened their door. An older man opened the door, “Hey man, she’s not home. She was just leaving when I got home about twenty minutes ago.”

  Bradley frowned and sighed. “Do you know what he looked like?”

  “No, sorry.”

  “Well, do you know if she looked upset or anything?”

  “She looked content. I’m sure they’ll be back in a little bit.” The man chuckled. “I just didn’t want you to bust your knuckles up banging on her door.”

  “Hmph, thanks, I guess.” Bradley turned and walked back to his car. He was defeated and exhausted from emotional ups and downs of the day. The more he thought about it, though, the more sure he was that he’d wait on her to get home. He’d give her an hour and if she wasn’t back by then, he’d call Sam and have her track her sister down for him.

  He decided to move his car a more distant parking place, but one where he would still be able to see the stairs to her apartment. He listened to music, much of which painfully reminded him of Gabby. He played stupid games on his phone, wrote a couple of work emails, but nothing he did could get his mind off of her for the time he waited. Every time a car drove by him, he perched up with anticipation that maybe it might be her. Finally, he watched a Camaro pull into the parking lot and saw Gabby get out of the passenger side. He rolled his eyes at the prick who didn’t even have the decency to open the door for his girl. He waited a moment and then got out of his car, giving them a little lead. He couldn’t get a good look at the guy, but he had his suspicions as to who it was. He cringed at the thought of him putting his hands on his Gabby. While he wanted to give them lead time, he didn’t want to give them too much. He didn’t know how long he could stand seeing her with someone else. Besides, what the hell was she doing with another guy already, anyway? That was a little fast. He wondered if she had secretly been seeing someone else this entire time. Surely, not, he thought.

  They had already rounded the corner of the upstairs landing when he started climbing the stairs. When he turned the corner he could have never prepared himself for what he was seeing.

  Gabby was standing at her door with her hands together and crossed in front of her, obviously trying to stay warm. All he could think of was how he wanted to hold her in his arms and try to warm her. How he wanted to carry her over that threshold and take her inside and tell her it was all going to be okay.

  He was even more livid as he got closer and heard the words coming out of Gabby’s mouth.

  “Ian, it was nice to catch up with you. Thank you for tonight. It was a very nice distraction from my life.”

  He caressed his knuckles down her cheek, “Gabs, I want to see you again.” He leaned in and began to kiss her.

  That was it. He could handle a lot of things, but he couldn’t handle watching another guy touching her. Especially not this prick.

  Chapter 18

  January 14, 2011 ~ 8:02pm

  The Present


  Bradley was taking swift long strides towards Gabby and Ian. “I have been waiting for the day I would get to do this.” Bradley spat through gritted teeth as he pulled Ian from Gabby and slung a punch square in his jaw. “And, to think I was worried I wouldn’t have a good excuse.” He shoved him, “You best never touch her again. Do you understand me?” He spat as he punched him again knocking him to the ground.

  “BRADLEY! Stop!” Gabby shouted. She had never seen him like this. He looked like crap.

  Ian was getting up swinging to punch Bradley, but Gabby lunged in between the two of them and Bradley quickly grabbed Ian’s fist before it hit her square in the head.

  Bradley never took his eyes off of Ian as he held his fist. “Gabby, go inside.” He calmly ordered. “Now.”

  She glanced up to him out of breath, “No way and what are you doing here, anyway?”

  Bradley quickly glanced down to her through clenched teeth, “What is he doing here is a better question, don’t ya think?” He squeezed his eyes closed for a moment, “And kissing you?”

  “It’s not what you think.” Gabby whispe

  “Really?” Glancing back and nodding at Ian, “Did he tell you I called earlier?”

  This time she looked back to Ian puzzled. “What is he talking about?”

  Ian glared at Bradley and then looked back to Gabby. “You were so upset, it was obvious Gabs. I told him you couldn’t come to the phone. ”

  Her eyes widened and she grew more livid by the second. “And, you not only answered my phone, but you decided to not tell me.”

  “It slipped my mind.” Ian smiled his most charming smile as he looked down at her.

  Bradley interceded lunging toward him again, “Yeah, like hell it slipped your mind. I see you’re still the immature dick you were when you broke her heart.”

  “Enough!” Gabby whipped her head back and forth between the both of them. “That’s enough. Why don’t you both just leave?”

  She turned around and fumbled to get her key into the door to unlock it. Both guys ceased their own brawl and immediately started trying to talk to her, pleading for her to listen to each of them. When she was able to get the key undone, she slipped into the hole and quickly slammed it, locking it as fast as she could. She stood with her back against the wall for a few minutes listening to the guys yelling at each other. She slid down the door and cupped her face in her hands and she quietly sobbed. But, she could hear them screaming outside. She worried someone would end up calling the law if she didn’t intercept their fight. But, then she heard Bradley yell at Ian, “Are you gonna tell her or am I?”

  Her brows furrowed and she was now curious what else there was to tell her. She put her head up against the door to listen.

  “Tell her what?”

  “Oh, are you seriously going to stand there and act like you are oblivious?”

  Gabby heard a slamming sound and she looked through the peep hole to see Bradley had pushed Ian up against the wall and had his forearm under his chin in a chokehold. As much as she was curious, she knew she needed to break them up again. She slung the door open and grabbed Bradley by the shoulders, “Bradley, stop.” His solid body barely moved with her pulling. “Please. Just go inside, I’ll deal with Ian.”

  “I’m not leaving you out here with him.” Bradley backed up into her arms looking deeply into her eyes.

  She couldn’t ignore the rush of relief that flooded her body as she felt his touch again. She took a deep breath trying to steady her thumping heartbeat. “Then you need to keep your hands off of him for a minute.” She spoke calm and determined.

  Bradley’s body relaxed a little, “Fine.”

  Gabby turned back to Ian. “I don’t know what the hell else there is to tell me. But, I know that I was right to be guarded with you all night tonight.” She walked closer to him pointing her finger. When she was so close that he couldn’t move, she jabbed her finger into his chest. “If I ever see you again, it will be too soon.”

  Ian interrupted her, “I meant everything I said tonight. How can you say that?”

  “Because, I don’t trust a word out of your mouth. You screw with my head and my heart. I’m done. I’m done letting you into my life to trample on my emotions.” She closed her eyes. “And, thank you.” She whispered.

  Half of Ian’s face scrunched in curiosity. “Thank you? For what?”

  “Thank you for coming back and letting me have the opportunity to tell you to go to hell. Now leave.” She hissed.

  Ian looked back over Gabby’s shoulder at Bradley and narrowed his eyes. “You’d rather be with Atlanta’s biggest playboy? Tell me, Gabby. Did you give it up for him?” Ian hissed.

  Gabby couldn’t contain her anger with him anymore. Before she had time to think twice she slapped his smug cheek. “That’s none of your damn business.” She clenched her teeth and backed up towards Bradley, “Now. I said, leave.”

  Bradley stepped up and put his hands on her shoulders. He smiled victoriously, “You heard her, prick. Get outta here before I kick your ass all the way back to Atlanta.”

  Chapter 19

  January, 2011: The Present


  Ian threw his hands in the air defeated, “Whatever.”

  After Bradley had been sure that he had gotten into his car and driven away, he turned to Gabby. “Let’s go inside, we need to talk.”

  Gabby put her hands on her hips and stood firm, “No, I have nothing to say to you. Nor, do I want to hear anything you have to say to me.”

  “Oh, you do have some explaining to do yourself.” He put his hands in his pocket and cocked his head to the side, “You can start with why he was kissing you.”

  She hissed, “I don’t owe you any explanations.” She shook her head as tears began to prick the back of her eyes. “If anything, you are the one owing the explanations and I don’t want to hear them tonight.”

  “Yeah, it would have been nice if you had let me figure this crap out in Atlanta. It would have been good for you to have given me the benefit of the doubt.” He ran his fingers through is hair, “But instead you go off an entertain the ass wipe from the past.” He closed his eyes, “You couldn’t step outside of yourself for two friggin’ minutes to look at things objectively.”

  “Oh, don’t you dare make this about me or my fault.” She hissed.

  “Oh, c’mon, Gabriella. You didn’t think the timing was odd?” He threw his hands up, “Of all days for Veronica to show up at my door, and then he just happens to show up to conveniently pick up the pieces of your despair?”

  “I didn’t have time to think about the timing, it all happened so fast.”

  “Yeah, and it happened fast for me, too. But instead of us sticking together, you run, as usual.” He looked away from her. “I gotta get outta here. I need some time to re-think things, myself.” When he looked back to her she noticed how red his eyes were and she knew he must have spent the entire day crying or drinking, but her bet was on the crying since he’d driven four hours to Columbia. She sulked because the thought of him being in pain made her feel terrible. He was right, she had been so selfish.

  “I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He turned and walked away.

  “Hey, where are you going?” She said it loud enough for him to hear, but she was quiet because she was exhausted.

  He stopped and glanced back at her, “I don’t know yet.”

  “Well, you’re not going to drive all the way back to Atlanta, are you?”

  He looked so tired and defeated, “No, Gabby. I’m not.”

  “You can sleep on the couch if you want a place to crash.” She shrugged her shoulder.

  He smiled a half-smile, “Thanks, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because Gabby, as much as you hurt me and I’ve hurt you, I still want you and there is no way I can be near you right now.”

  Tears streamed down her face, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She fidgeted with her fingers, “I just didn’t know what to do.” She wiped the tears from her eyes, “I do love you.”

  He started walking towards her, “And, I love you.” He put his hands on both sides of her head and pulled her in placing a soft, sweet kiss on her head. She wrapped her hands around his waist, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She looked up at him, but he looked away and pushed her back. “Go inside so I can be sure you’re safe.” He closed his eyes tightly, “I shouldn’t have even walked away without knowing you were locked away inside, first.”

  She did as she was told, “You’ll call tomorrow?”

  “That’s what I said, isn’t it? Have I ever told you I would call, text, or email and not done it?”

  She felt like an errant child, “No.”

  He nodded his head, “Night, Gabby.”

  She was holding the door, leaning into it. “Night.” She watched him as he walked away with his head down. She had never seen him like this before. He was definitely not the confident, in total control, fun loving CEO she had falle
n so madly in love with. She thought she had known heartbreak on the way home, but watching this man walk away from her looking so broken, much like she imagined she looked walking away from Ian and Lindsey, she closed and locked the door sliding down to the floor. She heaved and sobbed uncontrollably.

  Eventually, she wasn’t able to cry tears anymore. She dragged herself to bed. She didn’t change her clothes or do anything she normally did at night before bed, like washing her face, taking her contacts out, or putting on her pajamas. She just wanted to sleep. Maybe when she woke up she’d realize it had all been a bad dream.

  The next morning Gabby woke up with the most horrible headache. She hated when she cried hard like she had the day before. And, she hadn’t just cried like that once, but it had been multiple times. She was hoping it was all a bad dream, but the headache was confirmation that it was all very real.

  She sat up and put her legs down by the side of the bed and massaged her temples trying to comprehend all of the events that had gone down over the last twenty four hours. The only thing even remotely amusing about the situation was the thought of trying to retell it to someone. It was crazy, like something off of a soap opera, except it wasn’t. This drama had become her mess to deal with and she had no idea where to even begin trying to mend all of the broken pieces back together. If mending them was even possible.

  She stretched and loosely pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She knew if she pulled her hair too tight it would just make the dull ache in her head so much worse. On days like today, she was thankful for the automatic coffee brewer that Sam had bought her for Christmas. All she had to do was add the coffee and water the night before and the timer would cut it on for her so she woke up with freshly brewed, hot coffee. She grabbed her favorite oversized mug, ironically one that Bradley had given her, from the cabinet and poured her coffee. She opened the drawer that had her pain killers and popped two of those in her mouth, swallowing them with a sip of coffee. Surely, between the coffee and the pills she would be feeling better in no time. And, maybe if she was feeling better, then she could begin to deal with yesterday’s mess. She flipped the television on and pulled her knees to her chest on the couch as she waited for her body to not feel like it had been hit head on by a freight train.


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