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The Bachelor Pact Box Set

Page 41

by Rita Herron

  Reason was forgotten.

  He gently trailed kisses along her jaw, then up her neck to the sensitive shell of her ear, and lower. Unbearable need pulsed through him. She tasted like fire and sin, and sultry promises that turned his senses inside out with want. His hands tiptoed across her shoulders and down her torso, the pressure of her breasts against his chest intensely erotic. He wanted to touch her there, too, to taste her sweetness and hear her cry out his name as he suckled her. Another sip at her neck and he licked his way down to the curve of her breasts, but suddenly the porch light sprang on.

  Seconds later the door burst open. "Sophie!" Lucy's head flounced through the opening. "Oh, my gosh, I didn't mean to interrupt. I heard voices and wanted to make sure that pervert wasn't back."

  Lance stiffened, lowering his hands in front of him to hide his erection, while Sophie ran her hands through her hair trying to tame the wild ends. The gesture simply enticed him more.

  Then Lucy's words rang through his sex-starved brain. The pervert? So Sophie hadn't informed her sister that he'd been arrested?

  "Lucy," Sophie said in a warning voice. "Uh, there wasn't a pervert—"

  "There was, too. I saw him, and called the police."

  "You called the police?" Lance said.

  "Yes, of course. What did you expect me to do, let him stalk us?"

  "He wasn't a stalker," Sophie said.

  Lance's anger cropped back. "You had me arrested?"

  "You're the pervert," Lucy said.

  "I'm not a pervert," Lance said tightly, "or a stalker." But before Sophie he was a legendary sleeper—eight to ten hours a night.

  "It was a misunderstanding," Sophie said, trying to play peacemaker. "Lucy, Lance was watching the house because he was worried about us with the door missing."

  Lucy wrinkled her nose. "Sophie and I can take care of ourselves. We don't need a man; for goodness' sake, we grew up in Vegas."

  Sophie gently pushed her sister's arm, urging her back inside. "Lucy, that's enough."

  Lance backed away. For some reason Sophie's sister didn't seem to like him.

  What had he done to make her disapprove of him?

  * * *

  "What are you doing home so early? I expected you and loverboy to tie one on." Sophie closed the door, instantly annoyed at the sight of Lucy's things strewn across the den. Knowing her attempts to teach Lucy to be a neatnik were futile, she bit her tongue, more important issues rising to the surface.

  Like Lucy's rotten timing. Why had she interrupted her and Lance? And why had she been so hostile?

  "I started feeling guilty about leaving you with Jeremy, and decided to come home so we could spend some time together."

  Guilt tugged at Sophie for being irritated. Lucy was in town for only the week. If she could give up a man, which was rare for Lucy, in exchange for time with her sister, Sophie shouldn't complain.

  She threw her arm around Lucy's shoulders and they walked to the den. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I was just surprised."

  "And disappointed because I interrupted you two getting it on." Lucy gave her a curious look. "What exactly is going on between you Lance?"

  Sophie dropped onto the sofa, perplexed herself. "I... I'm not sure."

  "You were making out?"

  Sophie shrugged. "He kissed me."

  "I saw that."

  Sophie narrowed her eyes. "You interrupted on purpose?"

  Lucy winced. "No, I did hear a noise; then I opened the door and saw you." She toyed with the pillow on the sofa. "Are things moving forward with you two?"

  "I don't know," Sophie said, miserable. "One minute we were talking about the renovations; the next we were tangled together in a lip-lock."

  "He's a good kisser?"

  Sophie pressed her fingers to her temple. "The best."

  "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

  Sophie groaned and dropped her head into her hands. "I'm trying not to be. After all, he did trick himself out of that date with me. And he's given me no reason to think he wants a relationship."

  "Then stick to Maddie's rules." Lucy twirled a strand of hair around one finger. "What was rule number five?"

  "Make sure his teeth are sunk in; then reel him in."

  "His teeth aren't sunk yet?"

  "They only nibbled at the surface."

  "So it was a good thing I interrupted. You indulged in some foreplay, but it's way too soon to consummate."

  Sophie moaned again. She desperately had wanted to consummate things. "Right."

  Lucy patted her back sympathetically. "How'd you end up together, anyway? I thought you and Jeremy were having coffee."

  "We did." Sophie explained about his emergency. "But I have to admit that I was grateful when he left, Lucy. Jeremy is—"


  Sophie laughed. "Dreadfully so."

  "Sorry, Soph." Lucy clasped Sophie's hand, a wicked gleam in her eyes that Sophie didn't quite understand. "We'll do better for you next time."

  "What do you have up your sleeve, Lucy?"

  Lucy feigned innocence. "Nothing. But you're going to accept dates from that singles service for the show, right?"

  "Did you have to remind me?"

  Lucy squeezed her arm. "Who knows, you might just meet Mr. Right from one of the listings."

  "And if I don't?"

  "Then you'll have fun." Lucy pulled her into a hug. "After all, we don't need a man, Soph. We have each other. Together we're invincible, remember?"

  Sophie hugged her. "Of course I do, silly. We'll always have each other no matter what."

  Lucy nodded. "And no man will ever come between us."

  Sophie heard traces of the fear she and Lucy had lived with as children. Deseree had let the men in her lives do exactly that, replace her time and feelings for her children. But Sophie and Lucy had vowed never to fall into that trap.

  "No, Lucy, no man will ever come between us."

  * * *

  Emotions ping-ponged in Lance's head as he left Sophie's. He hated the fact that Lucy didn't like him, but adrenaline still surged through him from the steamy kiss he'd shared with Sophie. He had wanted more. Sophie had wanted more.

  He wouldn't sleep tonight for dreaming about having more.

  Perspiration beaded on his forehead, and he cranked down his window to let some cool air inside. But the temperature had risen to the high eighties and the air felt sultry. Just as Sophie's touch had.

  Maybe he should give in and sleep with her to purge her from his system. But what if that didn't work? What if one time only made him crave another and another and he became obsessed with her and needed her, and then she left him?

  His sleep deprivation must be getting to him, making him crazy.

  Because you're crazy over Sophie.

  No, crazy in lust, maybe, but he and Sophie really had nothing in common. Other than the fact that they both liked restoring the house, and that she took care of her little sister just as he had with his...

  His cell phone rang, jarring him, and he grabbed it off the console. "Lance here."

  "Hey, man, it's Reid. Listen, McDaniels phoned and left a message. If we're still interested in this deal, he wants us to meet him at seven am at that new Pancake Palace."

  Lance sighed in relief. "Don't worry, bro; I'll be there."

  Reid agreed to meet him, then hung up. The local drugstore caught Lance's eye, and he veered into the parking lot and rushed inside. He wouldn't allow images of Sophie or the heat wave to keep him awake tonight. He'd find some over-the-counter sleeping pill and down it so he could spend the night in peace for a change and be fresh for his morning meeting.

  A good night's rest, and he'd be able to put this insane attraction in perspective and get back on track.

  * * *

  Sometime around four in the morning, the sleeping pill finally took effect. Unfortunately, Lance had doubled the dosage out of desperation, and he slept straight through his alarm clock. A banging on the door fin
ally woke him from his slumber. He dragged the pillow over his eyes, certain a bulldozer had attacked the house. The banging continued, the windows rattling from the force. Maybe it was an earthquake.

  Cursing beneath his breath, he plastered both hands over his ears and burrowed further down into the bed. His limbs felt as if they'd been weighed down with concrete boulders, and pain sliced through his temple as if a chain saw had been unleashed on his skull.

  Then a door slammed shut in the den, footsteps cut through the noise, and Reid appeared in his bedroom. Lance managed to tear one eyelid open enough to squint through the early-morning sunshine.

  "What the hell are you doing in bed?" Reid roared. "You missed the meeting. And this time McDaniels says he's finished with us for good."

  Chapter 11

  Sleep forgotten, Lance charged out of bed, sick to his stomach that he'd missed the meeting and let his brother down. For God's sake, his company's immediate and possible long-term future depended on him staying on his toes instead of on his back in bed, regardless of whether or not he'd had any sleep in the last decade.

  "I'll fix it; I swear I will, Reid." He reached for the phone and began to punch in numbers.

  "It's no use," Reid said. "He was pretty pissed. Let him cool down first."

  Lance dropped the phone, disgusted with himself. He'd always been the responsible one. Reid counted on him. "I'll apologize. Grovel." Lie if he had to, but he'd damn well do everything he could to salvage this deal.

  Reid made a harrumph sound. "I don't know what's gotten into you, Lance. Are you sick or something?"

  Sick with lust. "Or something."

  Reid eyed him with suspicion. "You don't have some disease, do you? Ulcers, a heart problem?"

  Both. "My health is fine." Lance rubbed a hand over his beard stubble. "I just haven't been sleeping lately."

  Reid folded his arms and leaned against the door-jamb. "A woman, right?"

  Lance frowned and cut his eyes sideways at his alarm clock. At least he'd gotten three and a half hours.


  Lance unrolled his fisted hands and stared at his stained fingernails, struggling to formulate an answer.

  "Jesus, Lance, if she bugs you that much, why not go to bed with her and get her out of your system?"

  Hadn't he contemplated the same idea the night before?

  "Because she wants more than I can give."

  "Maybe once you connect, she'll get tired of you."

  Lance's head jerked up.

  "It's happened before, hasn't it?"

  Did Reid have to remind him of his other failed relationships? Not that he wanted a relationship...

  "You take things way too seriously, man. It's obviously been too long since you've been with a woman." Lance opened his mouth to argue, but Reid raised his hand in warning. "Go on, get laid; then you can focus back on business." With that last bit of advice, Reid turned and strode out the door.

  Lance stared at his retreating back, wondering if it could be a simple as his little brother suggested.

  Either way, he had a lot to do to convince McDaniels to give him a second chance. And he was going to call that sleep clinic and set up an appointment.

  The getting laid part he'd have to think about.

  * * *

  Desperate for help, Reid drove toward Sophie's to talk to Lucy. He had never seen his brother behave so oddly. If Lance didn't get his act together, their company might fall apart.

  And all because of a woman.

  But what could he do? He and Lance had interfered with Maddie and Chase and almost kept them apart. He wouldn't make the same mistake with his brother and try to keep him from someone he loved. If Reid could do something to help Lance get with Sophie, he'd give it a try. After all, he owed Lance everything.

  If his brother hadn't taken care of him and Maddie, he would have been lost. No, not just lost; he might have floundered forever. Reid had enjoyed being part of the Terrible Three, Lance, Chase and Reid, the bad boys. He'd liked the excitement of living on the edge of trouble a little too much, and might have followed a path into complete destruction. A simple drunk and disorderly might have turned into serious jail time; hot-rodding on the highway might have escalated into joyriding with a stranger's car; and Reid would probably be making license plates now instead of building three-hundred-thousand-dollar homes.

  He shuddered, grateful Lance had discovered his love of renovating houses and forced Reid to work with a hammer and nails to keep him off the streets.

  He'd save his brother now.

  He'd also heed his brother's advice and steer clear of a relationship with Lucy. Luscious, sexy little Lucy.

  Still, he could use her help....

  Certain he had mastered control of his emotions and his attraction to Sophie's sister, Reid parked his Tahoe in front of Sophie's, determined to speak with Lucy, then finish up over at Skidaway so he could help Lance complete Sophie's renovations.

  He rubbed a hand over his face as he approached the house, admiring the woodwork as he rang the doorbell. Loud rock music vibrated from inside, and through the front window he noticed movements. He rang the doorbell again and waited, but the music drowned out the sound. Taking a step sideways, he glanced through the window to attract Sophie's or Lucy's attention. Lucy danced through the room, wearing a silky-looking, black, French-cut leotard. His throat closed.

  Soft, voluptuous curves swayed and gyrated. Her dramatic hip movements amplified her sexuality as she slowly trailed the side of her hand down her body. Then she arched her back, presenting him with the silhouette of her profile.

  Lord have mercy on his befuddled brain. He'd never seen anything so beautiful.

  Strawberry-blond curls kissed her shoulders and hung down her back, her generous breasts were thrust upward, and her eyes were closed, her entire being thrown into the sultry seduction of the dance. And her legs... slender, shapely legs—spread slightly as if she were doing a back bend—ended with a pair of red stiletto heels....

  He felt like a voyeur but could not tear himself away from the window or drag his gaze from her as she traced the tip of a rose petal down the center of her face to her neck, then lower across her breasts and over her bare belly.

  His throat went completely dry while his heartbeat jumped into record-breaking speed. The music finally slowed, and Lucy twirled around, spread her feet, and bent forward from the waist to touch the floor with splayed hands. In a graceful gesture that stole his breath, she tiptoed her fingers over her legs, up her body, and raised them above her head, ending with her body in a statuesque pose with her breasts thrust forward.

  He was so rattled that it took him a second to register the fact that she'd opened her eyes and caught him watching her.

  * * *

  Lucy had performed for thousands of strangers before, but knowing Reid was watching from the porch had stirred her own sexuality and heightened her awareness of every suggestive move.

  What was he doing here, anyway?

  All night she'd worried that she was doing the wrong thing by using the charms and talismans on Sophie, but she believed they'd help Sophie find romance. If anyone deserved to be happy, her sister did. She simply had to loosen up.

  And find a more impulsive man.

  The rock music faded in the background, and she finally dragged her gaze from Reid, who hadn't yet moved from the porch. Had he enjoyed her performance? Was he as titillated by her moves as she was by dancing for him?

  What would he think of her Vegas Diva dance?

  You can't tell, Lucy; you promised Sophie to keep the act a secret.

  Securing her riot of curls back into the clip on top of her head, she steadied her breathing and teetered to the door.

  Reid smelled like an early-morning shower with a hint of seductive testosterone. She fought an odd moment of self-consciousness as his gaze raked over her body, but quickly dismissed it at the way his eyes darkened.

  "I like to dance," Lucy said softly. "Great exe

  "You looked fantastic," he said in a thick voice.

  Oh, heck. He looked sexy as sin himself.

  "I... I wanted to talk to you about Sophie and Lance."

  Did he know she'd used a charm spell to help Sophie find new lovers?

  He shuffled back and forth, looking nervous.

  "Come on in and have some coffee. I was about to have a cup myself. Sophie's a soda junkie, but I like my morning caffeine."


  By the time they'd filled mugs and made their way back to the den, he'd composed himself. She kicked off her shoes and curled her legs beneath her on the couch, turning sideways so she faced him. His gaze followed the heels, then fell on her bare feet. Her stomach fluttered.

  He seemed to like what he'd seen. And he certainly was utterly scrumptious eye candy. She loved his big hands, had fantasized about them....

  Heat engulfed her. It obviously permeated the room, because suddenly she and Reid were kissing.

  She wasn't certain who started it exactly, but Lucy had always been impetuous, had gone after what she wanted, and she saw no real reason not to go after Reid. He wanted a good time and sex; she wanted the same—how could it hurt anyone? Maybe Sophie could learn from her—a woman could enjoy romance without getting all tied down.

  On the other hand, she might not mind Reid tying her down... at least for a little lovemaking.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair, pushing her back on the sofa and running his hands all over her body. Lucy moaned and wrapped her legs around him, welcoming his heat as he rubbed his hard body against her. He tasted like coffee and man, and hidden hungers that she wanted to explore. The low growl he emitted as he drove his tongue between her lips suggested he wanted more, too.

  Her hands snaked into his hair, then lower to his shirt, where she frantically freed the buttons, sneaking her fingers inside the fabric to stroke his chest. Hard work-earned muscles sprinkled with fine brown hair strained beneath her touch as he raised himself up to trail kisses down her throat.


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