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Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)

Page 10

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Are you trying to hide from me?” His voice held a tone of amusement.

  Lowering the menu halfway, she said, “No, I was looking to see what to order. What’s good here?”

  “Everything. Since it’s your first time, why don’t you try the sampler? You get ribs, brisket, links, and chicken with two sides. Whatever you don’t finish, you can take home.”

  “Sounds good.”

  After placing their order, Chas asked, “Did you go to college in Denver?”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “Not fair. I asked you how you and your ex got together, and you’re skirting the question.”

  “I’m not the only one evading questions.” His piercing look made her tremble slightly, but she forced herself to hold his gaze until a smile curled on his lips. “I met Brianna at a biker rally. We were both nineteen and horny as fuck.” He threw a shot down his throat. With a wide smile, he said, “There’s nothing like a good shot of Jack.”

  “Nothing?” Addie placed her hand on his and brushed her fingers across his knuckles as she looked at him through half-lidded eyes.

  In a flash, hunger replaced amusement in his eyes as he tugged her across the small table, their lips meeting in the middle. They explored each other’s mouths with their tongues, only breaking apart when their dinner arrived.

  “You’re teasing the shit outta me, precious. I like it. I’m gonna like it better when my cock is snug in your hot, slick pussy,” he whispered.

  Tingles shimmied down Addie’s spine as her mound pulsed.

  Drawing the wine glass to her lips, she asked, “So, how did you and your ex end up married?”

  “She got knocked up, and I know she fuckin’ did it on purpose to keep me.”

  “You didn’t want her? She’s pretty.”

  “Fuck, I was nineteen, and any woman with big tits made me hard. Yeah, I thought she was pretty, and I knew I wanted to fuck her, so we hooked up, but I didn’t wanna get tied down at nineteen. No fuckin’ way. She wanted to be with me, like together all the time and shit like that, but I was tired of her, and I was movin’ on. She knew I had my eyes on someone else, and that’s when she quit taking the pill and didn’t tell me.” He shoveled in a helping of mashed potatoes.

  “Did your parents like her?”

  “No fuckin’ way. My mom wanted to exorcise the house every time Brianna would leave. The last woman they wanted me to be with was her.”

  “So, you married her because she was pregnant?”

  “Pretty much. At first, I didn’t believe I was the dad, ’cause I knew she’d fucked around on me. She’d sworn she didn’t, but I never believed her. Once Jack was born, I took a paternity test, and when the results came back that he was all mine, I took Brianna down to City Hall and we got hitched.”

  “How romantic.” Addie rolled her eyes.

  “If Jack hadn’t turned out to be mine, I wouldn’t have married her.” He popped a morsel of steak in his mouth and chewed.

  “Jack’s a nice boy. He adores you, and I can tell you return the feeling, as well.”

  “One of the happiest days of my life was learning Jack was mine. From that moment on, he was a part of me.”

  “Did you love her?”

  “I thought I did in the beginning, but I think I loved fuckin’ her. About four years after we married, she started spreading her legs for a lot of lone bikers. She was a pure slut.”

  “What are lone bikers?”

  “Riders who don’t belong to any club. They live the life on their own. They’re totally free. Anyway, I started going more to the club’s parties and hooking up with club girls and hoodrats, and the marriage didn’t exist anymore. She fucked who she wanted to, and I did the same. It would’ve been fine, but the bitch kept nagging me, and she gave me hell about me fuckin’ around. She seemed to have missed the fact that she was doing it, too.”

  “All the tension must’ve been hard,” Addie said.

  “It was hard on Jack, and when I found him cowering in the corner after Brianna and I had a bad fight, I knew it was time for me to leave. That was two years ago. We share custody of Jack now.”

  “Divorce is hard, I’m sure.”

  “My parents have a great marriage, and my sister and I grew up with two parents in the home. I think it’s important for a kid to have a mom and a dad, preferably in the same house, but it can be worse if there is bitterness and hatred all the time. It was tearing Jack up.” He buttered his roll. “My parents have been married for thirty-one years.”

  “That’s wonderful, but you can’t compare your marriage with theirs. They married for love and both wanted to get married. You married because you had a son. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have married her, like you said. You’ll find the right woman someday.”

  “Not interested in marriage. Once was enough. What about you? Have you ever been married?”

  “No.” She drained her wine glass.

  “Too busy studying?”

  “Yes, something like that.”

  “You know, even though my union with Brianna was a fuckin’ disaster, I’d do it again ’cause it gave me Jack.” Love shone in his eyes as he gazed out the window.

  “Have you ever thought about gaining sole custody of Jack?”

  “Yeah. Lots of times. I just think it’s important for a kid to have his mother around, you know?”

  “I agree, but your ex seems so angry all the time. That can’t be good for Jack.”

  Chas’s jaw flexed. “Yeah. I’ve noticed Brianna doesn’t support him at all. She calls him stupid and shit like that. I’ve called her on it, but I know she still does it.” He took a long draw on his beer. “I’m finding an attorney to sue for sole custody. Don’t say anything about it to anyone, okay?”

  Addie let out a sigh of relief. “I won’t tell anyone, and I think that’s great.”

  Chas smiled and reached for her hand just as the waitress came over to the table. “Would you like anything else?” she asked as she licked her lips and gave Chas a coy smile.

  Addie shook her head.

  “We’re good,” he told her.

  When the waitress walked away, Addie said, “She likes you. Did you have something with her?”

  Surprise spread over his face as his eyebrows lifted. “The waitress? No. Precious, a lot of the women in here want to date Insurgents. For whatever reason, women want to fuck bikers, and they love an outlaw.” A devilish grin broke out over his face.

  “A lot of women are attracted to the danger, power, and raw sex a bad boy gives off. It’s a classic theme in movies and books.”

  “Are you attracted to bad boys?” he asked in a thick voice.

  “I’m out with you, aren’t I?” Her lips turned up in a sensuous smile.

  “I like what I’m hearing, precious. From the first day I saw you, I’ve been wanting in your pussy real bad. I’m gonna make you feel so good. I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked. You think you can handle my big cock in your sweet pussy?”

  His filthy mouth made her panties wet, and a jolt of pleasure electrified her clit. What was it about a dirty mouth on a bad boy that turned her on?

  “I can handle anything you can give.”

  Growling low, he whispered, “It’s time we put that to the test.”

  Blinking quickly, she held his gaze.

  “Let’s go, precious,” he ordered.

  She let him lead her outside, the chilly October air reviving her common sense.

  What the hell? I was flirting like a horny slut. What am I thinking? I can’t screw him on my first date. Damn, Addie, at least wait until the second. This town is too small. I can’t sleep with him so soon.

  “Whatcha thinking, precious? You got a big frown on your face. What’s up?”

  “I guess I had too much wine. I’m so tired, and I’ve got a horrible headache. Maybe the cool air whipping around me as we ride will help.”

  I’ve got a headache? That’s an overdone, lame, and unbelievable excuse. He�

�s gonna think I’m a cock tease. Am I? Maybe, but what’s the harm in flirting? Are women supposed to bang every man they flirt with? That’d be insane.

  The Harley jumped forward, and the wind felt good across her heated cheeks. Her body was primed for fucking—it was warm, tingly, and wet—but her mind wasn’t there yet. The only thing she wanted to bring to her bed right then was a good erotic romance novel.

  The bike came to a stop in front of her apartment.

  “I wish we could’ve ridden longer. I loved the feel of the wind, and the darkness around us made me think I was flying in space. Everything disappeared from my mind. It was awesome.” Addie’s eyes brimmed with excitement.

  Chas yanked her up and crushed her against him. “Fuckin’ turns me on that you get what the ride means. Precious, I want to bend you over the seat and slam my cock in your pussy, banging you ’til you fuckin’ wake up the neighborhood with your screams.” Bending inches from her face, he said, “If I slip my hand under your panties, your pussy’s gonna be wet, right? Are you wet for me?” His hot breath against her face made her shiver.

  When he softly bit her earlobe with his teeth, her insides melted, and her breasts, smashed against his chest, ached for his touch. If she didn’t leave soon, she’d lose all self-control. As it was, she was on the brink of giving in to her arousal. She wanted to explore his body and to put her mouth over his dick, savoring the feel and taste of it. Pressing into her, Chas’s denim-clad hardness excited her as he rubbed it against her belly. She so wanted to be with him, but she’d regret it later. Fear was the reason she was going to barricade herself in her apartment. She was scared shitless, because one taste of him and she knew she’d be addicted.

  “Come on, precious, let’s go inside. My cock needs you bad.” He peppered kisses along her jaw while his hands roamed over her hips and ass.

  “I’m sorry, but I do have a headache. I also have a very early meeting in the morning. I regret that I drank so much wine, but it’s made me sleepy. I apologize.” Her words rang false to her own ears, so she could only imagine how they sounded to Chas.

  Stepping away from him, he let go of her hands.

  “You sure ’bout this? We’re both adults, and I didn’t misread your signals tonight.”

  Sagging against the Harley, he pressed his lips together, sighing heavily.

  If she didn’t leave at that very moment, she’d weaken.

  “I’m sorry if I led you on. I do like you, and I had a really nice time. I’d like to get to know you better.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and backed away, out of his reach.

  “Okay, that’s cool. I had a nice time with you. I want to see more of you. I want you to be comfortable with me, and I’m willing to wait for you to come to me, begging for my cock in your pussy.”

  If she touched herself on her clit, she would explode. Chas drove her mad with desire.

  Distancing herself further from him, she smiled and said, “Call me. We can ride again on your badass Harley. Having your tight butt against me will be a bonus.” She threw him a wicked smile and ran across the lawn then up the stairs. Glancing behind her after she opened her door, she saw Chas staring at her, a big grin on his face.

  Why am I enjoying flirting—and yes, teasing him—so much? Maybe it’s because it’s been so long since I’ve let a man touch me. Or maybe it’s because he is just damn sexy and fuckin’ yummy.

  After heading into her apartment, she went out on the balcony and saw Chas still leaning against his bike. Surprised, she waved to him and asked, “Are you okay? Is there something wrong with your bike?”

  Standing straight, he said, “No, babe. Just wanted to make sure you were safe. I’ll call you.”

  His cams shattered the stillness of the night, and she watched him until his taillights were no longer visible. Placing her fingers on her lips, they still tingled from his kisses. Her insides were exploding, and she felt like a high school girl who’d just come back from her first date with the class stud. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Chapter Ten

  Before she finished the interview with the third applicant, Addie knew she’d found her new employee. Jordan Petrie was twenty-three years old, tall and thin. She wore her long, blonde hair in a ponytail high on her head. The minute Jordan told Addie she loved every word in Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye—one of Addie’s favorite books—Addie knew the two of them would work together nicely.

  “I got the job?” Jordan’s red-lipsticked lips grinned.

  “Yes. Welcome to the library.”

  “I didn’t think I was going to get it. You know I’m here for as long as my mom needs me, right?”

  “Yes, you told me that. I think it’s commendable that you’re helping your mother through her chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I’m sure it means a lot to her.”

  “I can’t tell you how many job interviews end when I told them that. Thanks for giving me a chance. I can really use the money.”

  Addie, rising from her desk chair, leaned over and shook the woman’s hand. “Make sure to bring the paperwork I gave you when you come to work next Monday.”

  “Thank you, Ms. O’Leary.” The new employee squeezed Addie’s hand.

  “Please, call me Addie.”

  “Thanks, Addie.”

  The young woman strode out of the office. As she watched her leave, Addie could imagine becoming friends with her outside of work. She missed having a girlfriend to talk with. Margaret was sweet and included Addie in many outings and events, but the age difference was significant, and it wasn’t the same as having a friend around her age. She missed her friends back in Chicago. Sometimes, she wanted to call to talk and laugh with them, but she didn’t dare.

  Picking up her cell phone, she looked at the screen for the fifteenth time that day. There were still no calls from Chas. Her heart sank as a heaviness spread through her body. After collapsing back down on her chair, she replayed their evening from a few nights back. Sure, she’d teased him and flirted with him, but he’d seemed to have liked it. Even though they kissed and she let him touch her a bit, she wasn’t ready to take the little they had to the next level. Her body was eager and more than willing, but her gut told her to wait until they had more between them. A one-night stand may be fun, but she didn’t want that with him. She wasn’t sure what she wanted from him, but she knew a one-night stand wasn’t it. Also, the whole situation with her being Jack’s instructor was still pretty awkward.

  Chas had told her he’d call her, and even though men told women that all the time, she believed him. At that moment, however, her silent phone mocked her. He just wanted in my pants. I thought he was different because he acted more sincere, but in the end, he was like most men—he wanted to screw what he thought was a sure thing. Figuring he didn’t want to waste time on someone who didn’t put out, Addie opened her desk drawer and slammed her phone in it.

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, she closed her eyes, her belly knotting. Who am I kidding? Why would he be interested in me, anyway? His ex is tall, beautiful, and thin. And I’m not any of those things. Whenever the Wicked Witch comes in, I feel dowdy and plain. But he acted like he was interested in me in spite of me being size eighteen. Stop doing this shit to yourself. Stop!

  Addie knew she should exercise more, but by the time she came home, she was exhausted, and the thought of spending the evening sweating and aching—without a man involved—was not appealing. She’d rather read.

  But again, Chas did act interested. Maybe that was his MO in seducing a woman into his bed. Who was she kidding? She was sure he didn’t need an MO; she’d bet her month’s salary that women flocked to him. He was too sexy and good-looking to have any problems getting women. And with his leather, Harley, and sneer, he was every good girl’s bad boy fantasy come true. His only problem was probably fending them off. Still, he should’ve called her.

  Her body temperature rose, and she clenched her jaw as she opened her desk drawer and took out her cell ph
one. No calls. Pressing her lips together, she put the phone back in the drawer. Men were such assholes, and she was glad she didn’t get too involved with Chas. I couldn’t care less if he calls or not. We had a nice time, but I’m too busy for anything. Shit. I’m sure thinking a lot about him for not caring. Focus, Addie. Keep your mind on your job.

  Addie picked up her landline, firm in her resolution to finish all her business calls before Jack’s private lesson, and not think any more about Chas.

  The afternoon flew by, and Addie had her head buried in reference materials when Jack came into her office.

  “Hi, Ms. O’Leary. I’m here.”

  Jack’s voice startled her. “Hello, Jack. Is it time for your lesson already?” She glanced at the clock in her office. “Yes, it is. Sorry, Jack, I got preoccupied with something.” Closing her reference books, she cleared off her desk. “We can work in my office today.”

  After he dropped his backpack on the ground, he plopped in a brown leather chair.

  As she took out the books for his lesson, her eyes searched for Chas. “Why don’t you tell your dad he can watch TV in one of the reading rooms.”

  “He’s not here. He’s doing club business,” Jack said as he opened his book.

  “What kind of club business?”

  Eyes big, his head jerked toward the open office door as he scoped out the area. Leaning close to Ms. O’Leary, he whispered, “I dunno. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. It’s top secret. Stuff the motorcycle club does.”

  Smiling, Addie said, “Well, I wouldn’t want you to reveal any secrets. Who brought you?”

  “My mom, and boy, was she pissed.” Placing his hand over his mouth, he mumbled, “Oh, sorry.”

  “Because she had to bring you?”

  “Yeah. She didn’t want to take me, but my pop warned her he’d be super pissed if she didn’t.” A red streak painted his cheeks. “Sorry, again. I don’t mean to say ‘pissed,’ but I can’t help saying ‘pissed.’ Oops, there I go again.”


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