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Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)

Page 19

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Come for me, baby. I want to feel your hot come all over my cock,” he rasped.

  In a ragged voice, she yelled, “Chas!” as her body shuddered and convulsed against his.

  “Fuck!” His voice was savage and strained as her clenching muscles sent him over the top, and he filled her with his seed.

  Hugging firmly, they held each other as the water slowly returned to its placid nature. Chas ran his nose down the side of her face, and she turned toward him, planting a wet kiss on his lips. Pressing her close to him, he looked up at the blue sky, his insides a knot of emotions he had pushed down years before.

  I’m crazy about my spitfire, but I’m fuckin’ pissed that I am. What the fuck’s going on with me? I can’t go where this wants to go. Fuck.

  Pushing Addie away, Chas said, “We better head back.”

  Tilting her head to one side, she eyed him with pursed lips then nodded.

  Walking ahead, she followed him. When they reached the shore, Chas slipped on his boxers then his clothes, his back to Addie.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked as she zipped up her jeans.

  “Nope. It’s just getting late and we should head back.”

  When her arms wrapped around his waist, he stiffened. Her feather-light kiss on his neck slayed him.

  “Are you sure everything is okay? Did I do something wrong?” Her voice caught.

  I’m being a fuckin’ idiot. I’m blaming her because I’m pissed at myself for not seeing her as just another fuck. Damn!

  Turning around, Chas saw the confusion and hurt in her eyes. He pulled her in to him, kissing her hair, and breathing in the lake’s scent mixed with her perfume. “You didn’t do anything wrong, precious. You’re everything that’s right. I’m just being a sonofabitch.” He clasped her harder. “After we get cleaned up, I’m taking you to the best steakhouse in the area. I feel like dancing, so we’ll do that, too. Does that sound good, babe?”

  “Yes. I love spending time with you.”

  “I like spending time with you, too, precious.”

  And that’s the fuckin’ problem. I can’t bring her into my crazy-ass, outlaw world. She deserves better. I can’t have this complication in my life. We’ll have a kickass time tonight, but when we get back to Pinewood Springs, I’m gonna have to set her free.

  “Hop on, babe. Let’s make the time we have fuckin’ rock.”

  Smiling, Addie jumped on and snuggled close to Chas as he rode the Harley toward the inn, while hardness rested on his face and sadness crept into his dark eyes.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Just place the order for the new reference materials, and stop arguing with me about it. Dammit!” Addie slammed the desk drawer shut as she yelled at the county clerk. Heat rushed through her body, and she rolled her eyes as the clerk made yet another excuse as to why the materials Addie had ordered weeks before were not available.

  I’m in no fucking mood for this. Afraid she was two seconds from totally losing it, she cut her conversation short, and threw her phone down hard on the desk.

  Why in the fuck hasn’t he called? Total prick. Asshole.

  Addie knew her short temper and irritability related to the fact that she hadn’t seen nor heard from Chas since the previous week, when they’d spent a wonderful night at the inn. They’d had such a good time, or at least Addie did, and she thought Chas had, as well. He sure acted like he enjoyed being with her and that everything was going well. Then nothing. Not even a fucking text asking how she was. Men were such insensitive jerks. She should’ve listened to her reason instead of her body because most of the time, her body made poor decisions for her.

  Bad boys always did her in. Even when she thought she had married a nice, decent man, he’d turned out to be a sociopath with a bad, mean streak. Did she have a sign on her reading, “Desire-driven woman loves bad boys?” Fuck!

  Chas was the worst because he’d pretended to care about her—about them. All he cared about was banging a librarian to live out some adolescent fantasy from back in the day. He’d used her, and in doing so, he’d broken her heart in a thousand pieces, the sonofabitch. She was finally beginning to trust a man again, to hope for something more permanent. Asshole.

  The coward even had one of his club members pick Jack up for the past week. The guy was nice enough, but he bugged her because he kept giving her sly looks like he knew something about her. Jax was his name, and she remembered meeting him at the restaurant Chas had taken her to on their first date.

  A dull ache stabbed her gut when she remembered her times with Chas. She’d really misread the guy. Chalk it up to another one of life’s lessons.

  Outside, the inky darkness covered the town like a blanket with only a sprinkle of stars. Smudgy illuminations of streetlights wavered like ghostly lanterns. Macabre grins flickered from the candles in the jack-o’-lanterns left out on porches and stoops.

  Addie, keys in hand, made her way to the front door to lock up the library for the night. She was tired and welcomed the end of the week. When she made it home, she’d already planned to order a pizza, watch a romantic movie, and have a few glasses of much needed red wine.

  As she reached for the doorknob, Snake slithered in out of nowhere, decked out in his cut, denim, and chains. The hairs on the back of Addie’s neck bristled on sight, her heart pounded, and she wanted to flee.

  “I’m sorry, Jordan didn’t work today, and the library is closed.”

  Snake didn’t move, but his beady, brown eyes traveled up and down her body. “I know she’s off today. I’m not here for that.”

  Fidgeting with the keys in her hand, she asked the question she didn’t want to know the answer to. “So why are you here?”

  Taking a few steps toward her, he stared her right in the eyes and said, “I came to see you, pretty lady.”

  His gaze and voice made her feel dirty, like she had to run home and take a shower. Determined not to let him intimidate her, she willed her body to stop shuddering.

  Addie speared him with a don’t-fuck-with-me look, and said, calmly but firmly, “The library is closed. You need to leave. Now. Right now.”

  A crackled laugh pricked her nerves, and the area around her started to spin. “I like your spunk.” He stepped closer to her.

  Addie backed up, but he continued walking toward her. Neither of them spoke, and the only audible sounds were the clack of his boots across the linoleum and Addie’s strangled breathing. Body odor, cigarettes, and gasoline assaulted her nostrils, and she instinctively placed her finger under them as if to block out some of his stench. Sniffing deeply, a wicked grin cracked Snake’s face, and Addie was certain he could smell her fear.

  “I like you,” he said, as his relentless steps pushed her further back while his flat eyes stayed on her breasts.

  Addie bumped against the door of the reference room, and with her hands behind her back, she grasped the doorknob, turning it slowly. Her only hope was to somehow open the door quickly, lock herself in the room, and call the police. The problem was he was so damn close to her, but she had to try—she couldn’t just stand there.

  The door opened, and Addie inched back. Before she could push it open all the way, though, Snake kicked it and shoved her into the room. Falling against the bookshelves, she remembered the last time she was in this room was when Chas had kissed her. How bittersweet the memory was. Clearing her head, she cringed when she saw the lust and predatory gleam in Snake’s glance. Darting her eyes all around, she tried to figure out if there was a way she could get out of this mess. Her heart hammered against her chest, and her lungs were full like a balloon with too much air.

  Oof… The air blew out of her when Snake slammed her roughly against the wall, his face inches from hers, eyes fixed on her mouth. The very last thing she wanted to do was show fear, even though her legs were ready to give out, and her ears were exploding. Her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t catch her breath—everything was fuzzy.

  Oh, God, what the hell
am I going to do? I can’t breathe. I can’t hyperventilate. I can’t. I can’t…

  Leaning in close, Snake ran a grease-stained finger along her jawline. “Why don’t we have some fun, beautiful?” he whispered, as his big fingers ran over the ivory pearl buttons on her silk blouse.

  “Isn’t Jordan your girlfriend?” Addie asked in a voice stronger than she felt.

  “She’s my main fuck. Always room for something extra.” Smiling cruelly, he bent down and kissed her mouth, his teeth biting her lips. Hard.

  “Ow. Fuck, what’s your problem?” Her eyes flashed anger while the salty, metallic taste of blood trickled in her mouth.

  “You seem like the type who would like it rough. You know, all lace and prim on the outside, but a fuckin’ ragin’ fire on the inside.” His finger unbuttoned the first pearl on her blouse, and he shoved his leg between hers, forcing them open.

  His erection rubbed against her tight skirt, and Addie’s throat burned with bile. “Stop. Now. You’re going to regret this. Stop!”

  “Fuck, I love a bitch who fights me—makes me hornier. All I’m gonna regret is not getting my cock in you fast enough.” Smashing her harder against the wall, he thrust the full weight of his body against her.

  With her breathing obstructed, she gasped as she tried to fend him off. No such luck on moving the six-foot-one, muscular man, whose brown eyes held the glint of lust and anger—a lethal combination.

  As his oily fingers undid the second button, a drumming of footsteps filled the small room. Snake’s head jerked up and turned to look behind him. The side of his face met Chas’s strong fist, slamming into him like a sledgehammer. Stunned, Snake staggered backward, and fury sparked from his dark, glowing eyes like an enraged tiger. Before Snake could react, Chas kicked him full-on in the stomach, and as Snake bowled over, Chas rammed his knee against the man’s face. Blood spurted everywhere.

  Addie, her face as pale as wax, took out her cell phone from her pocket. She had to help Chas. She had to do something. She yelled, “I’m calling the police!”

  Chas swung around and pulled her back. “No, don’t call the fuckin’ badges!” His chest heaving, he yanked the phone out of her hand.

  In the moment of distraction, Snake whipped out his knife and sliced Chas’s arm. Blood gushed out. Chas, startled, retaliated by quickly taking out his padlock, swinging it and knocking Snake in the eye. A flood of blood blinded Snake, and he stumbled toward the door. Chas dragged Snake by the hair, reeling him backward. Pummeling his back, Snake went down, crumpling on the floor.

  Turning to Addie, Chas’s eyes searched her face. “How did this piece of fuckin’ trash get in here?”

  “He’s my employee’s boyfriend,” she said in a soft, shaky voice.

  “Call her and tell her to pick him up before I kill the motherfucker.” Bending over at the waist, Chas breathed deeply, his arm covered in blood.

  “Take off your t-shirt, I’ll help you wrap your arm.” Trying to stop the quick-flowing blood, Addie wound Chas’s shirt tightly around his arm. “You have to go to the hospital. You have a nasty cut. I’ll call Jordan.”

  Addie, still numb over the way the evening had unfolded, tried to focus on Jordan’s phone number, but her thoughts were incredibly fuzzy. Jordan would need to come right away. Snake was knocked out, but she didn’t doubt for one minute that he’d be up soon and raring to go for another round in the ring. She shuddered.

  As she waited for Jordan, Addie ran to her office and grabbed three towels. She always brought them to work in case a child threw up or was cut. The staff laughed at her anal retentiveness, but she was grateful for it at that moment.

  “Your t-shirt is already soaked through. Here, wrap these around it,” she said as she handed the towels to Chas. “Whether you want to or not, you have to go to the hospital.”

  “I’m not goin’ to the hospital. You need to drive me to the clubhouse. Doc will patch me up.”

  “Are you crazy? You could get an infection, or worse. You have to go to the hospital.”

  “I don’t have to do shit, woman. I’m not fuckin’ going. Doc knows what to do. Are you gonna take me to the club or not?” Darkened eyes stared at her.

  Softly, she said, “Yes, I’ll take you.” She gently brushed his hair off his sweaty face.

  Chas grasped Addie’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. For a suspended moment, they were connected, then Jordan rushing in broke the link.

  “Oh, fuck! What the hell happened to him?” Bending down, she rubbed his hair, cooing, “Oh, baby, talk to me. Baby…?”

  Jordan snapped her eyes at Addie and Chas. “What the fuck happened here?”

  “Get the fuckin’ sonofabitch’s ass outta here if you don’t want him to die, ’cause I’m about ready to kill his sorry ass,” Chas snarled.

  “Baby, we gotta go—like now.”

  Snake, holding his hand over his bleeding eye, stood up, his legs wobbling. Draping his arm around Jordan, he leaned against her as she led him to her car parked in front. Snake slumped over and Jordan drove away.

  Addie focused her attention back to Chas. “We better go, you’re losing a lot of blood.”

  She looked around the blood-splattered room. Chas had to go to the clubhouse without any delays. Deciding to clean up the mess the following morning, Addie was grateful she had the only key to the room.

  After making sure all doors were locked, Addie helped Chas to her car.

  “Here, call Jax.” He handed her his cell phone. “Tell him to get Doc. Fill him in on what went down.”

  Nodding, Addie accepted his phone.

  “And precious? Fuckin’ hurry.”

  Her heart shattered when he passed out.

  Please, let him be okay. Please.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The usual Friday night party was in full swing at the clubhouse when Addie drove up to the chain-link fence, which surrounded the place. The newest prospect, Blade, motioned for her to roll down her window.

  “Chas is hurt badly. I spoke with Jax about getting Doc over here.”

  Blade lowered his head and glanced at the passenger seat where Chas was sitting, bent over. Opening the gate, he motioned Addie to come through while he spoke on his phone. Before she switched off the ignition, four tall bikers opened the car door, lifting Chas out. In a flash, they were gone, leaving Addie alone in the parking lot.

  After she locked her car doors, she straightened her shoulders and strode over to the club’s entrance.

  “You can’t go in there,” a gruff voice said.

  “What? You just saw me with Chas. I have to go in there to make sure he’s okay.” Addie looked up into Blade’s fierce brown eyes.

  He stood immobile and mute, staring into the darkness of the night.

  “Please, I have to make sure he’s okay.” Addie’s voice hitched, and she brushed away a tear from her cheek.

  His chestnut-brown eyes roamed over her body. “You his woman?”

  She nodded with confidence.

  “Hang on.” He dialed a number on his cell phone, talking in deep, hushed whispers. “Johnnie’s coming. When he gets here, I’ll take you to Chas.”

  “That’s very nice of you, but you don’t have to escort me. Tell me where they have him, and I can find him.”

  A disbelieving laugh passed through his lips. “You wouldn’t get past the bar. You’re not wearing Chas’s patch, so it’s not safe for you to be in the club without a man. You’d be fair game, you know?” His smile didn’t radiate any warmth.

  Not quite sure what he meant, Addie decided to follow his lead. She had to see Chas, to make sure he was okay.

  A tall, rugged man with a black beard and piercing gray eyes barreled out of the club. “Yo, Blade.”

  Blade lifted his chin at the man. Addie presumed the new guy was Johnnie. She didn’t think she’d be introduced—they didn’t look like the club’s welcoming wagon.

  “Come on,” Blade grunted, pointing his thumb toward th
e door.

  Addie trailed behind him as he opened the doors and entered the club.

  A wave of sweat, cheap perfume, booze, and weed washed over her the minute she crossed the threshold into the dark, smoky room. Blinking rapidly, she tried to adjust to the low lights. The room was large and full of men in leather and denim, and women in barely-there outfits. Several of the women were topless, and many of the men groped them. People danced, made out, and fucked right in the open. When Addie passed the wraparound bar, she noticed a pretty naked woman lying on her back, with men licking some kind of alcohol off her body as they poured it over her. A couple of other men were sucking her boobs, and one had his fingers in her pussy. It was crazy.

  Addie’s stomach tightened. Suddenly, Blade’s warning about not coming in the club alone made sense. She tried to shield her eyes from the raunchy wildness, but she couldn’t help looking. She’d never seen anything like it in her life.

  Grabbing her hand, Blade tugged her to the staircase. They climbed up to the third floor where he opened a door. “Go in.”

  She stepped into the room. “Thanks for bringing me up here,” she said.

  Hearing no answer, she turned around—Blade had already left.

  Several pairs of eyes stared at her as she awkwardly inched her way into the somewhat large bedroom. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Jax. At least there was one face in the room she knew. Her gaze fixed on the bed where Chas lay, pale as a ghost. A middle-aged man bent over him, a black medical bag on the nightstand near the bed.

  “Is he going to be all right?” she asked in a low voice.

  The doctor swiveled his head, catching her glance. “He’ll be fine. He’s lucky his assailant didn’t sever his artery. I’m stitching him up and giving him something for the pain. Antibiotics will kill any infection, which may set in. He’ll be sore for a few days, but he’s going to be fine.” Capable fingers dabbed antiseptic swatches over the stitched area, then he wrapped the wound with gauze, securing it with medical tape.


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