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Mastering Marissa

Page 11

by Cyna Kade

  Kytar moved close behind her. His body pressed her against the stone. “Are you ready to submit to my will?” he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her back.

  Unable to speak, she shook her head and felt her curls catch in his fingers. He used his grip in her hair to pull her head back. “That’s my collar you wear. You will learn to respect my authority and value our link.”

  Then he let go and stepped away. The slash of the crop caught her by surprise. She screamed, not from the sting of the lash, but from the unexpected finger stroke to her clit that followed the slash. She lost track of time as he slashed and stroked. The pain and pleasure tangled in her mind. She couldn’t tell one from the other as her breasts scraped the wall.

  Overloaded by the sensations he generated, she couldn’t stop the words that spilled out. “Take me, please just take me, I can’t stand any more!” Marissa screamed at Kytar. Her pussy ached and throbbed, clenching on an emptiness that tormented her. She needed him and she ached for him. She needed him to fill her. She needed to feel his huge cock ramming against her cervix, all the way in, pinning her to the wall.

  Kytar moved close behind her. “You are not in a position to demand anything,” he said as he reached around and pulled off the clamps. Marissa screamed as sensation returned and blended with the slashes on her back. Her vision dimmed as the binding around her chest prevented a deep breath. She needed air. No, she needed Kytar. She sagged in the restraints, unable to stand. “Please, fill me…”

  “No,” Kytar whispered in her ear. Backing off, he ignored her shuddering need and left the room.

  Talcor chuckled as he moved behind her and began undoing her restraints. “He’s very good, isn’t he?”

  Marissa froze as she realized Talcor had witnessed her humiliation. How could Kytar have done that to her? She tried to pull away, but he ignored her feeble struggles as he removed her bindings and tied her to the table again. Then he turned off the lights and left too.

  Marissa, aching and needy, groaned her disappointment. Kytar wasn’t going to satisfy her no matter how much she pleaded. How much longer could she maintain her sanity in the face of his ruthless domination?

  * * * * *

  Talcor left the training room to find Kytar leaning against a wall. His hands on his knees, head down, he looked like he was in pain. “It is within the rules to take release with a slave.”

  Kytar threw a heated glance at Talcor. “That won’t be necessary. Marissa will give me release tomorrow.”

  Talcor frowned. “She’s not ready for that. You push too fast.”

  “If I don’t push, neither one of us will survive this. Don’t think I didn’t notice your arousal.”

  Talcor shrugged and grinned. “She is beautiful, but just a little too willful even for my tastes. She is not bending, the way a woman should. At some point, she must surrender to you or the training may break her.”

  “I will not let that happen,” Kytar said through gritted teeth. Straightening, he continued, “I appreciate your help. If you hadn’t been there…”

  “You have my loyalty. We’ll continue tomorrow?”

  Kytar nodded and watched Talcor leave.

  * * * * *

  Marissa awoke in the dark, at first not knowing where she was. Then the memory of her agonizing night returned and she realized location didn’t matter. Spread naked on the table she felt like a virgin offering with her hands and feet bound.

  She was the captive of a Darinthian male. The dark seemed to press down on her, as if holding her with a heavy hand. She struggled to remain calm, knowing hysterics would not help. Indeed, Kytar might like hysterics, she thought, as a panicked giggle escaped. After all, he and Davo had both warned her.

  She hadn’t really believed though. She hadn’t realized how much power she’d handed him when she challenged him. Should she withdraw it? No! She would survive. Somehow she’d survive.

  Bright light suddenly flooded the room. Slowly glancing out from behind her eyelids, she saw Talcor and Kytar enter the room.

  Chapter Ten

  Marissa watched Kytar and Talcor, fearing what new trial they had in store for her but relieved that Talcor carried a food tray. The scent went straight to her empty stomach. Talcor set the tray down and stood smiling at her. She broke his glance and looked at Kytar.

  Kytar’s naked chest, lined with solid muscle and a light covering of black hair, made Marissa’s mouth water—at the same time she cursed her libido. How could a man who hurt her, who treated her as a possession, arouse her? How did he make her feel so safe even as he looked so dangerous?

  Noticing her look, he smiled. It was not a nice or genuine smile, but a smile that terrified her. It was the smile of a man who knows his own power and strength, a man determined to win. A smile accompanied by gleaming black eyes that held no humor. He moved closer. “You’ll eat when we’re done. First tell me who you are,” he demanded in that husky gentle voice that warned her to obey.

  Marissa swallowed. Why the strange question? He knew who she was.

  “My name is Mar—”

  He grabbed her chin. “You are my companion,” he stated, his gentle words belying his sudden action.

  Marissa’s heart nearly stopped at the intensity of his words. His onyx eyes pierced to her soul. Fighting would only delay the inevitable but she couldn’t stop herself. “I am your slave,” she argued, her voice shaky with fear.

  He smiled and reached out to one of her breasts. His hand hovered over it, not touching. She watched as her nipple hardened as if to reach out to him. His other hand moved lower, one low stroke and he said, “You’re dripping wet. You like what I do. I didn’t think you would enjoy my training but you obviously want a strong man. Why continue resisting?”

  Marissa’s eyes widened, stunned by the reaction he’d created so effortlessly. She did want him. She couldn’t deny that reality. She closed her eyes to shut out his satisfied expression. Lulled by the warmth of his hands, she heard him say, “You are my companion. While in training, your body belongs to me. It is mine to do with as I wish. Do you understand?”

  She wanted to scream no. No, she didn’t understand any of this. Instead, a gasp escaped her as need and arousal flooded deep within as he continued his gentle ministrations. Marissa gulped. He knew where and how to touch her. He understood her body better than she, who’d owned it for twenty-five years. She shuddered under his hands as she realized he would and could demand her willing compliance at every stage. She had no tools to fight him. She was helpless before his knowledge and a tiny part of her reveled in his power.

  He smiled at her, his keen eyes showing his awareness of her struggle. His hands trailed outside her pelvic girdle and he leisurely continued his massage down the outside of her legs. When he reached her feet, he gave each one a gentle massage. Then he started up the inside of her legs. She tried to cringe, embarrassed by her naked, helpless exposure but she couldn’t move and she watched him climb her body.

  He reached the juncture of her thighs and gently parted her labia. He inserted a finger, just the tip and wiggled it a little. Suddenly he stopped and looked up at her. Watching her, waiting for her response, he inserted the tip of a second finger.

  Focused on the movement between her legs, Marissa couldn’t speak. She forgot Talcor’s watching eyes. A delicious thrill fought through her fear. Kytar spread his fingers just a little, and then he started a deep stroke, massaging her channel. He bent down, blew on her clitoris. Stunned—as if from a blow—her mind stopped. He licked her clitoris and followed the lick with a gentle bite. Waves of pleasure shot through Marissa but he didn’t let her come. Once more, he bit down on her clitoris, sending a wash of pain threading through the pleasure. She screamed when he stopped touching her, “Take me!”

  “Are you aroused, little one? Do you still believe being my companion is a bad thing?”

  He didn’t wait as Marissa struggled to form an answer that wouldn’t come.

  “You’re hesita
ting again. That’s not allowed. You still have much to learn.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Do you want me?” he asked and this time he waited for her answer.

  “Yesss,” she hissed.

  He chuckled. “Any way I say. Any time I want. You are mine.” And he once again bent to the task of bending her to his will. “Beg, little one. Beg me to satisfy you again,” he said.

  “Please,” Marissa started, not certain if she begged for him to stop or to continue. She fell silent as a third finger entered her narrow channel.

  He watched her eyes as he spread his fingers. Marissa’s breathing hitched, held motionless in his control. Open and helpless. “Do you surrender to me?” he asked softly.

  “I let you collar me! What more do you want?”

  “I want your full surrender and acceptance, without hesitation or argument and I will have it.”

  He rotated his hand, just a little, back and forth. She clamped down on it, but he was stronger and she couldn’t stop the motion, only feel him just at her entrance. She ached to feel him deeper.

  He smiled as he withdrew his fingers one by one.

  Marissa bit her lip to stop her scream of frustration.

  His hand trailed along her cleft before he gently parted her lower lips once more. He used a finger to circle her clitoris, never quite touching, never quite giving her the pressure she needed to come again. Instead, as if winding a spring, he coiled the tension more. How taut could he make it before she broke? Repeatedly, he came near to satisfying her need before withdrawing. Marissa writhed on the table.

  “Please…please just take me,” she begged, unable to resist as mindless need and shudders of anticipation racked her body.

  Kytar chuckled at her need and continued his work. Again and again, he brought her close, then retreated. As if from a great distance, Marissa heard him ask, “Do you begin to see, little one, why the women on Darinth do not struggle against their fate? And why your challenge will fail.”

  “Damn you,” Marissa sobbed with need. And every time she believed she could stand no more, he proved her wrong. Her entire body clenched into one long strand of tension and she screamed at him, demanding satisfaction.

  “Not yet, little one, don’t be so anxious,” he said. He climbed on the table and laid his weight on top of her.

  His chest pressed down, forcing her into the hardness of the table. He framed her head with his hands. “Stop struggling,” he commanded. “I know what you need and you’ll receive it when I say.”

  The hardness of his body fueled need and panic, warring with her anger. How could he arouse her so easily? She fought to regain some measure of control. All the while, Kytar’s black eyes watched.

  Her breathing evened as she came off the peak.

  Kytar murmured, “Good, little one, very good.”

  Then gave her a gentle kiss and climbed off her, leaving her shuddering.

  Talcor freed her from the table. “You have five minutes to take care of your needs.” Marissa stumbled to the bathroom before returning to eat the now cold food. She’d just finished when Talcor forced her to the table. He bound her extremities, turned out the lights and left her in the darkness, confused and still aroused. Angry, with herself as well as Kytar, she cursed her lust. Her stomach was full; she shouldn’t feel so empty.

  * * * * *

  Kytar tossed back a drink. “I don’t think I can survive her training.”

  “The binding…the binding really did overwhelm you?” Talcor asked hesitantly. Every male knew the binding was magic, but Talcor had always been able to resist taking the final step that had trapped Kytar.

  “Oh, yes. I’ve had no choice since I first saw her.”

  Talcor grunted. “Doesn’t sound pleasant.”

  “It will be. Once we finish the challenge ritual.”

  “You don’t plan on taking the full two weeks, do you?”

  “Even with your help, I can’t survive two weeks. I ache to take her.”

  “But the risk…”

  Kytar shrugged.

  “You love this woman or you would not suffer so.”

  Kytar didn’t reply.

  “I’ll do my best to guard you both,” Talcor said softly.

  Kytar nodded. “We’ll give her an hour and then continue.”

  * * * * *

  An hour later, they walked back into the playroom.

  Marissa’s closed eyes gave Kytar a twinge of anxiety. Was he pushing her too fast? He wished she didn’t fight so hard. He wasn’t going to let her win, but he hadn’t expected her to be quite such a challenge.

  He exchanged a glance with Talcor.

  Talcor shrugged as if to say it was Kytar’s choice.

  Kytar closed his eyes for a moment, seeking a calm center. It wouldn’t do to train Marissa while he still had doubts. He ruthlessly shoved aside his concern. He had to take the next step.

  Kytar walked to the table.

  Marissa’s eyes popped open. She watched him walk around the table, releasing her restraints. He could almost feel her sigh of relief. She wouldn’t feel so relieved if she knew what came next. Wrapping her hair in his hand, he forced her off the table and onto her knees.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. He saw her eyes stumbling a moment on his large bulge in front of her face before continuing up to his face. He held her eyes for a long minute.

  “Suck me,” he ordered, tightening his grip on her hair.

  Marissa fantasized about sucking his cock, but not like this. She shuddered as his black eyes chilled her. She wanted to refuse his demand. But the tense line of his body told her she had no choice. She didn’t like his attitude, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted to taste him.

  His cold gaze scored her as her trembling hands struggled with his pants fastener. He didn’t help her. He just waited.

  She gasped when she saw his size. Not only was his penis thick, it was long as well.

  He tightened the hand holding her hair. “Suck me,” he said in a husky tone that brooked no argument.

  She swallowed hard and leaned forward. She licked the tip of his penis, tasting his salty, silky heat. She reached a hand to hold his burning shaft and felt the steel beneath. She opened her mouth and enclosed just the tip.

  His hand tightened more. “Swallow all of it,” he ordered.

  She closed her eyes and tried. Her jaw stretched. The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat before she’d taken more than half his size. She raised her eyes, helplessly pleading.

  He smiled. Holding her head, he nudged forward.

  She couldn’t breathe with him so deep. He pressed against the walls of her throat, widening her. She flushed in the face of his strength. Surprised by an intense contraction in her pussy she moaned. As he throbbed deep inside her throat, it seemed as though an electric current shot straight from her upper opening to her lower one.

  She struggled to back off a little but he kept her head motionless. Dizziness assaulted her as her air ran out. Blackness encroached before he finally pulled back a little and she could breathe again. He let her draw a quick breath before forcing his way into her again.

  “You’ll learn to take all of me, easily and smoothly,” he said as he repeated the pattern of burying himself deeply, holding and then letting her gasp a breath.

  Marissa responded to his strength. The fire in her belly grew as he continued savaging her mouth. Every time he forced himself deep into her throat, an answering twinge jerked her empty cunt. Her nipples expanded, seeking a touch.

  He ignored her needs, controlling her head, using her as a receptacle, until finally she felt a pulsing deep in her throat. She swallowed when he came, unable to do anything else since he shot himself so deep within her. Heat seared down her throat, causing her cunt to clench and throb. And when he yelled, “Come!”, a roaring wave exploded through her body and she lost herself in its intensity.

  He freed his hand from her hair and stepped back. In her exhaustion, she fell to the floor. Shuddering, she
struggled to breathe past the ache he’d left and the intensity of her orgasm. He hadn’t even touched her nipples or clit, how had she come so violently? Every muscle in her body felt the ache.

  “Not bad, little one, but I know you can do better. We’ll try again tomorrow.”

  His feet moved from her vision, replaced by Talcor’s legs. Boneless and shaken, she didn’t even think of fighting as Talcor picked her up.

  * * * * *

  She woke to find herself back in the bedroom. Davo stood by the side of the bed, just looking down at her.

  “Father, help me…”

  “Help you what?”

  “Get me out of here. I can’t take much more.”

  “It is far too late for me to help you. You should have called off the challenge when Kytar offered you the chance. Your only hope now is to submit to his will, to stop fighting him. If you don’t, I fear he may break you. Accept Kytar as your companion.”

  Marissa wanted to scream at him. She couldn’t stop. She couldn’t just give up her freedom without a fight. “I…” Marissa trailed off, not knowing what to say. Her mind swam with conflicting desires that threatened to drown her.

  Her father reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Why do you keep fighting, child? If you’re honest with yourself, you know you’ve never experienced such satisfying sex—sex that goes far beyond the simple physical scratching of your world. Forget your culture and feel what Kytar is doing. Can you deny that you feel the link and you want Kytar every bit as much as he wants you?”

  “But…he frightens me,” she said, barely whispering, afraid of admitting her weakness.

  “But he also arouses you, doesn’t he?”

  Marissa closed her eyes and nodded, not able to voice the fact her father was right.

  “You’re not a failure because you respond to him. There is nothing wrong with responding to his strength. It’s our way. Kytar only wants what is best for you. Trust him.”


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