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Pistol: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 2

by Gunn, Autumn

  Sunset was approaching. The air was still warm. I could ride without a jacket.

  I agreed I would drop her off at home instead of back in town. I just needed to pull up 50 yards before her gate. Her dad did a lot of business from home and she didn't want him to see her on the back of a bike. Or with a guy with a tattoo. Certainly not with a guy on the back of a bike with a tattoo.

  We arrived at the end of the road. I idled the bike.

  "There's no house here. Is this a trick to take advantage of me in the woods?"

  "Very funny. That would be nice. Just go right through this dirt path. I'll jump off near the end."

  We slowly rode down the dirt path. I wanted to go slow not to kick up too much dirt or any rocks that may have found their way onto the path. My bike was everything. Had to treat her right. No scratches or dings.

  At the end of the path she tapped me on the shoulder. I pulled over. We got off the bike. She handed me my helmet back.

  "Well. I must say I wasn't expecting such an amazing day when I sat down to do math homework at the coffee shop. What an amazing and pleasant surprise."

  "Yeah. I got more than I expected as well."

  "Great. I hope I was able to keep up."

  "I do like to live life in the fast lane. Talking fast included. But today was more about listening. It was a fun conversation."

  "Definitely. Well nice to meet you..."


  "Wow, I was having so much fun and everything was so natural I never got your name."

  "Yeah. You're right. Everything just flowed naturally. We skipped right past all the formalities. I like it that way."

  "Me too. I wish it was that way more often. If only people could be more straight forward. Be who they are, and not try and represent something they aren't. Everybody would be happier and things would work out better."

  "Agreed. OK, time for me to go. And just enough time for you to get home before the sun goes down. Don't want some big, scary animal grabbing you up and dragging you into the woods this late in the day."

  "Very funny. Aren't you going to ask my name."

  "I already know your name."

  "You don't know my name."

  "Wanna bet?"

  "I don't bet, but yeah. I'll make an exception in this case."

  "OK, I get it right you have to write to me when I'm gone."

  "Where are you going?"

  "I joined the Marines about one year ago. They have a program where you sign up, but don't leave right away. You pick the day you leave. A year ago I picked this Friday."

  "You're joking me."

  "I'm not. I leave on Friday."


  I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to see this girl again. Needed to see her again. I had never felt this way about a girl before.

  "Forever is a long time. Plus my mom is living around here so of course I'll be back. The initial training takes about three months. Then you get about a week off to come home before you go back again."

  "Wow. That is really intense. And you signed up when you were only 17."

  "Yeah. Right after I turned. Since I wasn't 18 my mom had to co-sign."

  "Co-sign? Sounds like you are taking out a loan."

  "You are. In the Marines your days are on loan. You never know if the next one will be your last. One day at a time. Just enjoy each one. Like what we did today."

  She looked at me deep. It was like she was looking into my soul. Beyond the bad boy exterior. She saw something more. I was already a supremely confident guy, but somehow she gave me even more confidence. I felt invincible. Whole. I wanted us to stand there in on that dirt road the rest of the night. Just looking at each other.

  "And if you don't guess my name. What do I get?"

  "That's for you to decide."

  "OK. If I win I want to cut off a little piece of your hair right now."

  "What? What kind or weird, sick stuff are you into?"

  She smiled. Holding in laughter as long as she could then finally a little laugh that couldn't be held back.

  "I'm not. You're going to have all your hair chopped off in less than 72 hours anyways. And you smell really good. It's a masculine scent. Your scent. But mixed with a hint of sunscreen."

  "Now you're really scaring me. So when I leave you're going to patent a new kind of sunscreen cologne. Pete's Summer Breeze. I can see it now. A best seller. But what else? You want one of my kidneys to sell on the black market."

  "Very funny. A bet's a bet. If you don't agree we can call it off."

  "I don't back down. It's a deal."

  "OK then. What's my name?"

  "Snoop Dooooggy Doooooog."

  "Hardy, har, har. That is a good song though. One guess for real. You miss and Macy's will be stocking Pete's Summer Breeze in time for Christmas."

  "OK, let me think. You don't look like a Nataliya."

  "Nataliya? Why don't I look like a Nataliya?"

  "Because Nataliyas look like Russian spies. That's the rule. Don't you watch movies?"

  "You're crazy. Hot. But crazy."

  "Hmmm. You don't look like an Esmerelda."

  "Where in the world are you coming up with these?"

  "I have a vivid imagination."

  "As I can tell. This is going to take forever."

  "No it's not, Emily."

  "Oh my God. How did you know?"

  "I can just tell."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Yes, Emily Fulbright."

  "OK, you're scaring me now."

  "It was written on your school book."

  "Geez. How did I not think of that?"

  "But I'm glad you didn't."

  "Yeah me too. So we will write each other?"

  "Yes. If you can give me your address I promise the first letter when the Drill Instructors allow it."

  "Thanks. That's really sweet of you."

  She pulled out a pen and wrote her address in her notebook. Carefully she removed half the page and handed it to me.

  "Great. I didn't know this street even had a name."

  "It doesn't. Yet. My dad's developing this area so he can name stuff pretty much whatever he wants. Now I can tell him I already gave out our address as "Eagle Rock Way" so he'll have to stick with that name."

  "You should study law. You negotiate in a way that leaves the opposition no other choice."

  "Thanks. I want to be a strong woman one day. I mean, I think I'm already pretty level-headed and I go for what I want, but I want to really do great things with my life."

  I was hooked. This girl was not only beautiful on the outside, but equally so on the inside. She had the drive and determination to make the world hers, but in an elegant way. Determined and gritty are often used to describe successful guys, but she definitely represented these two traits and there was not a single thing about her that didn't scream woman.

  "I know you will be. I have to go now, but wait. I have something for you."

  I reached up under my bike's gas tank and felt for it. Good, it was there. It hadn't fallen out. I peeled back the duct tape and removed it. I took the blade in my right hand and about two inches of hair from the side of my head in my left and in one motion cut it clean.

  "Here you go."

  "But you won."

  "Today. We both won."

  I reached out my left hand. She reached out her right. I placed the fresh cut hair into her hand. Feeling her palm with my fingertips one last time.

  I put on my helmet, zipped up my jacket, and took off down that dirt road. Eagle Rock Way.

  "Pete, we're going to be late."

  "Come on mom. When you have a motorcycle you're never late."

  "I know and that's what scares me. We're going to take my car. We have to anyways. I prepared some dishes."

  "You cooked? Wow. You really like this guy."

  "He's great. I'm so glad you could meet him before you go. Only two more days, honey. Are you excited."

  "Yeah, of course."
br />   It was only half true. Sure, I was excited to see what the Marines was all about. I knew I would succeed. Anything I set my mind to always worked out well for me.

  The only thing was yesterday. Yesterday I met a girl that completely flipped my work upside down. I never believed in all that romantic love at first sight mumbo jumbo. Not until yesterday.

  She was perfect. I was sure. The girl I wanted to make mine yesterday, today, and forever. She was amazing and on a path to be even more amazing which in itself was amazing considering how amazing she already was.

  "I'm going to miss you, kiddo. It's going to be so strange without you around, but it's going to be a good thing for you. A great thing. And you'll be surrounded with other guys with just as much energy and enthusiasm about life as you have. And they're good guys. Good men. I'm really excited for you, sweetheart."

  "OK, mom, but one thing. Once you become a Marine you can't call me kiddo or sweetheart. Deal?"

  "I'm your mom. You'll always be my little boy. I can't make any promises I can't keep, but I'll do my best. At least in public. At home all bets are off. Now, help your mother load up the car."

  We packed up the food and headed over to my mom's new boyfriend's house.

  They had met only six months earlier, but knew right away they were the ones for each other. I remember going to the bathroom one night and I could hear my mom talking on the phone. It was 2:30 in the morning. I teased her about being more of a teenager than me, but I was glad to see her so happy. She deserved a good man in her life. A strong man who placed her first.

  My mom wanted to drive, but wanted to avoid the curves of the hills. We took a lot of side roads. I wish there had still been sunlight. I was really enjoying the views this time of year.

  After about 20 minutes she turned down a dirt road. We drove for about three minutes then I saw it. It was like a Spanish Villa, but in the hills of Colorado. Wow. This guy must be really successful.

  "Is this the house?"

  "Yep. This is it. Once the sale on mine closes I'll be over hear full time."

  "You're already over here all the time."

  "OK, maybe you're right. I just can't help it. We're in love. It feels amazing."

  We pulled up to the gate. There was a gate shack there, but nobody manning it. The grounds were still under construction. I looked just past the gate to see my a man coming down the lane.

  "Welcome. Let me get that for you."

  He opened the gate and immediately came over to me.

  "Hello, Pete. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so many good things. I'm Jonathan."

  "Good to meet you, Jonathan. Really cool place you have. I bet the views are insane."

  "Thank you. Yes, we're really pleased with it. I've been building and developing all my life. This is what I've been working for all those years. This is literally my dream home."


  "I'll open the gate and then we can continue this conversation inside. I can show you the rest of the estate and the grounds."


  Jonathan walked over to the driver's side and gave my mom a kiss. Kind of weird seeing a guy kiss my mom, but she was happy so I just went with it.

  Mom drove up the gate and parked the car in the horse shoe drive way.

  We walked inside. Wow, what an amazing place. The highest ceilings I'd ever seen. A chandelier. It reminded me of the house in the movie Scarface. At the end where they have the shootout.

  After about 30 minutes Jonathan suggested we eat the food we prepared.

  We placed the food on the table and poured the drinks. Jonathan pressed the intercom button on the wall and said, "Honey, time to eat."

  Jonathan seated himself at the table. "My daughter's studying for a big exam. Sorry she didn't come down earlier to help out."

  We sat at the table and waited for Jonathan's daughter. Within 20 seconds I heard a door shut and a brunette started walking down the stairs. I couldn't quite make out her face, but she looked familiar.

  As she came closer and closer I recognized her immediately. It couldn't be.

  "Carly. Hey. How's everything?"

  "Pete. Woah. What are you doing here?"

  "About to eat dinner with you and your dad."

  Jonathan laughed.

  "That's not my daughter. Carly, I didn't know you were here. How are you?"

  "Good Mr. Fulbright. How are you?"

  "Good. Thank you. How is the studying going?"

  "Pretty good. It's a tough exam, but I think we're going to do OK."

  "Great to hear."

  "Sorry, but I have to run.

  "No problem. Can we fix you a to go plate?"

  "Thanks, but my dad's barbequing right now. I definitely need to save my appetite."

  "Good plan. OK, let me show you out."

  Jonathan walked Carly to the door.

  I had known Carly since we were kids. Never paid her too much attention. When she was young somebody had noticed her in Denver in a shopping mall and next thing she was in Milan modeling. She loved the clothes and the fashion, but missed the Colorado outdoors lifestyle.

  She came back about six months ago. She wanted to help kids. Travel the world as a human rights attorney one day.

  She also wanted me. She had been calling me about taking a ride on my bike since the day she got back. I just couldn't get past my history with her dad so I let it go.

  Her dad was a teacher where we went to school. He took me aside one day and gave me some tough love advice. He knew I didn't have a father and needed some discipline. I listened to him dismissively, kind of pissed off. Who does this guy think he is? But when I got home I really thought about what he said. I was glad he wanted to help me out. Set me straight. It meant a lot to me. Once in awhile after class I would pretend to be working on something past the bell. Once everyone cleared the room I would ask him some questions about life. He was really cool. Always helped me out. Never asked for anything in return.

  One time I got a text on my phone from an unknown number. Congratulating me on my first solo skydive. Had no idea who it was from until Monday at school. Asked him how he got my number. He just said he had his ways. He was expecting big things of me. Made me feel like somebody had my back. Like an older brother. One of the reasons I first started to consider the Marines or some sort of military service or brotherhood type of lifestyle.

  Carly was his daughter. I respected her dad way too much to even think about doing something with her unless I was 100% sure it had future potential. Everybody knew I wasn't about a future with any girls so why pretend? Especially in the face of a guy who had done me right. No way. No honor in that.

  Suddenly the kitchen door swung open. I couldn't believe it.

  "Does anybody need ..."

  The ice bucket hit the floor. Ice went everywhere.

  I sat there stunned. Staring at her. Our eyes locked.

  "Quite an entrance," Jonathan said.

  Pete. This is my daughter, Emily.

  My mom stood up and gave Emily a hug.

  "Hey sweetie. How have you been?"

  "Great, Abby. You?"

  "Great. Thanks. Glad you can finally meet my son. Pete come say hello."

  I pushed my chair back and walked over to Emily. She seemed just as shocked as I was.

  I offered a handshake.

  "Pleasure to meet you, Pete."

  "Good to meet you, Emily."

  "To us," Pete raised his glass. "To us," we all replied and took a sip.

  "Also, Emily is celebrating her birthday," Pete said.

  "Congratulations," Abby said.

  "You must be about my age," I asked. Now I had to know.

  "Pete, you never ask a girl her age," my mom intervened.

  "It's OK, Abby. I turned 18 on Sunday."

  What a relief.

  "That's really close to Pete's," my mom said. "He just turned 18 last month"


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