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The Fall Of The King (Lightness Saga Book 3)

Page 29

by Stacey Marie Brown

  He went down on his knees, kissing my thigh. “It’s not the sandwich I want to feast on.”

  I pressed my head back into the tile, moans echoing off them.

  Even drained and wounded, he didn’t hold anything back. I was quite sure the entire plane—hell, maybe even continents away—heard the sounds of our union.

  What we created between us was intense and powerful, and only grew stronger each time we made love.


  “Stop fidgeting.” Lars placed his hand over mine, pressing down on my bobbing knee.

  “I can’t help it.” I wasn’t just nervous; I was terrified. It hadn’t really hit me until he mentioned her while we chowed down on the hamburgers and sandwiches in bed. Marguerite’s sandwiches won, hands down.

  I had set my mind a long time ago that I would never make it back to her. But I was about to see my daughter. Really meet her for the first time.

  “I think I’m going to throw up.”

  “You did eat two hamburgers, a sandwich, fries, and a milkshake.”

  I glowered at him.

  He cupped my face. “She’s going to love you.”

  “Yeah, because I’ve been such a great mum to her thus far.” I turned to look out the window.

  “Stop,” he said sternly. “It does no good regretting the past. You move forward. Start fresh.”

  The car stopped in front of the huge English manor, and Lars’s door opened instantly.

  “Good to have you home, sir.” A guard bowed to him, holding the door.

  “Thank you.” He slid out. It took him two steps to notice I wasn’t following. “Fionna.” He peered back in the car. I didn’t want to move. There was nothing I wanted more than to see my daughter, but fear of rejection or disappointment in her eyes kept me frozen in place. “The strongest woman I know is too scared to face a five-year-old?”

  I bit down on my lip.

  “She just wants her mother to love her.”

  “I do love her. So much.” I dug my knuckles into my chest.

  “Then that is enough,” he replied, holding out his hand. “The rest will come in time.”

  I inhaled, finally nodding. I reached over and grabbed his hand, letting him tug me out of the car.

  “Mr. Lars! Mr. Lars!” Marguerite came running out the house, her arms waving excitedly. “You are home. You both are safe!”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Yes, we’re home.”

  Safe? That was debatable.

  She jerked her head, darting her wide eyes between our linked hands, a smile taking over her features. “Oh, Mr. Lars, Ms. Fionna!” She rambled on in Spanish so quickly I couldn’t pick up a word, but by her joy and the way she pointed at us and grabbed her heart, I knew she understood we were together.

  “Shit, breathe, Marguerite.” Nik, the panty-dropping Spanish incubus I had seen a few times at the house, stepped into the doorway. But he wasn’t what stole the air from my lungs. On his hip, nibbling the last bit of cracker, was my daughter.

  My hand went to my mouth, a cry sticking in my throat. She was more beautiful than I remembered from my brief view of her in Lars’s basement. The front of her long shiny brown hair was clipped back with barrettes. She wore bright multicolored leggings and a teal “Girls Rock” sweatshirt, her feet in comfy, fuzzy socks. She looked healthy, happy, comfortable, and at home.

  Her blue eyes peered curiously at Lars, then at me. I held my breath, feeling her gaze turn critical. Watchful. Nik lowered her slowly to the ground as I tried to swallow, finding my voice.


  She stepped behind Nik’s leg but did not shun away, her scrutiny drilling into me. I lowered myself onto the steps, even with her.

  “Hi, Piper.” My voice wobbled. “I don’t know if you know who I am—”

  “You’re my mummy,” she said clear and sure, her sweet Irish accent filling my ears like a song.

  Tears filled my eyes, burning my lids. “Yes. I’m your mummy.”

  She looked up at Nik. He rubbed her head and nodded toward me. It was obvious they had bonded over the time we were gone. She took a breath and stepped confidently toward me. Her eyes held so much knowledge and intelligence you could easily forget she was only five.

  “I’m so sorry, Piper.” My hands itched to wrap her in my arms, but I stayed still, unsure what to do.

  “I know, Mummy,” she said, reaching up and touching my cheek. I could no longer hold back my tears. “Don’t cry.”

  A sob hiccupped in my throat.

  “I knew you’d come back for me.” She tapped her head. “I saw it.”

  Emotion filled me, and I wrapped my arms around her, dragging her into my chest, holding her so tight. “I will never let you go again. I promise.” I repeated it over and over, my voice barely able to get all the words out.

  Finally, when the tears ebbed, I loosened my grip on her, leaning back enough to see her face. “I love you, Piper. I promise I will make up all those years I wasn’t with you.” My hands cupped her face.

  “It’s okay, Mummy. I don’t remember when I was a baby.”

  She meant it to make me feel better, but it only piled on more guilt.

  “Nana is making vanilla cake with chocolate chips for dessert. And with sprinkles.” She pointed up at Marguerite.

  It took everything I had to not shed more tears at Piper calling Marguerite a pet name for grandma. She was so happy here.

  I laughed, standing up, wiping my eyes. “My favorite.”

  “Mine too.” She jumped in place. “Come on! It’s almost ready.” She turned, running back inside, practically knocking Nik over.

  “After dinner, squirt.” He laughed, following her. Marguerite walked straight to me and gave me a hug, then went in the house too, leaving Lars and me alone.

  “You all right?” He came up to me.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.” I twisted to face him. He drew me to him without a word, knowing I needed a moment to regain myself. He stroked the back of my head, letting me burrow into his chest. Guilt, shame, joy, and love pummeled me like a boxer.

  “It will take time, but every day it will get better.”

  “How can she ever forgive me?”

  “I wasn’t talking about her. That relationship will build and heal faster than the punishment you are going to put yourself through. Forgive yourself. Otherwise you can’t have a true relationship with your daughter.” He tipped my head to look at him. “I know what it is like to fight ghosts. You can never win.”

  I gaped at him. “Where did you come from?” I could hardly believe this was the same man I walked out these doors with a month ago.

  “Greece.” He smiled, leaning in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me off my feet, deepening the kiss.

  “Mummy? Mr. Darz? Come on!” A little voice called out for us. Piper’s face poked out the door, her hand held out for us. “Cake!”

  “Darz? Is that me?” Lars put me back on my feet.

  “I think so.” I smirked. “Come on, Mr. Darz... there’s cake.”

  He grinned, taking her little hand in his, and fresh tears fluttered in my eyes again.

  “I can’t ever say no to Marguerite’s cake.” He grinned down at her.

  “Me neither.” I took her other hand, melting at her touch and at the image of the three of us walking into the house. How open and loving children were. How easily they forgave and moved on to more important things, like cake.

  I wished I could so easily forgive myself and forget. I would eventually have to, but it would take a lot more than cake.


  I leaned against the doorway watching Piper sleep. Her tiny body curled up around the stuffed animals taking over her bed. Lars had given Marguerite and Nik free rein to redecorate one of the rooms for her. To say they went overboard was an understatement. Eventually I would step in and cut back the toys, a firm believer less was more. She would be loved, but not spoiled to the point where she didn’t under
stand or appreciate what she had.

  But looking at her so peaceful and content right then, all I felt was grateful Lars had taken her away from her other family. She was where she belonged. Here, with me.

  I didn’t know if we would stay here. I wasn’t sure if he was ready for Piper and me to live with him. I thought I would long to go back to Ireland, but Olwyn was gone and my sister was here. Lars was here. Seattle was feeling more like home.

  I felt his presence instantly, though he made no sound as he approached. Our connection zapped my skin similar to an electrical charge. I could sense him on multiple layers, which was wonderful and disturbing at the same time. I had never needed anyone before. Not like this. He didn’t touch me, but the heat of his body compelled mine to step back, longing to be swallowed up by him. I gripped my hands, holding my ground.

  “Piper and I will start looking for a place tomorrow,” I said low, keeping my gaze on her.


  “What you’ve already done for her... I can’t thank you enough.”

  No response.

  I gritted my teeth, hating the sense of disappointment and sadness seizing my gut. He wasn’t fighting for me to stay. I didn’t expect him to, nor did I really want to be “taken care of.” I had always done that myself. I would figure it out. Find a job. I was scrappy and determined. Piper and I would be just fine.

  I already knew what I wanted to do with my life. The treatment of Druids had always been my cause, but now I wanted to add sub-fae to the list. I would not let Kevin’s death be in vain. I would fight for equal rights, work to change the views of society toward those who were “different.”

  “You agreed you would leave,” his voice rumbled behind me.

  “What?” I swiveled around, tears stinging my eyes. Lars’s hair was wet and slicked back, his face shaven. He was dressed in a pair of posh gray sweatpants, which rode low on his hips, and a tight-fitting black T-shirt. I had never seen him looked so relaxed, but still as though he stepped off the pages of GQ.

  “You and Piper. I want you safe.” His green eyes blazed, his face stone as he moved up to me, clasping my cheek. “I can’t protect you as I want. And I will not lie to you and say everything’s going to be all right. We both know it is not.”

  I nipped my lip, looking away.

  “Fionna, look at me.”

  I huffed but obeyed.

  “What I want to say is there’s no way in hell you’re looking for a fucking flat. This should be your home and Piper’s home. With me.” He nodded toward the sleeping girl. “But we can’t.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Neither of us are dreamers. We understand reality and what is coming. Stavros will not quit until I am dead. And that is going to happen sooner than later.”

  My mouth opened to speak, but his sharp look stopped the denial in my throat. He was right. What-ifs were for romantics and dreamers. We were realists who did what we needed to survive.

  “Then come with us.” I touched his face, missing the scruff that had grown while we were on the run. “We can figure something out. Find a way to use the other treasures without destroying the world or you. Fight him.”

  His eyes softened, searching mine. He drew me in closer. “You know I can’t.” His thumb stroked my cheek. “Kings do not run or hide. I must face him. The Dark law mandates I face my challenger. The stronger, more capable one wins.” We both knew it would be Stavros; he already had most of Lars’s power. “I’ve already spoken with Nik and Marguerite. They’ve agreed to go with you and Piper.”

  “I am not going to leave you. I just found you. You need me. My magic. Let me stay. I understand we need to get Piper away from here, and Marguerite. But I can fight with you.”

  “No.” He growled. “If things go the way I think they will, I want you far from here. He will not be kind to the people in this house. Especially you. You’ve beaten him twice, and he will be sure you pay dearly for that. I will not let him hurt you…or her. If he even gets an inkling of how powerful Piper already is? No… You have to take her far from here.” He tipped his head against mine. “Like I asked you before, I need you to hide the treasures. As a Druid, you can protect them from Stavros. Go to Eastern Europe if you can.” He brought up his other hand to my face. “Do this for me. Please.”

  My jaw clenched, holding back the tide of grief that wanted to flood out. For a brief moment, I had my daughter, a home, and the man I loved all at once. But it existed as a bubble, fragile and popping the moment it was touched.

  “Lars,” I croaked.

  He cut off anything else I was going to say, his lips seeking mine, kissing me slow and deep. His arms curled around my arse, picking me up. He walked us down the hall, laying me back on his bed, and undressed me. While we’d lost ourselves in lust and need every time we had sex, this night was different. For the first time, I felt the difference between lust and love.

  We didn’t stop until the sun started to rise. It was one of the best nights of my life, and the worst because I knew with each thrust of his hips, with every kiss, he was saying one thing to me.


  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I opened my eyes, light sneaking through the blinds and giving the dark room depth. My head turned over to find myself alone, Lars’s spot cold.

  I propped myself up on my elbows, feeling the soreness and delicious ache from our all-nighter. I replayed everything we did, flushing hot all over again. Some of the things we did I had never done before, but I already wanted to try again. Like now.

  Damn, where was he?

  I glanced over at the clock, seeing it was almost noon.

  “Shite.” I scrambled out of bed, my mind on Piper. I grabbed a T-shirt of Lars’s out of his closet, the soft cotton amazing against my sensitive skin. I found my leggings from the night before and slipped into those before I moved out.

  “Piper?” I peered into her bedroom. The bed was made as though she was never in it, her stuffed animals all arranged perfectly. From downstairs a little girl’s voice reached my ears, taking me toward the kitchen.

  Dark clouds loomed outside the window, the glass painted with nature’s tears, as if it seemed to understand what was coming.

  I shook my head, shoving the looming sadness from my head, but it stuck like a claw in my heart. Lars would want me to leave soon, but I wasn’t ready to really say goodbye. I still needed to talk to my sister. Shite, she didn’t even know about Piper. But most of all Lars and I needed to update her, prepare her for what was coming.

  We just needed one more day.

  “Buenas tardes.” Marguerite smiled at me when I entered the room, her eyes glistening with understanding. “Sleep well, Ms. Fionna?”

  “Too well.” I came up beside Piper.

  “You slept in so late, Mummy.” She looked up at me and smiled, then went back to her coloring.

  “Yeah. I was tired.” I kissed the top of Piper’s head.

  Marguerite made a noise, turning to the stove, her smile growing wider.

  “Yeah. Mummy and Daddy were so exhausted they kept me up all frickin’ night, and my room is on the other side of the house.” Nik sauntered into the room, scouring his face as he headed for the fridge, his rumpled hair and outfit signaled he’d just woken up too.

  “Nik!” Piper jumped off her stool and ran to him.

  He reached down and picked her up. “Hey, squirt.” He put her on his hip, rubbing her head.

  I tried not to feel the stab of jealousy at the easy way she related to him. I couldn’t expect to walk in and have her be comfortable with me. She understood I was her mother, but she still didn’t know me.

  I knew this, but it still hurt.

  Nik grabbed a carton of orange juice and started drinking straight from it.

  “¡Mi hijo!” Marguerite swiped the back of his head. “Teaching niña bad habits.”

  He grinned at Piper just as wide. I had a feeling it was too late to teach him anything. I loved the instant family sh
e had with Nik and Marguerite. I just wanted to be part of it.

  “Piper, we can spend the entire day together and do whatever you want to do.” I tugged my hair nervously to one side. What if she didn’t want to?

  She looked over at me. “Can we watch a movie?”

  Nik groaned, letting his head fall back. “Let me guess: The Secret of Kells?”

  She nodded dramatically. It made me smile that she didn’t pick a princess movie, but one about Ireland and magic. Home.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “With Darz too?” Her brown eyes widened with excitement and hope. “Please!”

  “Maybe. I’ll have to go find him.” I knew we had so much to do. Stavros would be coming soon. I wanted a few hours with my daughter—the three of us—before it was taken away.

  “Lunch first.” Marguerite pushed past Nik, trying to get into the fridge. “Grilled cheese, mi niña?”

  “Yesssss!” She wiggled out of Nik’s embrace and ran back to her stool.

  “I agree!” Nik waved his arms, mimicking her excitement, following her around to another stool. She giggled, her laugh warming my heart, followed by stabs of pain. We were going to have to leave this all behind.

  “Have you seen Lars?” I asked.

  “I think I saw him head downstairs,” Nik responded, picking up a crayon, giving me a look. We both knew what was below.

  I had no doubt where he was.


  I followed my gut, sensing him and the power of the Druid-made objects. Both pulled on me with a siren’s call. I spotted Goran. His expression was icy, but he jerked his head down the hall, telling me what I needed to know.

  Nerves began to coil in my gut as my bare feet padded across the cold stone. I wanted to ignore my Druid’s intuition as I stepped into the room. It appeared small with different-size compartments lining one wall, resembling a bank vault. Magic swirled in the space, thumping like heartbeats.


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