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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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by Brian Hutchinson

  "What says you, Ronmar Elmidas?" Ryker asked. "Are you willing to put your conflict aside?"

  Hesitantly, the Chieftain of the Forest Engeniums said, "Yes. For the greater good of Calencia, I am willing to put aside our differences, but only if Mazola agrees to halt the enslavement of our people. . . forever."

  "Mazola?" Ryker asked. "Do you agree to Ronmar's terms?"

  Smugly, the Sestian of Lasticall, Mazola Ferrini said, "No. No I do not."

  "What?" Ryker asked as he stood. "What do you mean, no?"

  "I mean what I said," Mazola replied. "I cannot afford to free his people. Who will work the mines? It is unbelievable that he would even suggest I consent to these terms. "

  "There will be no mines to work if we do not unite!" the Human King exclaimed. "Put your pride aside and do what is right for our world. Calencia does not care about your mines!"

  "Lasticall cares!" Mazola yelled as he jumped to his feet. "I care!"

  Ryker came face to face with Mazola. He stared deep into the Sestian's emotionless green eyes for a long moment before he spoke.

  "We can win this war without the High Engeniums, I can promise you that. Once we win, I will make you another promise. If you do not reconsider your stance, when this war is over there will be another war. The entire Kingdom of Galdarath will align itself with the Forest Engeniums and we will march on Lasticall. This, I promise on my family's name," Ryker declared.

  Mazola's smile faded, his eyes narrowed, and the corners of his lips dropped.

  "Are you threatening me, King?" Mazola asked.

  "I do not make threats. Anyone in Calencia can confirm that," Ryker said as he stepped back and drew his swords. "I am a man of action, not one of idle chatter. I retract my previous statement. If you do not come to terms of peace, I will end this folly now."

  Mazola was well aware of Ryker's numerous accolades and victories. Although he did not fear the Human King, he did not desire confrontation.

  "Fine," Mazola said. "As of this moment, Lasticall will relinquish its control over the Forest Engeniums. They are now free to do as they please. I swear it before the lot of you. On one condition."

  "Yes?" Ryker asked.

  "If I release the Forest Engeniums from their life of servitude, I cannot allow the mines to go unattended. I will offer any Forest Engenium a decent wage and reasonable hours. All I ask is that Ronmar does not try and interfere if anyone accepts my offer. That sounds fair, does it not?" Mazola asked.

  "Ronmar, this offer sounds fair. What says you?" Ryker asked.

  "If. . . any of my people agree to such a thing, which I doubt they will, then yes. I will not interfere. You have my word. I swear it before the lot of you," Ronmar replied.

  It was hard to say which was colder, the nip of winter or the exchanging of glances between Ronmar and Mazola.

  "That settles it. You both have made a wise decision," Ryker replied. "King Noggen Stonefist, ruler of the Dainties, what says you?"

  "A war, eh? The Dainties have no objections. This evil threatens my kingdom just as much as it does yours. The Dainties pledge our army to Calencia," King Noggen replied.

  "Thank you, King Stonefist," Ryker said. "Your forces will give Calencia a desperately needed boost."

  "Jezikilah Venumroot, Queen of Dead Marsh, will you fight with us?" Ryker asked.

  "Yez, we'z fightz wiz you," she replied.

  "Thank you for your support. I know that you and your people have not had the best relationship with the rest of Calencia, but I promise you that this will all change after today," Ryker said as he bowed before her. "You have my word."

  "You are a mozt rezpectable man. Thank you for zis opportunity, King Graystone," she replied as she bowed to him. "Ze Raptilians will prove onez and for all zat we'z are not zavages."

  "I look forward to the alliance between our people," Ryker said.

  Ryker stood and turned to the Brazurkin King, Orgwak Skullsplitter.

  "King Skullsplitter, can Calencia count on your support?" he asked.

  "Yes. The Brazurkins are always prepared for war. We would like nothing more than a chance to destroy this Wizard," Orgwak said as he slammed his fist into his chest. "You know from previous experience that we have no reservations about fighting next to the Humans in war."

  "I look forward to fighting at your side once more, King Orgwak," Ryker said as he grasped Orgwak around the inside of his forearm, displaying a sign of friendship.

  "Very well, that settles it. We are now a combined force with all differences aside. We will save Calencia or die trying," Ryker said.

  "That does not settle it," Orgwak interjected. "Who is going to lead this grand army? If we are to go into battle as one, we need one individual to lead. Who will that be?"

  "Any one of you are fit to lead. It does not matter to me. The only thing I suggest is that each of us lead our own army into battle. Several different groups attacking as one will be a formidable offense," Ryker said as he took his seat.

  "That is fine and well, but who is going to coordinate this battle plan?" Orgwak asked again.

  "I zuggest ze Human King. He iz ze one who brought uz all together. He iz a proven warrior of many battlez," Jezikilah suggested.

  "Yes," Noggen said as he stood. "I vote for Ryker as well."

  "As do I," Ronmar said.

  "Speaking from previous experience, I believe him sufficient to lead us as well," Orgwak said. "That settles it, Ryker. Your vote or Mazola's vote does not count now, the numbers speak. You will lead us into battle, Ryker Graystone."

  Ryker stood, "It would be an honor. I promise that I will not fail Calencia. We will win this war."

  "Ha!" Noggen laughed. "This is about the sorriest looking bunch of saviors that I have ever seen."

  "The Saviors," Ronmar said. "That name suites us well."

  "And that is what we will become after this war. This is a war that we will win. We must win. There is no other option." Ryker paced back and forth giving his speech. "At this very moment, Hasbarie sits with a smile knowing there is no one who can stand against him. He has already destroyed a portion of the Free Lands and killed many of our people. I feel he is over confident. He does not understand the will and determination of our people. He is a Wizard, he feels as if he is above us. We will show him that he is no god! We will show him what Calencia is capable of when we are united as one!"

  Those words ignited a fire within The Saviors. They all stood, hoisting their weapons high in the air, each letting out a unique battle cry.

  With all of Calencia’s armies unified, and The Saviors leading the way, it seemed almost possible that this war could be won. The future of Calencia rested upon the shoulders of the unified races and The Saviors.


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