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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

Page 28

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 11

  Scream in the Night

  Thaddeus did not sleep well. How could he? He could not stop reliving the horrible nightmare of his wedding day. He kept staring at the painting of Emilia that he had taken from the castle before he set out to save Calencia. Only a few hours had passed when he decided to go and take over the duty of lookout for Locmire. After all, the Wizard was rather old, and old men needed rest. Even though Locmire had seen many years come and go, Thaddeus knew the Wizard’s age was deceiving. The old Wizard moved with the speed and nimbleness of a young man. There was a fountain of life running through his veins. Nonetheless, he decided he would not be getting any sleep tonight, and a little conversation might do him good.

  Thaddeus got up and made his way to the mouth of the cave where Locmire was sitting. He was glad he had decided to relieve Locmire because it appeared that he had fallen asleep. He stalked his way over to the Wizard. For a large man, Thaddeus moved like a barefooted child walking over a bed of moss. The King prodded the Wizard with the toe of his boot and called his name, “Locmire.”

  Locmire quickly sprang to his feet.

  “Oh my. . . I must have . . . I must have dozed off. The last few days have been very tiresome. Two nights have passed since I last slept. Looks like all is well though,” said the sleepy Wizard.

  “Yes, all looks well. You go ahead and get some rest. I will take watch. I am having trouble finding sleep myself,” replied Thaddeus.

  “I assumed you would. Stay strong, time heals all wounds. It is hard to imagine this, but even though you lost your Queen, you have gained a brother,” Locmire said sympathetically.

  Thaddeus slowly nodded his head. “Ah, my beloved brother. How lucky I am. I lost the only woman that I had ever loved and gained a brother that I truly despise,” Thaddeus said begrudgingly.

  “Thaddeus, he is your brother. You must accept that. I would not be so harsh on him until you really know what it was like to live his life,” said Locmire.

  This seemed to strike a chord with the brother who had lived the life of royalty.

  “But I do not know, nor will I ever know what it was like to be him. Is that any fault of my own?” asked Thaddeus.

  “Consider this. Lot was taken from his true family at birth. He lived in the slums. He was not afforded the luxuries that you were. He saw pain and suffering all of his days. Destined to be no greater than a grunt laborer, he dreamed of the magnificent castle that stood in the center of the city, wondering what life must be like there. When offered an opportunity, an opportunity that he used to help so many families who were in need, he took it. While not the most honest of livings, he used his new career to change the lives of those around him. The only parents he knew died when he was a teenager. Who else did he have? Only the new family who manipulated him into the man he is today. Under such circumstances, I do believe that your brother turned out to be quite the man,” Locmire finished.

  Thaddeus stared blankly out into the starry night.

  “Your father loved your brother deeply. He kept constant check on Lot. He provided his family with all they ever needed, without making it too conspicuous. If your father loved him so much, maybe one day you can do the same. It is not your fault that you do not have the same feelings toward him. How could you? He is the total opposite of all you have ever known as moral and just. Think about it, Thaddeus. Each other is all either of you have left. Why throw that away?” Locmire said as he began to walk away.

  “How do you know all of these things, Wizard? How do you know of the relationship between my father and my criminal of a brother?” asked the King.

  “I know much, Thaddeus Graystone. It is my job to know,” replied Locmire.

  Thaddeus began to speak again but was interrupted. From somewhere out in the darkness a loud, blood curdling scream ripped through the night. The hair stood on the back of Thaddeus's neck. He knew this scream. It was the type of scream that a person issues before they meet a horrible death. The cry was loud enough to wake the other occupants of the cave.

  “What be’s goin on? Who be’s da one who screamin like dey got a foot stuck in Davy Jones' Locker?” Red asked as he ran to the entrance to the cave.

  “Grab your weapons,” demanded Thaddeus.

  Lot and Caleb came running to them. Lot had his swords on his side and Thaddeus's axe in his hand. He tossed the large double edged axe to Thaddeus and asked, “Where is River?”

  “She is not in the cave?” asked Locmire.

  “No. She is not here. We thought she was out here with the two of you,” said Lot.

  “We must go now!” Caleb exclaimed.

  Another agonizing scream echoed through the darkness as the group sprinted from the cave with their weapons drawn. They ran blindly into the night. Locmire was in the lead with a bright light shining from the end of his staff, but they were moving too fast for it to serve its purpose.

  Caleb ran ahead of the rest of the group and yelled, “Keep looking,” as he jumped into the air and transformed into an owl.

  Soaring high above the trees, Caleb glided through the air using his keen vision to search the countryside. He scanned the land frantically. He started to worry that he would not be able to find River, but he finally saw her. Chills ran throughout his body and seemed to almost shake the feathers free from his wings. He dived to the ground where his friends desperately searched for their lost companion.

  “I found her and she looks to be injured badly. Follow me,” Caleb said with panic in his voice.

  He led the way toward their lost party member. He was tearing through bushes and thickets, not slowing down for anything. They topped over a small hill and suddenly stopped as a blood drenched figure came stumbling into sight.

  “River!” Lot cried.

  He sprinted to her, arriving not a moment too soon as she collapsed into his arms. She was covered in blood. Her hair was matted together with the thick, dark liquid. Even though she was only moments ago on her feet and breathing, she now seemed lifeless. Her eyes were empty.

  “River! What happened? River! Answer me!” Lot demanded.

  Locmire and the rest of the group gathered closely around them.

  “Where is she wounded?” asked Thaddeus.

  “Lay her on the ground. We must determine the extent of her injuries,” Locmire said as he planted his staff into the ground, acting as a torch.

  Lot laid River down on the dew covered grass. He quickly inspected her anterior body, flipped her over, and looked at her posterior.

  “Nothing. There are no wounds,” Lot said with bewilderment in his eyes.

  “This is not her blood,” Thaddeus stated.

  “Iffn it not be hers, den whose it be?” asked Red.

  “Caleb, can you search this area again and see if you can find anyone else?” asked Locmire.

  Caleb nodded and flew off into the darkness.

  “What is wrong with her?” asked Lot.

  “She seems scared, paralyzed by the fear of whatever has happened to her tonight,” replied Locmire.

  “How did she even get out of the cave without anyone noticing her?” asked Lot.

  Before Locmire could answer, Thaddeus knelt down beside her and delivered a solid slap across her cheek. She came back into the world immediately, screaming and flailing on the ground as a fish out of water.

  “It’s all right, it’s all right. You are safe. River, it will be all right,” Lot pleaded.

  Locmire raised his staff and said, “Stand back.”

  The party stepped away. Locmire aimed his staff at River, and a loud swoosh came from its end, drenching River with water. The blood was gone, but she began screaming uncontrollably again.

  “Calm down me beauty. It gonna be all right. Ye safe wit us,” said Red.

  River was still screaming and clawing at the ground trying to escape Lot's embrace.

  “RIVER!” Thaddeus yelled. She immediately became still at the sound of his stern voice. “You are safe. It
is over.”

  River almost instantly calmed down. Her eyes began to focus on the world around her. Although she was still not her usual self, she seemed to have gotten a grasp back on reality.

  “We must go back to the cave. We do not know what is lurking in the darkness,” Locmire said.

  They began their walk back to the cave. River was cradled securely in Lot's arms. As they departed, not even Caleb, who had now taken the form of a wolf, heard the sounds of the low gurgling of blood coming from a man and woman lying on the other side of the hill, breathing their last breaths.

  Once they were back in the cave, Lot sat River next to the fire. Caleb covered her shoulders with a tattered blanket, and Red gave her a swig of grog.

  “River, can you tell us what happened to you tonight?” Locmire asked.

  “I . . . I . . . I do not know. I woke up outside covered in blood,” she replied.

  “Where did the blood come from?” asked Thaddeus.

  “I do not know,” she replied once more.

  “Are you hurt? Is anything wrong?” asked Lot.

  “No, nothing is wrong. I feel fine for the most part, just a little shaken” she said as she took another swig of grog.

  “River, I must ask you,” Locmire began. River turned and gave him her utmost attention. “Is there anything you need to tell me?”

  “She has told you all she knows,” said the Thief.

  “Let her answer the question,” Thaddeus interjected.

  “I have told you all I know, Locmire,” answered the Mage.

  “I am not speaking of tonight's events,” replied the Wizard.

  “Oh,” she paused, looking shocked by Locmire’s question. Untruthfully, she answered, "There is nothing that I can think of.”

  “Very well. It is time for us to turn in once again. Thaddeus, will you take watch?” asked the tired old Wizard.

  “Yes,” replied the King.

  “I suggest we all get some rest. It will be dawn soon,” said Locmire.

  The party lumbered off into the cave. They all were extremely tired from the great battle that took place earlier in the day. As they come to the sleeping area of the cave, River took Lot's wrist and pulled him back to her as he walked by.

  “Lot?” she said questioningly.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Will you lay next to me tonight? I am scared, and I would feel much better if you were close to me.”

  Lot's face turned a slight shade of red. “If you desire,” he replied.

  River smiled at Lot and curled up in her makeshift bed. Lot went to his sleeping area and gathered his things.

  “Arrr, the grog get em loosen up every time,” Red whispered as he passed by.

  “Watch your tongue!” snapped Lot.

  Red strode off bellowing out with laughter.

  Lot slipped under the covers in the makeshift bed next to River. He kept a comfortable distance between them. As he made himself comfortable, he felt her warm body press close to his. River fell immediately into a deep sleep. Lot closed his eyes and slumber overtook him as well.


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