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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

Page 39

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 20

  The Woggen

  “Spread out!” Thaddeus yelled.

  The remaining warriors quickly broke apart as the Woggen came charging toward them. The Woggen was covered in blood, with large red chunks of flesh clinging between its teeth. Intestines were tangled around its large horns, and it clutched the body of a dead Engenium by the ankles.

  Even though they were instructed to spread out, the remaining members of the army were creatures of habit and reformed their ranks. A tight, impenetrable formation was the only way they knew how to fight. It took years of discipline for the warriors not to break rank during battle. This hard earned discipline led to their demise.

  One of the Engeniums yelled, “For the Sestian!”

  The ten remaining members of the army rushed forward, charging at the Woggen. The Woggen raised its large arm, the one which held the dead Engenium, and brought it down hard upon them as they came into striking distance. The force of the blow drove them into the ground. The golden armor of the Engeniums bent and mangled around their bodies as they lie on the ground twitching, like a serpent after it had just received a large stone to its flat head. After a moment of uncontrollable flailing about, their nervous systems finally shut down, and they became still.

  The Woggen unexpectedly roared out in painful fury as a small arrow pierced its eye. It swatted at the pesky intruder, breaking the arrow off in its eye. The bloody beast roared louder than ever before and charged toward the source of its pain...Rasmere. As it closed in on him, the Forest Engenium slid down the rubble pile and rolled out of the way of the attack. The Woggen crashed into the stone wall and sent himself staggering backwards as head met hard stone.

  Screams from the beast echoed through the valley as Thaddeus rushed in and sank the head of his axe into its toe, lopping it off. The Woggen swiped at the King, but Thaddeus ran between its legs escaping harm.

  As the beast turned on Thaddeus, Azonis struck from behind and sliced the Woggen's Achilles tendon. The creature screamed in pain once more as it fell to one knee.

  Turning on Azonis, the Woggen was met once more, this time by Caleb, who began to claw at the Woggen’s eyes with his razor sharp talons. The Woggen swatted at him, unsuccessfully, several times. He finally connected with a glancing blow which sent Caleb plummeting to the ground.

  River began bombarding the Woggen with blasts of her staff to protect her fallen ally. The dark beast turned toward her, and once again, it felt a sharp pain in its leg. The Woggen was becoming frustrated at the onslaught of attacks.

  This time it was Koste who inflicted the damage to the Woggen. With an overhand grip on his sword, he stabbed the beast in the leg. He ripped downward with great force, tearing the Woggen's leg open and creating a gaping wound. Black blood rained down upon Koste. It ran into his eyes, momentarily hindering his vision. That was all the time the Woggen needed to wrap his large hand around the tiny nuisance by his feet. He hoisted Koste high over his head. Koste was at least fifty feet high in the air. He could see over the ruined walls of the city. Lasticall is breathtakingly beautiful from this view, Koste thought.

  Suddenly he felt his stomach climb up in his chest, wind was rushing through his hair, and the ground below was upon him in an instant. The Woggen slammed Koste down on the ground with a force so hard that Thaddeus and Azonis lost their footing. All that remained of Koste was a mist of red blood hovering in the air, and a squishy pile of mangled body parts. The Woggen stood over top of the fallen warrior reveling in his victory.

  Thaddeus scurried up the rubble pile and made his way to the top of the broken wall. Rasmere, River and Azonis were on the ground attacking the Woggen with all of their might. The dark beast picked up a fallen section of the wall and hurled it at the ground attackers. They were all lucky to evade the projectile attack. The hulking death dealer bent over once more to grab another section of wall to cast at the warriors. This time when the Woggen began to rise back up, something was flying through the air and coming straight at it. Thaddeus had leapt from the wall and was soaring through the air with his axe high above his head, knees bent, ready to strike. He brought his dragon bone axe down between the Woggen's eyes. Black blood showered Thaddeus, who held to his axe as he fell back to the ground.

  The Woggen screamed in agony, turning in large, off balance circles. Its arms flailed in the air, groping at its bloody face. When the Woggen finally regained composure, he was standing mere feet from the edge of the ravine. Its two large hands frantically wiped the blood from its eyes. The Woggen’s vision was impaired. When it regained focus, a large, slightly translucent orb came soaring through the air. River's force spell furiously struck the Woggen in its chest. The beast flew backwards through the air, screeching as it went. It plummeted into the black abyss of the ravine. For over a minute, the warriors could still hear the beast screaming as it fell.

  Cheers erupted from within the city. The Engenium Kingdom had not fallen at the hands of Hasbarie's forces, even though many lost their lives. River and Thaddeus ran over to Caleb. He had not moved since the Woggen swatted him from the air. Rasmere and Azonis stood by their side. River was shaking Caleb slightly and telling him to wake. Rasmere knelt down beside her.

  “May I?” he asked.

  She nodded with tear filled eyes.

  Rasmere ran his hands over Caleb's face and stood back up.

  “He is merely unconscious. He should wake soon,” said the Sword.

  Azonis turned to Thaddeus and said, “By the grace of fate, you and your companions helped to save our kingdom. We are in your debt, King of Galdarath.”

  Azonis knelt to Thaddeus.

  Thaddeus replied, “You are in no debt to me, Sestian.” He paused and knelt to Azonis as well. “We are dealing with a force that threatens all of our kingdoms.”

  “What are you speaking of, Thaddeus? Do you know from where these beasts came?” asked the Sestian.

  “Yes.” Thaddeus paused to take a deep breath. “The Dark Wizard Hasbarie has returned.”

  Azonis and Rasmere both were taken aback.

  Thaddeus continued, “It is a long story, my old friend. I am not even the best person to explain these turn of events to you. The Wizard Locmire can explain it to you better.”

  Azonis interrupted, “Did you say a Wizard?”

  “Yes, a Wizard. He came to me when my kingdom was attacked by similar foes,” said Thaddeus.

  “I had heard of the attack on your kingdom, Thaddeus. I am sorry to hear of your loss. Emilia was a beautiful creature. We had been informed that it was bandits who had attacked you in Galdarath, not these creatures,” Azonis finished.

  “I appreciate your showing of sympathy. Emilia was beautiful, but I must put that behind me for now. We have much work to do,” Thaddeus said as he wiped the sweat from his brow and continued on. “A long story short, Hasbarie has returned along with the Onock in the area west of the Arplasia Mountains. The Wizard Locmire has been revealed a prophecy. The last remaining bloodline of each race of Saviors who toppled Hasbarie so many years ago are to join together to destroy the Dark Wizard once more. We require your allegiance if there is any hope for our lands.”

  Azonis nodded and said, “I am the last of the Ferrinis, so this must be my duty.”

  “Will you join us, Azonis?” asked Thaddeus.

  “Yes, Thaddeus, I will join you. Give me a short time to get my affairs in order. I must ask you though, who are the two with whom you travel? I know the girl to be a mage, but I have never seen another like your unconscious friend,” Azonis said as he looked over at Caleb.

  “They are a part of the prophecy as well. It will be explained. Also, I am sorry for the loss of your general, Koste. He was a noble warrior, and he fought bravely,” said Thaddeus.

  “Yes, Koste was the commander of my army. The two of us have fought side by side many times. My heart is saddened by his loss, but I still have my Sword,” Azonis said as he looked at Rasmere.

  Rasmere nod
ded in acknowledgment.

  “Azonis, get your affairs in order. We must set off for Dead Marsh to speak with the Raptilians," Thaddeus said as he turned to go check on Caleb. He turned back around and said, “I almost forgot. There is one more order of business before you go.”

  “Yes,” replied Azonis.

  “We must also seek the aid of another from your kingdom. A Forest Engenium by the name of Rasmere Elmidas. Do you know where we can find him?”

  Azonis turned to meet the stare of Rasmere.

  "He is my Sword," Azonis replied.

  “I am Rasmere Elmidas, and I will join your cause without hesitation,” he replied.

  “So, I finally learn the name of your Sword," Thaddeus said as he stepped toward Rasmere. "You are very skilled in the art of war. It will be comforting to know that one such as yourself will be aiding us in our struggle."

  “Thank you, King Graystone. Let me go and prepare for my departure,” the Sword replied.

  “No need, Rasmere. You will accompany me. We must see the affairs of the kingdom set in place first,” said Azonis.

  Rasmere spitefully responded, “Yes, my Lord.”

  It had been years since the enslaving of the Forest Engeniums had ended, but Thaddeus could still feel a sense of superiority in the way Azonis had overturned Rasmere's decision to gather his own things in preparation for the journey ahead. Even though Rasmere had proven himself equal to Azonis, maybe even superior, on the battlefield moments ago, Azonis still showed a slight hint of self-importance over Rasmere. This could pose a problem in the journey ahead, Thaddeus thought. If we are to succeed we must be able to work together and put all differences aside. A picture of Lot flashed through Thaddeus's mind. Look who is talking.


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