Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 41

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 22

  Coming Around

  River sat on the ground cradling Caleb's head in her lap. He had now been unconscious for over twenty minutes, but his breathing had normalized, and he had a look of peace on his face.

  “He took a hard hit,” said Thaddeus.

  “Yes he did. I hope he is well,” River said as she wiped the blood from his brow.

  “He will be fine. He is a warrior.”

  “I have never seen anyone like him. Have you?” River asked.

  “He is indeed an extraordinary person, and his talents have come in handy,” replied the King.

  River looked concernedly down at Caleb. She had only traveled with her new companions for a short time, but she had become very close to them. She looked back up at Thaddeus who was sitting on a fallen section of the large stone wall.

  “Do you think Locmire and the others are all right?” she asked.

  “I am not sure,” said the King.

  “I wonder if they have made it to Pizenchaffe?” River asked.

  “I do not think so,” Thaddeus replied.

  “What makes you think that?” she asked.

  “During the battle with that creature, a feeling came over me. It is hard to explain, but the feeling was not that of my own. Instead, I believe it was what Lot was feeling. Do not ask me how, for I do not know. I have had these visions and feelings all of my life without ever knowing why. Now, I think that the strange visions have been some sort of connection between me and my brother.”

  Thaddeus could see the sense of relief in River's expression. She looked happy at the news. The King also noticed something else about the female spell caster; she was absolutely beautiful. Thaddeus could not help but to notice that even after emerging from a battle such as the one they had just participated in, River's natural glow still shone through. She was breathtaking. River was filthy from the sweat that had streaked the dried, black blood on her brow, and she was still just as beautiful as the first time he met her. I can see why Lot may be stricken with her, he thought. The only other woman Thaddeus ever considered beautiful was Emilia.

  “You fought well today, Mage. Your courage shined during battle,” said Thaddeus.

  River's peaceful expression quickly turned into that of shock.

  “Thank you,” she said as blood rushed to her face. “As did yours,” she added.

  The King did not speak for a moment. His mind was working at a frantic pace trying to choose his next words wisely.

  “River, I must ask you something."

  "Yes," she replied as she pushed her hair out of her face.

  “Do you remember anything that happened the night you disappeared from the camp?” Thaddeus asked.

  Her expression changed once again. This time it was a look of confusion.

  “No, I do not even remember falling asleep,” she replied.

  Before Thaddeus could question her any further, Caleb began to stir.

  “Ah,” said the King, “he wakes.”

  Caleb was producing a low moan from his closed mouth. He traced his cheek with his fingers to where a large gash decorated the crown of his head. His eyes squinted as the sunlight filled his pupils.

  “Caleb?” River asked “Are you alright?”

  “Feels like I have been swatted out of the air by a giant beast,” he said with a smile as he made his way up to a sitting position.

  “Glad to have you back,” said Thaddeus, extending a thick hand to Caleb.

  Caleb gripped his hand and pulled himself up.

  “Glad to be back. How did it end?” he asked, as his eyes scanned over the scattered bodies of the fallen Engeniums and Breathless.

  “Not well for Hasbarie's demons,” said the King.

  “Nor for Azonis's men,” added the Mage.

  Caleb made his way over to a large stone on wobbly legs. He sat down and examined the wound on his head.

  “How bad is it?” he asked.

  “I have seen worse,” replied Thaddeus.

  “Azonis? Is he well?” Caleb inquired.

  “He is well. As is the other Engenium we were told to recruit. They should be back soon,” said the King.

  “You have already found the other one we were sent to find?” asked Caleb.

  “He actually fought beside us in the battle,” answered River.

  “The one with the bow?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  They sat around for half an hour or so, talking about the battle and how the Woggen finally fell. Much to River and Caleb's surprise, Thaddeus had become very pleasant as he was praising their abilities in combat.

  “You performed well, River. You are a truly talented spell caster,” Thaddeus said, turning his gaze to Caleb. “And Caleb, never have I seen and individual such as yourself. You have been given an unbelievable gift. I am proud to fight side by side with the two of you.”

  It seemed the King was beginning to soften his heart toward them. He even made a few jokes. This was a relief to both of his companions as they had begun to wonder if he would ever warm up to them.

  River could not help but to feel sorrow for the King. The previous day she sat and watched as he was about to wed the love of his life, but Hasbarie stole her away from him. She knew that deep down Thaddeus was a good man, and she would have loved to have met him before his beloved had met an untimely end. Even though River was starting to develop a bond with the King, she still could not help but to remember her experience with the army of Causperias, and the men who attacked them by the river. I wonder if Thaddeus knew what those men did to me and my friends? Would he have stopped it? She thought that he would have or at least given them a fair trial.

  Their time of bonding was cut short when an Engenium climbed over the ruined wall and called to them, “King Graystone! The Sestian requires your presence.”

  Thaddeus nodded and said, “We will be right there.”

  They followed the Engenium through the fallen wall and into an open area of the city where every last citizen of Lasticall was gathered in the town square anxiously waiting to hear from Azonis.


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