Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 42

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 23


  The entire population of Lasticall was huddled together in the town square. Azonis, Rasmere, and a few of the remaining guards were standing on the speaking platform in the center of the square. Azonis began to address the crowd concerning the recent attack on the city and making preparations for his departure. He was rallying the citizens to help reconstruct the fallen wall. The remainder of the army was being lifted with praise and receiving orders pertaining to the protection of the kingdom. The Sestian was desperately trying to put his city back together before his unplanned departure. Thaddeus and his crew approached Azonis and were motioned to come to him on the platform.

  “Thaddeus, I seek your advice,” said Azonis.

  “I will offer whatever insight I can,” replied the King.

  “My army has suffered great losses. I fear we do not have the power to hold the city if another attack is made. I cannot leave my kingdom in such a state of disorder,” Azonis said as he stroked his chin.

  Thaddeus was deep in thought for a moment, his eyes narrowed and face went expressionless. “If I were in your shoes, I would enlist some of your more capable citizens and begin their training immediately,” said the King.

  “That is the problem, Thaddeus,” said Azonis as he looked over the citizens. “Every capable High Engenium is already in service to the kingdom. I have no others to rely upon. How does Galdarath fair? Can you spare any warriors?”

  “You know the layout of Galdarath. I must have all of my men to protect my kingdom. I am at a disadvantage as well,” the King replied regretfully.

  Rasmere spoke in a low voice, “Your entire kingdom is not in service, my Lord.”

  Azonis's body became stiff. He turned to Rasmere. His agitation was obvious by his body language.

  “We have already discussed this, Rasmere. I cannot allow Forest Engeniums to serve the kingdom in such a manner,” said Azonis.

  “You allow me into your service. Do you not?” replied Rasmere.

  “Yes, but it is different with you. You are in service to me, not the kingdom of Lasticall,” said the Sestian smugly.

  “So the Forest Engeniums can work in the gold mines at a peasant’s wage, providing the city its riches, but not be allowed to defend it?” Rasmere asked.

  “Rasmere, do not make more out of this than it is,” said Azonis.

  “After all of these years, we are still treated as subordinates to the High Engeniums. The forest is ours as well, and we have the right to defend it,” Rasmere said boldly.

  Azonis's mood changed from agitation to fury. A look of hatred boiled to the surface of his face. I should strike him down for his defiance. If he were not so valuable to me, I would have his head on a pike for his insolence.

  “Azonis,” said Thaddeus.

  The Sestian turned to the King, remaining silent.

  “I feel that during these days some certain customs must be thrown out. I feel that allowing the Forest Engeniums to help defend the city would be the best resolution to your dilemma. It would unite your kingdom like never before. During the first conflict with Hasbarie, did not the High Engeniums and Forest Engeniums fight side by side as one?” Thaddeus asked, hoping the Sestian would appeal to reason.

  Azonis stood silent for a minute, mulling over the words Thaddeus had just spoken to him. The words the King said did ring true. The High Engeniums and Forest Engeniums had fought side by side once before. The allegiance between the two factions had ended the bloody feud between them and had given the Forest Engeniums certain liberties, but in the eyes of the High Engeniums they were still unequal.

  What if allowing them to join the army of Lasticall would liberate them even further? What other choice do I have? I could just leave now and take the chance that the city would be safe, or I could allow the Forest Engeniums to join our ranks and certainly increase our odds of defending our city. I am sure to be hated by many for this decision.

  “Very well, I will allow the Forest Engeniums to join our army,” he said turning to Rasmere. “You can rally your kind if you like. I have no emotional control over your people. I do not think they would agree to join my army if I gave the invitation.”

  Rasmere burned holes into Azonis with his emerald eyes. His hatred for Azonis was now more than ever.

  Why had I ever agreed to serve Azonis in the first place, he thought. He supposed it was to help bring equality to his people. Up until this point he had failed miserably. It pained him to know that his goal was not accomplished out of willingness from the Sestian but rather by extreme circumstance. Rasmere walked to the front of the speaking podium and held his arms upward and outstretched.

  The Forest Engeniums quickly silenced themselves out of respect for Rasmere. The High Engeniums quieted out of curiosity. He scanned the crowd over several times before he spoke. When he finally addressed the crowd, his voice was commanding and carried throughout the entire square.

  “Brothers,” he said. “I speak to you today on behalf of The Sestian of Lasticall, Azonis Ferrini.”

  A few disapproving murmurs came from the crowd.

  “Today has been a tragic day for the city of Lasticall, as well as the entire Kingdom of Lasticall. Many of our High Engenium kin, along with our brothers of the forest, were slain today,” he paused.

  A low rumbling came from the crowd.

  “Today was just the beginning. An evil force threatens all of our lands. Not just the city, but the forest as well. Just as this evil has made attacks on the city of Lasticall and Galdarath, it will focus its attacks on the forest. The evil you saw today came from the very forest we call home,” Rasmere said as he paused to let the sound of disbelief fade out.

  “After careful consideration on behalf of Sestian Ferrini, he has agreed to allow our people to join the ranks of the Army of Lasticall.” He paused once more to meet jeers from both sides of the kingdom.

  An old Forest Engenium in the crowd spoke up and said, “Why should we fight to protect this city? It still enslaves our people for a measly wage. This city, nor its ruler, has given us anything other than inequity.”

  The Forest Engeniums erupted in applause. Azonis showed a slight sign of concern on his face, but it quickly turned into a smirk.

  “My brother,” Rasmere said as he addressed the old Engenium. “I understand your feelings. Even as Sword of the Sestian I feel the sting of unfairness. I am not asking for your aid to help protect the city of Lasticall, but to protect the entire Kingdom of Lasticall, our forests included. We cannot defeat this evil as two separate entities. We must become one to prevail. Just as our ancestors did before us, and just as we shall do today.”

  The crowd roared in applause. Even the High Engeniums were joining in on the excitement.

  Rasmere spoke even louder, “Who will stand and fight as one? Who will stand together and resist this evil that is upon our lands? Who will follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and triumph over this dark force that threatens not only our lands, but all of Calencia? Who will fight?”

  The crowd erupted with cheers. Fists from both races were jutting up like spring flowers. Rasmere had accomplished his task. The entire Kingdom of Lasticall had finally become united. The Engeniums were standing side by side, as one race, preparing to take on the responsibility of defending their homeland.

  He turned to Azonis and said, “Here is your army, my Lord,” and walked away.

  “Well said, Rasmere,” Thaddeus said as he approached the irritated Engenium.

  “Thank you, my King,” he replied.

  “I am not your King. Think of me as your equal. Take some time to get your own personal affairs in order. We will wait for you at the western gate ,” said the King.

  “Thank you,” Rasmere said very appreciatively as he tore off toward the forest.

  “Your Sword is quite the individual, Azonis. He does not seem like one to cross,” said Thaddeus.

  “He is a remarkable servant. He just needs to learn his
place,” replied Azonis.

  “Seems to me that he has found it,” said Thaddeus.

  Azonis did not particularly care for this comment, but he did, in fact, agree.

  “Yes, it seems that he has. I am glad he is on our side,” said Azonis.

  “Perhaps you might want to start acting like it,” responded the King.

  “Perhaps,” replied Azonis scornfully.

  “Do you have your affairs in order, Azonis?” asked Thaddeus.

  “Yes. I have my throne temporarily filled, the army is reforming, the wall is being rebuilt, and the dead are being laid to rest. We are all set,” said the Sestian.

  “Very well, let us head to the western gate and wait for Rasmere,” said the King.

  River spoke up and said, “Thaddeus, what of the Summoner?”

  A grim expression loomed on the King's face.

  “Summoner? What is the girl talking about, Thaddeus? A Summoner?” asked Azonis.

  “The portal that was opened in the forest today cannot open on its own. A Summoner, someone who is possessed by Hasbarie himself, must be present to open it. It seems that someone in your kingdom is not who they appear,” answered Thaddeus.

  “I can find him,” said Caleb. “The last Summoner had a very distinct smell.”

  “See to it then,” said the King.

  Azonis started to ask how Caleb was going to smell out the Summoner, but right before his eyes, Caleb transformed into a dog and began sniffing through the crowd.

  “Remarkable,” said Azonis.

  “That he is,” replied the King.


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