Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 43

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 24

  The Summoner

  A vicious bark began to echo from the back of the crowd. It seemed that Caleb had found whoever it was that he was looking for.

  “He has identified the Summoner!” Thaddeus exclaimed as he, Azonis, and River ran toward their four- legged friend.

  Against the stone wall stood an old Engenium who was being held captive by a snarling hound.

  “Do not move,” said Azonis as the group surrounded the odd looking female Engenium.

  Her lifeless gaze chilled Azonis's very soul. Black veins, which looked like crawling worms squirming under her skin, extended from her eyes and spider webbed out across her face. Her skin was ash gray; all signs of color had fled her body.

  “Did you think you could come into my kingdom and cause such destruction and get away with it?” Azonis demanded of her.

  She began to cackle loudly.

  “Silence yourself, witch,” roared Thaddeus.

  The Summoner cackled even louder as she began to hover in the air, just as the other had done in Galdarath. Hasbarie used the Engenium to speak to Thaddeus once more.

  “We meet again, Thaddeus Graystone, and it seems that you have made some new friends. It does not matter. Your efforts are futile. Soon I will be stronger than I ever was before. No person, persons, or armies will be able to stop me. I vow to you that when we meet, if you are even man enough to reach the Onock, I will make your death slow and painful.”

  The Dark Wizard's voice carried throughout the kingdom. Everyone in the crowd backed away from the floating woman.

  “You hide behind puppets, too frightened to face me in the flesh. When I am finally able to bring you out of the hole in which you hide, I promise you that I will finish what my ancestor, Ryker, started many years ago. I will tear you limb from limb. This, I promise you,” Thaddeus growled.

  A menacing laugh erupted from the frail, old Engenium. A low hum began to omit from her body. Black mist crept from her mouth and began to encircle her. Thaddeus knew what was about to happen, but he did not have time to prepare for the blast that was coming.

  Azonis yelled, “Enough games!” as he stamped forward aiming to strike down the Dark Wizard's host body.

  The Summoner began to shake violently, stopping Azonis in his tracks. She was on the verge of exploding with great force, just as the human puppet had done, but before the dark bomb could detonate, four objects whizzed by Azonis's head. The flying objects struck the outstretched body and drove it backwards into the wall. Four arrows seemed to grow from the, now lifeless, Summoner’s face. Azonis turned a half circle to find Rasmere standing on the speaking podium with his bow in hand. He had come back through the town square just in time. The Sword hopped down and made his way over to them.

  “Nice shooting,” said Thaddeus. “You acted just in time.”

  Rasmere nodded in return.

  “I think I had the situation under control,” snapped Azonis.

  “The situation was not under control. We were about to receive a nasty surprise,” said the King.

  “I do not need you watching my every move. I am very capable of handling myself, or do you forget who I am?” spouted the Sestian.

  “I know very well who you are, more so now than ever. Let us hope that my aim remains always true. It would be tragic for one of my arrows to stray,” rebutted Rasmere.

  “Are you threatening me?” Azonis asked as he came nose to nose with Rasmere.

  Thaddeus had seen enough. He could no longer contain his frustration. “Enough!” roared the King as he grabbed the Engeniums by their necks, pulling them close to his face. “I do not care what unresolved issues remain between the two of you. This ends now! I will not tell you again.”

  He let go of the Engeniums, and they stood staring at one another.

  “Very well,” said Azonis as he brushed himself off. “I likewise will not remind you again, King Graystone. Keep your hands to yourself. If you touch me again. . . the trouble will be between us.”

  Thaddeus nodded and agreed, “Very well.”

  Rasmere turned and made his way toward the western gate . Azonis gave his final commands to Tontal, who was taking his place on the throne. Caleb shifted back into his human form. Thaddeus stood and watched as Azonis marched by him and the others.

  “I cannot, for the life of me, understand why they act like fools in such times,” the King said to his companions.

  “It has been a tough day for the two of them. Let's just hope that they can put their differences aside,” said Caleb.

  “They remind me of a couple of people that I know,” said River with a smile.

  “That they do,” said Thaddeus. “That they do.”

  As they were departing Lasticall, Thaddeus stooped down and placed the small portation stone on the ground near the western gate .


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