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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

Page 51

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 32

  Disturbed Slumber

  Thaddeus and his companions had traveled only a few hours west of Lasticall when a blanket of darkness began to cover the land. They decided that it would not be wise to continue traveling after sunset so they agreed upon setting up camp in the forest. Since departing from Lasticall, they had been trekking in the forests between the main road and the Dead Lands. This way was most likely the more dangerous path, but it would knock at least a day off of their journey. The main roads were laid as far as possible from the Dead Lands, often times taking lengthy detours around natural obstacles. It was considerably colder the closer they traveled near the Dead Lands. The night air was very crisp, and the cold nipped at their exposed skin. Rasmere was the only one who did not seem to mind the cool night air.

  They agreed upon setting up camp underneath the face of a cliff near the river. With their backs against the high cliff, there was one less direction they needed to guard. This was not the most ideal place to set up camp, but it offered more protection than any other place they had come across.

  Rasmere ventured out in the forest to gather food for the group. River was placing protective spells around their camp to prevent any unwanted intruders. Caleb, in the form of an owl, was soaring through the night air looking for signs of life. Azonis and Thaddeus surveyed the lay of the land looking for escape routes and vantage points, in case trouble came at them during the night. After everyone had performed their duties, they rejoined around a toasty camp fire that River had conjured.

  “I never knew that deer meat was so delicious,” River muttered with a mouth full of food. “Maybe its because I haven't eaten since this morning.”

  “It is delicious,” Thaddeus said as he took another big bite of the tender back strap. “Thank you, Rasmere.”

  “You are welcome. It was a young deer, very tender,” Rasmere replied.

  Azonis gave thanks to Rasmere for his much appreciated meal, but the Forest Engenium did not respond to the Sestian’s kind gesture. Thaddeus could easily sense the tension between the Engeniums. A simpleton could have noticed it. As they were finishing their meal, Caleb swooped back down beside the fire and transformed back into his human form.

  “Remarkable,” said Azonis.

  “I have seen him do that on numerous occasions, and it is just as amazing as it was the first time,” said River.

  “Anyone nearby?” asked the King.

  “Nearest life, other than animals, is at least three leagues away. A small village next to the road,” Caleb said as he picked up a portion of the roasted deer meat. “If anyone, or thing, is out there, they are hidden very well.”

  “At last, a bit of good news. We should turn in before too much longer. I suspect the days ahead of us will be trying,” said Thaddeus.

  Azonis nodded in agreement and added, “I am sure they will be. I can only imagine the lengths that Hasbarie will go to in order to prevent us from doing whatever it is that needs to be done.”

  “Let him try and stop us. We will destroy anything that he puts in our path,” Thaddeus replied.

  “I wonder how Locmire and the others are doing?” Caleb asked.

  “They should be getting close to Mt. Pizenchaffe. It is only a little over a day's ride away from Galdarath. If they traveled through part of the night, they will surely reach the mountain soon,” Thaddeus responded, not knowing that Locmire and the others were currently held up in a cozy little inn.

  “Do you really believe that the Dainties still exist?” Azonis asked.

  “I am quite sure of it. Locmire believes them to still be living, and Lot claims that he has visited their city recently,” the King replied.

  “I wonder why they have not tried to make contact with any of the other kingdoms?” Azonis questioned.

  “Why should they? They do not need anything from us, and their last interaction with the surface lead to the deaths of almost all of their civilization,” Thaddeus answered.

  Azonis stroked his long chin and said, “True.”

  After their stomachs were engorged, they discussed their quest. River and Caleb told of their enlistment into Locmire's group. Thaddeus went into more depth regarding the events that had taken place at Galdarath, and Azonis shared of the killer boar's bloody rampage. Rasmere sat quietly on a fallen tree listening to the forest.

  The fire was roaring in the pitch black night. The heat from the blaze was just enough to knock the nip out of the air. Even though they were out in the open, exposed, there was just something about a camp fire that made everyone feel a little safer. The night lingered on, and their time of fellowship grew to an end. Everyone, except for Rasmere, turned in for the night. He was appointed first watch. Thaddeus was comforted knowing that the Forest Engenium would be on lookout. Rasmere was very perceptive, and he did not take his mind off of his current task.

  It did not take long for the group to find slumber. It had been a trying day. The battle for Lasticall was the most arduous battle in which the warriors had ever been. Their bodies, as well as their spirits, were weary. They all slept well. Rasmere had only been on watch for an hour’s time when, CRACK, he heard a twig snap to his left. He slowly turned his eyes, not wanting to alert whatever was lurking in the darkness to the fact that he was aware of its presence.


  Another twig snapped to his right.

  He slowly got up and tossed another log on the fire. He tried to act as natural as possible, a difficult task for one not accustomed to the craft. He took a long stick and prodded the fire for a short time before making his way to where his dreaming companions lie.

  “Thaddeus,” he said softly. “Thaddeus,” he said once more, this time giving the King a slight nudge with his fur boot.

  Thaddeus's eyelids shot open. His hand instinctively found its way to his axe.

  “It is time to wake,” Rasmere said calmly. “It seems that we are no longer alone.”


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