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His Perfect Bride

Page 2

by Jenn Langston

  There was a brief pause and Brianna held her breath, waiting for her mother’s determination. On one hand, Brianna admired the girl for appearing to stay calm in the midst of her mother, but on the other hand, she could prove to be more difficult to dispose of than the others. Brianna could not decide if she wished her mother to accept this girl or not.

  “The agency does have a valid argument, so I shall allow this interview.”

  Although slightly surprised by her mother’s response, she felt happy for Ashley making it thus far. As she listened with half an ear, they discussed Ashley’s qualifications and what would be expected of her as governess. Brianna began to feel her eyelids droop and was disappointed at the waste of time this was turning out to be.

  “Now, before we go any further, I need to explain the problem with my eldest daughter, Brianna.” At the sound of her name, her eyes shot open and she resisted the urge to sit up. “She is beautiful, and that alone should ensure her a chance at securing a suitable match. However, she does not act at all like a lady should.”

  “In what way does she act, my lady?”

  “She is a stubborn and disobedient child. At times, I feel as though she waits for me to tell her something only so she can defy me. We have been attending balls and gatherings for over a month now, and she has not received special attention from any gentleman to indicate interest. I’m determined to see my daughter wed to a viscount or higher, and her wild ways are frightening off any acceptable prospects.”

  “At such an age, I’m not sure I would be able to help much in that regard. She has obviously made a decision regarding her actions, and I’m not sure it can be changed.”

  “You were telling me how you could relate better considering your age, and now you will have your opportunity to prove it. I believe you are wrong about Brianna. My daughter can change, and I feel that you are the one to help facilitate her transformation.” After a pause, her mother added, in a superior voice. “If you don’t wish for the position, or the reference you shall gain from it, then desist wasting my time. I need a strong woman who can discourage my daughter’s wildness and keep a close eye on her.”

  “My lady, I can be strong when the occasion arises, and I do wish for the position. If you allow me this chance, I’ll assist you with your daughter.”

  “Very well, you will start immediately. Brianna and I will be attending Lord and Lady Minor’s ball this evening, and I expect her to be ready to receive some suitors.”

  Brianna could hardly believe what she had heard. Did her mother honestly think additional training from a governess would force Brianna to comply with her demands? She loved her mother dearly, but the woman didn’t understand her. Brianna always felt trapped in her own home, and she had no desire to marry a titled gentleman and become his prisoner as well.

  Living that life was never something that appealed to her. There were so many duties and responsibilities that would limit her free time, a sad truth she learned from her mother. What Brianna longed for was a small cottage in the country, preferably near a body of water, where she could live out her life free from obligations. She could spend hours horseback riding, walking through the woods, and painting without any worries about neglecting her duties. Then perhaps one day she would be able to see her art in a gallery. People would come from all over to witness beauty through her eyes.

  Painting was a natural part of her life that came as easy as breathing. She found all the social interactions stifled her creative flow and limited her time with her art. Once she was liberated from her mother and the constant obligations, she would be free to paint whenever she chose. This dream would be hers, if she found an untitled and undemanding husband, someone she could easily influence, and married him before her mother had an opportunity to interfere.

  Realizing the room was empty, she emerged from her hiding place and exited the drawing room before anyone could uncover her deception. Once up the stairs, she slowed her pace and started for Grace’s bedchamber. Her sister was more anxious than she, since the governess would spend the majority of her time in Grace’s company.

  “Bree, thank goodness! I started to worry you had been caught. What took you so long? Have you learned anything useful?” Grace bombarded her as soon as the door opened.

  “Calm down, Grace. I didn’t learn anything that would assist us in relieving ourselves of her, but I found out what Mother’s plans are for me.”

  As Brianna told her sister what transpired in the drawing room, she could see her sister’s apprehension melt away. Brianna suspected Grace’s happiness was due in large part to the lack of plans for her future.

  “I don’t think Mother is going to give up her marriage plans for you, but ridding ourselves of this new one may give you enough of a delay to choose your own husband.”

  “Possibly, but I have no wish to rush into marriage. I have my own plan and a lengthy list of requirements for my future husband. Unfortunately, most of them can’t be revealed by several polite conversations witnessed by others.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. This time your plan better not involve me. I’ll happily help frighten off the governess, but I refuse to help you participate in clandestine meetings with various gentlemen.”

  “Is that so?” Brianna asked with a knowing look.

  She knew if she required her sister’s assistance, she would have it. Typically, in the beginning, Grace had refused to help with Brianna’s more elaborate plans; however, once the plan was ready to be placed into action, her reservations disappeared. Brianna suspected her sister refused at first as her way of curbing her more wild nature, but in the end, her true desire always won.

  “It is. Now, do you have a plan to start the removal of this governess?”

  “I don’t see any reason to create anything new for her so soon, so we can begin with the ghost plan. You go find Miss Ashley and tell her the fake stories about the manor being haunted. I’ll then sneak into her bedchamber, hide some of her clothing, and rearrange some of her belongings.”

  “Perfect! This is my favorite of your plans. It’s also effective.”

  Grace happily skipped out of the room in search of her victim. Brianna crept down the hallway and entered the bedchamber adjacent to the one assigned to the governess. Listening by the door, she waited until she heard talking. When her sister’s voice began to fade down the hallway, Brianna knew this was her opportunity. The usual excitement and fear welled up inside her as the danger of being caught sank in.

  Slipping inside the governess’s bedchamber, she smiled to see Miss Ashley already began unpacking her belongings. As Brianna strolled through the room, she randomly moved items in a way that would be noticeable. Opening the wardrobe, she was about to remove the first gown, when she heard the sound of voices drawing near. With the prospect of imminent discovery, she climbed into the wardrobe and closed the door.

  “I understand, Lady Grace,” Brianna heard the governess say as she entered the room. “I was simply under the impression you had something important to show me.”

  “My stories are important. I wish to tell you of——”

  “As I already mentioned, I would love to hear your stories. The subject matter does sound quite entertaining, but I have things I must attend to first.”

  “You are just trying to dispose of me, since you don’t like me,” Grace responded, and Brianna had to stop herself from giggling at hearing the familiar pout.

  “That is nonsense. I do like you, and I promise as soon as I have settled in, I’ll seek you out to hear all of your stories. I must admit, I do love a good ghost.”

  Then the door clicked shut and Miss Ashley let out a sigh. Brianna peeked through the crack between the doors to see Miss Ashley at the bed, pulling another gown from her trunk. Realizing how precarious her situation had become, her heart pounded erratically. Miss Ashley would soon discover her hiding in the wardrobe, and the punishment from her mother would be severe.

  Brianna shrank back from the door,
bracing herself for the dreaded moment. As if an immediate answer to her prayer, there was a knock at the door. Her breathing returned as the quick footsteps carried Miss Ashley further away from the wardrobe and Brianna. After some whispered words she was unable to understand, the door once again closed. Hoping Miss Ashley had left, Brianna cursed her misfortune to discover she was once again in the room with the footsteps, only this time there was more than one person present.

  “You should not be here,” Miss Ashley exclaimed on the other side of the door.

  “I know, but I could not stay away with you being so close.”

  It took Brianna a second to identify that the male voice belonged to James, the footman. She had no idea what business he had with the new governess.

  They were no longer talking, but she could hear a strange sound coming from within the room. Peering through the crack, she saw a sight that made her blush from her head to her toes. She was correct, it was James, and his lips were sealed against Miss Ashley’s.

  It was a kiss unlike any Brianna had ever seen before, and she found she could not tear her eyes from the couple. As she watched, she felt her body reacting strangely, and the desire to experience such a kiss swamped her. Remembering herself, she shifted back from the display before her. To further avoid temptation, she closed her eyes, wishing she could block out the noise as well. Unfortunately, she could not stop the scene from continuing behind her eyelids, as if she had never looked away.

  There was a swishing of petticoats and material, and Brianna covered her ears, desperately trying to ignore the sounds and forget what she witnessed. The sound of a female moan broke through her defenses and brought her eyes once again to the crack in the door. If James was hurting Miss Ashley, Brianna would have no choice but to step in. But the sight before her didn’t help confirm, or expel, her concern.

  Miss Ashley was lying across the bed with her skirts around her midsection, and James was on top of her. From the expression on Miss Ashley’s face, Brianna decided it was not pain she was feeling. The two of them were moving in a peculiar rhythmic pattern, and Brianna found herself utterly fascinated by their actions. Feeling her body become heated and strange, a wave of embarrassment washed over her. Allowing her better judgment to win out over curiosity, she looked away.

  She had no idea how long she sat in the wardrobe, trying to block out the reminders of the strange act occurring in the room with her. When she could no longer stand another minute, she heard a cry, and then the bed springs creaked, indicating the release of pressure. The rustling of clothing continued, but no other odd noises could be heard.

  “I have really missed you. I can’t say how glad I am that you are here,” James said.

  “I missed you, too. Now, you better get back to work before you are discovered missing,” she replied with a giggle.

  “Don’t lock your door tonight. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.”

  “I’ll be anxiously waiting.”

  There was more kissing, then footsteps, followed by the sound of the door opening then closing. Brianna was glad he was gone, but she was still stuck in an uncomfortable position. As she watched, Miss Ashley returned to the trunks and continued to unpack her belongings.

  Discovery was imminent. However, she now had information she could use to prevent her mother from finding out. Knowing her mother would never approve of her daughter’s governess in a relationship with a footman, she savored the knowledge and the help it would award her. After several minutes of waiting, Brianna decided to end her torment and present herself. Lifting her hand, she almost jumped when she heard a knock at Miss Ashley’s door.

  “Come in,” Miss Ashley called out.

  “I’m sorry to bother you again,” Grace began. “However, I can’t locate Brianna, and I’m worried. Will you help me find her?”

  “I’ll be happy to offer any assistance I can. However, I’m unfamiliar with the grounds.”

  “Any help is better than none,” Grace assured her.

  Once the door closed behind the pair, Brianna sagged her shoulders. After waiting another minute to allow them opportunity to vacate the hallway, she was finally able to leave the wardrobe and slip out of the bedchamber. Taking the servants’ passages, she made her way out to the garden to secure her alibi.

  The garden in their London home was not as large as the one at Ransley, but it was still impressive. Her father, Bradley Denton, Earl of Ransley, loved to display his wealth, and the garden certainly lived up to his high expectations. Denton House, too, was in her father’s style, allowing her mother to host extravagant balls throughout the Season.

  The array of flowers was vibrant and her artist eye begged to capture their beauty. Every color imaginable decorated the walkways and called out to her as she meandered through the garden. Brianna lightly ran her fingers over the delicate petals of a rose, loving the soft texture as well as the delicate smell it awarded her.

  After traveling far enough, she sat on a decorative bench not easily seen from the main walkway. As she waited, she debated how to use her newfound information. Knowledge was power; however, if Miss Ashley was not aware she had the knowledge, the power became useless. Simply telling the governess she knew of her relationship with James did nothing for her except create an enemy she didn’t need. By the time footsteps drew near, Brianna decided to hold on to her information. In light of this twist, she was happy to welcome Miss Ashley to her new position within their household.

  “Brianna! There you are,” Grace exclaimed. “I have been searching everywhere for you.”

  “I came out here quite some time ago for fresh air and inspiration. I’m afraid I got lost in the beauty of the day. Did you need me?”

  “Have you met Miss Ashley, our new governess, yet?”

  “No, I have not. It’s nice to meet you,” Brianna replied politely, although she felt she had already been acquainted with her.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well. I hope we will be able to get along nicely.”

  “I imagine we will. Welcome to Denton House, Miss Ashley,” Brianna said warmly. She almost laughed at the suspicious look that crossed Miss Ashley’s face a second before she could mask it.

  “Mother has been looking all over for you. She is anxious for you to prepare yourself for the ball tonight,” Grace said, sounding disappointed. She was still four years away from her first Season, and Brianna knew how much her sister longed to attend the fancy, hosted events.

  “When you see her, you may tell her I am directly headed for my bedchamber. Assure her I’ll be ready within the hour.” Brianna smiled politely.

  Miss Ashley may now question her mother’s assessment, thereby giving Brianna a chance to play her cards right.

  Chapter 2

  As the carriage maneuvered down the streets making its way to Lord and Lady Minor’s ball, Brianna could hardly sit still, for her excitement was brimming over. She loved to dance and flirt with all the gentlemen while keeping an eye out for her perfect husband.

  “Are you excited, my dear?” her father asked. His eyebrow rose as he watched her.

  “Yes, Father, I enjoy dancing very much,” she replied.

  Her father simply laughed.

  “I’m glad you are excited,” her mother said. “However, I expect you to behave in a manner befitting a lady of your standing.”

  “Of course, Mother,” Brianna said, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice.

  “Tonight a special gentleman will be in attendance, and I would like you to become acquainted with him.”

  “As you wish.” Brianna was not sure what to think about her mother’s request, for she had never singled out any one gentleman before. This brought one thought into Brianna’s head: This was the man her mother intended her to marry. She would do whatever possible to avoid that fate.

  “Very good. Now, I believe he has only recently returned to London, and if my informants are correct, he is looking for a wife. You are by far the fairest of the Season, and theref
ore the most likely choice.”

  Her mother’s confidence that beauty was the deciding factor made her want to snort. Restraining the urge, she cleared her throat. “May I know who the gentleman is?”

  “He is the Marquis of Stonemede,” her mother said proudly.

  As the carriage stopped in front of Lord and Lady Minor’s townhouse, Brianna found herself robbed of the opportunity to ask any questions.

  Entering the ballroom behind her parents, one question continually plagued her: How did her mother manage to find an available marquis who was searching for a bride? The only answer she could come up with was not very pleasant. He was advanced in years and hoping to sire an heir before claiming his eternal rest. She shuddered at the thought.

  Unsure of how her mother intended to elevate her above the other potential brides, she refused to sit back and wait while her perfect future was taken from her. She would avoid meeting the marquis, at least until he met enough ladies to make his selection from this Season’s best. Her decision made, Brianna easily glided among the crowd and away from her scheming mother.

  Unfortunately, she only enjoyed one dance before her mother was ready to obtain an introduction to the marquis. Her mother headed straight for her, with a purposeful look in her eyes that never boded well for Brianna’s plans. Frustrated that her mother never gave her opinion any consideration, Brianna felt anger rising within her. Her future was hers and hers alone. Needing a moment to regain her calm, Brianna opted to slip away before her mother could reach her.

  Hoping to not be overtaken, she hastened through one set of double doors leading to the terrace. She dismissed the idea of wandering around the gardens alone, as it was too dangerous. Standing at the railing, she surveyed her surroundings. The beauty of the flowers before her did nothing to either ease the anger or distract from her irritation. The injustice clawed at her throat, and she was on the verge of both screaming in frustration and breaking down in tears.


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