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His Perfect Bride

Page 6

by Jenn Langston

  “Luckily, that will not be tested. I imagine if I make more of an effort to attend the same controlled events as you, there will be no reason for you to have to seek me out.” He gave in to temptation.

  “It’s not necessary for you to change your plans on my account,” she said, but he noted how her face lit up at the possibility.

  “I would be delighted to make the arrangements. You should go inside now before you are missed.”

  She thanked him, then allowed him to assist her down. He waited, watching until she disappeared into the house, grateful she didn’t look back to see the Stonemede crest, now visible in the light. His simple bride search was proving to be more complicated than he had expected. Shaking his head at his weakness, he thought of the complications this new development would create.

  If he were to present himself to her at a public gathering, his identity would be revealed. Once her misconception about him was righted, her pursuit of him would certainly increase. After seeing how determined she was, he knew she would not easily be deterred. There had to be a way to see her and hide his identity, while still continuing with his bride search. It would not prove to be easy, but he never backed down from a challenge.

  By the time the carriage arrived back at the club, he came no closer to finding a solution than when he left Lady Brianna. Now he realized he would have the added complication of explaining what had occurred with Lady Brianna to his friends. Jonathan would have endless amusement, and Richard would not tolerate anyone laughing at her.

  Lady Brianna had unknowingly become more important to him than she should be. Telling himself it only consisted of a burning desire for her and nothing more, he pushed her from his mind. It had simply been too long since he’d taken a woman to his bed. At least that is what he wanted to believe.

  “There you are,” Jonathan exclaimed as Richard strolled in. “I thought we would have to cancel tonight, considering you discarded us to go enjoy yourself with your friend.”

  “Don’t refer to her in that manner. She isn’t a common tart. She is a lady of our class.” Richard used every ounce of strength to keep his voice even.

  “Then what was she doing here, alone at night?” Greyson asked, his voice incredulous.

  “She wanted to discuss an inconsequential matter. She, being a trusting soul, didn’t perceive the danger to herself due to the late hour.” Richard hoped his friends would not press for more information.

  “What matter could possibly be so important to take her from her home when she should be abed?” Jonathan asked.

  “Nothing. You know how women can be,” Richard responded inadequately.

  “Interesting, you or your title must have made quite an impression on the lady for her to seek you out here,” Greyson observed.

  “Or perhaps it was she who made the impression on you,” Jonathan added, with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Don’t think her improper address escaped my notice.”

  “You both have the situation wrong. It has nothing to do with my title, and her informal address was not due to a lack of respect or a shared familiarity. It’s due to a lack of knowledge. She is unaware I do indeed hold a title.” The telling silence that followed had Richard regretting his words.

  “Well, I can’t say she would be my idea of a submissive, obedient wife, but I’m not going to judge your decision,” Greyson supplied, breaking the silence.

  “I commend you. Not flaunting your title was a stroke of brilliance. Now you should be able to determine who is interested in you and who wants your title. I only wonder how it’s possible that no one recognizes you,” Jonathan remarked.

  “I agree. If such a ploy could be possible, it would be an exceptional plan, however this was simply a misunderstanding I have yet to correct,” Richard explained as he approached the sidebar and poured himself a much-needed drink.

  “She is quite a stunning confection. Why do you not tell her now? Then she will have no reason to escape you. Better yet, don’t tell her, and perhaps she will be as enchanted by me and my eventual title of viscount.” Jonathan rubbed his chin in consideration.

  Richard clutched his glass dangerously tight and was about to tell Jonathan exactly how he felt about that, when he saw the satisfied smirk on his friend’s face. Richard cursed himself for allowing Jonathan to goad him, although he could not understand why the idea of Lady Brianna and Jonathan bothered him. She didn’t belong to him and never would. She was too wild and reckless to fit into his designs for the future.

  The problem was Richard could easily picture her at Stonemede, running through the grounds with her wild spirit as her black hair trailed behind her. He could feel the breeze on his face as he chased her. Once he caught her, he could imagine how her sweet scent would mingle with the fresh grass, a smell designed to taunt him. There would be no one around to hear her soft cries as he took her with the sun shining down on them.

  “We are not here to talk about her.” Richard tried to shake off the too real dream that left his body aching.

  “Yes, tell us what you found out about Tarrington and Kirkwood,” Greyson proposed, his mind easily turning to business matters.

  Jonathan acted as if he wished to comment further, but instead refilled his glass with brandy and sat back down. When Richard gained his full attention, he sighed in relief.

  “Well, Erik Langley, Viscount Tarrington, is in a bad financial state due to his gambling habits. He is young and from what I understand, he has an easy time with the ladies. He also has a temper that isn’t exactly conducive to the calm atmosphere we have established in the club.”

  “I vote to reject him,” Jonathan said easily.

  “Agreed,” Greyson concurred. “Do you think he will attempt to retaliate due to our decision?”

  “I don’t believe so, but it will not hurt to have Nathaniel prepared. Now, Alan Parks, Earl of Kirkwood, is another matter. He is known for his maliciousness. He enjoys gambling as well, but only when the stakes are high. His favorite activity is ruining young lords who don’t have better sense. He easily talks them into a game of losing their estates.”

  “I believe I have heard of him,” Jonathan chimed in. “His holdings are quite vast, and another of his past times is ruining young ladies.”

  “Hmm, I would not mind pitting my talents up against his,” Greyson said. A devilish gleam shone in his eyes as he shuffled his ever-present deck of cards.

  Richard imagined it would be quite an entertaining match. As skilled as Greyson was, however, he did hate to lose, and Richard would worry at the outcome.

  “Anyway, the rejection will not sit well with him, and I do suspect retaliation.” Richard hoped the idea would distract Greyson from his current train of thought.

  “Regardless, we must reject his membership, so can we adjourn this meeting?” Jonathan stood. “Due to Richard’s little love scene, I’m already late for a very important meeting with my current mistress.”

  “Go. We are done here,” Greyson acknowledged, not raising an eyebrow at Jonathan’s ‘important’ meeting.

  “Please forgive me for detaining you,” Richard added with a mock bow.

  Jonathan inclined his head and left, no doubt anxious to begin his evening. Jonathan’s plans actually worked out better for Richard, as he had hoped for an opportunity to speak with Greyson alone.

  “Are you in a hurry to leave as well?”

  “No, there are no claims on my time.” Bitterness rang from Greyson’s words.

  “I wondered if I could recruit your help with something,” Richard began, unsure of how to proceed with his newly developed plan.

  “I would be happy to. Is there a problem?”

  “Not a problem. I’m currently working on something, and I’m not quite ready to tip my hand.”

  Chapter 5

  Brianna hesitated as long as she could in the ladies’ withdrawing room. She could not understand why the Marquis of Stonemede had to show up again. Throughout the evening, her mother had unfortunately
kept a close watch on her and was never far from her side. In spite of that, luck remained with her once again as her mother was unable to secure an introduction with the marquis. If her luck continued, she imagined she would be able to make it through one more ball without procuring the dreaded presentation.

  Another negative aspect of the evening was Mr. Richard had yet to surface. Several times she caught sight of someone with similar features on the dance floor, but was never awarded enough of an opportunity to confirm or deny his presence. After the incredible experience they had shared in the carriage, she imagined he would have made his way over to her already if he was in attendance. His kiss had been more passionate and fiery than the last, and the difference fascinated her. Then when he’d touched her . . . Her body burned simply thinking about it.

  When she had arrived home the previous night, James had yet to return, so she was able to tell Ashley how Mr. Richard offered her a ride home before James burst in, frantic with worry. Once he laid eyes on her, he calmed down. However, after Ashley heard his accounting of the events, she said she would no longer help in the future with anything she deemed reckless. Brianna sincerely hoped Mr. Richard would show up so she would have no reason to seek him out again.

  Reluctantly exiting the withdrawing room, she immediately spotted her disapproving mother, who, sadly, made eye contact. Her mother’s displeasure caused Brianna’s mind to conjure up possibilities and raised questions. Had Mr. Richard arrived? Had he approached her mother? She certainly would not condone a relationship with him, being untitled. Would Mr. Richard be willing to see her secretly? Should she want him to? Luckily her disturbing questions were interrupted by the sight of a gentleman approaching her mother.

  Brianna held back, watching as her mother turned her nose up at the man. Confident he was not the marquis, and curious as to who he was, Brianna quickly returned to her mother’s side.

  “Good evening, Lady Ransley. Could I have the honor of an introduction to your daughter?” he asked, as Brianna stepped up beside them.

  Her mother paused, and Brianna wondered if she would refuse him. “Very well. This is Lady Brianna Denton, daughter to the Earl of Ransley. Brianna, this is Greyson Thorpe, Viscount Merrick.” Her mother introduced them, shifting uncomfortably.

  “Lady Brianna, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he replied, bowing over her hand. “May I have your next dance?”

  She glanced down at her dance card, then back at him with a smile. “I would be honored, Lord Merrick,” Brianna agreed before her mother could respond. “You are lucky, for my dance card is empty for this next set.”

  There was likely a good reason for her mother’s behavior, but Brianna could not see any harm in a simple dance. As the first notes of the dance filled the room, she and Lord Merrick joined the other dancers. He appeared to be heavily concentrating and his body was stiff, as if he was not comfortable with the steps. It was unusual for someone of their class, especially a titled lord, to be unfamiliar with the dance, and it piqued her curiosity. Her mouth burned to ask him why, but she kept her lips firmly together to resist the urge. Taking pity on him, she managed to subtly help him along without the added complication of forcing him to hold a conversation as well.

  “Thank you for the dance, Lady Brianna.” Lord Merrick’s voice was full of gratitude. If it stemmed from her aid with the dance or from the conclusion of the song, she could not be sure.

  “You are very welcome.” She hoped he didn’t believe she thought any less of him for his lack of knowledge of the steps.

  “Would you care for a stroll on the terrace?”

  Brianna felt torn. He seemed to be a nice gentleman, but she had no desire to mislead him. However, delaying her mother and the looming introduction to the marquis remained foremost on her mind.

  “That sounds lovely, for it has become rather stifling in here.”

  As he led her out the ornate double doors, Brianna was happy to note the number of couples enjoying a break from the dancing. Considering her mother’s odd reaction upon their introduction, she didn’t wish to be alone with Lord Merrick.

  “Have you been enjoying the Season?” he asked as they looked out over the gardens. The hint of rose petals perfumed the cool night air, giving a welcome relief from the ballroom.

  “Yes, very much. And you?”

  “It’s tolerable.” He dismissively waved his hand. Then he turned to her. “May I speak plainly? I do despise all the small talk.”

  “I don’t mind.” Her curiosity piqued. “I have never been one to enjoy wasting time on pleasantries either.” It was not very often a gentleman would forgo the small things they imagined the ladies desired.

  “What are your aspirations for marriage?” he asked bluntly.

  Brianna’s mouth popped open, but she quickly managed to compose her face. It was not a question she anticipated being asked, especially not from someone she had recently been introduced to.

  “If you are requesting plain speaking, I’ll be happy to oblige.” She waited for his nod before continuing. “I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t have any desire to marry a viscount.”

  “Ah, I see. You are hoping for a higher title, perhaps a marquis?” he asked, his tone insulting.

  “Please don’t be offended. I’m not insulting you or your designation. Viscount is a perfectly respectable title, and I know a great many ladies who would be happy for an introduction. I could point out several if you would like,” she replied, wishing to remove the conversation from herself.

  His steely grey eyes continued to watch her in a very calculating manner. She didn’t have any idea as to his purpose, and she shifted, uncomfortable under his gaze.

  “If you would, please answer the question. I’m not asking for myself. It’s merely a curiosity as to how a woman chooses a gentleman. As of yet, I have not found anyone who will tell me.” His cold eyes melted a little with his plea, and Brianna could not refuse curiosity. It had been her constant companion and had gotten her into trouble many times.

  “All right, but I can’t speak for anyone, save myself. I imagine my views are not widely shared.”

  “That is perfectly fine. One view is more than I currently have.”

  “Well, I don’t wish to marry a gentleman with a title at all.”

  His mouth dropped open, and his eyes went wide with shock. His reaction would have been comical if she felt more at ease with him. His unsmiling face seemed somewhat amused, and she got the feeling he wanted to laugh. She knew her feelings were unorthodox, but she refused to be ridiculed. Before she could open her mouth to tell him so, she felt the presence of another person. Likely her mother had found her, and if truth be told, she was relieved at the prospect.

  “Greyson, please, I asked you to bring her out here, not upset her,” Mr. Richard reprimanded from behind her.

  Her body reacted to the sound of his voice, tensing in anticipation. Turning to him, she smiled widely, as elation lightened her body. She could not believe he had asked his friend to fetch her so he could see her again.

  “Thank you, Lady Brianna, for a very illuminating conversation,” Lord Merrick said.

  “You are quite welcome,” she replied, trying to keep the joy at Mr. Richard’s presence out of her voice. “I hope I satisfied your curiosity.”

  “You did, so much more than I anticipated. Now, if you wish, I shall leave you in Richard’s capable hands.”

  “That would be acceptable.”

  “Good evening.” Lord Merrick bowed and then strode away.

  Brianna had never met a stranger gentleman. Shaking her head, she turned back to Mr. Richard.

  “Mr. Richard, I’m pleased you were able to come.”

  “I did promise to see you, and I would hate to cause you to put yourself in danger by my inattentiveness.” He took her arm and expertly navigated her down the steps, through the garden, and down a vacant path.

  “Yes, I would seek you out again if I had to,” Brianna teased with a thoughtful expression
. “I wonder. Would you do the same if you were unable to locate me?”

  He looked surprised, then contemplative. Although it was a jest, she was anxious to hear his response regardless.

  “I would much prefer to prevent a potential occurrence of that, for it would be much too dangerous for a gentleman such as I to be out so late into the night.”

  “How do you intend to prevent it?” she asked, smiling widely at the absurdity.

  “Simply by asking if I may call upon you?”

  Brianna could not tell if he was honestly asking for her permission, or if he was only playing the part in this pretend scenario they were acting out. She decided she could not take the chance that he was being sincere.

  “I don’t believe that would be such a good idea.” She felt silly for denying him after all the trouble she had gone through to locate him.

  “Why not?” His brow furrowed in confusion. “If you don’t wish for me to call upon you, what is your interest in me?” He took a few steps away from her, as if he didn’t quite know what to make of her.

  Brianna’s face burned in embarrassment, while she silently cursed the confusing situation she now had to explain.

  “I suppose my interest is the same as every other unmarried lady during the Season. I simply wish to get to know you to determine if we will suit.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “The problem does not lie with me, but with my mother. You see, she would not approve of me becoming acquainted with you. My mother wishes for me to marry a gentleman of a great title,” she explained, hoping being discounted for his lack of title didn’t offend him.

  “So, you don’t share her opinion on titles?” Mr. Richard inquired with something like amusement in his voice.

  “I don’t. I have no desire to marry a gentleman with a title,” she said for the second time of the evening, to another stunned gentleman. Mr. Richard stared at her with a look of both shock and amusement.

  “So, you would discount perfectly acceptable gentlemen due to their title?”


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