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His Perfect Bride

Page 8

by Jenn Langston

  Richard passed through the familiar doors of the club. Immediately he was surrounded by the smell of cigars and brandy, which conjured up pleasant memories. The combination created a comforting aroma, as did the décor he and his friends had painstakingly chosen. The leather, as well as the dark-stained wood of the card tables, helped to give off the illusion of a study in a manor.

  Everything about Ravenhurst reminded him of his father, and he imagined it would have been a location Hamilton Carrack would have frequented. Although the feeling of nostalgia remained evident as he surveyed the room, Richard felt detached from it all. As if his time at Stonemede had changed him, and he no longer belonged.

  Seeing Greyson and Jonathan, he shook off his melancholy thoughts and made his way over to join his friends.

  “I see you two have not waited for me to open another bottle of brandy.” Richard indicated the bottle of special reserve they kept at the club exclusively for themselves.

  “I have never been one to deny myself, even for a short period of time.” With no repentance on his face, Jonathan grinned.

  “How are the two of you doing this evening?” Richard asked.

  “Very well,” Jonathan replied. “How about your bride search? Have you had any luck?”

  “Yes, although nothing has gone exactly as I expected.”

  Richard imagined Jonathan had heard about Greyson’s involvement, so the secrets were out. He had not intended to hide anything, yet he was not anxious to be questioned by his friends. Brianna may not be the perfect bride he had originally envisioned, but he had hopes that soon she would change her more wild ways and conform to his ideals.

  “I can see why. Are you aware of Lady Brianna’s views on titles?” Greyson asked.

  “I am.”

  “Yes.” Jonathan’s amusement was obvious. “I believe Richard found himself the only lady who isn’t interested in becoming a marchioness. How did you manage that?”

  “You of all people know how women operate. They don’t know what they really want. I’ll simply have to show her the error of her previous thinking.” Richard feigned confidence.

  “How are you planning on accomplishing such a feat? Once she discovers your true identity, she most likely will not be keen on giving you an opportunity to convince her.”

  Jonathan acted as if he was making a joke, but his friend could not be more wrong. His plan was simply not fully formed as of yet. However, he was nothing if not determined.

  “I suppose I shall have to continue to conceal the truth until she is more amenable to accepting me.”

  “So, what exactly is your plan?” Greyson inquired.

  “I have not straightened out all the details, but I’m aware every moment offers another opportunity for her to discover my secret.” Richard gritted his teeth, not needing the reminder.

  “I agree, but are you certain she will not have you once she learns the truth? If you confess now, you might have a better chance. Lying only makes matters worse,” Greyson cautioned.

  “I don’t believe she is ready to give up her vision of her future, but I’ll change that.” Richard pondered as he took a sip of his brandy. “My mother is hosting a small gathering of friends this upcoming weekend. She requested I be in attendance. I suppose this is her way of doing her part in assisting me with my search.”

  “You have not invited Lady Brianna, have you?” Shock resounded in Jonathan’s voice.

  “Certainly not. I hope the separation will be good for her, since she seems eager to be in my company.”

  “I’m not sure leaving her with the other ladies will help your cause. What if she asks about you and finds out the truth?” Greyson asked.

  “I don’t believe she will. Her mother is unaware of her decision to avoid titled gentlemen, so she must keep to herself about me,” Richard said, counting on it.

  “You are hoping she will miss you, and be so grateful for your return, she will not be concerned with your title?” Jonathan asked.

  “It’s a start, for it will be a good length of time before we see each other again.”

  “It does sound reasonable, considering the trouble she put herself through to locate you at the club before.” Greyson tilted his head to one side.

  “I hope you are right.” Jonathan eyed him skeptically. “I do wish you luck, though. I believe you shall need it.”

  “Thank you,” Richard replied dryly. Despite Jonathan’s doubt, he believed his absence would affect Brianna and therefore increase her regard for him. He smiled to himself, anticipating the effects their separation would have.

  Brianna sat at her dressing table, waiting for her maid to finish fixing her hair for the dinner party. Part of her bounded with excitement as usual, but the other part dreaded the event. Lord and Lady Wickham were known for their display of wealth, and this dinner would be no exception. Tonight awarded them an opportunity to invite every eligible gentleman to give their daughter, Sarah Kamins, a chance to impress them.

  Unfortunately, the party would ensure Brianna met the Marquis of Stonemede. Not only would this give her mother the long-awaited introduction, but Brianna would officially become a prospect for him. Her friend Jillian had been in attendance at almost every event where the marquis was present, and both she and Brianna were baffled by his lack of preference for any particular lady. Knowing he had dismissed a significant amount of others increased Brianna’s chances of being the unlucky one to catch his eye.

  The positive aspect of the evening was the potential of seeing Richard. Even without a title, what she knew his holdings alone should have guaranteed him an invitation. Thinking of him reminded her of his promise to kiss her upon their next meeting, and she intended to hold him to that. Although the dinner party tonight was not conducive to private conversations, she held onto the confidence that he would be able to arrange it to her advantage.

  With her hair completed, her excitement won out and her anxiousness to leave increased. Hoping the marquis would dismiss her as he had everyone else, she met her mother in the drawing room with a smile on her face.

  “Brianna, before we leave, I wish to have a word with you,” her mother said.

  “Certainly.” Brianna sat on the nearest chair. No good ever came from these private talks, so she had trouble keeping her jittery hands still. Her mother, standing above her, provided a very imposing figure.

  “As you are aware, we have had unfortunate luck procuring an introduction to the Marquis of Stonemede.” She took a seat beside Brianna.

  “I imagine he shall be in attendance tonight, so our luck will change.” Brianna knew it would change her luck—for the worse.

  “I had hoped such as well. However, I discovered he has declined the invitation. Bernadette Kamins expressed her displeasure to me several days ago regarding his rejection.”

  “That is unfortunate.” Brianna feigned disappointment although she nearly jumped up from her chair in elation. Her excitement for the upcoming event only increased as time passed.

  “Yes, but due to our inability to obtain a chance meeting, I have made an arrangement for us,” her mother explained, beaming at her. Brianna tried hard to conceal the emotions coursing through her body as her joy vanished. “I have written to his mother, Adora Carrack, and she agreed to host a small gathering of close friends, which the marquis will attend. Being at Stonemede with him will make it impossible for him to evade us.”

  Her mother’s brilliant smile made Brianna’s heart sink. She had underestimated her mother’s determination to put her and the marquis together. Brianna hoped the other ladies invited to Stonemede were not the ones he had already dismissed. Surely his mother would already be privy to the information of who was acceptable and who was not.

  The knowledge that the marquis’ mother was still alive disproved her assumption that he was well advanced in years. The new information didn’t change any of her opinions, so his age remained irrelevant.

  “When will the gathering take place?” Brianna kept her voi
ce as buoyant as possible.

  “This upcoming weekend, and Adora has offered us rooms to stay the night. I don’t know if any of the other guests have been offered such accommodations.”

  “How did you manage to receive such deference?”

  “Years ago, Adora was quite a sensation in London, and due to our high ranks, we were in constant contact. In addition, it was my idea she invite friends over for a visit during her time of mourning.”

  “You are very clever, Mother.” Brianna was unsure if she should feel concerned or impressed by the thought spent on coordinating such a plan.

  Her mother blushed at the compliment, while shrugging it away. “I must say, the new governess has worked a miracle with you. I never imagined you and I could be in such agreement regarding whom you shall marry.”

  Brianna shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Lately she had been playing the part of obedient daughter in order to ease her mother’s watchful eye. The charade made it easier for her to slip away to see Richard or steal a dance with Mr. Gregory. After seeing her mother’s happiness at her apparent transformation, Brianna felt guilty. Pushing the feeling aside, she smiled at her mother, knowing that in regard to her future, she would have to do whatever necessary to obtain her dream.

  During the short trip to Lord and Lady Wickham’s, Brianna didn’t dwell on the upcoming weekend. Instead, all her thoughts focused on the possibility of seeing Richard tonight. Something about him called out to her as nothing else had. Mr. Gregory could not compare to Richard. She knew if Richard asked for her hand, she would not hesitate to award it to him.

  Entering the opulent house, Brianna took note of the guests and was not surprised by the large number. Unfortunately, the majority of the rooms were open to accommodate everyone, making it harder to locate a specific person. Scanning each room, Brianna sagged in disappointment as she did not find Richard.

  Much to her surprise, she saw Mr. Gregory standing off to one side, looking out of place. His lack of a title coupled with his insufficient wealth surely didn’t warrant an invitation from such an illustrious host. Still hoping Richard would arrive later, she quickly exited the room, not wishing for Mr. Gregory to monopolize all her time.

  Dinner was soon called, and Lord Barrens escorted her to her seat. Much to her dismay, Brianna discovered she’d been placed between Lord Barrens and Mr. Gregory. As everyone sat and the first course was delivered, she took the time to survey the guests. All the chairs were occupied, and Richard was not present. Feeling disappointment settle over her, she turned her attention to her plate. She wondered how someone like Mr. Gregory had received an invitation yet Richard had not.

  “Good evening, Lady Brianna. It’s a pleasure to see you, as always.” Mr. Gregory’s smile was friendly.

  “Yes. Have you previously attended functions hosted by Lady Wickham? They are quite grand,” she said, hoping to understand his invitation.

  “No, I have not been given the opportunity before. Even my presence here tonight was not expected.”

  “Not expected? By whom? Surely Lord Wickham knew you were coming.”

  “They were informed previously. I knew you would be attending, so I requested Lord Barrens bring me along as his guest.” He winked at her.

  Shocked he would go to such lengths, she stared at him with a blank expression. Not sure how to respond, she paused.

  “I’m flattered.”

  “I hoped you would be,” he said proudly. “I’m the one to be envied this evening, as I’m the fortunate one to have been placed next to you.”

  She smiled at the flattery, then looked away. After a glance at Sarah Kamins’s smug smile, Brianna imagined it was no accident she’d been placed next to the gentleman with the lowest social standing. Obviously Sarah was unaware of Brianna’s preference for untitled gentleman and had classified her as competition.

  Regardless of Sarah’s reasoning, Brianna decided to use this as an opportunity to find out more about her dinner partner. In the event Richard was unattainable, she needed to determine Mr. Gregory’s suitability to become her second choice. Their few stolen moments together at balls had not given her much information about him, so this opportunity suited her.

  “Mr. Gregory, I would love to hear more about you. We have not had a chance to talk much.”

  “What would you care to know?”

  “What are your plans for the future?” She decided to address the most important issue first.

  “The typical things. At the moment, a wife and family are foremost in my thoughts.” He grinned at her as if he expected her to melt at his revelation.

  Brianna, priding herself on not having the typical reactions, was not even close to melting or any other such nonsense.

  “Then what makes you different from the scores of other gentlemen seeking the same thing? Surely there is something more specific you desire for your life that would set you apart.”

  His mouth dropped open, and then his lips turned down in disapproval.

  “I’m not sure what you hope to achieve with this line of conversation. I’m not accustomed to discussing such over dinner.”

  “I’m merely curious. All men who wish for a wife and family have different reasons. Some wish for a companion or heirs, while others are looking for a dowry or social connections. None of them are wrong. I only wanted to know what motivates you.” She shrugged as if his answer was irrelevant.

  He hesitated a second longer, and then his expression grew distant, as if he saw his future before him.

  “I want it all. I want a wife, heirs, and wealth. I wish to have a house, a mansion, on a substantial piece of property that boasts of my wealth. I wish to be viewed as an equal, a person who is good enough for my father,” he said with such fervor, Brianna began to see him differently, the intensity in his voice overwhelmed.

  When his thoughts returned to the present and his gaze focused on her, she could see the determination in his eyes. An uncomfortable feeling settled around her. As if he saw her as the tool he would use to obtain his goal. He smiled then, softening his features, and allowing her to relax. She had expected his need for a dowry. However, she was not sure she wanted to be used so callously.

  “That sounds lovely. The house, I mean.” Her cheeks heated with her awkward and rushed words.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  She was saved from having to respond as the next course was served. Concentrating more on her food and her other companion, the rest of the dinner passed by uneventfully and slowly. When she gave him her attention again, Mr. Gregory regaled her with tales of his future estate, and how he would spend his wealth.

  After seeing this new materialistic side of him, she found she was not as interested in him as she had been. She continuously found herself comparing Mr. Gregory and Richard, and the same person kept coming out on top.

  She wondered if her dwindling interest in Mr. Gregory was due to Richard or if the appeal would have dissolved on its own. Regardless, she became bored with his company and was grateful when Lady Wickham announced the ladies withdraw. Following her mother into the drawing room, Brianna sighed, knowing the evening was not near to ending.

  The only way to avoid Mr. Gregory and his tiresome conversation was to surround herself with the other guests and their inane chatter. Fully aware her actions alone encouraged his attention, she knew it would be difficult to dissuade him.

  “So, Brianna, how did you enjoy your dinner?” Sarah asked as she approached.

  “Dinner was delicious. Please express my compliments to your cook. If your parents ever wish to dismiss her, I know my mother would be interested in offering her a position.”

  “I shall pass that along, although my parents have no wish for her to go anywhere. However, I was not referring to the food. I was more interested in your opinions of the overall experience.”

  “You already know of the success of the evening, so why are you seeking my assessment?”

  “I simply noticed your absorption with
that untitled gentleman, and I wondered about your interest.”

  “He is very handsome, is he not?” Brianna knew Sarah only wanted a reaction from her.

  “Well, yes, but what could you possibly have to talk about? I noticed you spent the entire time speaking mostly to him.”

  “He told me how disappointed he was with the whole evening. He was not impressed by anything and none of the ladies present were able to pique his interest,” Brianna replied offhandedly. “Don’t worry, though. I assured him I thought it was a splendid dinner and everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves as well.”

  “He didn’t notice anything because his interest centered only on you. How could you attract him and he not notice my presence?” Sarah seemed genuinely puzzled and upset by Mr. Gregory’s lack of regard. “Please excuse me, I must check my hair.”

  As she stalked away, Brianna could see Sarah’s calculating expression and almost laughed at how everything was turning out. Mr. Gregory would never know the gift Brianna had bestowed upon him, for Sarah could not stand the thought of a gentleman not admiring her. Knowing Sarah’s determination, she would attempt to obtain his attention.

  Since Brianna no longer considered Mr. Gregory a marriage prospect, pairing him with Sarah seemed to be a perfect solution. With a few comments to Mr. Gregory, Brianna was confident his attention would turn in Sarah’s direction. The tricky part would be convincing him to keep any interest he had in Sarah to himself. As Brianna contemplated how to achieve it, she joined a group of ladies, trying to appear as though she was taking part in their conversation.

  When the gentlemen finally decided to leave their port and cigars to rejoin the women, Brianna sought out Mr. Gregory, anxious to put her new plan into place. One smile at him, and he started in her direction. Leaving her mother’s side, Brianna went over to the window, expecting him to follow.

  “This is a wonderful gathering, is it not?” Brianna asked when Mr. Gregory approached.

  “Yes, everything has been very agreeable.”

  “I was speaking with Sarah Kamins only a moment ago, and we are both pleased at the success of the evening as well. Have you had the pleasure of meeting her?”


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