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His Perfect Bride

Page 10

by Jenn Langston

  “Tell me,” he demanded, wanting to hear the words.

  “I understand.” She drew him down against her. Capturing her lips, he slowly began to breech her entrance. Her body was so tight and the feeling too intense, but he fought to continue at an unrushed pace. As he felt the obstruction, he instinctively thrust harder, hoping to keep her discomfort to a minimum. She froze and her face tensed with pain, so he again took her mouth, waiting until she began to relax.

  Unable to hold himself back any longer, he began moving inside her. Before long, she matched his rhythm, joining him in the age-old dance. Their bodies perfectly matched, and he could feel his need building. Quickening his pace, he was soon struck by mind-numbing pleasure as the white heat of completion exploded through him.

  Falling against her, he turned his head to Brianna, completely in awe. He had never been so thoroughly pleasured with a woman both in and out of bed. Without question, she was his perfect bride. She was passionate and unpredictable, beautiful and intelligent, yet clueless as to who he truly was.

  Chapter 7

  For once in her life, Brianna was stunned silent. Despite watching James and Miss Ashley, she had never imagined the act between a man and a woman could bring such intense pleasure. Breathing heavily, Richard rolled off her, lying on his back beside her. Every nerve in her body tingled. The sensation felt wonderful.

  When she began exploring unlocked rooms, she had not intended to enter the marquis’ chambers. She still could not believe her good fortune at finding Richard here, especially in his unclothed state. Then to have her impulsive seduction bring about such a response from him, she was left speechless. He had not actually proposed to her, but she could not fathom any other meaning for his insistence she admit to understanding. Now, with Richard’s claim on her, she no longer feared meeting the marquis. Regardless of his interest, she would soon be unavailable.

  Thoughts of the marquis snapped her back to reality. Inwardly giggling, she wondering how he would react if he found them lying about so languidly in his bed. Quickly sitting up, she allowed her eyes to drink in the sight of Richard’s perfect form before climbing off the bed and snatching up her clothes.

  “You are not leaving yet. We need to talk.” He stood and donned his trousers.

  “We will have sufficient time for talking later. I have lost enough time already. I have to go now. Please help me dress.” She nearly ripped her chemise as she worked to hastily put it on.

  “I know, but this is important and can’t wait.”

  “Richard, my mother has probably been searching for me this entire time. If I don’t leave now, the chance of me being caught leaving the marquis’ bedchamber increases. My reputation would be ruined, and I would find myself being forced to marry him.”

  Richard helped her don her clothing and expertly fastened them. She wondered how he became so deft with dressing women, but she decided she would rather not know.

  “I understand. However, your argument only confirms the necessity of us speaking now.”

  “Please let us leave this moment perfect,” she pleaded. “We can work out any problems later.” She could not explain the sense of impending dread that came over her at his insistence, but it was strong. She didn’t understand his adamancy, but surely another couple of hours would not make such a difference. Without being able to fathom what he wanted to speak about, she had no desire to discuss it now, particularly with the possible questions her prolonged absence would raise.

  She stood, her hand on the door latch, and looked back at him. He appeared so dejected, she almost gave in to his request. Not wishing to leave him in such a state, she crossed the room and threw herself into his arms. She kissed him with every ounce of passion within her and was pleased when he returned her kiss with the same fervor. When her body began to melt, she knew the time to leave had passed. Stepping away from him, she turned and walked to the door without giving him a second glance. As she closed the door behind her, she praised and cursed her willpower.

  Glancing around to ensure privacy, she dashed down the hallway until she arrived a safe distance away. Slowing her pace, she surveyed her opulent surroundings. When her bedchamber door was within sight, two maids came around the corner and exclaimed in relief. They quickly ushered her into her room and had her dressed and ready faster than Brianna thought possible.

  As she made her way down to the large front drawing room, she felt her heart pounding wildly in her chest as her nerves returned. Entering the room, the number of guests present astonished her. She counted at least two dozen debutantes as well as their chaperones, all engaged in various conversations around the luxurious space. Both Jillian and Sarah were in the crowd and many other female faces she recognized, but she didn’t see a particular gentleman present. When her eyes met with her mother, who was coming toward her, Brianna could see disappointment and relief.

  “Where have you been?” her mother demanded. “I had wanted us to be the first to arrive so we could have private time with the marquis and Adora.”

  “Has he already arrived?” Brianna scanned the guests again, assuming she had overlooked him.

  “Well, I understand he is here at Stonemede. However, he has yet to make an appearance.”

  Brianna opened her mouth to question why her delay was a problem if he was not available, but she didn’t wish to rile her mother. She had been in a positive mood lately considering how close they were to meeting the marquis, and Brianna didn’t want to change that. Sarah caught Brianna’s eye and started in their direction. Not wishing for her mother to be within hearing distance for their conversation, she decided a distraction was in order.

  “Don’t worry, Mother, I’m sure he will be here soon. I see Lady Stonemede looking this way. Perhaps you should go speak with her.”

  “I will not be long, for I wish us to be one of the first to obtain Lord Stonemede’s attention. Don’t fret. Today we shall meet him, and I’m sure you will be able to charm him,” her mother replied lovingly, then turned toward Lady Stonemede.

  “Brianna, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Sarah said, appearing beside her.

  “Who could refuse an invitation to Stonemede?”

  “I would think since you have been pursuing that untitled gentleman, you would not be inclined to accept an invitation so grand.”

  “I don’t see how my pursuit, or lack of one, would necessitate declining an invitation to visit Lady Stonemede. Regardless, I can’t imagine a short absence could affect my friendship with Mr. Gregory.”

  “Friendship? It didn’t look that way to me back in London. You seemed quite taken with him. At the dinner party, your attention focused on him the majority of the night.”

  “I was concerned he would become bored with the evening and choose to retire early. I simply wanted him to have an opportunity to become known to more of the guests.”

  “I take it he isn’t entirely comfortable in society?” A touch of concern lit Sarah’s voice.

  “On the contrary, he is quite comfortable once he has had the necessary introductions,” Brianna replied quickly. “It was nice to speak with you again, but I believe my mother needs me now.”

  Brianna left Sarah’s side before she could ask any more questions. Although happy to see Sarah’s interest, she was afraid to say the wrong things and ruin Mr. Gregory’s chances before he could prove himself. In addition, she did see her mother trying to obtain her attention, and she knew the long awaited meeting was about to take place. With a calming breath, she took the last steps to her mother’s side.

  “Brianna, Adora told me her son should be arriving soon. Although I know you are as anxious as I, it would probably be best if we waited for him to approach us.” Her mother continued with instructions on how Brianna could secure his interest while she fidgeted about, fixing Brianna’s perfect hair or smoothing out her straight dress. Brianna quietly allowed her mother to go on without her attention. Using every effort to contain the unease welling inside her, she kept perfe
ctly still.

  When the door opened, her body swayed at the urge to faint. Seeing it was only Richard who entered and not Lord Stonemede, she took a deep breath in relief. His eyes scanned the crowd until they rested on her. He looked grim. What had occurred to affect him so?

  Thinking about it now, she wondered why he had been in the marquis’ bedchamber. Surely there were other rooms he would have been assigned to. His presence here was also a mystery, for if he had accompanied the marquis on his trip as she had originally thought, he would not show up in the drawing room without him. She watched as he turned from her and made his way to Lady Stonemede.

  “Richard! Finally, I was beginning to believe you were never going to present yourself,” Lady Stonemede exclaimed, then kissed him on his cheek.

  Brianna observed the exchange in confusion, wondering why Richard would warrant such a greeting.

  “I’m sorry, Mother. I had some matters that required my immediate attention,” he replied.

  Although they had the room and chatting guests separating them, Brianna heard the words that shattered her happy illusion. She froze. It was as though her entire body had gone into shock and was no longer under her control. Mother?

  As the realization hit her, her knees went weak. Oh, Lord, she was such a fool. He was not plain Richard; he was Lord Richard Carrack, Marquis of Stonemede. As if under a trance, she headed to the nearest chair and sank down in an unladylike fashion. She was barely aware of her mother’s cry of outrage.

  Brianna could feel her world spinning, and tears sprang into her eyes. Her perfect vision of her and Richard living their lives out in a small cottage in the country vanished. She could not understand why he would do this to her. Her ignorance of his true identity had been bad enough in London, but now, after what they had shared, it was hopeless.

  She wanted to cover her face in embarrassment or fall asleep until this nightmare ended. Unfortunately, she was denied the slight respite as there were too many witnesses, and she felt positive a number of them already noticed her odd behavior.

  Trying to regain her composure, she watched as Richard made his way around the room greeting various guests. He periodically glanced her way, and anger flooded her at the thought of him witnessing her discomposure. Dragging herself from the chair, she refused to allow him to see her fall to pieces now that the shock had worn off.

  “Brianna, what is wrong? Answer me at once.” The concern in her mother’s voice betrayed her stern words.

  “I’m sorry, Mother. I felt faint for a moment, but I’m feeling slightly better now,” she whispered, offering her mother a weak smile.

  “Good, for Lord Stonemede and Adora are coming this way, and I wish for you to make a good impression on him. From the look of it, we are the only ones who have not been previously acquainted.”

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Richard said as he and his mother approached them.

  “Lady Ransley, Lady Brianna,” Lady Stonemede began. “Please allow me to introduce my son, Richard Carrack, the Marquis of Stonemede.” Then she turned to her son. “Richard, this is Rachel Denton, Countess of Ransley, and her daughter, Lady Brianna Denton.”

  “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, my lord,” her mother said, obviously pleased.

  “I’m quite honored to meet you both,” he replied.

  “I’ll leave you now to become better acquainted.” Lady Stonemede then left them alone with Richard.

  “I apologize that we have not gained an introduction sooner.” His pleading eyes didn’t leave hers, but Brianna did not feel in a forgiving mood. The truth of his name was coming much too late to save him from her wrath.

  “Why is that, my lord?” Brianna failed to keep the bitterness out of her voice. “There have been ample opportunities.”

  “Not when I first arrived in London, for my attention was captured by various ladies,” he explained, and she resisted the urge to react to his reminder of how she captured his attention. “After that, when the situation changed, it was much too late.”

  “That is no excuse. You still could have found a time and avoided all this evasiveness.” Brianna felt her temper rising. He was right that she had not given him an opportunity at first. However, he could have told her before today.

  “I planned to, but unfortunately the timing was taken from my control.”

  “When were you—” Brianna started, but was cut off by her mother.

  “My lord, what my daughter is trying to say is that we have been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time. But now it’s past us, and we can spend some time getting to know you better.” Her mother was apparently unaware of the tension sizzling between the two of them.

  “I would like that very much. Lady Brianna, perhaps you will allow me to give you a tour of the gardens later? Stonemede is known for its beautiful grounds.”

  “She would be delighted, my lord,” her mother quickly answered for her. Brianna was slightly grateful for the opportunity, as the things she wished to say were not appropriate for her mother to hear.

  “I will look forward to it. Now, if you will excuse me, I must welcome the other guests.” His smile was uneasy as he bowed and left them.

  “Brianna, I don’t know what possessed you to behave in such a way, but thankfully you didn’t give him much cause for concern. I would scold you for your improper behavior, though I believe it somehow led to his invitation, so I’ll ignore it this once.”

  As she stood there listening to her mother prattle on about Richard and other nonsense, she could feel the weight of manacles placed upon her ankles. She felt trapped, as if the oxygen supply to her body had been abruptly cut off. There were too many people here, too many witnesses able to observe the attack of panic threatening to overwhelm her. Desperately needing an escape, she turned to her mother.

  “I’m beginning to feel unwell. Do you think Lady Stonemede would mind if I excused myself?” Seeing her mother’s reluctance, she added, “Perhaps if I rest now, I will feel well enough to enjoy the tour with Lord Stonemede later.” Brianna saw the change in her mother’s face, and she praised her quick thinking on bringing up Richard’s invitation. She knew her mother would do whatever was necessary for Brianna to spend the maximum amount of time with a marquis.

  “Go ahead, my dear. I’ll speak with Adora. She will understand and encourage you to get your rest.”

  Brianna nodded weakly, then turned and walked from the room, grateful she didn’t have to fake the appearance of being unwell. She felt peculiar. As if the events of the day had happened to another person altogether, and she simply watched them unfold. The entire world had shifted and distorted reality, leaving her stumbling along without options.

  After closing the door to her bedchamber, she lay down on the bed and once again went over every moment with Richard. Now that she knew the truth, everything about him made sense. His demeanor, his apparent wealth, and his willingness to keep their interludes a secret should have been enough for her to discover his identity, but she had not wanted to believe it.

  She thought over everything for a long time before she got up and sat down at the dressing table. Studying her reflection, she hardly recognized the hurt and confused girl staring back at her. It was not her. She was confident, intelligent, and had always been able to handle anything thrown in her direction. She’d never lacked for a plan, until now. Richard had done this. He’d turned her into this pathetic shell of herself, and she would not stand for it.

  Feeling anger return with full force, she welcomed the emotion, allowing it to fuel her body. So furious, she wanted to hurt him back. Knowing her strength was not equal to his, she decided to settle for breaking something of value. Although she had lost track of the time, everyone was most likely still in the drawing room, so no one would notice if she once again made her way to the marquis’ bedchamber.

  It felt much better to have a plan. Full of purpose, Brianna left the room and quietly darted down the hallway to the place where only moments befor
e she had been so ignorantly blissful. Closing the door behind her, she groaned to see how sparsely the room was decorated. The most valuable piece was a vase, but she had doubts as to whether she would be able to lift it.

  The big bed stood before her, and she felt awash in memories. Although she had no desire to see the exact location of her downfall, she could not force herself to back away. The sheets were still askew as they had been when she had exited the bed earlier. Gently running her fingers along the soft fabric, she marveled at how something that had taken place so recently could feel so far away. She closed her eyes. Seeing the evidence before her and feeling it within her body brought heat to her cheeks.

  “You are the last person I expected to find in my bedchamber,” Richard said.

  Startled, she swung around to face him. She had been so absorbed she failed to notice the sounds of his arrival.

  “Yes, well I’m not accustomed to doing things other people expect,” she retorted, her words laced with acid.

  He nodded, obviously in agreement with her. Then his face softened, and he looked at her with pleading eyes. “I’m glad you are here. We need to talk.”

  “Actually, I’m not here to talk. I intend to break something of value to you.” She lifted her chin.

  “Really? What have you decided on?” His face expressed nothing other than amusement.

  She had hoped to garner more of a reaction from him but was grateful he didn’t intend to stop her.

  “That vase looks to be quite expensive.” She took a step in its direction.

  “That is a good choice, for it is valuable. There is an amusing story about it, and I would be happy to share it with you at a later time. However, its sentimental value is only of importance to my late father.”

  He looked as if fought back a smile, and it only enraged her more. Unable to tolerate it any longer, Brianna crossed the room, lifted a small pocket watch from the dressing table, and threw it at Richard. She hoped the timepiece would make contact with his face and cause him some pain. Unfortunately his quick reflexes allowed him to catch the watch and pocket it. He did, however, seem to watch her more alertly now.


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