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His Perfect Bride

Page 13

by Jenn Langston

  “If he is agreeable, I would be delighted to accommodate him.” Lady Ransley turned her hope-filled eyes to him. “Lord Stonemede, we would be honored to have you accompany us for our visit to Ransley.”

  The room fell silent, and all attention focused on him. He could see the myriad of emotions displayed on the various faces, and he imagined if he drew the suspense out, one or more of them would faint from lack of breathing.

  “I’m quite honored you have included me, and I’m delighted to accept your offer,” Richard said, amused by the various reactions. Lady Ransley’s pleasure almost bursted, and Brianna’s horror was comical. The other guests were either stunned or jealous. Regardless, he could not believe his good fortune or how invaluable his sister was turning out to be.

  The rest of the meal passed uneventfully with Brianna ignoring both him and his sister. Her lack of attention didn’t bother him, as he knew soon he would have his chance to talk to her. Then he would make the situation perfectly clear to her.

  The two-and-a-half-day ride to Ransley proved pleasant, although he, alone in his carriage or on his stallion, received no chances to speak with Brianna. The time, however, gave him ample opportunity to think and plan his next move. As the entourage rounded the corner, making the way up the long drive, Richard sighed in relief. His wait was over.

  Set on a fair piece of property, Ransley and the manor house appeared to be well maintained, which spoke well of Bradley Denton. The stable was sizeable, and Richard suspected the horses housed within were of the highest breed.

  Allowing the stable hand to take the reins of his stallion, Richard dismounted, grateful for the ability to stretch his legs. Immediately his eyes drew to the carriage, and he waited patiently as Brianna stepped down and stared at the manor with a smile. The very sight of her awakened his body, and he wished they were alone. Although her hair hung askew and her dress had crumpled from the long ride, she had never been more beautiful.

  “Did you have a pleasant journey, Lord Stonemede?” Lady Ransley inquired while brushing down her wrinkled gown.

  “It was quite agreeable, thank you. How did you find the journey?”

  “We had a lovely time chatting. I must say, Lady Elizabeth is quite a charming companion.”

  “I have always believed so as well.”

  “Come, let us go inside,” Lady Ransley instructed, leading the way.

  As he followed the ladies inside, the feeling of being out of his element assailed him. In this unfamiliar terrain, Brianna held the advantage. She could easily evade him, and he would have no prayer of locating her. As if sensing his thoughts, Elizabeth turned back, giving him a wink. She held more access to Brianna than he, so he needed to rely on his little sister yet again.

  Upon entering the opulent drawing room, Lady Ransley turned to them. “Please make yourselves comfortable. I’ll speak with the housekeeper and have your rooms readied at once.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” Richard politely replied. “We appreciate your hospitality.”

  “It’s my pleasure. While you wait, perhaps Brianna could give you a tour.”

  “Mother, I hardly think it would be appropriate. Besides, I’m sure our guests are too fatigued after such a long journey.”

  “I’m perfectly fit and see no reason to rest. After being closed in the carriage for so long, I would prefer to move around,” Elizabeth asserted.

  Then three pairs of questioning eyes turned to him, and he smiled. “I’m not tired and would be grateful for the exercise as well. Lady Brianna, I would be honored if you would consent to taking my sister and me on a tour of the grounds.”

  “In regards to propriety, seeing as Lady Elizabeth will be present, it will be perfectly acceptable,” Lady Ransley interjected before Brianna could voice another concern. “Regardless, I’m sure Lord Stonemede will be a perfect gentleman.”

  “I shall be on my best behavior,” he promised, laying his hand across his chest.

  “Very well. I would be happy to escort you,” Brianna replied, earning an approving smile from her mother.

  “The rooms will be prepared for you before your return, and soon Lord Ransley and Lady Grace should be here to welcome you.” Lady Ransley headed off to attend to the rooms.

  Glancing at Brianna’s profile, he saw a slight smile upon her lips, but it disappeared before she faced them.

  “What would you care to see?”

  “Lady Ransley spoke to me earlier of the gardens,” Elizabeth said, reverence in her voice. “They sound breathtaking. Would you mind if we began there?”

  “Excellent choice. Please come this way.” Brianna exited the room before Richard could offer his arm. He looked toward his sister, and she smiled, beaming with excitement. Before following Brianna, she nodded to him, obviously thrilled to help him, so he suspected he would not have a problem losing his sister among the gardens.

  The weather proved ideal, and he was pleased to see Lady Ransley had not exaggerated about the quality of the gardens. Brianna did not serve as the best guide, as it was apparent she didn’t know much about the flora and fauna surrounding them. He didn’t mind her lack of knowledge; it was another thing he would enjoy teaching her in the future.

  They had not traveled far down the main path when Elizabeth stumbled, crying out in pain. Concerned, Richard rushed to her side as Brianna did the same. He saw tears welling up in his sister’s eyes as she gazed up at them.

  “Are you all right?” Brianna asked.

  “What happened?” Richard inquired at the same time.

  “I’m so clumsy. I tripped over a stone, but I should be fine now.” Elizabeth’s tone was confident, although her lips wobbled. Once they tried to assist her to her feet, she fell back down with a cry. “I’m sorry, but I fear I will not be able to go any further. My ankle is giving me too much pain.”

  “Don’t worry. We will get you back to the manor at once,” Brianna assured, her mouth a grave line.

  “I shall carry you back, and then we will have the doctor fetched,” Richard offered.

  “No, that isn’t necessary. This isn’t my first injury due to clumsiness. I have suffered similarly before and, after a little time, I could walk again. Please allow me to sit for a few moments.”

  “You may rest as long as you need,” Brianna promised. “Lord Stonemede, if you could bring her this way, it’s a more direct route to the manor.”

  Richard nodded and then reached to lift Elizabeth from the ground, but she pushed him away. With Brianna’s head turned, Elizabeth glared at him and shook her head.

  “I would much rather you assist me to the garden bench.” Elizabeth indicated the nearest decorative bench set along the path. “This way I shall recover while the two of you continue the tour.”

  Brianna shook her head vigorously. “I’ll not hear of leaving you alone in this condition, especially when we can easily take you back and—”

  “No,” Elizabeth interrupted. “I refuse to be carried into the manor like a wounded animal, only to endure your mother’s worry.” Then, to him, she added, “Richard, help me to the bench.”

  Not needing to question his sister’s motivation, he did as he was told and assisted her to the indicated seat. His concern dissolved when she winked at him. It was clear now. Her injury was false, allowing him to share private time with Brianna.

  After his sister was settled, he straightened and glanced over at Brianna. She wrung her hands in obvious distress. He turned back to Elizabeth and raised an eyebrow, knowing she needed to further convince Brianna in order to gain her acceptance of the decision.

  “Are you certain you wish to stay here?” Richard pressed. “It would not be a problem to take you to the manor where you would be more comfortable.”

  “I’m sure. I have no wish for Lady Ransley to see me like this. Considering I have just arrived, I hate to be a burden.”

  “She would not see you as a burden. Your injury is understandable, and my mother will arrange for you to have the best care

  “Regardless, I would prefer to sit quietly to enjoy the pleasant weather and beautiful surroundings on my own. Please continue without me, and then I may benefit from the solitude.”

  “If that is what you truly want, I’ll respect your wishes,” Brianna conceded, although she looked as though she wanted to argue.

  Elizabeth was good at manipulating, and she was always able to convince anyone to see her views eventually.

  “Shall we?” Richard quickly offered Brianna his arm to avoid giving her an opportunity to run off without him again.

  “Thank you, my lord,” she answered, accepting his escort.

  “Please enjoy yourselves and don’t rush back,” Elizabeth said. “I have found recovery does not come as swiftly as I would prefer.”

  “If we return too hastily, we will be happy to sit with you until you are able to return to the manor,” Richard promised, then he pulled Brianna along before she decided to stay behind with his perfectly healthy sister.

  As they continued deeper into the gardens, Brianna didn’t resume her inadequate commentary. Richard saw the concern in her wide eyes as she bit her lip.

  “Don’t worry over Elizabeth. I have seen her suffer from an affliction of the ankle before, and I assure you, she will be fine.”

  “I know. I simply hate abandoning her.”

  “She always finds a way to entertain herself. Besides, I believe if we stood around waiting for her to heal, it would only make her uncomfortable. I would hate for her to feel guilty about us missing out on the tour.”

  “I suppose you are right.”

  As they walked along in silence, Richard decided to wait until they were a fair distance away from Elizabeth before speaking. Scanning ahead, he saw the path they were currently following ended in a pleasant location. Once they reached it, he turned to face Brianna.

  “I believe we need to talk.”

  “I agree,” she replied, much to his surprise. She glanced down the way they had come. “Follow me.”

  She headed to the hydrangea bushes and pulled them back. Ducking her head, she disappeared inside. Without other options, he followed her through the shrubbery and into a forest set directly beyond the garden. He trailed Brianna until it opened up into a clearing.

  Then he stopped, completely in awe of the magnificent view before him. The trees and shrubberies surrounded them, creating a perfect circle for the sun to shine and allow the growth of various plant species. The rich scent of the planted flowers mixed with the wild flowers and the heat of the sun gave off an intoxicating aroma that permeated the air. He took a deep breath and sighed.

  Looking over at Brianna, he was pleased to enjoy the beauty of the place with her. She smiled as she walked over to a fallen tree and sat down. Her face bathed in sunlight made their surroundings dull when compared to her brilliance.

  “This place is extraordinary. How did you find it?”

  “By accident. When Grace and I were younger, we enjoyed hiding from our governess, and once we found this place, it became our favorite hiding spot.”

  “Sounds like the two of you shared some good times here.”

  “We did,” she admitted. Then her smile faded, and her face became serious. “During the carriage ride here, I took some time to think. I have decided to forgive you. Although your deception was upsetting, I understand your reasoning behind it.”

  “Thank you. I never intended to hurt you, but—”

  “It’s not necessary to explain yourself.” She waved her hand. “Why don’t we begin again and try to be friends? Then the past will be erased, and we will no longer be required to atone for previous mistakes.”

  “What if we wish to become more than friends?” He took a step closer to where she sat. “Do we still ignore our past then?”

  “That will not be an issue, as we can never be more than friends.” Her pursed lips hinted at her disapproval of his assumption their relationship could grow.

  “Are you so determined to have an untitled man you will forget what we shared and give yourself to another?”

  “My desire for my future has not changed. Since you are unable to offer me what I’m looking for, you are no longer a suitable choice for me.”

  “Do you really believe you will be happy living as a pauper barely on the fringes of society?”

  “As an heiress, I hardly believe I’ll be living like a pauper.” She stood as if prepared for a fight.

  “You can’t know for sure. Your dowry will belong to your husband, and he will spend it or lose it as he sees fit,” he warned, taking another step forward. As she opened her mouth to argue, he held up his hand to silence her. “All that aside, you would not be happy sitting alone in the country with nothing to do.”

  “You are forgetting. As a married woman, I would not be alone since my husband will be by my side.”

  His jaw clenched, and she smiled smugly as if she knew how much her words affected him. “I shall also have much to do. With no other obligations, I’ll have the freedom to do anything I choose. My art would never be neglected again.” He saw the stubborn set of her mouth and knew she would argue any point he made.

  “The thrill of freedom will last no more than a month, and then what? You can’t tell me your artwork does not become tedious at times.” His last step put him directly in front of her. “You need something to challenge you, something to occupy your days, and someone skilled to occupy your nights.”

  Her breathing sped up, and he was pleased to not be the only one affected by their proximity to one another. When her gaze dropped to his lips, he fought with his body, not allowing it to move. He needed her to see reason and reevaluate her future, not be lost with lust and unable to think. To appease his raging body, he decided to allow himself one simple pleasure. Slightly leaning forward, he took in her sweet scent mingled with the flowers.

  “You can have that life. You can have me,” he breathed. She shivered but didn’t respond. “All you have to do is say one simple word, and it shall be done.”

  He waited, watching as her passion-filled face teemed with indecision. She didn’t hesitate long, but he knew part of her fought to have him. After seeing the decision in her eyes, as well as the shape of her mouth, he stepped back. Her rejection didn’t faze him, as he expected it. It would not be the end of his pursuit, nor was it her final decision.

  “Come on,” he directed, not waiting for her to voice her rejection. “It’s probably time to check on Elizabeth. I would hate to leave her longer than necessary.”

  Brianna stared at him blankly for a moment, then blinked and cleared her throat.

  “Yes. Come this way,” she rasped, before turning and leading the way back to where they had come.

  She would not accept him now, but he held onto the hope that sprang from her hesitation. He had planted the seeds, and now he only needed to cultivate them and watch them grow.

  Chapter 9

  Brianna sat at the window of her bedchamber, watching Richard interact with her father. Seeing him dressed informally every day and observing his ease with her family did nothing to cool her desire for him. Over the past week and a half at Ransley, she had discovered it was not only her who was affected by him. Everyone who came in contact with Richard was instantly drawn to him.

  He charmed everyone, even the servants, and she grew sick of the adoration. Anyone she spoke with, including the traitorous Ashley, did nothing but speak of how wonderful they found Richard. Her mother had been so enthralled she had extended their visit in order to keep him longer.

  Oddly enough Grace was the worst. She shamelessly flirted with Richard and was hardly ever seen more than two steps from him. Brianna had tried to speak with her sister about it, but she only laughed, as if it were a joke. Not that she could blame her sister, for Richard was handsome and fascinating.

  Pulling the curtains together in disgust, she cursed. Even her own thoughts betrayed her as they looked upon Richard’s perfect form. She had locked herself in
her bedchamber hoping to avoid him, but nothing she did would be enough. His words from their first day at Ransley taunted her as much as his body. She knew indulging in a friendship with him was impossible, but she was reluctant to completely let him go. Throwing herself on the bed, she covered her face.

  A knock at the door made her cringe. Sitting up, she granted the guest entry. Her dread was not lessened to discover Elizabeth at her door.

  “May I join you?”

  “Please. Come in and have a seat.” Brianna honestly did like Elizabeth, but as Richard’s sister, she was one of his biggest supporters.

  “Your mother sent me. She wanted me to remind you to prepare yourself for your daily ride with Richard,” Elizabeth informed her as she sat on the bed beside her.

  “How she could think I would forget is absurd.” Brianna attempted to keep the irritation out of her voice.

  “May I ask you something?”

  “Certainly.” Brianna’s heart stopped, and she wondered how much Richard told his sister about her.

  “Why do you dislike him so much?”

  “Him? Are you referring to your brother?” At Elizabeth’s nod, she continued. “I don’t dislike him. Why would you think that?”

  “At times I have seen you look at him as though he were the single most important person on the earth. Other times, like now, you react in the opposite way.”

  “I’m not sure to what you are referring. My reaction a moment ago was due to my mother’s interference and nothing more.”

  “Don’t tell me falsehoods. Simply because I’m his sister does not mean I’ll excuse him if he exhibits ill behavior. Was he unkind to you, or did he make inappropriate advances?”

  “He has never been anything other than a perfect gentleman,” Brianna defended, shocked Elizabeth would come to such a conclusion.

  “I don’t understand. Then why do you act so strangely around him?”


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