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His Perfect Bride

Page 15

by Jenn Langston

  “I’m afraid I’m much too tired.”

  Although his voice held the correct amount of regret, his eyes challenged her. Purpose and need fueling her, she climbed off of his lap. A flash of anger crossed his face, and she wanted to smile in triumph. He would learn she was nothing if not determined.

  “That is quite all right. I’ll make this as easy as possible for you. You will not have to do anything except feel.”

  Watching his reaction closely, she was pleased to see his eyes darken in passion as she slowly slid her drawers down her legs. The nightdress didn’t provide much cover with the candlelight behind her, but she refused to remove it. After his challenge, she would not allow him a full view of her body.

  Bending forward, she slowly ran her hands up his thighs, purposefully avoiding touching the bulge in his trousers. As she continued up to his chest, he sucked in his breath, and she reveled in the satisfaction the sound brought. The perfectly contoured muscles were hard beneath her hands and made her feel safe.

  Richard’s hands clenched the arms of the chair with such strength she wondered if he would damage the soft fabric. Brushing the thought aside, she turned her attention back to his bare chest. His smooth form made her body shiver. Leaning forward, she gently trailed kisses from his left nipple to his right, dragging her lips across his warm flesh between each kiss.

  He thrust his head back, clearly lost in the sensation. Seeing his enjoyment only doubled hers. Not wanting to wait any longer, she continued her exploration back down to his trousers. She clumsily tugged at his buttons until his member sprang forth.

  Awed at the strength of him, she could not resist the urge to touch the part of him straining toward her. Her fingers glided along his silky length, and she marveled at the smooth texture. A tortured moan escaped his mouth, encouraging her further. She grasped her hand around him and mimicked the motion that would soon be created with their bodies. Suddenly Richard grabbed her hand, sweeping it away from him.

  “Enough,” he commanded in a pained voice.

  Brianna wanted to argue, but her body burned, making it difficult to breathe.

  Smiling seductively, she climbed back on top of him. Despite her assurance that his participation was unnecessary, he gripped her hips and entered her in one smooth motion. She gasped, overcome with the feeling of fulfillment. The weeks of deprivation she had endured now seemed worth the suffering to prepare her for this perfect moment.

  Richards’s claims of being tired were seemingly forgotten as he gripped her bottom, thrusting himself further inside her again and again. As pleasure promised to overtake her, she moved wildly, desperate for the sweet release. Richard appeared to be in a similar state, bruising her with his frantic fingers.

  Searing pleasure ran through her veins, and Brianna bit her lip to contain the screams threatening to escape. Her enjoyment continued as Richard sought his own release. Moving faster, she watched his face, and reveled in the sense of power she gained from seeing him achieve his pleasure.

  Once the urgency drained from her, Richard reached up to place his hands on either side of her face, drawing her down to capture her lips. His fiery kiss, as well as the fact that they were still joined, caused her body to lose the languid feeling and prepare for another match. Groaning, she drew back and reluctantly lifted herself off him.

  “I probably should return to my bedchamber. You can rest now.” Brianna gave him a seductive smile. “Thank you for allowing me to keep you up. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.”

  “You can’t be thinking of leaving so soon,” Richard challenged as he stood up. “The night is still young.”

  He reached out and took her hand. She could not find it within her to resist when he led her toward the bed. If all she had was this one last night with him, she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

  Chapter 10

  The wet, grey skies and miserable weather suited Richard’s mood perfectly. He had requested Jonathan’s presence almost an hour ago and was becoming increasingly agitated from waiting. Although his friend was known for his lack of punctuality, Richard did not have the patience for it today.

  The week following his return from Ransley had been frustrating. One positive note was, with help from his sister, he had managed to be present at almost every event attended by Brianna. Unfortunately, Brianna was using it as an opportunity to throw every eligible lady in his path.

  Miss Luthor appeared to be Brianna’s first choice for him. Although she was a sweet girl and would make someone a good wife, he found he much preferred the idea of taking unmolded clay and sculpting and bending it to his will. Besides, Miss Luthor could not come up with two words to speak to him unless they were related to the foliage. He needed someone with more depth. He needed Brianna.

  The knock at the door was a welcome reprieve from his thoughts, and he was pleased Jonathan finally arrived to help him. Settling back into his chair, he called for his butler, Hopkins, to enter.

  “My lord, Alan Parks, Earl of Kirkwood, is requesting an audience.”

  Richard worked to keep his face emotionless. “Send him in.”

  It had been close to a month since the rejection of Kirkwood’s membership to Ravenhurst, and Richard was surprised the man had not retaliated before now. However, he could not be certain the unexpected visit had any connection to the club. Richard and his friends had taken precautions to ensure it was not common knowledge they were the owners of Ravenhurst. Members of high society didn’t dirty their hands with business, so the men had no desire to be openly associated with it.

  As the butler ushered Kirkwood in, Richard took the time to study the man most likely anxious to cause trouble for him. He had increased in girth since Richard had seen him last, and the majority of his hair had fallen out. Although his face was permanently twisted by cruelty, his small stature and rotund form could appear nonthreatening to those who didn’t know better.

  “Stonemede, I appreciate you seeing me today,” Kirkwood said as he took his seat.

  “Think nothing of it. Can I offer you a glass of brandy?” Although pleased Kirkwood was making an effort at civility, Richard harbored no illusion that it would last.


  Richard crossed the room and removed the brandy from the cabinet. After filling a glass two fingers high, he replaced the decanter, knowing if he brought the brandy within reach, Kirkwood would be unable to refrain from partaking more than acceptable. He handed Kirkwood the glass, which he eyed critically before swirling the liquid around and taking a sip. Richard took his seat and centered his attention on the man across from him.

  “Now, what can I help you with?” Richard asked before Kirkwood could drain his glass and request a refill.

  “You are a very difficult man, Stonemede.” Kirkwood watched him through the corner of his eye. “It took me a long time to ferret you out, but in the end, I always win.”

  “Forgive me, but I have no idea what you are speaking of.”

  “The club, Ravenhurst, you founded it.”

  Richard stared at him blankly, grateful Jonathan and Greyson were not mentioned. He didn’t know what Kirkwood hoped to gain from expressing his knowledge of the connection, but Richard refused to give it to him.

  “I don’t see how my business investments are any of your concern.”

  “Is that what you are going to claim? An investment?” Richard’s lack of response prompted him to continue. “Regardless of your assertions, you hold some power over the management of the club.”

  “Not as much as you would think.”

  “I’m sure it’s sufficient for my purpose. You see, I have been denied membership, and I demand the decision be overturned.”

  “What makes you think I would use my limited power for that? As I understand it, rejections are not bestowed without provocation. I’m sure there was a good reason behind the decision.”

  “You are wrong. There is no basis for this decision. You will find I don’t like being refused, and I will n
ot be denied.” Kirkwood slammed his beefy fist against the desk. The force shook the desk more than Richard would believe possible considering the source. He took it as a warning; Kirkwood was much stronger than he appeared and no doubt more dangerous as well.

  “Like it or not, I’m afraid the decision stands.”

  “You are not going to get away with this, Stonemede. I will not tolerate this treatment.”

  Kirkwood stood with some difficulty, his face a bright shade of red. He shook a large finger at Richard, then stalked from the room.

  Richard let out a sigh. He knew Kirkwood would be a problem, so he was not surprised by the threats, nor did he take them lightly. At least he had a fair warning, and he knew to keep an eye out.

  “My lord, I have shown Lord Kirkwood out, and now Lord Jonathan is here to see you.”

  “Send him in.”

  “I appreciate the formality,” Jonathan said to Hopkins, patting him on the shoulder, “but I can take it from here.”

  “Very good.” Hopkins, unperturbed, bowed to Richard then left.

  Jonathan shook his head while he sat down in the chair Kirkwood had recently vacated.

  “You are late,” Richard remarked.

  “Yes, well, Jessica was reluctant to see me go, and I didn’t want her to think you were more important than her.”

  “Jessica? Another one?”

  “My new one-and-only . . . for now,” Jonathan said, smirking. “Enough about me. Was that Kirkwood I saw storming out of here a moment ago?”

  “Yes. I had a pleasant chat with him.”

  “I imagined as much, for he seemed to be in a jovial mood when he was screaming at his driver.” Sarcasm dripped from Jonathan’s words.

  “Apparently the idea of being denied membership didn’t sit well with him.”

  “Imagine that.”

  “He wanted me to use my power to rescind his denial for membership, which I refused. I don’t imagine we have seen the end of it.”

  “Since he approached you, does it mean our connection to the club is common knowledge now?”

  “Not exactly. He only seemed to be aware of my association.”

  “I wonder how he discovered anything at all.” Jonathan rubbed his chin. “I suppose the how is too late now. We can have Nathaniel keep a close eye on the club, then we will be prepared for whatever he is planning.”

  “I agree with that. After today, I have no doubt Kirkwood is set on causing trouble.”

  Nathaniel would offer sufficient protection for the club, but Richard would have to alert his staff as well. Since Kirkwood approached him at his house, it proved he saw this on a personal level. Richard was willing to bet the attack would be directed solely at him.

  “So, Kirkwood aside, what did you wish to see me about?”

  “I made a deal some time ago, and I have neglected my part. I’m now ready to fix the oversight.”

  “Sounds intriguing.” Jonathan sat forward with a gleam in his eye.

  “Seeing as you currently don’t hold a title, I have a job for you.”

  The room was spinning and the pain unbearable. Jumping out of bed, Brianna ran to the chamber pot, almost knocking over the dressing screen in her haste. After the spasms subsided, she dragged herself back to the bedside table to wash her mouth out and splash cool water on her face.

  Lying on the bed, she waited a moment longer to ensure she would not have another spell. Over the past several days, she noticed the nausea didn’t last much past the morning, so no one learned of her affliction. Hearing the knock at the door had her on her feet and smiling, not wishing the visitor to see anything amiss. She nearly collapsed in relief to see her maid, Martha.

  “Are you still feeling unwell, Miss?” Martha asked.

  “I’m much better today.” Brianna hoped Martha would not dwell on the subject. “I would like to wear the blue gown today. Lord Stonemede has requested a ride through Hyde Park this morning, and I wish to look my best.”

  When the request came the previous day, it was met with exaltations from her mother, but Brianna found herself less than thrilled. Since he’d gone through extra trouble to ensure she could not decline, the one thing she looked forward to was expressing her displeasure to him.

  “Are you sure that is a good idea? I still think you should tell someone about your illness.”

  “It’s not necessary. With the exception of a few uncomfortable mornings, I feel perfectly fit. Regardless, I can’t imagine this will last long.”

  Martha pressed her lips firmly together, and didn’t utter another word the entire time she helped Brianna prepare for the day. Secretly Brianna agreed with Martha’s assessment, for something was not right. However, the Season was coming to an end, and she refused to lose any time confined to a sickbed.

  Once downstairs, Brianna opted to skip breakfast and instead took her needlework to the drawing room to wait for Richard’s arrival. Normally she used her excess time to paint, but the sickness made it difficult for her to lose herself within her work.

  The drawing room was not vacant as she hoped, but Brianna was pleased to see Ashley was the only occupant. Each morning after breakfast, Ashley and Grace continued with their needlework lessons, but normally the instruction took place in the classroom. The change in tradition was unusual, but Brianna imagined it was due to Elizabeth’s presence.

  Since their return from Ransley, Brianna had been excused from joining in on the Ashley’s lessons. After what her mother deemed as progress with the marquis, her mother’s attitude changed, and she treated Brianna differently.

  “Good morning, Ashley. Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all.” Ashley raised her head from her sewing with a smile, but it quickly faded and her eyes widened. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” Brianna quietly took a seat, hoping it would help ease her rolling stomach. “I was restless last night and didn’t get as much sleep as I would have preferred.”

  “Perhaps you should have stayed abed this morning. If your mother sees you in this state, I can’t imagine she will be happy, particularly with the marquis arriving today.”

  “It will pass,” Brianna assured, then bit her tongue at Ashley’s questioning glace. “I mean as the day progresses, I’m sure the exhaustion will subside.”

  “I hope so.” Ashley shook her head and then focused her attention back on her sewing. As they sat in silence, Brianna pretended to sew while using the time to concentrate on settling her stomach.

  She had no idea how she would survive the carriage ride today, but she would. Canceling was not an option.

  “How are things progressing with Mr. Gregory?” Ashley asked. “Or have you decided to give Lord Stonemede a chance?”

  “Unfortunately, neither gentleman has my preference. From what I heard, Lord and Lady Wickham will be outraged, but Sarah and Mr. Gregory will most likely wed, with or without her parent’s consent.”

  “Then you have done them both a great service, for finding love isn’t easy. Keeping that in mind, tell me again why Lord Stonemede is no longer under your consideration. I do recall you spending many agonizing days worrying over him. You seemed to be quite taken with him when you knew him as Mr. Richard.”

  “I was only trying to determine if he would be a suitable husband for me. Now I know he is not, so I’m searching for another gentleman. The problem is Mother has not moved on from the possibility of me marrying a marquis.”

  “It appears she isn’t the only one experiencing difficulties moving on. Lord Stonemede has been very attentive this past week. I imagine while he was playing the part of Mr. Richard you made an impression on him.”

  Brianna paused, attempting to put a shocked look on her face. “His attention has not been for me, but for his sister’s benefit.”

  “What about today? If his focus remained on his sister’s benefit, surely there was no need to invite you for a ride through Hyde Park.”

  “That is true, but I imagine it was done to
appease Mother. The other day, she practically told him to invite me on an outing.”

  Brianna could not let Ashley know how right she was about Richard, nor could she allow her friend to learn of Richard’s intention toward her. He had been very persistent these past days; tormenting her with pictures of the perfect future they could have together. Unfortunately, the only part that appealed to her was the idea of having him as her husband. The rest of it compromised too much of who she was.

  “We shall see,” Ashley replied.

  Brianna opened her mouth to respond, but closed it quickly as Grace and Elizabeth entered the room.

  As they engaged in conversation, Brianna found herself unable to devote her full attention. Her thoughts were too confused at the moment to care about the little pieces of gossip being shared. The Season ended in a month, and she was no closer to finding a husband than she had been at the beginning.

  Soon her mother joined them, dressed in her finest morning attire and smiling beautifully. Brianna felt a stab of guilt, since she knew the relationship between her and Richard would not achieve the level her mother expected. When her mother turned her stunning smile to Brianna, she returned it, hoping to mask the discomforting feelings inside of her, both the emotional and the physical. Her mother would have her confined to a sick bed if she knew of the illness.

  “Are you looking forward to your ride this morning?” her mother asked brightly.

  “I always enjoy Hyde Park in the morning.”

  “I imagine your enjoyment will have more to do with the company you will be keeping, considering it’s exceptional.” Her mother’s voice took on a faraway quality as if she saw the future.

  “Yes,” Brianna answered. Although she hated to admit it, she was excited about seeing Richard, but she certainly didn’t want her mother to know.

  “Did you sleep well?” Her mother pursed her lips as she studied Brianna. “Your face lacks color.”

  “I’m afraid I didn’t obtain as much sleep as I normally do. However, I’m not feeling negative effects from it.”


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