His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 16

by Jenn Langston

  “I’m glad to hear that. Pinch your cheeks. It will add a little color. We would not want Lord Stonemede to see you looking less than perfect.”

  “Lady Ransley,” the butler announced from the doorway. “Lord Stonemede has arrived.”

  “Even his timing is perfect. Please send him in.”

  As the butler stepped aside, allowing Richard in, Brianna’s heart leapt, her nausea forgotten. He looked handsome as usual, dressed fashionably in his riding costume. When their eyes met, he gave her a brilliant smile. Even with the room full of witnesses, Brianna could not stop her eyes from trailing down the length of him. Her body began to stir as she thought about that last night at Ransley when she had slept in his arms.

  Her gaze didn’t leave him as he was welcomed and took his seat. She remained lost in her own world of memories as the conversation began again. Richard raised an eyebrow at her and gave a small smile of satisfaction. Knowing her reaction only provided more ammunition for his marriage quest, she cast her eyes downward, trying to regain herself. For some unfathomable reason, her emotions were out of control lately.

  If anyone noticed her inattention, they didn’t remark upon it, for which she was grateful. The chatter continued on without her until Richard turned to her.

  “Lady Brianna, if you are ready, I would be happy to escort you to Hyde Park,” he said.

  At her nod, he stood and offered his arm.

  “Thank you, my lord,” she replied as she rose and shook out her skirts. Smiling, she accepted his offered arm. As soon as contact was made, she became overcome with a feeling of rightness that was hard to ignore.

  “Enjoy your ride,” her mother called out from behind them as they walked to the door.

  “We will, and we will return before long,” Richard assured her.

  “Don’t worry, Mother,” Brianna added quickly before her mother insisted he not rush. Thankfully another step took them out the door, and she was saved from the possibility of embarrassment from her overenthusiastic mother. Richard took her hand and helped her into the carriage, and soon they were on their way.

  The day was beautiful, and Brianna basked in the feeling of her creative side flourishing as she took in all the colors and scenes presented to her. The sensation of her fingers itching to capture the beauty comforted and inspired her creative side further.

  “I’m glad you accepted my invitation.” Richard interrupted her thoughts, reminding her of her ire.

  Anger burst through her contentment and burned her face as her eyes darted to him. “You know it was not I who consented. How dare you send the request to my mother, knowing she would accept on my behalf?”

  “I thought it was a wise decision, seeing how you have refused every offer I have made to you, including marriage.”

  “Wise to force me into doing something I don’t wish? I believe foolish is the word you are looking for.”

  “That is a matter of opinion.” Richard offered her a cocky grin.

  Although she hated to admit it, she had to give him credit, for it did achieve the anticipated results. His plan also made her mother happy, so Brianna decided she could not stay angry too long.

  “Since it’s done, there is no reason to argue any longer,” she conceded grudgingly.

  “Are you not curious what prompted my offer?”

  “Oh, I didn’t know there was a reason. I would love to know,” she said, embarrassed for assuming the request stemmed from his desire to see her.

  “Since our agreement at Ransley, you have provided me with many options of brides, but I have neglected my part.”

  “You have found someone for me?” Eyes wide, she stared at him, surprised he was actually taking the arrangement seriously. She had not expected his help.

  He pressed his lips into a tight line, and he narrowed his eyes. She then realized he didn’t care for her choice of words, but it was too late to take them back.

  “I have found a gentleman for you to speak with,” he corrected.

  “All right. If you have selected him from the many others, I would be happy to speak with him. May I know his name?”

  “He is Jonathan Alastair, one of Viscount Linwood’s sons.”

  “I look forward to meeting him.” Brianna smiled brightly at Richard. This morning she worried over finding another gentleman to consider, and the fact Richard helped her felt significant.

  The horse whinnied, pulling her attention from Richard for a moment. Turning back to him, she prepared to inquire after the horse when she noticed his white knuckles clutching the reins. The overwhelming happiness she felt now was no longer due to the upcoming meeting with Mr. Jonathan. Considering his reaction, she could not believe Richard was helping her, since he obviously had no desire to. It touched her that he would endure the discomfort for her.

  Not trusting herself to speak, she sat quietly for the remainder of the ride to the park. As they passed through the entrance gates, Brianna’s attention fell to the fashionable people present. Everyone appeared happy, and their colorful garments had her assessing the attributes she would like to see on canvas.

  Richard brought the carriage to a stop close to the area they had walked months before. So much had changed since then, and she could not decide who she pitied more; the carefree, naïve girl she had been or the confused, emotional wreck she was now.

  “Jonathan will be meeting us around here. Would you care to stroll with me while we wait for him?” Richard inquired as he helped her down from the carriage.

  “I would be delighted.”

  She took his arm and allowed him to lead her to the same bench she had found him sitting upon before. This time, however, there was a different gentleman upon it, and he looked up at them expectantly as they approached. She was pleased to see he was handsome and at a prime age. His blond hair and teasing green eyes made her want to smile at him.

  “There you are, Richard. I thought I was going to grow old waiting for you,” the gentleman exclaimed once they were a few feet from him.

  Her eyes shot to Richard to gauge his reaction, but he only laughed. A beautiful sound, and she felt the reverberation throughout her body. Richard was obviously closely acquainted with this gentleman, and it made her feel honored he chose one of his friends for her.

  “That is quite a difference, is it not?” Richard asked. “Now, allow me to present Lady Brianna Denton, daughter to the Earl of Ransley. Lady Brianna, this is Jonathan Alastair.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you.” She offered her hand.

  He gently clasped her fingers and bowed over them.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you are quite lovely, Lady Brianna.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, turning her head to hide her blush. One glance at Richard told her he didn’t care for this arrangement any longer, but she would not allow him to ruin her chances with Mr. Jonathan. He could very well be what she was looking for, saving her from having to partake in another Season and begin anew.

  “Richard,” Mr. Jonathan began, “if you would excuse us, I would like to take Lady Brianna for a walk.”

  “If she agrees, I would be happy to give you a minute or two.”

  “I apologize. I don’t know what happened to my manners.” Mr. Jonathan then turned to her. “Lady Brianna, would you care to take a stroll with me? I promise to be charming and bring you back safely.”

  “I would be delighted.” She released Richard to take Mr. Jonathan’s offered arm. Although Richard agreed to leave, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him standing as if rooted to the spot. He stayed there watching them walk away.

  “Richard told me very little about you,” Mr. Jonathan told her when they were far enough away from him that he would not overhear their conversation.

  “What did he tell you?”

  “Only that he wanted to introduce us since you are looking for a husband. I must say, this is a rather odd situation.”

  “I’m sorry about the unusual circu
mstances, but there are reasons. Was that all he told you about me?”

  “He also mentioned how beautiful you were, which was no exaggeration. As a matter of fact, his description fell flat compared to your magnificence,” he praised, eyeing her with a rakish grin.

  “You must stop the compliments, or I shall forever be this shade of red,” she teased, her face hot. He merely laughed.

  “It’s a very enjoyable shade. I’m sorry. Richard didn’t mention how you were unaccustomed to compliments.”

  Blushing further, she chose not to respond. “Did Lord Stonemede tell you what made him choose to introduce us?” she asked, wanting to understand the conversation between him and Richard. As he had mentioned, this introduction was unusual, and she would find it strange if he didn’t question Richard’s motivations.

  “I imagine he thought the two of us would suit. He is obviously not in pursuit of you, so he is helping us meet considering we had not had an opportunity before. What do you think?”

  “I agree. Lord Stonemede is quite a selfless man.” Her comment earned an amused grin from Mr. Jonathan.

  “In all the years I have known Richard, I have never considered him selfless.”

  “How would you describe him?”

  “In a word—determined. He does not retreat when he finds something he wants, and I have never known him to fail.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine. Was Richard determined to have her? If so, he was sorely mistaken if he thought he would be able to persuade her to marry him. He did have the ability to force her, but she could not see him resorting to that. Trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling, she decided a change of topic was due.

  “I believe we have spoken enough of Lord Stonemede. Why do we not begin by reviewing each other’s qualifications for marriage?”

  “That is a wonderful idea. I do enjoy when a woman knows what she wants.” His sideways glance and wink made it clear he was not only referring to her knowledge of what she wanted in a husband.

  “Why do you not tell me of yours first?” she suggested, unsure how she felt about his flirtatious manner.

  “Well, you are lovely, so you meet my first requirement.” He stopped and turned to appraise her. “Your height too is quite ideal for . . . well, ideal. Also I do find your blushes to be charming. I must say, I have never seen a woman change such a deep shade of red before.”

  “I apologize, for I’m unaccustomed to being studied so closely.”

  “Don’t worry, you passed.”

  “Thank you.” She waited for him to continue with his list, but instead he took her arm and resumed walking. “Do all your requirements pertain to physical appearance?”

  “Certainly not,” he exclaimed, placing his free hand over his chest as if insulted by her question. “However, since the physical qualifications are the deciding factors, I felt it necessary to voice them, whereas the others are less important.”

  Brianna’s eyes widened, and she thankfully regained herself before her mouth dropped open. He was different than anyone she had met. Although open and honest, he also seemed very shallow. A jovial gentleman, his happiness so abundant, he appeared to have been on the verge of laughter their entire conversation. Overall, she decided he would be easy to deal with, so she imagined it would be wise to get to know him further.

  As they turned with the path, she saw Richard quickly making his way toward them. He had not allowed them much time, and she now regretted wasting most of the conversation on him.

  “Mr. Jonathan, would it be possible for us to meet another time, perhaps without our chaperone?” she asked, motioning to Richard.

  Mr. Jonathan laughed, clearly amused at her all-too-correct designation for Richard.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “We could meet here again. Would this afternoon be acceptable?”

  “It’s rather soon, but I imagine that, for you, I could arrange my schedule.”

  “Then I shall be here.” She sighed in relief to have that settled before Richard approached. He would not approve of the arrangement, but his opinion didn’t matter. He held no power over her, and she certainly didn’t need his permission to do as she pleased.

  Chapter 11

  Richard paced the room, more impatient than ever for Jonathan to arrive. Traditionally Jonathan was late, but his tardiness had never irritated him that much until today. After he had taken Brianna home, his friend informed him of the arrangement he had made with Brianna. Richard wanted to howl in fury. Now all he could do was wait until Jonathan arrived to tell him what had occurred.

  Since Jonathan knew of Richard’s plans for Brianna, he was in no danger from losing her to his friend, but it didn’t appease his anxiety. He was still furious she requested the meeting in the first place. If he had done as she requested and offered her a gentleman of no title, who he didn’t know . . . He could not even finish the thought. She certainly had no idea of the possibilities, and Richard didn’t care to think of them either.

  The announcement that Jonathan had arrived broke his unsettling thoughts, and allowed him to finally sit back down in his chair. Shortly after, Jonathan entered, smiling like a fool, and sat down across from him.

  “Good evening, Richard.”

  “How was your meeting with Brianna?”

  “Well, I’m fine, and I thank you for asking. And yes, I would love a brandy.”

  Richard sighed loudly then brought the decanter of brandy and two glasses to his desk. As he poured the glasses and handed one to Jonathan, he tried to ignore his friend’s obvious enjoyment of this miserable situation.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” Richard inquired sarcastically.

  “Your hospitality skills are lacking, but I shall forgive you since you are obviously making an attempt.”

  “I’ll remember your gentle guidance in the future. Now, tell me about Hyde Park.” Richard could no longer wait for Jonathan to impart the information.

  “Hyde Park was pleasant. The rain held off for the majority of the time, so I believe all the occupants were able to enjoy the evening.”

  “Why do I even bother to ask?” Richard tossed his hands in the air.

  “I have never seen you so tied up over a skirt before, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the show. Was it not you who said women are all alike? Do you now realize how incorrect your assumption was?”

  “Yes. I have never met anyone like Brianna, and each day I find myself becoming more fascinated with her.”

  “She is unpredictable and wild, not meek and soft-spoken.”

  “I know, but after we are wed, I shall fix that. Once she has a nightly outlet for her more wild nature, her days will be filled with a calmness befitting my marchioness,” Richard explained, anticipation welling up inside. Jonathan only laughed.

  “I wish you luck with that one,” Jonathan said once he sobered up.

  “Although I appreciate the offer of luck, as I imagine I shall need it, I would much prefer to hear of your time with Brianna.”

  “I suppose I have made you wait long enough.” Jonathan sighed. “As discussed, we met at Hyde Park in the same place you designated this morning.”

  “Who did she arrive with?”

  “She was with two other ladies, but she approached me alone.”

  “Probably her little sister and Lady Grace’s governess.”

  Although not surprised, he didn’t approve of her choices. She should have brought her footman with her or at least someone who could provide more protection. Brianna, however, was never one to understand the danger she unwittingly put herself into.

  “We walked along the path, in clear view of everyone present, as you requested. She told me of her requirements, the same ones you mentioned earlier. However, I did think it strange she didn’t mention her preference for an untitled man.”

  “I suppose since she already knew of your lack of title, there was no reason to bring it up again.”

  “Anyway, something was amiss w
ith her, for she seemed different than this morning.”

  “In what way?” Richard asked, concern tugging at him.

  “I can’t say for sure. This morning she was full of life and spirit. It was quite intoxicating really. I honestly found I was—”

  “Stick to the facts. I’m uncomfortable enough with this whole situation and having to endure your commentary does not give me a more favorable outlook.”

  “Very well,” Jonathan agreed with a sigh. “It was not only that, but several times throughout the conversation, when she didn’t believe I was looking, I noticed her grimace as if in pain. Perhaps she sustained an injury earlier in the day and didn’t wish to cancel.”

  “I would not be surprised if that was the case. She is very stubborn, and I imagine she would hide far worse if it suited her. However, this does give me a good excuse to call upon her tomorrow,” Richard added, trying to not become too concerned. If she had sustained a serious injury, he was confident Elizabeth would have notified him. “What else did the two of you talk about?”

  “Thinking back on it, I realize that similar to our morning conversation, you were a main topic. I believe she feels more for you than she would care to admit.”

  “I would like to believe so.” Richard sat back in his chair, pleased to hear Brianna asked after him.

  “She was not blatant about it, but obviously my comments to her about your determination had an effect. Perhaps she is terrified you will come after her?”

  “Terrified or not, I’ll do whatever necessary to have her.”

  “Unlike my typical female companions, Lady Brianna is difficult to understand, and I’m not sure she even knows what she wants.”

  “I would be happy to help make that decision for her.” Richard grinned widely. “Did she arrange for another meeting?”

  “No. We were cut off abruptly when her sister approached us, which is entirely your fault for making us stay in plain sight. After that, Lady Brianna quickly excused herself and was gone before they could comment.”

  “If she was given more time, did you get the feeling she would have asked to see you again?” Richard held his breath waiting for the answer. Although Jonathan was not having as much luck understanding Brianna, he always had a sixth sense when it came to women. Richard was confident if Brianna developed an interest in Jonathan, his friend would know.


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