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His Perfect Bride

Page 22

by Jenn Langston

  “It no longer matters if you still wish to marry me. So, I’ll ask again. Lady Brianna Denton, will you please honor me by becoming my wife?”

  Her slow smile intoxicated, as did the knowledge he had finally won.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Feeling triumphant, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. As his lips captured hers, he again thought about his vision of her at Stonemede. Anticipation welled up inside him as he realized he would be spending the rest of his nights with her in his arms. During the day he would restrain her wild ways, but at night she would be free to release her stored up urges on him. Life would be perfect.

  The days following the calling of the banns were a whirlwind for Brianna. Both the excitement and jealousy among her peers ran rampant, and she feared she would never again spend a quiet night at home with her family. Since her status rose due to her betrothal to the Marquis of Stonemede, the invitations increased. Her mother was so beside herself, she nearly fainted daily upon seeing the rising numbers. Much to Brianna’s dismay, her mother tried to accept them all.

  Elizabeth and Lord Winsler’s relationship also progressed quickly, and Brianna wondered how her mother would handle two weddings so close together. At least Elizabeth would have more time to prepare as she had no reason to rush the wedding along. Since Madam Hershal had confirmed she only had around seven months left to carry the babe, the betrothal was much shorter than expected. Now there was less than a fortnight before she would become Lady Brianna Carrack, Marchioness of Stonemede.

  The thought of her future no longer depressed her, as she hoped Richard would know her well enough to allow her as much freedom as she desired. The mere thought of him sent a shiver down her spine. Something inside of her changed, and she had no desire to be anywhere he was not.

  “Lady Brianna, you must stop moving or your hair will be crooked,” Martha scolded for the third time.

  “I’m sorry. I suppose I’m simply excited about the ball this evening.”

  “I know, but would you not like to look your best?”

  “I’ll try to keep better restraint on myself.”

  Jillian’s mother was hosting a ball in honor of Brianna and Richard’s upcoming wedding, and Brianna looked forward to seeing her betrothed tonight. She had not spent as much time with him as she would prefer, but tonight would make the wait worthwhile.

  Hours later at the ball, Brianna found herself content. She was overcome with the feeling her life had almost reached perfection. In between the dances, Richard remained by her side. It gave her a glimpse of how they would be once they were married. She was not unhappy with the arrangement.

  At the moment he had been called away from her side, but he promised not to be long. Scanning the crowd, she could not locate him, and she expected him to have returned by now. When the notes of the next waltz sounded, her next dance partner approached her, so she grudgingly ceased her search for Richard.

  “So, you are the one who caught Stonemede’s eye. I must say I don’t blame him,” Lord Kirkwood said with a lecherous grin as he spun her around the dance floor.

  “Thank you, my lord.” Brianna attempted to smile at his compliment, despite her discomfort.

  “He must be anxious to have you considering the haste of the wedding preparations.”

  “Lord Stonemede exceeded the amount of time he wished to spend in London. He is simply looking forward to returning to his estate,” Brianna explained, jumping to his defense.

  “Yes, I’m sure that is his reason,” Lord Kirkwood said, then snorted.

  Luckily he didn’t wish to hold any further conversation, so the remainder of the dance passed in silence. She smiled when the song ended, and he escorted her from the dance floor. However, her relief vanished when she realized he took her in the opposite direction of her mother. His destination appeared to be the garden, where she had no intention of going with him.

  “Lord Kirkwood, I’m sorry, but I believe we have passed my mother.”

  “I think it would be nice for us to enjoy a stroll before returning you to your mother.”

  “Thank you for the offer, but I’m too fatigued at the moment. Please escort me to my mother,” Brianna demanded, foreboding settling into her stomach.

  “The weather is nice and will surely alleviate some of your exhaustion.”

  “Perhaps, but I don’t wish to go out.” Brianna tried to pull her arm free of his grasp, but he held her tighter. Her heart raced as panic took over.

  “If you make a scene, I’ll tell everyone we are in the middle of a lovers’ quarrel. How do you think your betrothed would feel about that?”

  Brianna took in his malicious expression and shuddered. Although desperate to be rid of him, the scandal he could incite made her pause. Unsure of what to do, she stood there watching as his mouth twisted up in a victorious smile. He began to drag her forward again, and she had no option but to follow.

  “Lady Brianna, where are you going?” a vaguely familiar voice asked. “I believe this is my dance.”

  Lord Kirkwood growled but didn’t slow his pace. She silently prayed the gentleman would wish to dance with her enough that he would continue to press.

  “Kirkwood,” the man said as he grabbed Lord Kirkwood’s shoulder. “This dance belongs to me.” The menace in his voice was clear, and Brianna wondered if she would be moved from one bad situation to another.

  Lord Kirkwood jerked his arm from the man, then turned to face him. Brianna immediately felt her tension ease to see Lord Merrick. Tears of relief welled up in her eyes, for not only would Richard’s friend not harm her, but he would not leave her either.

  “You seem more anxious to dance with her than appropriate. Is Stonemede aware of your desire for his property?”

  “If my feelings went in that direction, it would be between Stonemede and myself,” Lord Merrick spat, then turned to her and offered his arm. “Lady Brianna, would you honor me with this dance?”

  “I would be delighted, Lord Merrick,” she stammered, unable to steady her voice. After jerking her arm out of Lord Kirkwood’s grasp, she clutched onto Lord Merrick’s sleeve, drawing upon the strength she felt in him. Each step they took helped to ease her until her hand relaxed on his arm.

  “Are you all right?” he asked quietly, studying her with sadness in his eyes.

  “I am now. Thank you.”

  “We don’t have to dance if you are not feeling up to it. I only wanted to get you away from him.”

  “No, I’m perfectly fine, and I would love to dance with you,” Brianna assured, wishing she could pay him back in some way.

  As they integrated with the other guests on the dance floor, she saw Richard watching Lord Merrick, his mouth a grim line. Richard nodded, indicating some silent communication passed between the men.

  As Lord Merrick expertly twirled her around the room, she was surprised to see his skills had significantly improved since they had last danced.

  “I believe I don’t need to tell you to stay away from Lord Kirkwood. He is never associated with anything good.”

  “In the future, you can be assured I will make a point to stay as far away from him as possible.”

  “I can’t believe Richard would even allow you to share one dance with him.”

  “I’m not sure Lord Stonemede was aware who my next dance partner was. He was not present when Lord Kirkwood approached me.”

  “I see,” Lord Merrick answered with a thoughtful expression.

  After that, the conversation only revolved around pleasantries, giving her more of an opportunity to push aside the encounter with Lord Kirkwood. After the dance, Lord Merrick escorted her directly to Richard instead of her mother. Once by his side, she felt right again.

  “Thank you for the dance, Lord Merrick, and for helping me,” she said curtsying.

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “What happened, Greyson?” Richard demanded.

  “Kirkwood attempted to take her for
a stroll outside, and he was reluctant to accept her refusal.” Lord Merrick’s words were proper and his tone calm.

  Brianna was unsure if he downplayed the encounter for her benefit or Richard’s. By the dark look on Richard’s face and his clenched fists, she imagined it was for hers.

  “Lady Brianna, are you enjoying yourself, or are you ready to quit the evening?” Richard asked, his smile not disguising his anger.

  “I would like to leave,” she responded, then her eyes widened in concern. “You are not planning to do anything in regard to Lord Kirkwood, are you?”

  “Of course not. Once I see you to your carriage, I intend to call for mine.” He lightly rubbed her arm and then turned to Lord Merrick. “Greyson, go find Jonathan. I believe the three of us need to have a talk before I depart.”

  Lord Merrick nodded, and then bowed to her before setting out on his task. Richard didn’t hesitate to lead them in the direction of her parents. She had no idea what was going on but lost any desire to be present long enough to find out, particularly knowing Lord Kirkwood was out there.

  In the carriage, her mother chattered along happily about the night and the conversations she had or overheard. Brianna could not bring herself to listen.

  “Brianna?” Elizabeth asked quietly. Brianna noticed her mother occupying her father’s attention, so it was an opportunity to speak without being overheard. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “You seemed a little shaken earlier, and when we were leaving, I noticed Richard not acting in his normal manner.”

  “In what way?” Brianna was instantly concerned Richard would speak with Lord Kirkwood, and she could not have that. From what she saw of the man, he was malicious and would not hesitate to cause harm. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to Richard, especially if he acted on her behalf.

  “It’s hard to explain. I’m not sure if he was angry, or agitated, or if I’m making a fuss out of nothing.”

  “What exactly did you observe?”

  “Well, he didn’t make eye contact with anyone, and his smile didn’t reach his eyes. It was also obvious he wanted us to leave quickly.”

  “I’m not sure what he was thinking exactly. I only hope that . . .” Brianna trailed off, not wanting to upset Elizabeth.

  “You hope what?” Elizabeth’s eyes were pleading, her concern for her brother obvious.

  “I hope it’s nothing.” Brianna’s smile was met with suspicious eyes, but it was too late to disguise her worry to spare Elizabeth some anxiety. “We are being rather silly. Richard can take care of himself, and, regardless, what could happen at a ball?”

  “You are right,” Elizabeth conceded. They passed the rest of the carriage ride listening to her mother’s ramblings, as Brianna tried to remind herself there was no reason to worry about Richard.

  The next day after luncheon, Brianna still had not heard from him, and she began to agonize again. Considering the way they departed the previous night, she had expected him to contact her earlier this morning. The lack of response was concerning, for if something happened to him, she would not be able to bear it.

  Her mind continually thought of the horrible things that could have befallen him. Gazing out her bedchamber window, she tried to push the miserable thoughts aside. Part of her hoped she would see the Stonemede carriage making its way down the street.

  Leaving the window, she threw herself down on the bed and clutched her uneasy stomach. Would her child grow up never knowing his father? The knock at the door startled her, and she jumped up so fast, she worried she would have to make a dash for the chamber pot.

  “Please come in,” she called out, attempting to keep her voice calm.

  “Lady Brianna,” the downstairs maid said as she entered. “This note came for you. It was not mentioned who sent it. Only that it was urgent.”

  “Thank you,” Brianna uttered, taking the letter in her hand.

  Turning away, she heard the door click, but at the moment she could not care less who was in the room. The uneasiness in her stomach increased until she had to drink some of the water mixture from Madam Hershal to alleviate it.

  Taking a deep breath, Brianna opened the missive with shaky fingers and read the words written in a scrawling hand.

  Lady Brianna Denton,

  If you wish to protect your betrothed, the Marquis of Stonemede, or if you care about your family’s reputation, you will come to me now. My address is on the enclosed card. Make sure to come alone and don’t notify anyone, or you will not like the consequences.

  The letter slid from her fingers and the sick feeling returned as she crumpled to the floor. Although the missive was not signed, nor was a name listed on the card, she knew who sent it. Richard must have attempted to speak with Lord Kirkwood last night and had gotten himself captured in the process. It also explained why he had not contacted her this morning.

  Determination raced through her veins. Clutching the card in her hand, she raced out of the bedchamber and down the stairs. She felt as though she were in a tunnel, for the only thing she saw was her destination.

  “Brianna, what is wrong?” Elizabeth asked, tugging on Brianna’s arm when she didn’t respond. Brianna slowly turned her head to look at Elizabeth.

  “Nothing is wrong. I simply need some air,” Brianna answered then turned to move forward.

  Elizabeth stopped her again. “Who sent the missive? Was it Richard? Is he all right?”

  “It was not from Richard. It was from . . . a friend of mine.”

  “Oh, all right. Well, I need some fresh air as well. I shall come out with you.”

  “I’m sorry, but I would prefer to be alone at the moment. Perhaps we can go out together another time?”

  Brianna made another move toward the door, but Elizabeth blocked her. She could tell the girl would not let her go easily. Unfortunately the letter didn’t give her a time limit, and she had no idea how long she had left. Richard needed her, and she refused to disappoint him.

  “What is going on?” Ashley asked as she approached.

  Brianna groaned, for if the two girls sided against her, she would not have a prayer of leaving.

  “Nothing is going on. I simply need some fresh air, and Elizabeth would like some company. Ashley, could you entertain her while I step out for a moment?”

  “I would be happy to.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Elizabeth agreed. “First I need to get . . . my shawl. Ashley, would you stay with Brianna until I return?”

  “Certainly.” Ashley seemed oblivious to either girl’s thoughts.

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth called over her shoulder as she rushed down the hallway.

  “You don’t look well. Are you still drinking the mixture as Madam Hershal directed?”

  “Yes, but I’m feeling worse today. I was hoping the fresh air would help. Why do you not wait in the drawing room for Elizabeth while I step out?”

  “Are you sure? I could come with you, or perhaps I can get you something?”

  “I’ll be fine, and I have no wish for Elizabeth to feel slighted, nor do I wish for her to be present in the event that my stomach does not settle,” Brianna explained, unable to cease her fidgeting. Time was slipping away. She had to leave now.

  “I suppose you are right. I hope you feel better soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  Once outside, she didn’t feel the relief she expected from making an easy escape. Instead fear began to settle in.

  Hailing a hackney was much easier and quicker than she anticipated, for which she was grateful. After handing the driver the card, she allowed herself to fall back into the seat. The fact she had no idea what to expect was the most unsettling part of the ordeal.

  With little time to dwell on her next step, the hackney arrived at her destination. Once she exited, she squared her shoulders and quickly headed to the house listed in the note. She was doing the right thing; she was saving Richard.

sp; “Brianna.”

  Heart sinking, she turned to face Elizabeth.

  “Brianna, you don’t have to do this.” Elizabeth ran from a hackney stopped directly behind the one Brianna had just vacated.

  “What are you doing here?” Brianna exclaimed, terrified for her friend.

  “Let us go get Richard. He can help.” Elizabeth tugged on Brianna’s arm with such force, she stumbled and was forced to take a step backward.

  “You don’t understand, Richard—”

  “Richard can help us. Please come with me.”

  As the door swung open, Brianna transferred her terrified gaze from Elizabeth’s pleading face to the dangerous-looking butler before her. His eyes narrowed as his gaze moved between the two of them. Brianna suspected his instructions didn’t include the possibility of a second guest.

  “Come this way,” he commanded as he pushed the door open wider.

  “I believe there has been a mistake,” Brianna stammered, questioning her impulsive decision to come here. She had based everything on the conclusion she reached from a letter sent by a man of questionable reputation. Now she was not sure if she had made the correct decision. Throwing her arm out as if to shield Elizabeth, Brianna took a step back.

  “No, no mistake,” he growled menacingly as she took another step back.

  “Leaving so soon?” a voice asked from behind them. “You can’t leave until I have been paid.” The hackney driver sneered as he walked toward them, blocking their escape. So that explained how she was able to procure a ride so quickly. He had been hired to bring her here.

  Sighing in defeat, Brianna walked forward into the house wishing Elizabeth had not been brought into this mess as well. Unsure of how this would play out, she kept her eyes down and her opinions to herself as they were led down the hallway. When they arrived at what looked like a drawing room, the girls huddled together.

  “My master will arrive shortly, so trying to escape would be futile,” the butler informed them.

  Despite his assertion of a quick arrival from his master, they, in fact, did have to wait a long time under the watch of the butler before Lord Kirkwood entered. She suspected he wished to draw out the suspense, and therefore increase their fear. Unfortunately his plan worked. Mostly Brianna was terrified for Elizabeth, and the fact that they had not had an opportunity to speak only increased her concern.


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