His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 23

by Jenn Langston

  Brianna looked the horrible man in his beady eyes as she pushed Elizabeth behind her. If Lord Kirkwood wanted Elizabeth, he would have to deal with her first. Perhaps keeping him occupied would give her friend a chance to escape. She could then go to Richard, assuming he was free and unharmed, or she could find some other help.

  “I knew you were a stupid woman, but I didn’t know you were illiterate as well.” Lord Kirkwood shook his head. “The instructions clearly stated you should come alone and notify no one.”

  “I didn’t notify anyone. She followed me and has no idea what is going on. You asked for me, and I came. Please let her go. She is of no use to you.”

  “Again you are letting your ignorance show,” Lord Kirkwood insulted her. “If I let her go now, she will tell everyone where to find you.”

  “I already have,” Elizabeth challenged, pushing herself away from Brianna’s protection. “It would benefit you to release us before we are discovered, which should be any moment now.”

  “That I can’t do.” He gave them a cruel smile. “Timothy, get this extra girl out of here. I don’t have much time.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Before Brianna could react, Lord Kirkwood grabbed her wrist and pulled her further away from Elizabeth, allowing his butler a chance at Elizabeth without having to fight them both. Brianna desperately tried to wiggle free to assist her friend, but Lord Kirkwood held her tight. Not giving up, she struggled as she watched her friend being dragged from the room, thrashing and screaming.

  Once the door closed, Kirkwood slung Brianna onto the ground. Without hesitating, she scampered backward, away from him, but soon found herself blocked in a corner. He slowly stalked toward her, an evil smile upon his lips. She watched in horror as he began unfastening his waistcoat.

  “Why are you doing this?” she stammered as he threw the garment to the floor and lifted his shirt free of his trousers.

  “I’m simply giving Stonemede his due. He denied me something I wanted, so I’ll deny him the pleasure of knowing his heir is of his loins.”

  Brianna gasped. Knowing the horror that would befall her only compounded her fear. She cringed back as his beefy hands reached out toward her. In one smooth motion, he ripped her dress down the middle. Paralyzed with fear as his gaze defiled her body, Brianna kept still as he reached for the top of his trousers.

  As he slid the first button free, Brianna felt a surge of anger flow through her. She refused to lie still and allow him to follow through with his plan. Jumping to her feet, she lunged at him, aiming for his face. He raised his foot, and the force of the blow she received for her efforts knocked both the wind and some of the fight out of her.

  Back on the floor in front of him, Brianna struggled for breath. Her chest ached from the impact. How much more would she have to suffer before the ordeal ended? Drawing her shoulders back, she knew the pain would be great, for she would not keep still and make this easy for him. Knowing he could overpower her meant in the end he would succeed, but she refused to allow him to walk away unscathed.

  Chapter 15

  Richard sat at his desk shifting though the papers his steward sent him. Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. His anxiousness to return to Stonemede increased by the day. He still had not worked out how to complete his duties at Ravenhurst from Stonemede, but he imagined anything would be easier than handling estate matters from London.

  His wedding was almost upon him, but each day didn’t pass quickly enough for his liking. The possible attack on Brianna the previous night only made him more determined to see her tucked safely away at Stonemede.

  Last night, once he had secured her in the carriage, he, along with Greyson and Jonathan, had searched the ball looking for any sign of Kirkwood. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful. Richard did set his man, Saul, up at Kirkwood’s house, in order to be notified if Kirkwood made any movements. Richard would have a report of the comings and goings of everyone in the house.

  Commotion outside his door brought his head up and his thoughts back to the present. There was a quick knock, and then Hopkins entered the room without waiting for permission. He slammed the door behind him and then offered a slight bow. The man was clearly agitated and trying not to show it. Richard quickly crossed the room, in preparation to fight with the threat on the other side of the door.

  “My lord, there is a gentleman here to see you. He is insisting to be shown in at once,” Hopkins said before the door flew open. He recognized John Knox, Viscount Winsler, who pushed Hopkins out of the way to enter the room. Richard could not fathom what his purpose was, or why he acted in such an improper manner.

  “I don’t have time to waste on ceremony.” Winsler glared at Hopkins’s retreating back as the butler exited and shut the door. “I was on my way to visit Lady Elizabeth at Denton House when a frazzled governess handed me this. She insisted I bring it to you at once.”

  Richard took the crumpled paper from Winsler and unfolded it, exposing the unfamiliar scrawl. His heart sank as he read the contents. He saw red and lost the ability to breathe.

  “What happened?” he demanded through clenched teeth.

  “Lady Brianna is gone and there is no address listed. I can only assume she went to meet this person, and Lady Elizabeth followed her.”

  “Where is she now?” Richard gripped his chest as the soul-crushing pain sliced through him at the realization he already knew the answer to the question. Rushing from the room, he was ready to take action. Although not positive where he was headed, he had a good idea where to start.

  “I don’t know. She must have taken a hackney, for according to the governess, I arrived only moments after Lady Elizabeth departed,” Winsler answered, quickly following behind.

  “Hopkins,” Richard bellowed. “My horse, now!”

  Storming from the house, he nearly plowed into Saul. From the looks of it, the man had ridden his horse hard and was obviously in a panic. That was all Richard needed. His suspicions were confirmed.

  “My Lord, Kirkwood has Lady Brianna and your sister.”

  “Come with me,” Richard ordered.

  Luckily his stallion was ready as he had intended to visit Brianna later, so it didn’t take long for the groom to bring him around. Launching himself in the saddle, he noticed Saul quickly following suit, and Winsler mounted a horse his driver disconnected from the carriage.

  “Notify the Watch,” Richard called to Hopkins before tearing down the street. He had no idea how much time had passed since Brianna left her home. If Saul left his post immediately following her arrival, they had a good chance of reaching their destination before Kirkwood set his plan in motion. Richard sincerely hoped Kirkwood didn’t intend to move her somewhere, making it more difficult to find her.

  As he navigated around the carriages and people, he ignored the rules of etiquette, not having time for such nonsense. He could not say how his two companions were doing as he could not afford a lapse in his focus.

  When his destination appeared in sight, he pushed his stallion harder until he reached the front of Kirkwood’s townhouse. Lunging himself from his mount, he ran the last couple of feet before attempting to kick in the door. Saul was seconds behind him and with a few kicks from the both of them together, the door gave way.

  “Go find Elizabeth,” he commanded as he ripped the splintered door from the frame.

  Heart pounding, he ran through the house, following the sound of Brianna’s screams. Once in the room, his sight grew temporary as rage clouded his vision. Brianna’s clothing had been ripped from her body, and Kirkwood stood over her wearing nothing but trousers. When Kirkwood turned, Richard saw ugly red scratches down his chest and was pleased to see Brianna had exacted a small measure of her own vengeance.

  With a roar of fury, Richard dove at the unprepared man, knocking him to the ground. Kirkwood’s body lay motionless, so Richard rushed to Brianna’s side, where she desperately tried to cover her nakedness with the shreds
of clothing. Tears poured down her swollen red cheeks.

  Seeing her in this state caused him more pain than a person should be forced to endure. He reached out but froze upon hearing her bloodcurdling scream. For a second, he thought she didn’t want him near her, but then he felt the searing pain on the back of his head. He stumbled forward, swaying from the blow.

  Turning around, he observed the next swing coming, so he ducked, barely avoiding the blow. Moving quickly, his fist made contact with Kirkwood’s nose, making a very satisfying crunch. Kirkwood staggered back, right into Saul’s waiting arms. At that moment, the Watch arrived, so Richard turned his attention back to Brianna, content to allow Saul to deal with the situation.

  Grabbing a blanket from the sofa, he knelt beside Brianna and bundled her up.

  “Stonemede!” Kirkwood yelled. “Come back and fight me like a man!”

  Richard ignored him. “Are you all right?” he asked Brianna, gingerly wiping the tears from her inflamed cheeks.

  “If you don’t allow me my revenge, I’ll continue to terrorize your house, your club, and your woman until I’m satisfied,” Kirkwood threatened.

  Looking into Brianna’s wide terrified eyes, Richard knew he could not leave her to deal with Kirkwood, yet he could not allow the taunting to continue. Desperate to take his revenge, Richard forced himself not to rise to the bait though his blood pumped wildly.

  “Saul,” Richard called out evenly. “Deal with it.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Very good, have your man take care of your—” Kirkwood’s words were cut short, and Richard sighed in relief.

  “Elizabeth! Richard, Elizabeth is here! You have to find her and help her!” Brianna sobbed, trying to force herself up as if she were in any state to save his sister.

  “I’m here, Brianna,” Elizabeth called out as she ran toward them. “Oh my goodness, are you all right?”

  “I’m much better now.” Brianna answered his sister in a shaky voice as she gazed up at him with worship in her eyes. The adoration made him feel ten feet tall, and Richard wished he would always be able to earn the level of regard she honored him with.

  “Come on, let us get you home.” He lifted her from the ground and cradled her in his arms. Holding her never felt so good, and the relief it provided him was palpable. Although he knew she was safe, the drive to get her out of there as soon as possible overpowered him.

  “Winsler, can you help Saul deal with matters here while I escort the ladies home?” Richard asked, eyeing him pointedly.

  Winsler looked at Elizabeth with longing, and opened his mouth as if to argue, but then he clamped his lips tight and nodded in agreement. There was obviously something more than Richard realized going on between the two of them, but he had no complaints. He was proud his sister managed to choose a good man.

  After hailing a hackney, Elizabeth climbed in and assisted him in placing Brianna upon the seat. He took care, feeling as though she could break with the slightest movement. Once inside, he pulled Brianna against him. He knew it was not proper, especially in front of his little sister, but after what Brianna went through, he was loath to break contact with her.

  “Were you harmed?” he asked Elizabeth, searching her face.

  “No. After that horrible man dragged me away from Brianna, he locked me in a closet.”

  “At least one of you was unharmed,” he commented, holding Brianna tighter against his side. “How did this all come about? Winsler didn’t have much information to impart.”

  “Earlier this afternoon a courier brought a letter for Brianna. I was curious since I have never known you to send a letter when you could send yourself,” Elizabeth explained, and Richard nodded at her correct assessment.

  “Did you read the letter?”

  “Not at first. I saw Brianna trying to leave, and once I realized she was upset, I tried to detain her. Miss Ashley was supposed to keep an eye on her while I ran upstairs to read the missive, but when I returned, she was gone. Apparently Brianna is very persuasive when she wants something.”

  “I have noticed that.” Richard fought a grin as Brianna ducked her face down into the blanket. He was not sure if it was in embarrassment or shame, but, regardless, he didn’t wish for her to endure any more discomfort. Leaning down, he placed a light kiss on the top of her head.

  “How did you know I was trying to leave?” Brianna asked his sister, her voice still shaking.

  “When you were insistent and refused to make eye contact with me, I knew I needed to read that letter. After I brought it downstairs and discovered you had already departed, I gave Ashley the letter with instructions to get help. Then I hailed a hackney to follow you myself.”

  “Thank you both for saving me,” Brianna whispered, then burst into tears.

  Richard wrapped his arms around her and gently stroked her back. Placing another quick kiss on her temple, he sincerely wished there was something more he could do for her. She had been through a horrific ordeal and was hurt. Unfortunately he felt helpless to alleviate her pain or remove the memories. One positive aspect was the timing of his arrival. If he had been a few minutes later, Kirkwood would have created scars that would never heal.

  Once they arrived at her father’s townhouse, Richard carried Brianna inside, ignoring the protests from both the housekeeper and Lady Ransley. With Elizabeth’s assistance, he took Brianna to her bedchamber and placed her in the middle of the bed. When he stood, she looked up at him with frightened eyes that tore at his soul.

  “I’ll leave you now in the capable hands of your mother.” He motioned in the direction of Lady Ransley. “I’ll be downstairs. When you are ready to talk, send for me.” With a bow, he reluctantly left her.

  Downstairs, Richard relayed the details of what transpired to Lord Ransley. When the story was told and the questions were satisfied, there was nothing left to do but wait. Normally Richard considered himself to be a patient man, but waiting for Brianna to call for him was excruciating, particularly since the only thing he had left to do was think.

  The realization that the whole ordeal was his fault drew him up short. The anger he felt toward himself was vast. The thought of Kirkwood retaliating against him by harming Brianna never occurred to him until the ball last night. However, he never believed it possible for her to be abducted right out of her father’s home. Kirkwood crossed a line, and Richard would do anything in his power to ensure the punishment was severe.

  In order to prevent a similar situation occurring with another rejected applicant, Richard only knew of one option. Although he didn’t like it, this solution would also provide him with a resolution for other problems as well. He would have to sell his portion of the club. Greyson and Jonathan might not agree, but their names were not as tied to the club as his. They would be protected where he was not. It was a difficult decision, but when it came to Brianna’s safety, nothing existed that he would not do.

  “Lord Stonemede,” the butler called from the doorway. “Lady Brianna is requesting your presence.”

  “Thank you.” Richard stood, grateful for the reprieve from his uncomfortable thoughts.

  “Please come this way.”

  Once in her bedchamber, he noticed she was now dressed in a pale yellow gown that exuded maidenly modesty. Her face was still red with a faint outlining of a purplish bruise forming. He worked hard to push down the surge of anger flowing through his body.

  Lady Ransley fluttered about the room, as if uncertain of what she should be doing. Brianna watched her mother with a worried frown until her eyes met his. Her face softened, and her eyes lit up as she smiled at him. His heart stopped with the force of the emotion it evoked.

  “Lord Stonemede,” Lady Ransley purred. “Again, we can’t thank you enough for your assistance with Brianna. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call upon us.”

  “I appreciate that,” Richard responded, not needing to tell her the offer was unnecessary. There was nothing he would not do for Brian

  “Mother, do you think Lord Stonemede and I could have a private moment?”

  “In your bedchamber?” Lady Ransley exclaimed, her eyes shooting to her daughter’s. Then she lowered her gaze, her outrage noticeably lessening. “Since you are to be wed soon, I suppose there is no harm in a short visit.”

  “Thank you.” Brianna smiled weakly at her mother.

  Lady Ransley glanced between the two of them as if reluctant to leave, then she sighed and turned to go. Richard got the feeling she worried he would hurt Brianna. Absurd, considering he was the one who saved her.

  With the click of the door, he pushed all thoughts from his mind except Brianna. She shifted herself up straighter on the edge of her bed, but her gaze focused on her wringing hands. He waited and was confused when she didn’t speak.

  “Is there something specific you wished to discuss in private, or did you just need a moment without your mother hovering about you?” Richard asked, uncomfortable with charged silence.

  “I’m giving you your opportunity.” Her voice was heavy with sadness.

  “My opportunity for what exactly?”

  “Mother said you were waiting here to talk to me. She said it was likely you no longer wished to marry me.” She ended her words on a sob.

  Richard crossed the room in two strides and sat beside her with his body facing hers. He brushed a strand of hair off her face as she struggled to compose herself.

  “How could she believe that?” He desperately wanted to take her into his arms, but he could not be she would be receptive considering what she had gone through earlier.

  “She said since I was alone and unclothed with another man in his house, you would no longer want me.” Her sobs were coming in full force now, and he could not restrain himself any longer. Pulling her into his arms, he tried to soothe her.


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