His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 24

by Jenn Langston

  “Don’t cry. This does not change anything. We will still be married in less than a fortnight,” he assured her, rubbing her back.

  Concentrating on healing her pain, he blocked out the feeling of her warm body pressed against him. When the tears ran their course, she looked up at him with adoration shining in her eyes.

  “You still want to marry me?” she asked.

  He nodded, causing her brows to furrow, but she didn’t pull back from him.

  “Then why did you stay?”

  “To see you and make sure you were all right,” he answered, his tone incredulous.

  Her brilliant smile lit up her face, and she threw her arms around his neck. When her eager lips met his, he could have sighed in relief. Her roaming hands dove into his hair and she tugged at him, pulling him forward. He felt her head hit the pillows, as his body rested on top of her.

  She was so warm and willing, he knew he could be inside of her within seconds. As she tugged at his clothing, his hands drifted down to lift her skirts. Satisfaction was so close, and his body demanded it. When his hand caressed her bare leg, she threw her head back and moaned. The sound instantly awoke his lust-clouded mind. They could not do this, not now.

  Rising off of her, he stared at Brianna wantonly waiting for him. His lips parted, and his breath came out in gasps. With such a display before him, he forgot the reason he could not satisfy his ache for her right now.

  While he was still contemplating rejoining her, her lips pressed together and she sighed. She rose slowly, watching him intently before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Thank you again for saving me,” she breathed. “I don’t want to think of the horrors that would have occurred had you not arrived when you did.”

  “I’ll always come for you,” he promised. “I just have to know one thing.”


  “Why did you go? Why did you not come to me first?”

  She drew her head back, tilting it slightly. “The letter said—”

  “I know what the letter said. I want to know the reasoning behind your decision.”

  “I thought he captured you. I only went because I thought I could help you.”

  “How did you intend to do that? I didn’t see that you brought a weapon in which to defend yourself,” he pointed out, trying to hide his surprise at her willingness to sacrifice herself for him.

  “I don’t know.” She furrowed her brow. “I suppose I was too worried to think straight. From the moment I read the letter, all I could think about was following the instructions.”

  “You should have come to me first. If nothing else, you would have obtained proof that I was indeed in danger.”

  He pulled himself up from the bed and began pacing the floor. His anger returned, but now it was directed at her. She willingly put herself in danger again without understanding the consequences of her decision. In this instance, he had made it to her in time, but upon another occasion, he may not prove to be so lucky. She had to stop this reckless behavior. He would not stand for it any longer.

  “I would have gone to you if I realized there was a chance you were safely at home. However, with what happened last night, the claims from the letter were believable.” She stood, and he felt her gaze upon him.

  He stopped pacing and looked her directly in the eyes. “Enough. In the future, I expect you to come to me first. I’ll also expect you to cease this wildness and act like a proper lady. My wife’s behavior will be above reproach.”

  A flash of pain crossed her face, and she averted her gaze. He had not intended to inform her of his expectations in that fashion, but his anger had overridden his better judgment.

  “Yes, my lord,” she whispered, moving toward the window.

  He opened his mouth, wanting to erase her pain, but Lady Ransley entered, cutting off the ability for free speech. Her eyes shot to Brianna, and then widened. He knew Lady Ransley assumed he cancelled the betrothal, but he was in no mood to assuage her fear. Frustrated, he decided to leave and allow Brianna to explain herself to her mother.

  “Please excuse me,” Richard said, then exited before she could respond. The day was already too trying, and he needed to calm down before he said another word he would regret.

  This was it. Her last day of freedom. Looking out the window, Brianna watched as the happy people made their way down the street. Everyone appeared to be enjoying life, but she, on a day that should have been grand, felt miserable. The wind had been cruelly ripped from her sails, and she didn’t have enough fight left to get it back. Between the child growing inside of her and its father, she had nothing left.

  Hearing the sound of giggling, she turned to see Elizabeth’s pleasure as Viscount Winsler whispered to her. She looked glorious, touched by a joy that was now foreign to Brianna. Trying to conjure a smile took too much effort, so Brianna turned her attention back to the activity on the street. She heard her mother make a disappointing sound, but she didn’t care, for her thoughts had already moved on.

  The last time she saw Richard was the horrid day when he stalked into Lord Kirkwood’s drawing room in a blaze of fury. At that moment, she realized she loved him. However, her pleasure at the discovery of her love for him all but disappeared when he demanded she change who she was for him. His superior attitude served to remind her why he was marrying her—for the baby.

  “Brianna,” her mother called out, shaking her head. “Are you not listening? I asked you to accompany me to check on the wedding preparations. Lord Winsler, Lady Elizabeth, please excuse us.”

  Without a word, Brianna followed her mother out of the room. Since she proved to be an obedient daughter, she knew she would not be scolded for her lack of attention. Her mother had been terrified Richard would rescind his proposal due to the situation with Lord Kirkwood. When he did not, her mother acted as if Brianna could do no wrong.

  “I wanted to gracefully give them a moment alone,” her mother whispered, standing less than two feet from the open drawing room door. “I believe he is going to propose. Is it not wonderful?”

  “I’m very happy for them,” Brianna stated, failing to put some life into her voice.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Perhaps you need some fresh air. Your wedding is tomorrow, and I would prefer you act more like yourself for it. You and Ashley should take Grace for a walk through Hyde Park.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Brianna obediently agreed before making her way upstairs.

  Both Ashley and Grace were delighted at the prospect of getting out of the house. Within minutes they were walking in the sunshine with the happy couples. As they continued on, Brianna allowed the fresh air to permeate her body. She tried to look upon the world with her artist’s eye as she had done many times before. Although her corner seemed bleak at times, the world was a beautiful place. Everywhere she looked, she witnessed it in nature or in the early stages of love.

  Once in the park, she studied the couples and was surprised to see Sarah and Mr. Gregory. They were smiling up at each other, their feelings proudly displayed for all to see. Brianna smiled, pleased she was able to aid them in finding one another.

  Jillian was also there, flirting with two different gentlemen. Both men appeared to be in awe of her, and she seemed to genuinely appreciate the attention. Everywhere Brianna looked, she noticed people enjoying themselves, and their joy helped to decrease her misery.

  “Lady Brianna, is that you?” a familiar voice asked. Turning, she saw Lord Jonathan almost upon her. She still could not believe Richard had used the technicality of his lack of title to introduce them.

  “Lord Jonathan, it’s nice to see you again.” She smiled weakly.

  “Would you care for a stroll?” He held his arm out for her as if certain she would accept.

  “I would be delighted,” she answered, then turned to Ashley. “I’ll catch up with you two shortly.”

  Taking Lord Jonathan’s arm, she
allowed him to lead her away from Ashley and Grace. Despite her assurance, she saw the two of them slowly trailing behind. Ashley obviously didn’t trust Lord Jonathan.

  “I thought women were supposed to be full of excitement and joy the day before their wedding.” Lord Jonathan’s eyebrows raised, the light of challenge twinkling in his eyes.

  “I’m very excited, my lord.” Brianna infused her words with as much feeling as she could muster. His responding laugher filled his face with pure merriment.

  “I can see that. I only hope you will be able to bring a similar amount of exuberance to the ceremony tomorrow.”

  His sarcasm made her drop her head in defeat. Although she hated to admit it, he was right. It would not do well for her reputation or Richard’s if she appeared tomorrow in this state of mind. The trouble being she had no idea how to lift her spirits or at least give off a positive impression.

  “I will,” she promised more to herself than to him.

  “Richard would never forgive himself if he knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “That he extinguished your fire,” he stated, stopping and turning toward her. “Why did you let him do this to you?”

  “What makes you believe Lord Stonemede contributed to my current temperament?”

  “Considering the blessed event will occur tomorrow, I don’t imagine any other person would be capable of dampening your spirits today.”

  Brianna turned away, and they resumed walking, this time in silence. His words brought out an odd feeling inside of her. It was as if her repressed emotions began to rise to the surface again. She wondered if her mind automatically responded to the spark of life radiating out of him.

  “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” she admitted.

  He smiled down at her, eyes alit with optimism. “You are a beautiful woman who exudes life and knows what she wants. Based on what I have heard of you, you don’t back down from anything, and don’t allow other’s dictates to deter you. Richard and his rules are no different than the rest. You must fight back.”

  Brianna desperately wanted to believe those things of herself. At one time she would have agreed with him, but as he pointed out, some of her fire left. Even if she could fight back, she could not win. Richard didn’t love her and therefore would not feel compelled to give in to her demands. Today was her last day of freedom, for tomorrow would bring a whole new set of rules and responsibilities.

  “Rebelling against him would not be well received. I have come to understand he is looking for a silent and obedient wife.”

  “If you believe that, then I must ask. Have you exhibited those qualities to him during your courtship?”

  “Not in abundance,” Brianna reluctantly confessed.

  “Then remember, he chose you. When he made the decision, he already knew what he was getting with you. I would recommend you act no different than you always have.”

  “Thank you, my lord. I shall try to remember that in the future,” she said, offering him the most genuine smile she managed in almost a fortnight. His words gave her hope, and she felt more like herself once again.

  After bidding Lord Jonathan a good day, the three girls started back to Denton House. The entire way all Grace could speak about were the handsome gentlemen she had seen. Ashley was biting her lower lip and watching Grace closely. Although understanding Ashley’s concern, Brianna ignored them and kept her opinions to herself. She had too much on her mind to worry about Grace’s future now, and she sincerely hoped to gain some quiet time to think once they were home.

  Upon their arrival at the house, they were met at the door by a very enthusiastic mother, boasting a smug smile. Brianna’s heart sank. Quiet time was the last thing she would receive.

  Her mother explained that Lord Winsler had proposed to Elizabeth and she had accepted. Since Elizabeth was under their supervision in London, her mother was taking credit for the proposal. In order to celebrate the engagement, Lord Winsler had been invited to dine with them this evening.

  Hours later, after a very boring dinner, Brianna shifted in her chair. How could she be expected to remain with the party? She simply couldn’t stand staying here any longer. She had attempted to excuse herself, but her mother denied her request. Although she wanted to be there for her friend, she already exceeded the amount of time she could handle. She would feign illness and retire to her chamber. Just as she was about to rise, Elizabeth sat down beside her.

  “Is Lord Winsler not the most wonderful gentleman?” Elizabeth asked.

  “He does appear to be a pleasant man. I must offer my congratulations again. I’m truly happy for you.”

  “Thank you. When I originally asked to join you in London, I never imagined I would become betrothed, especially so quickly.”

  “You should not sound so surprised. Not only are you a beauty, but securing a husband was the reason you chose to accompany us.”

  “Yes, of course,” Elizabeth stammered, shifting uncomfortably and avoiding eye contact.

  “Elizabeth.” Brianna narrowed her eyes. “Is there something you are not telling me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You are hiding something from me.”

  “Well, I suppose since everything turned out according to plan, there is no harm in telling you now.”

  “In telling me what exactly?” Brianna could see Elizabeth’s reluctance, but she would not back down until she discovered the information her friend was hiding.

  “My desire to come to London with you didn’t only come from a need for entertainment or finding a husband. I came to assist Richard with his pursuit of you.”

  Brianna’s eyes widened as her jaw went slack. She could not believe Richard had been so set on marrying her that he confided in his sister. It gave her hope that his feelings extended further than obligation. A sudden movement brought her eyes to the door. She sucked in her breath as her heart pounded erratically.

  Richard stood in the doorway more handsome than ever. It had been too long since she had last seen him, and she felt her stomach doing flips due to his proximity. Her eyes drank him in as he greeted her parents and Lord Winsler. When he turned to her, his smile was easy, but his eyes were intense.

  “Good evening, ladies.” Richard greeted them with a slight bow.

  “Good evening, Richard,” Elizabeth answered brightly. “Thank you for giving Lord Winsler and I your blessing.”

  “I was pleased to bestow it. Lord Winsler is a decent sort, and I suspect he is determined to make you happy.”

  “I believe so as well. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go see him.” Elizabeth’s smile took on a dreamy quality. Then she rushed off to her betrothed, whose face appeared to be as love-stricken as hers. Richard simply shook his head and sat down beside Brianna.

  “How have you been?” he asked.

  “Quite well, thank you.”

  “I would like to apologize for my recent absence.” Richard looked into her eyes with a breathtaking half-smile.

  “We understand completely. There is no reason to apologize.” Brianna shrugged. “Mother was pleased to not have any distractions, considering all the wedding preparations we have been attending to.”

  “What about you? Did you miss me?”

  The question, especially asked in such a husky voice, sent a shiver down her spine. She suppressed her reaction, desperate for him not to discover how much his absence had affected her.

  “We were much too busy to miss anyone.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Although I too was engaged with my duties, I did miss you.”

  “Then why did you not pay me a call?” she demanded, ruining her emotionless façade.

  “I didn’t have the time to spare before now, but if I had known what my absence was doing to you, I would have come sooner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I spoke with Jonathan today. He is worried about you. Although he would not say what the two of you spoke about, his concern was unmis

  “Is that why you are here tonight?”

  “Partially. I was anxious to see you long before Jonathan paid me a visit.”

  “In that case, I’m glad you came,” she assured, beaming a smile up at him. The warmth of his body pressed against her side made it difficult to not become swept up with him and get lost in the moment.

  “Why? I thought you said you didn’t miss me.”

  “As I said, I didn’t have time to miss you, but I may have been a tad anxious to be in your company as well.”

  She turned her face, feeling her cheeks heating. She didn’t realize how much she missed him until now. Her melancholy was gone, but for some reason she felt nervous and awkward around him. The past two weeks put distance between them, and she had no idea how to breach it.

  “After tomorrow we will no longer experience this problem. You shall have me to call upon both day and night.” His voice lowered to a whisper, and his eyes grew dark as sin.

  Brianna could feel her body reacting to him, and anticipation ran through her, leaving her aching. Tomorrow he would be hers, and she would no longer have to endure this unfulfilled yearning for him.

  Knowing she would have new problems to encounter helped a little to contain her amorous state. She would have to fight against him to uphold the position of the Marchioness of Stonemede as she saw fit, regardless of his demands. The sulking would no longer do, she was strong, and she would ensure he knew it.

  Tomorrow and the days following were going to prove to be more difficult than she had ever imagined.

  Chapter 16

  The sun was shining, bringing a pleasant glow to the room. Although the windows were closed, the bird’s sweet song could easily be heard, and the bold scent of the flowers permeated the room. Overall, the type of day every woman wished would occur for her wedding, but Brianna was not aware of any of it.

  She paced back and forth in the vestry of the church. Her walk took her from the tiny window to the looking glass and back again. Although she didn’t wish for her anxiety to show, she could not refrain from watching the numerous guests filing into St. George’s.


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