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Page 4

by Claudia D. Christian

  Cassandra didn’t need a mirror to verify his proclamation. Her lord had the power to remake anything in his kingdom—the feminine accoutrements of beauty included. Eventually he would remake her as well. Cassandra just needed to keep her faith in Lord Constantine.

  I am his Beloved. I was born to be his. There can be nothing but this beautiful love between us.

  “Are you ready to be entertained, darling?”

  She slipped her hand in his. “Absolutely.”


  Cassandra took the deafening cacophony in stride. Arm tucked securely in Lord Constantine’s, she safely kept her promise to him but still found her upper half pulling away.

  Large, gaily colored tents lined the avenue, each promising Cassandra entertainment beyond imagination just by virtue of existing. Barechested barkers dressed in jeweled satin pants harked their wares, seeking to entice the living throng of people undulating ahead of them.

  She eyed one such gentleman as they made their way past him. Blue-skinned with a head of gorgeous white hair, his exotic handsomeness made Cassandra wonder what world he came from. He quickly noticed her attention and bowed with a flourish. Extending his arm, he beckoned her to him. Cassandra gave an apologetic shake of her head. He licked his lips, forked tongue charming her even if she couldn’t truly hear him over the din. The barker pulled back the tent flap and gestured again.

  I wonder what would happen if I let go of Lord Constantine to take a peek in his tent. Surely he wouldn’t be too upset with me. . .

  Cassandra’s vampire chose that very moment to pat her hand. “You would not disobey me so quickly, would you?”

  “Of course not, my lord.” She promptly turned her attention away from the beguiling barker and focused her gaze straight ahead. Bizarre figures loomed high over the crowd. They reminded Cassandra of scarecrows with their skeletal proportions. Several leaned down, unnaturally long arms extended, and plucked an unsuspecting few out of the crowd before tossing them into the various pavilions. Raucous laughter echoed in the wake of shrill surprised screams.

  Cassandra squinted, noticing the farther things were from her, the harder they were to make out. She wondered if her eyesight was starting to fail. Taking in the torches lining the pathway like manic fireflies and their resulting smoke, Cassandra pounced on that being the reason she could barely see ten feet away.

  “Are you hungry, precious?”

  She replied an affirmative and squeezed his arm. Feeling brave enough to look over her shoulder again, Cassandra noticed an exquisitely beautiful vampiress watching her from the entrance of a nearby tent. The black and white stripes mimicked the colors of her voluminous gown, making Cassandra wonder if the pavilion belonged to the vampiress. White-blond hair tumbled down her back, unrestrained by hood or jeweled circlet.

  Cassandra smiled in greeting, half-expecting to be ignored. Instead, she received a friendly nod in return. Cassandra’s feet slowed. She wished she could converse with her.


  “Yes, my lord?” She looked up at him, glittering with the happiness of being acknowledged by someone from Lord Constantine’s world.

  Soft leather traced the curve of her smooth cheek. “It pleases me to see you this way.”

  “What way would that be, my lord?”

  “Content and at peace with our life.”

  Cassandra itched to hug him. “I love being with you, Lord Constantine. Nothing else could make me happier.”

  “Even staring overlong at handsome blue men?”

  She swallowed hard. Mouth uncomfortably dry, Cassandra stammered, “I was merely curious, my lord.”

  “Curious?” His dark brow rose in faint humor. “About what?”

  “His tent.”

  “Anything else, darling?” Lord Constantine leaned down from his considerable height and whispered, “Perhaps wondering where such a handsome creature came from?”

  “Perhaps.” Cassandra bit her lip. “Are you very angry with me, my lord?”

  “Of course not.” His indulgent smile communicated the sincerity of his words. “He is a very attractive fellow. Naturally you were curious.”

  “You do not feel jealous?”

  “No. I am still your most important person, am I not?”

  “Always!” Cassandra’s queenly offense at the thought of someone else even attempting to supplant Lord Constantine made him laugh.

  “Your devotion to me keeps me secure, darling. I do not fear your wandering eyes because your heart stays with me. Do you understand?”

  Cassandra started to answer him when a lilting voice interrupted.

  “Yes, little girl. Do you understand what your lord is really trying to teach you?”

  Cassandra turned and gaped at the intruder. It was the smiling vampiress of before. Cassandra waited for Lord Constantine to reprimand the woman for her bold tongue.

  Suffocating silence filled the space.

  “My lord?” She looked up. Lord Constantine remained bent, mouth closed and eyes sparkling with good humor. “My lord!”

  “He cannot hear you, little girl.” The vampiress glided across the stone roadway. “It is just you and I for the moment.”

  “How did you do this?” Fear thickened, making it difficult for Cassandra to keep a clear mind.

  “Do not be afraid of me. I am not here to cause you harm.”

  “I don’t care about me! Have you hurt my lord?”

  “You fear for him. You are very sweet.” She grinned. Her fangs glinted in the moonlight. “Your lord has not been harmed. I promise. I have just taken a bit of time for us to talk.”

  “There was no need for this witchery. I would have spoken to you.” Cassandra dug her nails into his arm, hoping to awaken him from whatever spell had fallen.

  Please, please wake up! You can’t leave me with this strange woman like this!

  “I am sure you would have. Your lord, on the other hand, would not have been so reasonable.” Her eyes flashed crimson before settling back into their eerie silver hue.

  “Who are you?”

  “Lady Kamilla.” She dipped her head in a regal nod. “And you are Mistress Cassandra, the promised Beloved of Lord Constantine.”

  “How do you know?” Cassandra could’ve bit her tongue out for asking such a silly question. Everyone in the kingdom knew of the human girl Lord Constantine kept.

  “I do not really have to answer that, do I?” Lady Kamilla’s melodious voice did not mock but it did tease. “You are as famous as the affection Lord Constantine holds for you, my dear.”

  Cassandra’s insides warmed and her panic dissolved. “Then know my affection for him is as great. Please release him now.”

  “Your affection is greater and no.” Lady Kamilla’s hand beckoned with a flourish. “Come to me, little girl, so I may converse with you better.”

  Cassandra’s tightened her grip on Lord Constantine. “I am not to leave my lord’s side.”

  “Your obedience is sweet but unnecessary.” Lady Kamille flicked two fingers. Cassandra rushed towards her with a frightened cry. The vampiress brushed the back of her hand against the human girl’s silky cheek. “Control your fear, my dear. Even I cannot be faulted for the temptation to make it grow until it consumes you.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I already told you. I want to speak to you.”

  “What about?” Cassandra inhaled deeply before straightening her posture into an imitation of strength.

  “Earlier I asked you if you really understood what your lord was teaching you. Well, do you?”

  “I should not be expected to answer such personal questions to someone unknown to me.” Cassandra’s offended sniff amused the other woman.

  “Perhaps you should not but you will if you want me to release your lord.”

  “No, I do not understand what my lord was teaching me. Now please release him,” she beseeched, offended pride all but forgotten. “This cannot be safe for my lord.”

I promise you it is perfectly safe, little girl.”

  Lady Kamilla’s promise eased Cassandra. Vampires were not prone to give away promises lightly. They were binding and no vampire wanted to be known as playing false with his words lest they be the last ones ever acknowledged.

  “Take a walk with me, my dear.” Lady Kamilla linked her arm through the younger girl’s and proceeded to direct them away from Lord Constantine. Cassandra looked over her shoulder, eyes large and fixated on her beloved lord. “Lord Constantine will be just fine. No one will be able to accost him. Look.”

  Cassandra followed the direction of Lady Kamilla’s outstretched arm. The entire world stood frozen. No one moved but them. Not even firelight.

  “What kind of power do you possess, my lady, to be able to do this? You are not a normal vampire, are you?”

  Lady Kamilla’s laughter skittered like diamonds across glass. “No, little girl, I am not normal. If truth must be told I am much like your Lord Constantine.” She forestalled Cassandra’s inevitable questions with a gentle tug. “We are not here to speak of my origins, my dear. We are here to speak of you and Lord Constantine. Or rather I am here to speak to you in regards to Lord Constantine.”

  Cassandra nodded, wary but caught in curiosity. Other than her lord and Lenore, she never had the opportunity to converse with any vampires without direct supervision.

  “Please speak freely, Lady Kamilla.”

  “I plan on doing so but I do thank you for your kindness. Forgive my lack of subtlety, my dear, but I have grown too old to mince words.”

  Had Cassandra not grown up in this world she might have not taken the vampiress’ words at face value considering how youthful and beautiful Lady Kamilla appeared. However, she knew if Lady Kamilla said she was old then she really was.

  “Please do not feel the need to censure yourself on my account, my lady.”

  “You are such a sweet child, so eager to please. It truly is no wonder Lord Constantine has fallen for you.”

  Cassandra blushed prettily.

  “I am not praising you, my dear.” Lady Kamilla did not have to look at the human girl to see the affect her words created. “You adore and love him, even at the cost of your dignity and strength. This will do neither of you any good.”

  “I am sure I do not understand what you mean,” Cassandra replied through stiff lips, wanting to snap and snarl rudely but unwilling to shame her upbringing.

  “I know you do not.” The vampiress patted her hand in sympathy. “How far can you see, little girl?”

  Cassandra wanted to ask the importance of the question. She knew better to show her vexation. Vampires had an unnatural appreciation for patience and a sadistic need to tease others who did not.

  “I cannot see past the stall of the pastry vendor.”

  “And now?”

  Cassandra blinked rapidly. What had seemed to be only a single avenue had grown to a labyrinth of twisting streets marked by a staggering amount of pavilions.

  “How did you make them appear, my lady?”

  “I only showed you what was already there.”


  “You could not see them before because Lord Constantine did not allow for them to be seen.”


  “Why do you think? Think carefully before you answer, my dear.”

  Cassandra’s instincts flared. She sensed the dangerous net Lady Kamilla’s words created.

  I have to go very warily with this one.

  “He did not want me to become overwhelmed.”

  “That is a reason. I have a few others. One of which is Lord Constantine is a liar and has made you bear the burden of his lies. Are you ready to hear the rest?”

  Cassandra swallowed down an ugly burst of rage. She would not let this wicked vampiress drive a wedge between her and Lord Constantine. “I know my lord for being an honest man.”

  “And that is where you are wrong, little girl. Lord Constantine is not a man. He is a vampire who is but playing a man in your presence.” Lady Kamilla stopped before an azure tent lavishly edged in gold. “Walk through.”

  Cassandra’s gaze whipped back to Lord Constantine. “No. I am not to leave my lord.”

  “You grow tiresome, my dear. I prefer for you to walk on your own but I will compel you.”

  Murderous intent marked Cassandra. She bared her blunt teeth and hissed, “I would take your head for this, my lady.”

  Lady Kamilla smiled. “I know but my head will remain exactly where it belongs, won’t it? Now walk through like a good girl.”

  Cassandra took another last lingering look at her lord before stepping past the dainty vampiress. A black void swallowed her and her instinctual scream whole. The absence of sight and sound threw Cassandra into a mindless panic.

  Where am I? I can’t see anything! Lord Constantine!

  “You are safe, little girl. Look.”

  She barely resisted the compulsion to grab Lady Kamilla’s delicate white hand. Cassandra tried to speak several times but ended up losing her words to a wracking cough instead.

  “Take your time, Mistress Cassandra. Your body is adjusting. I invite you to take a look around you in the meanwhile.”

  Cassandra massaged her throat while trying to make sense of the strange world Lady Kamilla directed her attention to. They were standing in a wooded copse across from a soaring steel building. The air smelled sharp. High-pitched, tinny sounds attacked her ears. The moon punched a small hole in the sky. She had never seen this part of Lord Constantine’s kingdom and wondered why.

  “What is this place?”

  “The human world.”


  Cassandra’s legs crumpled. She hit the ground hard. “What? Why would you do such a thing?”

  “I brought you here because you adore your Lord Constantine so much, my dear, that you will not believe a word I say unless you see it for yourself.”

  Air fluttered in and out of Cassandra, too fast to keep her mind focused. “You plan on leaving me here.”

  “I am not going to leave you here. I simply wanted to show you something of importance. Up on your feet.” Lady Kamilla grabbed Cassandra’s hand and hauled her up. “Neither of us will be seen if we are quick. You will hold onto me if you do not want to be lost here.”

  Cassandra clasped Lady Kamilla’s hand. The vampiress wrapped an arm around Cassandra’s waist. “Ready, my dear?”

  She cried out in reply as they darted across the road, too quickly to be seen by mortal eyes. They slipped by an exiting couple, leaving only a cool breeze to betray they were ever there.

  Cassandra squeezed her eyes shut. The unnatural speed they were using made her nauseous, reminding Cassandra once again how very human she was.

  “Breathe, little girl. We are here. I do not want you to sicken.”

  Lady Kamilla’s voice slinked inside Cassandra’s head. Before she could respond verbally, the vampiress stopped and pressed a finger against Cassandra’s plump lips.


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