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Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 7

by Maryann Jordan

  A beautiful, curvy blonde with pink, purple, and teal stripes in her hair set down a couple of large white boxes tied with the same colored ribbons. ACH in scrolled letters adorned the boxes. Lifting a questioning gaze to her, the woman grinned. “I’m Angel of Angel’s Cupcake Heaven. Monty’s my fiancé and its been requested that I bring enough to keep all the Saints happy. One mountain man in particular.”

  Angel winked and opened the box, allowing Miss to peer inside at the delectable confections. The frosting colors matched the colors in Angel’s hair.

  “Have you been to my bakery?” Angel asked. Before Miss had a chance to respond, Sabrina sent a glower Angel’s way.

  “Um, I don’t think so,” Miss replied tentatively.

  Shrugging, Angel looked apologetically toward Sabrina, mouthing I thought she might recognize them.

  Catching the exchange, Miss shrugged, saying, “I’m sorry, but so far nothing I’ve seen has triggered my memory.”

  Though slightly surprised that the women knew about her, she did not let on. She just assumed the men had called the women in to keep her company and shared her story.

  A petite, dark-haired, heavily pregnant woman approached. “I’m Miriam, Cam’s wife. I’m also a nurse. Would you allow me to take a look at your injury?”

  Her hand flying to her forehead, she grimaced. It must look horrible. “Sure,” she agreed, suddenly very self-conscious.

  Miriam took her hand and led her to a bathroom down the hall. She sat on the toilet seat, while Miriam began to examine the jagged scar. “Can you tell me about this?”

  “I ran off the road…um…in my car…so, um…had an accident about three weeks ago.”

  “No medical treatment?”

  Sucking in her lips, she replied, “No. I was…confused…scared.”

  Miriam smiled gently, soothing, “Of course you were. I think you’re very brave to face what you have faced alone.”

  “But you’re not alone anymore,” came the declaration from the hall.

  Glancing out, she saw the women all nearby. Bethany stepped forward with some bandages and blushed while saying, “Sorry, but you’ll find in this group, there are few secrets.”

  “It’s okay,” she replied, wishing she would be spending more time with the women. But Gypsy will soon be better and I’ll be back on my way. To where, I have no idea.

  Before she had a chance to respond further, Blaise appeared at the door. “Come on, sweetheart. We need to talk.”

  The women immediately backed away and a glance passed between him and Miriam. Offering a smile, Miriam said, “I’ll finish this later.”

  Blaise closed the bathroom door, wishing for a different location to talk, but wanting to speak to her immediately. He lifted her up onto the counter to raise her closer to his eye level, wanting to keep a check on how she reacted.

  “Do…do you know?” she whispered, fear gripping her heart.

  Nodding, he said, “Yes. But the answer will only produce more questions. I promise we will find all the answers. But to start with…your name is Grace. Grace Marie Kennedy.”


  Heart pounding, a roar in her ears, she sat perfectly still, her eyes fixed on Blaise’s. She did not realize she had not taken a breath until he whispered, “Babe, breathe.”

  The air left her lungs in a rush and she raggedly pulled more back in. “Grace? My name is Grace? How can you be sure?”

  “I’ll show you our proof when you’re ready, but I wanted a chance to talk to you first.” Lifting his hand to her cold cheek, he caressed her soft skin. “Does the name sound familiar?”

  Not answering, she closed her eyes, swaying against the warmth of his hand. Grace. Grace Marie Kennedy. She said the name out loud, letting it roll off her tongue, trying it out. Seeing what memories it might invoke. It doesn’t feel strange…but it doesn’t remind me of anything.

  “Are you sure?”

  She jerked her eyes open, realizing she had spoken out loud. Nodding, she sat up straighter and asked, “What else do you know about me?”

  “That’s all right now, babe. Luke is doing more looking and he’s bringing some equipment upstairs so that we can go over it with you. I wanted to tell you alone. If you don’t want anyone else around, I’ll tell Luke to set us up in Jack’s private library.” He was about to insist on that when she slid off the counter and peered up into his concerned face.

  “No,” she said. “It’s okay, Blaise. I’ve been alone for three weeks, not knowing who I was or how I got hurt, but feeling as though someone was the cause of it. So I was afraid to trust anyone. You’ve become a good friend and those people out there,” she motioned toward the closed door, “are your friends. So if anyone can help me, then it’s here.”

  For the first time since he met her, he stepped closer wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his warmth. Cradling her head against his chest with one hand, he secured her body with his other arm. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered, “We’re going to find out what happened, Grace. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  She felt his strong heartbeat against her cheek, drawing comfort from it. Leaning her head back, she held his eyes, feeling the power of the intensity of his gaze. He bent slightly, moving forward until his lips were a breath away, then hesitated. She took the step herself and lifted up on her toes, meeting his lips with hers in a barely-there kiss. But one that left them both breathless.

  Giving him a nod, she allowed Blaise to link fingers with her and together they walked back into the living room, where the large gathering awaited anxiously.


  Luke had set up his laptop on the dining room table and, once Grace assured everyone she was ready to find out who she was and did not mind doing it publicly, she settled in a chair next to him with Blaise taking the seat on her other side. The other Saints had their tablets, so they would be able to see the information without hovering. But even so, their women were doing enough hovering for all of them.

  Jack gave Bethany a silent signal to move the women back, but as she was about to do so, Grace spoke up quickly. “No, no, it’s okay. If they want to stay, they can.”

  Luke turned to Grace and said, “I want to let you know how I went about this, okay?” Gaining her nervous nod, he began. “Because the chip in your dog identified her as a TSA dog, I narrowed my search to fingerprints within their employee database. That’s where we got a hit.”

  He pulled up the TSA badge photo of her kneeling next to Gypsy. Grace stared at the picture for a silent moment. That’s me. That’s Gypsy. Grace Marie Kennedy, TSA trainee. So I worked for the TSA? Or wanted to? Knowing no more answers would come from that photograph, she nodded and Luke added more information.

  “Here is your birth certificate and driver’s license,” he said, flashing those on the screen as well.

  I’m twenty-seven years old, she noted.

  “Now,” Luke stumbled, clearing his throat, “this is where it will get more personal. Are you ready?”

  Her eyes moved from Luke’s to Blaise’s, the distress evident on her face. Blaise wrapped his arm around her shoulders giving her a little squeeze. “We’re here for you, Grace.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, she nodded toward Luke again. This time, he said, “I think I found the reason you weren’t reported missing…at least not by family. Your parents are deceased. They were older when they had you and you had no siblings. They’ve both been dead for a couple of years…um…I’m checking on the details.” With a few more clicks of his keyboard, he brought up a picture of an older couple, smiling, with a young woman standing between them.

  Grace stared at the couple, trying to memorize their faces since recognition did not come. Mom. Dad. At her feet was another dog, possibly a Golden Retriever. It seems as though I liked animals.

  Luke continued, “You also aren’t married and from a quick look at your social media, it seems you are not dating anyone.”

  The Saints were viewing the s
ame information that she was looking at, but their eyes continually moved back to the woman sitting in front of them, carefully peering at the screen. She showed no recognition but stared intently at each picture Luke pulled up. The women began to nervously eye each other.

  “So…” she spoke for the first time since seeing the pictures, “no one was around to report me missing? I…I… had no friends?”

  “Grace, we’re just beginning our investigation,” Blaise said. “There’s going to be a lot of information we need to pull together to find out what happened.”

  She nodded jerkily, a choking sensation climbing into her throat. Blaise and Luke shared a look behind her back.

  Jack, sitting across from Grace, spoke, calling her attention to his kind face. “Ms. Kennedy, we’re going to find out what happened to you. We don’t need to do any more today.”

  “Mr. Bryant—”

  “Jack, please.”

  Breathing deeply, she offered a small smile and said, “I suppose you should call me Grace.” Turning to Blaise, she tried to joke, “It’s better than Miss or Mystery Lady.”

  He felt the shaking of her body next to him and tightened his embrace. “You’re not alone anymore, babe.”

  Luke’s soft gaze fell on her and he said, “I’ve got your address.”

  Jack looked up sharply at Bart and Cam. No words were needed and they grinned at the silent order. Blaise knew the two men would break into her apartment this evening to see what they could find.

  Grace caught the meaningful glances and sat up straighter. Determined to face whatever was happening, she asked, “What are you planning?”

  “A couple of us will go to your apartment tonight to see if there are any clues to your disappearance.”

  “Can’t I go too?” She turned toward Blaise, “I’m dying for some of my clothes. And maybe it would spark my memory.”

  Shaking his head, he disagreed, “Not until it’s been checked out and then secured by the Saints. For all we know there may be evidence there and we want to keep you safe until we know it’s clear.”

  Seeing the reasoning, she agreed. The pervasive fear continued to rear its ugly head, even now in this room full of kind-hearted people…who are fast becoming friends. “What about my employer? What about the TSA?” she asked tentatively.

  “I think we’ve done enough digging for now,” Blaise cautioned. Seeing her about to protest, he added, “We need to get back and check on Gypsy.” Looking at his boss, he added, “Jack will keep us apprised of what is found in your apartment and I promise, as soon as it can be cleared, I’ll take you there myself.”

  Realizing she had gotten all the information she could handle she nodded, strangely relieved someone else was taking charge. It’s been exhausting these past several weeks.

  “Grace, why don’t you come upstairs with me and the girls and we’ll find a few things to tide you over until you can get your own clothes,” Bethany encouraged.

  Jack, smiling at his wife’s ability to know what was needed—both for Grace and for the Saints—winked as she passed him by, her fingers trailing over her husband’s shoulders.

  As the women left the room, Blaise turned to Luke and asked, “Okay, what about the TSA?”

  “It looks like she had completed the training classes with her dog but had only been recently hired with TSA. She was still in their trainee initiation but had not become a full-fledged employee yet.”

  “Why the hell would no one report a missing woman and the dog?” Blaise groused. “She deserves so much more than this!”

  The other Saints grinned at each other, recognizing Blaise’s concern morphing into deeper feelings.

  “We’re gonna find out,” Jack assured. “Monty, get with Mitch and let him know what we’re onto. This may just be a case of a woman having an accident, who was not close to anyone to alarm them…or this could be something more. I don’t want our speculations to get to her until we have more intel.”

  “Agreed,” Blaise said. “She said she has fear and nightmares anyway. I’m going to take her home and have her sleep in a real bed for the first time in almost a month.”

  Just then, the women reappeared, Grace following Bethany, clutching a small overnight bag. Smiling as her dark eyes landed on Blaise, she said, “I’ve got what I need until I can get into my place.”

  Not embarrassed to pull her into a public embrace, he held her tightly, eyeing the other women over the top of Grace’s head. Thank you, he mouthed, realizing once more that not only were his co-workers good friends, but their women were just as amazing. Looking down at the beauty he escorted out of the house, the thought slammed into him…she’ll fit right in.

  As soon as that crossed his mind, he stumbled. What will we find? Someone who wished her harm? Catching himself, as he settled her inside his jeep and headed back down the Saint’s drive, he vowed to keep her safe…and with him for as long as she would have him.

  Chapter 9

  Arriving back at his house after picking up drive-thru hamburgers, Blaise once more glanced to his right, Grace’s quiet demeanor giving him concern. Grace. He liked the way the name rolled around in his mind. Grace and Gypsy. The names sounded right.

  Parking, he said, “Let’s go on in. We can check on Gypsy, eat, and then I’ll take care of the animals while you can get ready for bed.”

  At the mention of the word bed, Grace perked up, a smile lighting her face. “I’m embarrassed to admit that I can’t wait to sleep tonight on a real bed.”

  “Why would you be embarrassed?”

  Twisting to face him, she replied, “Because you’ve done so much for me. I’m a complete stranger and yet you’ve offered me the safety and protection of your home. And…I’ve got nothing to offer in return.”

  “Just your company,” he answered. “I’ve never really thought about how lonely it can be sometimes out here with just the animals. So you, here with me, gives me someone to talk to.”

  Laughing, they entered his house, the cacophony of animal sounds greeting them. “I’ll go check on Gypsy. Why don’t you take care of your animals before we eat. I hate to eat first when they’re hungry.”

  Blaise nodded, knowing she was right. A woman after my own heart. Heading out to feed the dogs in the kennels, he tried to guard his heart. Watch your step…she may be gone out of your life very soon. But now that she had been in his house, it was hard to image her not staying.

  Grace’s thoughts were a tangle as she knelt by Gypsy’s bed in the back room. The faithful dog’s tail wagged and she stood licking her owner. “So we now know that I’m Grace,” she said, earning a bark from Gypsy. “Oh my God. You recognize my name! Grace!”

  The dog barked again and Grace felt lighter than she could recall since the accident. She still did not remember anything, but realizing Gypsy was confirming her name, brought tears to her eyes.

  A few minutes later, Blaise came back into the room and found Grace petting Gypsy, tears running down her face even as a smile played on her lips.

  “Grace? Are you okay?” he asked, hustling over to her.

  Gypsy barked again.

  “See?” Grace laughed. “When she hears my name, she barks. She affirming it’s really my name.”

  Thrilled to see her excited, he joined in the playful exchange, Ransom joining in as well. A tiny mewing sounded and Grace looked up, surprised to discover the little kitten. “I didn’t see it earlier.” Jumping up, she poked her fingers through the bars of the crate and wiggled them. The kitten pounced and played for a few minutes, until Blaise poured food into the dish and it immediately began purring as it gobbled the kitten chow.

  “Why is it crated?”

  “I just found her and wanted to separate her from the other animals until I had a chance to make sure she wasn’t sick.”

  “Does she have a name?”

  Grinning, Blaise shook his head. “How about you do the honors?”

  “Oh, I’ll need to think about a good name.” Ruffling Gypsy’
s fur once more, she left the back room and went into the kitchen. After washing her hands, she took the bag of takeout and set it on the kitchen bar.

  After the hamburgers had been consumed, and they were lingering over their fries, Blaise said, “I know today’s been crazy for you. You must be exhausted.”

  “I woke up this morning in a shack, and the only thing in my life that I could think about was having lunch with you,” she confessed, staring down at her plate. “I couldn’t understand why you were so persistent in helping me, but now that I’ve met your friends, I understand why. It just seems to be in your nature to want to help. And now? I’ve had my dog cared for, food, a shower, and a bed to sleep in tonight.”

  “Is that okay?” he asked. “I know some people are very…reticent to accept help.”

  Her gaze jumped to his. “Blaise, I had nothing to lose. I have no memory, no knowledge of who I am. I have fear when I go to sleep and dream…as though when my mind is relaxed it allows me to remember the fear of someone wanting to hurt me.” Rubbing her face, she sighed. “I thought about going to the police, but…”

  “What, babe?”

  “But what if I had done something wrong? What if I were the one that someone was chasing because of something I had done?” Sighing, she said, “I know it doesn’t make rational sense, but when you can’t remember anything, everything is scary. Even the police.”

  He nodded, understanding for the first time why she stayed hidden. “You kept thinking your memory would come back to you? Your past?”

  “Yes, yes,” she enthused. “But it didn’t.” She lifted her gaze to his and added, “Will you please let me know about my parents as soon as you learn? I might not remember them, but I want something to hold on to.”

  “Absolutely,” he promised, his voice warm and soothing. Stooping to grab the overnight bag Bethany loaned her, the two of them walked up the stairs. At the entrance to the small guest room, he handed her the bag. “We’ll know more tomorrow and see where to go from there.” Kissing the top of her head again, he said, “I hope you sleep well, Grace.”


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