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Scozzari: Deviant #3

Page 1

by Roberts, Jaimie


  Deviant #3

  Jaimie Roberts


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  Notes & Acknowledgements

  Excerpt from DEVIANT

  Excerpt from SIREN

  Other books by Jaimie Roberts

  Author Bio


  Copyright © 2019 Jaimie Roberts

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any other information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction, all names, characters, places, and events are the products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  My muscles taut, my heart rapidly thudding against my chest. Not with fear, but with adrenaline. Closing my eyes, I drown out the noise of the monstrous crowd as a bead of sweat drips down my back, the cool feeling of it making the goose bumps rise on my skin. I can smell it. The sweat, the excitement, the fear, and most importantly... the pussy. Lots and lots of pussy.

  I smile, sucking in a breath as my name echoes through the crowd. “One Punch, One Punch, One Punch, One Punch.”

  My name is Jeremy “One Punch” Scozzari, but most people close to me know me as Jez. I am both feared and respected around these parts. Mostly feared because I can take any opponent down with just one punch. I have developed it over the years since my dad started teaching me how to box. I was kidnapped at the age of four and since then I’ve been determined to fight my own battles. Never in my life do I want to be that frightened, helpless, and alone again.

  Rolling my shoulders, I open my eyes and take in the lights and the people, before finally laying my eyes on my opponent. I flick my chin up at him with a wicked grin and see the moment where both dread and anger mar his face. He tries his best for the anger to show, but I can see deep into that frightened soul of his.

  And so he should be.

  I haven’t lost a fight yet. In fact, it’s becoming rather tiresome. My reputation alone helps me win every time. I know one day I will meet my match, but up until this point, it’s been pretty easy.

  After a few seconds, he breaks my stare, making me smirk even more. He’s making this too effortless.

  “Jez!” The sound of a squealing female pulls the attention away from my opponent. Turning, I find a young girl on top of a man’s shoulders, her cleavage just low enough for me to see the swell of her tits. On top are the words One and Punch. I smile and that’s when she decides to pull her top down to reveal her rather large and impressive tits. The crowd goes wild as I smirk at the unabashed girl. She blows me a kiss with her fuckable lips, and it’s then that by the end of the night, I plan to get between those thighs of hers currently wrapped around this guy’s head. I’m assuming it’s not her boyfriend. If she were mine there is no way in hell I would let my girl flaunt herself so brazenly in front of people like she is.

  Noting where she is in the crowd, I turn my attention back to my opponent, who’s currently talking to someone in the corner. They look over at me, so I blow them a kiss. I notice the slight bobble in my opponent’s throat and try everything in my power not to laugh.

  As I inhale again, the sound of “Momma Said Knock You Out” by LL Cool J booms through the room. People cheer. I smile. This is what I live for. The adrenaline running through my veins and thumping my heart is ringing in my ears.

  I fucking love it.

  Knowing the bell is going to ring at any moment, I gear myself up for the showdown. As I breathe in one last time, I roll my shoulders ready to act, when a familiar sound of my name screaming through the crowds has my head snapping toward it.

  Instantly, my blood boils. “What the fuck... ?” I mutter under my breath. I scowl in her direction as she nears the platform I’m standing on.

  “Bells, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  Isabella, my thirteen-year-old sister, pushes through the crowds at lightning speed. I’m going to kill whomever brought her here.

  “I could say the same for you. Does Mom and Dad know you do this?” I’m about to retort when she looks behind me. Her eyes widen as she points in my opponent’s direction. “Jez, look out!”

  Turning, I see my opponent hurtling toward me, roaring with his fist in the air ready to strike. I would normally laugh at him, but the fact I’m caught off guard has me on edge. When did the fucking bell ring?

  With no time to spare, I take a quick stance ready to punch this asshole. My sister’s here and I have no idea why, or even how she knew about me being here.

  Bending my knees slightly, I lift my taped fists up in the air and the moment he’s within reach, I strike.

  The sound of my fist hitting bone resonates through my hand as I watch my opponent slink quickly to the floor.

  He’s out.

  The crowd erupts and girls scream for my attention, but there’s only one girl who’s getting it tonight—and she’s the one currently staring at my opponent with her mouth practically to the floor.

  As I get down, some pat me on the back, and some women pinch my ass, but I ignore everyone and head in the direction of my shocked little sister.

  When I’m near, she senses my presence and points in my opponent’s direction. “You... he... how did you do that? Is he dead?”

  Shaking my head with a huff, I tug at my sister’s shoulder. “He’ll be fine. Care to tell me what you’re doing here?”

  Her mouth remains open. “You... you... did that.”

  Grabbing her shoulders, I turn her to me. Her wide blue eyes set on my own. “Bells, answer the question. You shouldn’t be here. You’re way too young for this.”

  Finally, she breaks out of her spell. I knew mentioning how young she is would have the desired effect. “I’m not a child,” she scowls. “I was out at the bowling alley with my friend Bethany when I hear a bunch of people talking about going to the pit to see the great Jez “One Punch” Scozzari. I asked them where this pit was and they told me. I asked Bethany’s sister to drop me off here so I could see it for myself.”

  My eyes widen. “And she let you? Where is she now?”

  Isabella rolls her eyes at me. She likes to do that a lot. She does that a lot with Dad too as we’re both overprotective of her. “She’s gone home. I told her you were here and that you would take me home afterward.�

  Gritting my teeth, I let go of her shoulders. “Dad will kill you if he finds out.”

  She smirks. “I doubt you’ll tell him, because then you’ll have to tell him about this.” She gestures to the ring I was in and smiles triumphantly. Conniving little minx! She sees my agitation and her smile grows wider. “Thought so.”

  I’m about to retort when a hand pats my shoulder. “Jez, you’re the fucking man.”

  Turning to my friend and roommate, Calvin, I scowl as I point to my sister. “Seriously, dude.”

  He looks at her with a small gasp. “Oh, sorry, Bells, I didn’t see you there.” He frowns. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought you weren’t allowed in here.”

  She raises her eyebrow at me. “Evidently. I didn’t even know about this place until I overheard someone at the bowling alley talking about my famous brother. And look at what I find when I get here. The famous “One Punch” Scozzari beating down some guy with only one hit. What’s the deal, big bro?”

  “Hey, Scozzari,” my friend and ring announcer, Doug, shouts. “Four gees tonight, my man. Well done.”

  Closing my eyes, I hear my sister gasp. “Four thousand... did he just say... ?”

  Grabbing her quickly, I start walking her toward the dressing rooms—all the while the crowd is still cheering and the girls vying for my attention. “Let’s go somewhere more private.”

  I pass the girl who showed me her tits earlier and notice her eyeing up my sister from head to toe in disgust. Seriously? She’s obviously underage. “That’s my sister,” I say, almost with a growl.

  Immediately her face softens and her flirtatious smile is back again. “Well, maybe we can meet—”

  “Not interested,” I shout behind me. I don’t look to see her reaction. The way she reacted to my sister already made me pissed. She could have gotten lucky tonight, but no biggy. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of other pussy I could turn to.

  But not tonight. Tonight, my sister is my priority. Her and that overeager mouth of hers to tell everyone everything. Not to mention the fact she’s too young to be here.

  I guide her to the dressing room and welcome the quiet once I shut the door behind me. Quickly following suit are Calvin and Doug, no doubt eager to know why I left in such a hurry.

  “What’s going on?” Doug asks, lifting his chin in my sister’s direction.

  I turn to her angrily. “My sister decided to poke her nose into something that doesn’t concern her.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, she taps her foot. “I shouldn’t be the one who’s worried, Jez. You still haven’t told me if Mom and Dad know about this yet. And I take it from your reaction earlier to mean they don’t. Do they also know you have new tattoos?” She points to one on my chest. “What is that, a knuckle duster?”

  Sighing, I get straight to the point. “What do you want?”

  She tries hard to suppress a smirk, but it’s useless. “Who said I wanted anything?”

  Shaking my head, I smile at her. “With you there’s always a catch. What can I do that will keep you quiet about what you saw tonight?”

  She deliberately paces the room with a finger to her mouth, all the while Calvin and Doug display shit-eating grins on their faces. I know why. It’s because no one ever makes me beg. Obviously things are different when it comes to my thirteen-year-old smart-mouthed sister.

  Not being able to bite my tongue any longer, I point to them both. “You two say one word and I swear I’m gonna—”

  “A ride.”

  Snapping my head to my sister, I frown. “Come again?”

  “I’m getting sick of relying on Mom, Dad, or my friend’s sister to give me a ride. I want you to do it... for a whole month.”

  My eyes widen. “A month!”

  Immediately, she gets her phone out. “I can call Mom and Dad now to ask them to pick me up. I’m sure they’ll be interested to hear where I am... with my brother...” She draws out the word brother for full effect.

  “Fine,” I say with gritted teeth.

  Suddenly, Calvin snickers. “This is more fun than watching Modern Family.”

  Closing my eyes, I shake my head. No one can defeat me, and yet this sassy child has me practically on my knees... and not only that, right in front of the two worst gossips in the world.

  My sister stands—all five-foot-five of her against my six-foot-five frame and she looks as smug and triumphant as a winner of a major jackpot lottery. She’s got me and she knows it.

  And she’s the only female—other than my mother—whom I would let walk all over me like this.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I ask, shaking my head.

  Bella shrugs her shoulders in the most casual manner. “I don’t get to see much of you anyway. At least this way I will get to spend time with the infamous One Punch.” She stands on tippy toes as she says this, making me laugh out loud.

  “You’re something else, do you know that? You get away with murder. You always do at home.”

  Bella sways a little from side to side. “That’s because everybody loves me.”

  I chuckle some more and motion for her to come to me. She does without hesitation and I wrap my big arms around her tiny frame. As I hold her, a little guilt comes when I think about what she said about me not seeing her that much. I guess with the summer and all I have been a little distant.

  “Come, little one... let’s take you home. It’ll be good to see Mom and Dad again anyway.” She pulls away from me with a smile. “Is he still turning the toilet paper the wrong way?”

  Bella raises her eyebrow. “What do you think?” I can’t help but laugh. I always used to get a rise out of that when I was living at home.

  “What on earth kind of family were you brought up in, Scozzari?”

  I turn to Doug with a smile. “Believe me, you really don’t want to know.”

  “This unpacking is driving me crazy.” I moan out loud and land on my bed with an undignified huff.

  “Aww, stop being such a baby. You’re the one who chose to move back here.”

  A knot in my stomach surfaces, remembering all too well the reason why I had to move. Part of it was because this was my original home and it reminds me of safety, great memories... of better times. But, unfortunately the biggest part of it was because of my past... or should I say, an unfortunate person from my past. I got mixed up with the wrong guy and it led me down a path I thought I could never see myself in. Jack—my ex—is the most arrogant, self-centered, violent guy you could ever meet. Sure, at first he was nice and even acted shy, but it wasn’t long before I saw the real Jack surface. After only five months, I lost my virginity to him and it was from that day on he became possessive and overly jealous about everyone around me. And then came the day after a year of dating when a guy flirted with me and Jack later hit me because of it. I felt the shock and the betrayal, but pretty soon he was arguing as to why the situation looked bad, and that he was sorry... that he would never do it again. Of course, I believed him. I even started thinking that this other guy’s actions were somehow my fault.

  I began to withdraw from that moment on. I lost weight, became distant with friends and family. My parents and friends could see the change in me, but I wouldn’t listen. Not until the time he hit me so hard he broke my nose, cracked a rib, and left me with a collapsed lung after kicking me over and over again as I lay unconscious on a cold, wet ground one night.

  He was arrested, charged, and is currently serving his six-year jail sentence for aggravated assault. No doubt he’ll make it out in half that time. What frightens me more than anything is he said he was going to come back for me once he’s out. His disillusioned mind led him to believe that I would somehow wait for him. Even after everything he did to me, he still thinks I will take him back.

  Stacey notices me wince and I can tell by her face how much she knows it’s inappropriate to say that. “Sorry,” she offers. “I didn’t mean it...”

I say, reaching out for her hand. “I know it was just a joke. I don’t want you thinking that you need to walk on eggshells because of me.”

  She sighs, squeezing my hand. “I know. Sometimes my mouth runs before my brain engages.”

  I dismiss her with my hand. “Say no more about it.” I decide to lighten the mood with something I know will make her smile again. “Say, how would you like it if we finish this lot up tomorrow? It’ll be Sunday, the perfect day to chill and do house chores. It’s almost six now. I can grab us a bite to eat. Is Shonie’s still here?”

  Stacey nods and with that comes that smile I was after. “Yes, Shonie’s is still here.” She suddenly has a gleam in her eye. “I can tell you what else is still here.” She winks at me and I know all too well what—or rather who—she is referring to.

  “I thought it wouldn’t be long until you mentioned him.”

  She still has that gleam in her eye. I know she’s not done yet. “But you should see him now. He’s no longer the cute boy from down our street. He’s a beefy hulk of a man with the most impressive ass...”

  “Okay, that’s enough. You’ve already told me everything I need to.” Knowing he treats girls like objects and is known as “One Punch” is exactly the reason why I need to stay away from him. I’ve already had an overly violent person in my life. I certainly don’t need another.

  She smirks, biting her lip. “I know he’s one for the ladies, but I have a feeling he will only have eyes for you once he sees you. He could never take his eyes off you when we were small, now look at you.”


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