Scozzari: Deviant #3

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Scozzari: Deviant #3 Page 16

by Roberts, Jaimie

A slight smile curves her beautiful lips. “Yeah. It would have been a much easier subject for you to take.”

  “Ah, but easy is not my middle name.” She shakes her head. “What?”

  She chuckles slightly. “It always seems that no matter what we talk about, you end up flirting with me.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  I think she’s going to say yes, so I’m surprised when she shakes her head. “No, actually. It’s a nice distraction from thinking about... other things.”

  My stomach clenches because I know full well what those other “things” are.

  Without saying a word, I move my hand toward hers and delight that when I clasp my fingers around hers, she accepts me, wrapping her delicate fingers around my own. We walk like that for the next hour, and for that hour, I feel the happiest I’ve felt in a very long time.

  After Jeremy leaves, I stroll into my apartment to find Stacey sitting on the couch watching TV. She looks up, appearing a little surprised.

  “What’s that smile for?”

  I didn’t realize I was smiling.

  “I’m not smiling.”

  “Oh, yes, you are.” She leans forward, placing the remote down on the coffee table before resuming her position. She narrows her eyes like she’s judging me. “I think that smile has to do with a certain someone who brought you home just now. Where have you been?”

  I drop my bag before walking toward the couch and sitting down next to her. I notice she has Making a Murderer on, but her full attention is on me right now.

  “Jeremy took me to his dad’s pig paddock.”

  Stacey clutches her hands together, pretending to look all dreamy. “How romantic.”

  I giggle at her reaction. “It’s not exactly romantic, but I loved it. Have you ever been there?”

  She screws up her face. “And watch a bunch of pigs snorting and stuffing their faces full of food? No, thanks.”

  “What’s wrong with pigs? I think they’re cute.”

  “They’re dirty.”

  “Actually, that’s wrong. They’re—”

  She holds her hand up to stop me. “I know about the fact they’re supposed to be very clean, but I don’t buy that crap.”

  “You’re just a big ol’ meany.”

  “No, I just don’t like pigs. Sue me.”

  Okay. I think that’s the end of that conversation. “Anyway, how was your day?”

  Sitting up a little straighter, she starts waving her finger at me. “Nuh-uh, you’re not getting away with it that easily. What were you doing at this pig farm? I hope not rolling around in the mud.” She starts looking at my face and my shoulders before sweeping the rest of the way.

  “What makes you think we’ve been rolling around in mud?”

  “I saw the way you two kissed the other day. It was like watching the beginning of a porno movie.”

  “Like you would know,” I tease.

  “You know what I mean. Are you two an item now?”

  “No. we’re just catching up. We were best friends not that long ago.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but best friends don’t usually snog each other’s faces off.”

  “Snog?” I ask, confused by her reference to kissing.

  “There’s a British student in my class from London. Very cockney. I’m learning a lot from her. Of course, Jez understands everything she says, because his parents are from London. Whenever the professor’s not there, they’re constantly chatting together.”

  There’s this small feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me wince slightly. I can’t be jealous, surely? No matter what, though, the questions are still there. Does he like this girl from London? Will he want to ask her out on a date? Stupid questions I have no business asking, but they’re still in my head.

  “Are you sure you’re not an item?”

  I snap my head to her, frowning. Had I looked upset before?

  Getting up, I grab my bag before turning to look at her. “I’ve got homework to do.”

  “Wow, way to avoid the question.”

  “Jeremy invited me to his next fight.”

  Her eyes widen in shock. “What did you say?”

  She knows this is a huge thing for me. I don’t support what he does, but at the end of the day, I know it’s because of Jack. I shouldn’t judge everyone for the actions of one person. Jack did it for power. Jeremy does it for money. There’s a huge difference in the two, and I know there is. Still, I can’t help but feel a little sick at the thought.

  I bite my lip. “I don’t know. A part of me wants to be there in support, but another part of me...” I sigh, deflated.

  “I know,” she responds, her face half smiling in understanding. “All I can say is Jez has never asked a girl to one of his fights before. Of course girls attend, but he’s never specifically asked a girl to be there in support. It’s not as bad as you think.” She starts to laugh. “It’s always over with within seconds anyway.”

  I practically roll my eyes. Yeah, the famous “One Punch.”

  “It’s not for a couple of weeks yet, but I think I may go to it.”

  Stacey’s face lights up into a big smile. “You’ll love it!”

  The following week goes by in a blur. Despite Caitlin protesting my presence, she still smiles every time I wait for her after college to take her home. People are starting to talk, but I don’t give a fuck. The only annoyance I have is Amy bitching to me about it. Of course the rumors spread so much that it eventually got to her. She said I had embarrassed her. Which is why now on a Friday night when I was hoping to ask Caitlin out, I get a phone call that makes me pissed. Amy’s Calling flashes up on the screen and I have my thumb hovered over the End Call button when my conscious gets the better of me.

  “Hello,” I say into the phone, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. Immediately, my body’s tense, expecting a fight.

  “Please don’t hang up,” she pleads. “Can you come over?”

  “What for?”

  “Barry’s been calling and hassling me. I’m afraid he’s going to come to the house.”

  Barry, the scumbag brother, had been out of hospital since yesterday, but is currently staying at a friend’s house. I had hoped he would have the sense to leave her alone, but obviously not. No matter how I feel about being with Caitlin right now, I can’t ignore this. If anything happened to Amy and I could have prevented it, I would never forgive myself.

  “Tell me where he is and I’ll sort it.”

  Probably not a good idea after last time, but I promised myself I would rein myself in if I ever saw him again.

  “I don’t want to tell you. Please... can you just come over and stay with me? I’ll feel safer with you here.”

  Shit, she wants me to stay the night. “Amy, I can’t stay...”

  “Sleep in the spare room,” she quickly responds. “I’ll sleep in my room.”

  I close my eyes for a moment, my mind raging war with itself. I already know what I’m going to say, so I don’t know why I’m avoiding the inevitable. It may have something to do with the fact I don’t want to be there.

  “Please, Jez. I wouldn’t normally ask, but I’m really scared.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I say, “I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “Thank you,” I hear her reply before hanging up. Already, I’m trying to figure out in my head how I can possibly explain why I’m staying the night at another girl’s house. I don’t want to lie to Caitlin, but she will no doubt find out one way or another. Why I feel the need to explain it to her, I have no idea. I guess it boils down to the fact that whatever she feels is important to me. I don’t want to give her the wrong impression. She already thinks because Amy hangs around me so much and I punched her brother that there’s more to us than a hook-up.

  This really is a fucking mess.

  Grabbing a bag, I pack some overnight stuff before grabbing the keys to my car. Just as I’m about to leave, Calvin walks through the door. He take
s one look at me and then the bag before smiling. “You’re finally going to hit it. Go, Jez.”

  My jaw ticks in annoyance. “Number one, Caitlin is not to be referred to in that way, and number two, I’m not heading there anyway.”

  He frowns. “Sorry, man. Didn’t mean to offend. Where are you going, anyway?”

  “Amy’s. She’s having problems with Barry again.”

  “Fucking hell, man. You don’t need that shit, Jez. You’re getting too involved.”

  “I know, but what else am I supposed to do? If a girl calls you and says she’s scared, what would you do? It’s not as cut and dry as you think.”

  Calvin’s eyes drop to the floor in sympathy. “I know it isn’t. You know Caitlin’s bound to find out, though, right? Not from me, but she will find out, and she won’t like it.”

  Like I hadn’t thought about that shit already.

  “I know she won’t, but it’s like I’m stuck. If a girl calls, I can’t ignore her cries. It would make me look like a fucking dick—especially if something happens to her. I don’t love Amy, but I would never want anyone to hurt her.”

  Calvin walks over and pats me on the back. “I know, man. That’s why Caitlin would be lucky to have you. Just... be careful, okay? You shouldn’t be getting involved too much in this shit. You don’t know how much is the truth, to how much Amy’s just exploiting the situation. She could be using your goodwill as an excuse to get you to spend time with her. I hope I’m wrong, but be cautious.”

  I walk out toward my car with Calvin’s words rattling around in my mind. I doubt Amy would be that bitchy that she would take advantage. As I’m driving toward her house, I laugh. I’m Jez fucking Scozzari. No one takes advantage of me.

  I continue to snigger at the thought when I reach Amy’s house. All is dark and quiet, but I notice one light on in her living room. I grab my bag and lock up the car before heading to her front door. I knock and when she answers, she immediately throws her arms around me.

  “Thank you for coming.” She pulls away and starts walking back to her living room. I shut the door and follow her in, immediately smelling the aroma of marijuana. She picks up the joint, offering it to me. “I had one to steady my nerves. Want one?”

  I take it from her, because right now I could really use it. “Thanks.”

  She smiles brightly before bending over in front of me to pick up a lighter. She’s wearing red hot pants and a very tight white T-shirt with no bra. I’m guessing it’s deliberate, but right now I’m not bothered. Before Caitlin, Amy would have been on her knees right about now sucking my cock before bending her over to take her from behind. I pause a moment to see if I get a reaction.

  Nope. Not a thing.

  She lights up my joint for me and I take a big drag on it. Fuck me, this is some strong shit. Amy must sense my reaction, because she smiles.

  “It’s good, isn’t it? It’s a new strain. A very strong one. I’m already relaxed on half.” I offer it to her, but she shakes her head. “Finish that one. I might have another in a while, but right now I’m good.” She takes my bag from my shoulders and sets it down before offering me a seat. I take the couch, settling in with my joint. The TV’s on, but it’s showing some girly chick-flick.

  “Turn it over if you want. I think Avatar’s on the other side.”

  Anything’s better than this.

  I pick the remote up and turn it over. When I see Avatar come on screen, I set the remote down and take a drag. “Have you eaten?” Amy shakes her head. “Pizza?”

  She jumps up. “I’ll go order it.”

  No doubt by the time it gets here my high will be kicking in and that pizza will be the only thing on my mind. I hear her on the phone ordering a pepperoni. She already knows what to order without me having to say. In a sense, that irks me. I have been spending way too much time with this girl.

  I take another drag and this one really kicks in. I lean back into the couch, my eyes closing as I rest my head. Fuck, this stuff’s good.

  “Pizza’s ordered.”

  She says it so loud, I almost jump. She’s sitting on the couch now, her eyes eager with anticipation. Where the fuck did she come from so fast?

  “I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

  “I’ve been busy,” I respond, not looking at her. Instead, I focus on the TV.

  “What have you been up to?”

  “College, studying. Normal shit.”

  I have a feeling I know what she’s leading up to, but for now I’m not taking the bait.

  “I hear you have another fight in three weeks.”

  I look down at my hand, flexing it and clenching it. It’s still healing, but definitely getting better with each day. “Yeah, it’s about time.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all this because of me.”

  I glance across at Amy, her eyes downcast, a sad expression on her face. I feel like shit now that I’ve jumped to conclusions.

  “Don’t be. I would have done it for anyone.” I need her to know this. I don’t know whether me beating her brother and being there for her since has sent mixed signals.

  I see her slight wince at my statement, but she seems to brush it off real quick. “I miss you,” she says, pouting her lips.

  My body rigid, I don’t say anything. The only thing that’s stopping me from snapping back is the nice buzz I got from the joint.

  “Have you seen much of Caty?”

  And there it is. The build-up to what this whole conversation’s really all about.

  “Her name’s Caitlin.” When she continues giving me the doe eye and shrugs her shoulders, I roll my eyes. “We go to the same college. We’re bound to see each other.”

  “People have been talking.”

  “I know,” I reply, gritting my teeth. “People can talk if they want. I don’t give a shit.”

  “Do you like her?”

  I sigh out loud. “Amy,” I warn.

  “I’m sorry. I just... we’ve been friends for so long and then this girl comes along and ever since you’ve been distracted.”

  I turn my head to her, my eyes narrowing in anger. “Ever since your brother happened I’ve been there for you, and don’t tell me I haven’t. I’ve been here more than any boyfriend would have.”

  She smiles at that and I instantly regret it. “I know,” she responds, shuffling up closer to me on the couch. She grabs my arm. “That’s why we’re so good together. Don’t you think we’re good together? I know Caitlin’s your friend and that’s cool, but we’ve known each other for over a year now. That’s got to count for something.”

  I’m starting to seriously regret coming here.

  “We’ve gone over this...”

  “I know we have, but we’ve always been there for each other. I can’t understand how we can’t just be together.”

  I make a move to get up. “I think I need to leave.”

  I feel her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry. Sometimes my feelings get the better of me. Forget I said anything. I won’t mention it again. Promise. I want you to stay. If Barry knows you’re here, he’ll stay away. I know he will.”

  I glance at her pleading eyes and relent. “Okay, I’ll stay.” I grab the lighter and light up my joint again, taking another drag.

  We talk shit for the next twenty minutes before the pizza comes. I go to the door and pay, my stomach more than ready. I could eat the pizza man, I’m so hungry. Before I’ve even put the pizza down, I have one slice already halfway in my mouth.

  “Fuck, that’s hot.”

  Amy giggles and I can’t help the silly grin on my face. Fuck me, I’ve never been this stoned before.

  We sit and eat pizza. Immediately after, Amy lights another joint and we sit in silence, smoking and watching TV.

  When the time gets after one, I can hardly keep my eyes open.

  “I’m so fucking stoned,” Amy groans.

  Fucking tell me about it.

  Amy tilts her head on my shoulder. Her arm flo
ps across my leg like a dead weight.

  “Where the fuck did you get this shit?”

  She starts giggling and it sets me off. Fuck, man, this is trippy. I sound like a pussy giggling, rolling about on the couch.

  “I know a guy,” Amy starts, pointing to thin air, “who knows a guy.” She goes into another fit of giggles, making my head buzz.

  Shit, I think I need to go to bed. I nudge her. “Come on, Amy. I need my sleep.”

  She pouts. “Aww, poor baby.” She cackles and when her head suddenly morphs into the Wicked Witch of the West, I almost shit myself.

  Now I know I really need to get to bed. “Come on,” I urge again, tugging at her arm.


  I somehow manage to get up and start pulling her up with me. She lets out a sigh and I don’t know who leads who upstairs, but next minute I know I’m by the spare bed taking off my T-shirt and jeans. Forgetting what happened to Amy, I snap my head around the room, trying to find her, but she’s nowhere in sight. Good. I can’t deal with Amy right now. I’m too fucking high for that shit. When I’m down to my boxer shorts, I crawl into bed on my hands and knees and flop faced forward.

  I’m out like a light.

  I don’t know how long I’m out for when I start to dream. I’m in bed, the room dark, but Caitlin is here. She’s straddling my legs, her head in between my legs as she sucks on my cock. Her blond hair splays around my belly, tickling me. An odd thing to think about when I have Caitlin’s mouth around my cock. She takes her mouth away for a brief moment, but then immediately takes all of me into her mouth. Closing my eyes, I hiss out my pleasure and thread my fingers through her hair. As she withdraws then comes down again, I fist her hair, groaning. Everything goes black again and I curse my dream for ending when it was only starting to get real interesting.

  But then I’m back, but this time she’s straddling my waist, riding me as her tits bounce up and down.

  Fuck me, she’s a tiger. Her head is back, moaning as she rides me harder, faster, coaxing my dick to give her the pleasure she seeks. I pull my hands up, squeezing her tits in my hands and flicking my thumb over her nipples. Her walls tighten around me before she screams my name. I know I’m going to come now. I can feel it building and building and building, until...


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