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Beaumont [Battle Bunnies 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Stormy Glenn

  Not giving Beau any time to think, Dario struck and teeth sliced through his skin. Long, sucking pulls began, tightening the muscles of Beau’s abdomen straight down to his dick. Spreading his legs, Beau lifted them and locked them around Dario’s waist.

  “Bite me.” The demanding words slithered into the haze of Beau’s mind.

  Beau lowered his head and bit down through the skin of Dario’s neck. The moment he pulled a deep swallow of blood into his mouth, Dario’s cock pushed into his body, splitting it open.

  Everything faded from Beau’s world but the pull on his neck, the rich ambrosia filling his mouth, and using his leg muscles to dance on the thick pole piercing his body.

  “That’s enough, love. Close the holes with your tongue.”

  Beau didn’t want to. He was flying. Just a little more of Dario’s blood and he would be able to touch the sky.

  Fingers tugged on Beau’s hair. “Do as you are told. You are becoming blood drunk.”

  And this was a bad thing? Beau didn’t think so. But Dario had asked him to stop, so Beau would stop. After one last small sip—yep, he could be naughty that way—Beau licked Dario’s skin until the bleeding stopped. He hadn’t noticed Dario was no longer biting him.

  Beau touched the corner of Dario’s lips with the tip of his finger. “Nope, I guess you aren’t dead.” The hiccup that burst out of his mouth was unexpected. Maybe he was a tiny bit drunk.


  “I will show you how undead I am.” Dario lifted Beau off his cock and turned him around.

  Beau automatically braced his hands against the wall when Dario’s cock plunged into his body. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against his hands when Dario began thrusting deep. The hands holding his hips shifted him a little and Dario’s cock hit…

  Beau screamed.

  Lights burst behind the lids of his eyes, and every nerve in his body sang alleluia. “What was that?”

  Dario hit that spot again and Beau’s whole body trembled in ecstasy.

  “That is your sweet spot, my darling,” Dario answered, and hit it again.

  Beau’s back arched and he threw back his head. The scream that came out of his mouth echoed off the tiles of the bathroom. Beau was hooked. Sex and biting were on the top of his everyday to-do list.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” Beau moaned.

  Beau’s balls tightened and cum gushed from his prick. Squeezing his eyes shut, he rode the waves of bliss to the very end until the last burst came out.

  A roar behind him had Beau opening his eyes. The hands gripping Beau’s hips move and arms wrapped around and pulled him into the curve of Dario’s body. The cock inside his chute began a hard, fast rhythm, lighting up the nerves of Beau’s ass.

  Beau’s dick filled and his balls objected. Dario’s hand slid down over the skin of Beau’s stomach until he gripped his dick.

  “I can’t,” Beau objected as he continued to take Dario’s deep thrusts.

  “You will.” The finality of Dario’s order had the small hairs on Beau’s neck standing up straight.

  Lips latched on to the side of Beau’s neck. When the teeth sank into his skin, that was it. Cum ripped from his prick in long strings that painted the tiles in front of him. Dario’s spunk exploded into him and Beau’s ass muscles clamped shut, trying to hold it inside.

  The powerful vampire continued to move through the vise created by his locked muscles. Beau had no doubt that, if he was in heat at that moment, their kits would have been conceived.

  “Why did you just feel sorrow?” Dario’s deep voice next to Beau’s ear soothed the small pain of what hadn’t happened.

  “Do you think our children will like me?” Beau’s voice was barely above a whisper. What he really meant was, would they see him—a tiny bunny—with such a powerful vampire for a father?

  “Our children will adore you.” Dario hugged Beau even closer. “You will be the true center of power and love of our family, as you are already mine.”

  Beau turned his face and looked up at his vampire mate. A tear slid down his cheek. “You really do see me, don’t you?”

  “I have seen and been fascinated with you since the moment we met,” Dario answered before his lips came down on Beau’s.

  Beau’s last thought before passion again took over was could a bunny who lived in the shadowed corners handle a larger-than-life, powerful prince? Or would he get lost in the prince’s light?

  Beau’s body protested movement as he woke. He tried remembering why opening his eyes was a good thing and couldn’t come up with a single answer, until Dario walked out of the bathroom, drying his beautiful hair with a towel.

  Beau must have made a noise—most likely a whimper of need—because Dario stopped drying his hair and glanced at him, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Good morning, my darling.”

  Beau felt his face heat up even as he returned Dario’s smile. “Hey.”

  Dario tossed the towel onto the end of the bed before stretching out beside Beau. “How did you sleep?” the gorgeous man asked as he brushed the hair back from Beau’s face.

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “You guess?” Dario’s dark eyebrow went up in a haughty, imperial manner before he rolled Beau beneath him.

  Beau broke out into peals of laughter as Dario attacked him, the man instantly finding every ticklish spot he had, and some he didn’t know he had. “I give, I give,” Beau called out as he wiggled to get away.

  The tickling stopped. Even before he raised his eyes, Beau knew he had once again become the center of Dario’s attention. It wasn’t a bad feeling, just an unexpected one.

  “I didn’t know you could do that,” Beau whispered, more just to have something to break the silence than to make an actual statement.

  “Do what, my darling?”


  “You didn’t know vampires could laugh?”

  “No.” Beau chuckled. “I didn’t know there could be laughter between…between lovers…like this, I mean, while they were in bed together.” Beau gulped. “Naked.” He was very aware of the fact that Dario was naked…and aroused.

  Wow, was he aroused.

  Beau spread his legs and then hooked them around the backs of Dario’s calves. The vampire settled easily between his thighs. Beau’s cock thickened and rose up to meet his mate’s, pulling a long groan from him when they rubbed together.

  “Do you like that, my darling?” Dario asked as he humped his hips.

  “Yesss,” Beau hissed. He had discovered a world of pleasure in this man’s arms over the last three days, one he never imagined but desperately wanted to experience more of. Beau clutched at Dario’s muscled arms as he arched his head back, baring his throat. “Why do I need you so much?”

  “It is the way of mates, my darling.” Dario nuzzled at the arch of Beau’s throat, licking the sensitive skin before sinking his fangs in deep.

  Beau gasped at the first pull on the blood in his veins, and then filled the space between them with his release. “Dario!”

  Dario drank a little more before extracting his teeth and licking the twin pinpricks closed. Not a moment later, the man reared back onto his knees. His eyes bored into Beau as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and began stroking his thick shaft from root to tip.

  Beau raised his hands above his head, stretching them out until he could grab the wrought iron bars of the antique headboard. He arched up. “Come on me, Dario,” Beau whispered. A sense of power he had never felt before blossomed in his chest as he watched Dario’s eyes darken. “Mark me so everyone knows I’m yours.”

  The man’s movements grew hurried, almost frantic. Beau’s breath caught when Dario tossed his head back and roared. Ropes of pearly white come shot out of his cock, splattering all over Beau’s chest.



  When Dario slumped down, he rested on his arms. His breathing was rapid, stuttering. Beau reached up and stroked his hands over Dario’s wide sho
ulders, smoothing over his heated skin.

  “How are you so warm?” he whispered into the silence of the room.

  Before Dario could answer, there was a commotion outside their bedroom door. It was loud enough that Beau wondered if the walls had caved in. It sure sounded like it, and then the shouting started.

  Beau groaned when he recognized his brother’s voice. “Beaumont,” Clay shouted from the other side of the door. “Get your cottontail ass out here.”

  “Your brother needs to learn how to speak to you,” Dario said in a stone cold voice that was decidedly not one Beau ever wanted aimed at him. “I will not have him addressing to you in such a manner.”

  Beau shrugged. “He’s my brother.” He really didn’t have more of an explanation than that. Clay meant well. It just didn’t always come across that way, at least not to outsiders. Although, Dario couldn’t really be considered an outsider anymore. They had mated, which meant he was family now.

  Didn’t it?

  “Then he should speak to you as a brother, not a commander ordering his troops around.”

  Beau sighed when Dario rolled to the side of the bed. Guess play time was over. When Dario stood and headed for the bathroom, Beau felt like his heart had sunk down into his toes. He didn’t like the idea that his mate was upset. It created a cold spot in the center of his chest, and Beau hated the cold.

  “Come, my darling,” Dario said as he walked out of the bathroom with a wet washcloth and wiped down the front of Beau’s chest. “Let’s get dressed so we can go see what has your brother’s panties in a bunch.”

  Beau’s jaw dropped. “You didn’t just say that.” He could barely keep his laughter locked behind his lips.

  Obviously trying to look innocent, and failing miserably, Dario asked, “Say what?”

  Chapter Eight

  Dario promised himself—and Beau—that he would keep control of his need to wrap his fingers around Clay’s throat and bang him into a wall for the way he treated his brother, but it wasn’t easy, especially when they opened the bedroom door and found the man angrily pacing in the hallway.

  “It’s about damn time,” Clay snapped as he stopped walking a hole in the hardwood floor. He glared at Beau. “I’d ask you what in the hell took you so long, but you reek of sex.”

  Dario growled as all of the joy drained out of Beau. That promise was getting harder to keep. “Watch how you speak to my mate, Barclay.”

  “Excuse me?” Clay’s head snapped back. “Who in the hell do you think you are to tell me how to speak to my brother?”

  “I’m his mate,” Dario argued.

  “And?” Clay countered with a small bounce of his head. “I’ve been his brother a lot longer than you have been his mate. Blood trumps booty call.”

  Dario flashed his fangs. “Then it’s a good thing I’m a vampire. I excel at blood.”

  Clay’s rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “What was so important, Clay?” Beau asked as he stepped between the two men.

  Dario found it amusing, and somewhat endearing, that Beau was shielding him from his brother. He wrapped an arm around Beau’s waist and let the matter of Clay’s disrespect drop—for now.

  He knew there would come a point when he would butt heads with Clay, and he wasn’t positive it wouldn’t come to blows. He didn’t like anyone making Beau feel less than amazing. But he would try to remember that they were brothers.

  Maybe he should talk to Vey and Dominic about how to deal with Clay. They had been here a little longer than he had and seemed to handle him okay, whereas Dario wanted to rip the guy’s head off. There had to be a reason Clay was such an ass to his brothers. The rest of them seemed pretty damn nice from what Dario had seen, and they all loved Clay, which confused the hell out of Dario.

  “Basil got wind of another facility about an hour’s drive north of here.”

  “Have you ever wondered why so many of them are located in this area?” Beau asked. “It seems a little too coincidental to me.”

  “It’s crossed my mind,” Clay replied, losing some of the indignation he had before. “I’m just not sure what it means or if there is a connection.”

  Well, at least the man listened to his brothers, for the most part. That was something.

  “There is a possibility that there are facilities clustered in small areas around the country,” Dario interjected, even though he didn’t want to, but knowledge was power, especially in the game they were playing.

  “I think you’re right,” Clay admitted in a tone that clearly said he didn’t want to agree with anything Dario said. Too bad. “We’ve been fighting in cities all over the country, and there always seems to be several facilities in one area. We wipe them out and move on to the next ones, hoping the ones we destroyed don’t pop up again.”

  “Have they?” Dario asked. “Popped up again, I mean.”

  “A few times, but not as many as you would think.” Clay sighed as he brushed his hair back from his face. His shoulders slumped as if the weight of the world rested on them. “And I don’t know if that is significant or not or if I’m just being paranoid, but it feels like it’s connected somehow.”

  “Considering what, and who, we are dealing with,” Dario said. “I’d say you have a right to your paranoia.”

  Clay gave him a strange look, but one without hostility. “Thank you for not telling me I’m crazy.”

  “Oh, you’re crazy all right.” Dario chuckled. “But that doesn’t mean you are wrong.”

  Clay flipped up his middle finger.

  Dario grinned. Maybe that was the way to deal with Clay.

  “Meet me down in the dining room,” Clay said as he started to turn away. “We need to plan our next attack.”

  Beau leaned back against Dario as Clay walked away. “He means well,” Beau said. “He’s had to take care of us and lead us for a very longtime. He’s had to harden himself and cut himself off from almost all emotions so he could lead us.”

  Dario wished that was all it was, but something churning in his gut told him there were more secrets Clay was keeping. What those secrets were, Dario couldn’t even hazard to guess, but he knew when they came out, his bunny’s life was going to change forever. He had to make sure that he was there to care for his mate when that happened.

  Dario glanced toward the doorway where his head of security had been hovering. “Cealio—”

  “I tried to stop him, sire,” the rather large man said. “He is a persistent little—”

  “Hey!” Beau snapped as he jumped forward. Dario’s jaw dropped as he watched his sweet little mate come unglued on Cealio. “You don’t get to say anything bad about my brother.”

  Cealio stared down at Beau for the longest moment before lifting his head to look at Dario, one eyebrow raised. “Sire?”

  Dario knew the two men had seen each other before, but they hadn’t had the time to meet formally. He planned to rectify that right now. Everyone needed to know just who Beau was to him, especially his coven members.

  “Cealio, meet my one and only, Beaumont.”

  When Cealio dropped to one knee, head bowed and fist over his heart, Beau squeaked as if he had seen a mouse and jumped back. “What is he doing?”

  Dario beamed with pride. “He is honoring you as my mate.” He wasn’t stupid enough to tell Beau that Cealio was swearing allegiance to his ‘concubine.’ He prayed Beau never learned of that word. He liked his nuts attached to his body.

  Beau moved closer to Dario. “Why? I don’t even know him.”

  “You are my one and only, Beaumont.” Just saying the words brought Dario peace he hadn’t felt in years, maybe decades. “Every member of my coven knows how long I have searched for you. Now that he has sworn his allegiance to you, he will protect you with his life”

  “No way,” Beau said as he stiffened. “I can take care of myself.”

  “This is an honor, my darling.”

  “Says you.”

  Dario chuckled as he hug
ged Beau. “I adore you.”

  “I love you, too,” Beau said, stealing Dario’s breath with his words. “That doesn’t mean I need someone to protect me.” Beau pulled away and stormed down the hallway, unaware of the chaos he had left in his wake.

  Dario just stood there with his mouth hanging open. Cealio’s next words pulled Dario out of the warm, fuzzy, and chaotic stupor that Beau’s words of love had created.

  “He was disrespectful toward you, sire.” Cealio straightened to his full six-foot-five-inches of pure muscle. “Shall I go teach him a lesson in respecting a prince?”

  In the blink of an eye, Dario had Cealio pinned to the wall by his neck. “How soon you forget your sworn allegiance to my one and only.” Dario bared his fangs. “You will not harm a hair on his head or I will drain you dry one drop at a time.”

  It took a moment, but Cealio managed to croak out, “You are my prince, sire. You come first.”

  “And he is my life.” Dario held the guard’s gaze until the man nodded and lowered his gaze.

  “As you wish, my prince,” Cealio conceded.

  Beau leaned over and picked up one of his razor-sharp knives and cut a strip off of Dario’s shirt. He was sitting on the floor, in the middle of his bedroom, clad only in a pair of loose shorts and working on a new, braided rag rug.

  The busy work helped calm his being after the last few days of Clay’s nonstop harping…er…instruction of the newest lab they were going to infiltrate. Being almost naked helped him cope with the blanket of heat that seemed to be covering him. For the last few hours, Beau was uncomfortably hot and nothing he did helped cool him down.

  So, he decided to ignore it and work on the rug.

  The old rug had been destroyed in the sewer explosion, but Beau had managed to sneak back to what was left of their temporary home and find some remnants. Nothing but tattered pieces were left of his beloved rug that he had insisted go along to every place they stayed, but it was enough to start a new rug.


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