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The Farmer & The Belle (Baymoor Book 1)

Page 9

by D. A. Young

  Wearily Georgina said, “Thanks for your concern, Graham, but you don’t have to worry about me; I’ll be just fine. Look, I’m going to take a shower now and I’ll give you a call in a couple of days. Bye.”

  She leaned back on the plush chenille sofa and stared up at the ceiling. Was this what her life had come to? That even her own overprotective brother was lecturing and encouraging her to get laid??? He was also the fourth person today to tell her about having fun. Surely she wasn’t that bad? Was she?


  Max entered his home through the front door and tossed the truck keys on the foyer console. He walked into the kitchen and found his longtime cook Betty pulling wrapped dishes out of the refrigerator. “Hey, Betty, need any help?”

  Betty Stratton turned to smile at her tall, handsome employer. “No, sir, I’m just putting the last of the side dishes out, before taking off.”

  “What? I thought you and Hank were staying to eat?” Max asked with raised brows.

  Betty shook her head with a grin, “Well Hank called me to say that the Soulful Steps was having a stepping party, and you know how Hank and I love a good stepping. Got to do it while I still have these legs, you know.”

  Max smiled at that. Betty and her husband were both sixty-eight and loved to dance. Their specialty was step line dancing, and she could often be found dancing around the kitchen as she completed her tasks. “Let Hank know I’ve got some moves I could show him if he’s interested.”

  “Boy, please! My Hank could teach you a thang or two!” She gave him a cunning smile. “But you might want to think carefully about asking him. The last time I asked him to show me, I wound up married with four kids. You start dancing like my Hank, and you’ll have the town wenches following you like the Pied Piper!”

  Betty cackled at Max’s shudder and handed him a beer. “Now you’re all set. You go enjoy your evening, and I’ll see you tomorrow at nine.”

  Max gave her an eyebrow. “Your shift starts at eight, young lady.”

  “Now didn’t I just tell you about Hank and his dancing?! Once he gets to showing his moves I can’t even control myself-”

  “Take the day off. Bye.” Max hightailed it out of the kitchen with a quickness, hoping to leave the image that Betty had planted in his brain behind as she cackled again.

  Cringing, he followed the savory aroma of grilling meat and walked out of the backdoor to join his company on the porch. He was greeted with hellos and Tavish’s words of, “How in the hell do you invite us to dinner and you’re the last one here?”

  Max glanced at him as he flipped the links and then at Wade standing next to him. The sheriff had exchanged his police uniform for a white t-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops as he sipped a beer. “A better question would be: How the hell did our good sheriff here beat me here. Thought you had a meeting to go to?”

  Wade shook his shaggy shoulder-length blonde hair and laughed. “I did have a meeting, but it didn’t take long. Besides, don’t act like as soon as Ida said “very pretty lady with big brown eyes” you weren’t out of your chair and volunteering to go.” He tipped his head back and took a swig of beer. “So the Bankses have a very pretty niece, huh? What’s she like?”

  ‘Aye, now that I would like to know as well. Describe her please,” Tavish requested with interest in his eyes. Max barely resisted the urge to smash the easygoing Scott’s face in, and the way Wade was giving the same look, he could get some too.

  Donna, who was sitting at the table quietly chatting with the Martin Allen, the editor of the Baymoor Gazette, stopped talking to look at Max with interest, and Max groaned because nothing got past Donna’s eagle eyes. “I too would like to know, Max.”

  Georgina had him fucked up for sure, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it because he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything. He leveled his stare at the two men, that between them had had more women than their years of age. “I can describe her in one word. Unavailable. That’s what she’s like. Stay away from her.”

  The look in his eyes let the two other men know he meant business as they snickered at his expense and clinked their beer bottles together; staring at him in speculation.

  “Think we’re going to need the governor to declare a state of emergency and call in the National Guard,” Wade stated with relish. “I don’t have the manpower to protect his picky ass from the women in Baymoor when they find out what he’s gone and done.”

  Chapter Seven

  Friday morning Georgina went back to the hospital for a longer visit. She brought more clothes for Valerie, as well as magazines, books, coffee, and an enormous card that Raymond had placed at the café counter for everyone to sign and write their well wishes. He had given it to her when she stopped in to say hello. Despite her protests, he made her a plate of blueberry pancakes and sausage and gave her a message to deliver: “Now you tell that hard-headed cuss Nate not to push his recovery. Everything is under control here, cherie.”

  Val and Nate were touched by all the well-wishes, and they informed her that the doctor was releasing Nate Sunday. After they were done reading the card, Georgina with a mischievous smile, pulled a pack of Uno cards out of her purse. “I believe a rematch is in order. Last time you guys came to town; I was sick so my game wasn’t solid.” They all laughed as she dealt the cards out. Four intense games later, she had reclaimed her Uno championship title, and the nurse came in to say it was time for Nate to rest. Val turned to Georgina. “Max is coming to take me to lunch at a new crab shack in Berlin. Why don’t you come with us? He should be here in twenty minutes.”

  The thought of seeing him again made Georgina’s stomach flutter with butterflies and she tried not to show much he unnerved her. “Oh no, you go ahead. I’d like to, but I was actually going to the mall to pick up a few things and then head back to the house to work on my launch party ideas. But I think the fresh air would definitely do you some good.”

  “Okay, but just so you know, he invited us to dinner at Cinnamon Farms this Sunday so please don’t make plans with any of your friends for that day,” Valerie requested and Georgina didn’t have the heart to tell her aunt that she’d yet to seek anyone out. Especially after the way she’d cut everyone off.

  After giving hugs and kisses she quickly left, not willing to have another run-in with Max if it could be prevented. Georgina drove to Wellington Mall and stopped in Victoria’s Secret. She examined every underwear style they had and tried on every bra and lingerie item as well, testing them for durability and flexibility in comparison to her own designs. To throw the suspicious salesgirl off, she purchased a bottle of body lotion.

  Next, she headed to Nordstrom where she did some serious damage in the denim department. There was a candle store that hadn’t been there the last time she was home so she stopped in and bought some fig- and sandalwood-scented candles. Georgina planned on taking a long, relaxing bubble bath tonight, and she loved to light candles while unwinding.

  As Georgina was coming out of the shop, she ran into a man’s muscled chest and her packages dropped out of her hands. “I’m so sorry-”, she started, only to be interrupted by a deep voice.

  “No, it was my fault.” As he stood up from retrieving her packages, Georgina found herself face-to-face with Davis Fowler, her secret high school crush.

  Two years ahead of her, Davis was always nice to Georgina, but nothing more. At thirty-two, he was still good-looking with his butterscotch complexion and hazel eyes. His wavy black hair was gone, replaced with a smooth bald head, and he now sported a goatee. He was also appraising her with a puzzled look as if he couldn’t quite place her. She decided to clue him in.

  “Hi Davis, it’s Georgina Carlton from high school. How’ve you been?” His eyes widened in surprise, and then admiration set in as he looked her up and down, and finally he reached in to hug her. Georgina noted to herself that he took care of himself by the feel of his firm body, but he wasn’t insanely in shape from doing manual farm labor. And his scent was p
leasant and…clean, nothing cloaked in heady mystery that made her want to inhale him, the way she did “Max the Ass”. Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind??

  “Georgina! It’s great to see you again. I heard about your uncle. How’s he doing?” Davis’s expression turned to concern. “Pops was just saying he wanted to stop by the hospital to say hello.”

  “That’s sweet of him. Uncle Nate’s doing a lot better and will be coming home soon.” Georgina said as she surveyed him and liked what she saw. Although she found Davis attractive, she was relieved to find he did not send her into a tailspin the way Maxwell Jason Hayes did. His level of hotness to her was jalapeno, compared to Max who was a pain-searing, mind-numbing bhut jolokia ghost pepper. Maybe he was just what she needed to regain control. Georgina smiled at him even more invitingly, and he returned it eagerly.

  “Well, I was just about to have an early dinner with my parents at DaVinci’s. Would you care to join us? I’m sure they’d love to see you. We could catch up since it’s been so long,” Davis suggested, just as his parents walked up.

  Georgina gave a friendly smile as Brenton Fowler, in his booming voice declared, “I know this isn’t young Georgina Carlton all grown up now! Girl, get over here and gimme a hug!”

  Although a little surprised at his enthusiastic greeting, she complied and the older man embraced her warmly. “It’s good to see you, honey! Staying awhile? I was just telling Davis that I wanted to stop by, but Edith suggested we let him rest and just see him at the party.”

  “That sounds like a better idea. The doctors are adamant about him resting and definitely not overdoing it when he gets home, sir.” Georgina turned to Edith Fowler, who looked like she just ate a bowl of lemons and greeted her politely, “Mrs. Fowler, it’s very nice to see you again.”

  “Hello, dear. How long are you staying in town?” she asked coolly. Edith Fowler was still as impeccable as ever. Never a hair or article of clothing out of place. She was the ultimate ice queen, and if Davis wasn’t standing and breathing next to her, Georgina would never have believed the woman mussed herself up enough to have sex. It’s a wonder Fowler hadn’t frozen to death in his bed.

  “This is actually a short visit. I’m just-”

  Her cell phone began to ring. She looked down and noticed her sister’s number. “Excuse me one moment, please. Hi, Eliza. What’s wrong? Oh no! Let me call you back.” After hanging up, she smiled apologetically at the Fowlers. “It was great seeing you guys. That was my sister calling. My niece had a small accident. I’d better go so I can find out all the details.”

  The elder Fowlers murmured condolences, and Davis smiled. “Perhaps another time then, Georgina. It was really, really good to see you.” She waved goodbye to them and then turned away, quickly dialing Eliza’s number. “Eliza! What happened? Start from the beginning.”

  When she got home, Georgina spoke to her aunt and uncle and let them know that Camille was suffering from severe motion sickness so Eliza had cut their cruise short. They were now vacationing in Key West for the next month. Then Georgina made herself a grilled cheese sandwich and a green salad. Taking the bottle of wine to the living room, she decided to watch some television. Lifetime was running a Grey’s Anatomy marathon. Perfect.


  The pounding at the door woke Georgina up Saturday morning. She opened one eye and looked at the pink and white striped ceiling. Why did her head feel like it was going to explode? Groaning, she slowly sat up and swung her legs out of bed, causing her to knock an empty wine bottle over. A glance at her nightstand clock confirmed it was too fucking early for her to be up. Who the hell was up at 8:15 bothering decent folks? The pounding at the door increased.

  “Dammit, stop pounding on the door!” she yelled, wincing when the yelling made her head hurt even more. The pounding stopped. As Georgina went to open the door, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror and groaned. Last night after her shower, she’d been too tired to tend to her wet hair. She looked like she had a miniature poodle sitting atop her head, and her eyes were puffy. Oh well, the insensitive jerk on the other side of the door didn’t deserve her best foot forward. She swung the door open and covered her face as she was hit by cold air and bright sunlight. “Aaargh!”

  Squinting, she hoped she was scary-looking enough to make whoever it was turn tail and run. Georgina was only able to make out a man’s tall form and could only hope it wasn’t who she thought it was. Unfortunately, it was.

  “Good morning to you too,” Max replied in amusement. And Georgina had to refrain from clutching her stomach to stop the crazy flips it was doing in response to his hypnotic voice.


  “Hahaha”, she muttered. She stepped back to let him in so she could quickly shut the door. Now her eyes hurt also. As he stood there staring at her, Georgina quickly became aware of her morning appearance and tried to smooth her hair down. Boiiiiiing. The short curls sprang back into place, refusing to be tamed. She licked her lips and stared at him. He was slowly taking in her appearance. They traveled from the top of her bed head to her bare feet. Everywhere his eyes touched seemed to warm her body. His hot eyes rose to meet hers and suddenly Georgina felt too warm like she needed to walk out into the brisk morning wind to cool down. She resisted the urge to cover herself.

  She noticed the basket in his right hand and a delicious aroma emanating from it. Her stomach growled loudly, filling the silence between them and soon followed by the sound of his deep laughter. She was beyond horrified. “Was there something that you needed at the butt crack of dawn this morning, Hayes?”

  “I brought a peace offering this morning, and I was a little worried that it wouldn’t be accepted, but I feel like my chances are looking better by the minute,” Max replied smugly. “I’m sorry to stop by so early; but after Thursday’s fiasco, I was a little bit concerned about you. Why don’t you go freshen up and I’ll get breakfast together?” He turned and headed towards the kitchen, obviously knowing his way around the house.

  Georgina just stared after him. Why did he have to be so good looking first thing in the morning? The man seriously looked like he’d been photoshopped with his flawless complexion and sparkling eyes. She felt like road kill standing next to him with her bed head hair and shiny face. Shaking her head, she went upstairs to try to make herself look a little less scary. Not that she cared in the least what he thought of her…

  As Max heard her go upstairs, he walked over to the sink and ran the cold water. He then put his palms in the freezing water and splashed some on his face. Twice. He couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed his massive hard-on. It had damn near poked her in the eye! When she opened the door in nothing but a tank top and fitted biker-type shorts, he had been startled but quickly regained his composure. As he walked past her, he turned to make another smart comment but quickly forgot what he was going to say as he read the words “bite me” on her backside. Images of him nibbling on her gorgeous booty again played in his mind. He could feel himself stirring. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her generous twin mounds could be seen through her skimpy tank. Her nipples were hard from the cold, he assumed. Then she came to stand across from him, and she was even prettier than he remembered with her glowing skin, and her eyes looking all sleepy and she was delightfully rumpled. Her short hair was a mass of uncontrolled curls. He wanted to do was drag her back upstairs and make love to her, to be surrounded by her scent of gardenias and orange blossoms again.

  All thoughts of being neighborly this morning were now gone from his mind. He felt really bad about the way everyone behaved the other day and could tell she had been pretty upset. He’d wanted to make it up to her this morning by bringing her breakfast and maybe starting fresh. But right now all he could think of was her in the shower soaping up her sexy body. Did she touch herself? Her hands perhaps sliding between her legs occasionally? He was fairly certain she would freak if he joined her.

  He heard the water stop and quickly went back to setting the ta
ble. Last night he’d called to check on Nate and let him know that he would be stopping by to check on their precious Georgie. He wanted to make it clear to the older man, as he did yesterday at lunch with Val, that he was very interested in their niece. It was strange to hear them talk about her as if she was still a child when Max had firsthand knowledge that she was a grown-ass woman with grown woman needs.

  A movement outside caught his eye. Two squirrels were chasing each other up and down a maple tree. The one running away was sending the other on a wild chase as it went up and down the tree. Max had a strong hunch that squirrel was a girl and immediately felt a kinship with the other squirrel, that had to be a boy. Why else would he look so frustrated? So lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear Georgina until she spoke.


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