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The Alpha's Challenge (The Wolfes Kinfoyle) [Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Raven McAllan

  Chapter Six

  Jacob rubbed his clammy hands down the sides of his jeans. The one thing about rehearsing everything he had to say and do meant his cock had deflated faster than a pricked condom at a water fight. So much hinged on this evening. He’d already shifted and ran through his forest for an hour to try and expend some of his energy and tension. It hadn’t happened and he’d then retreated to the river, which crossed his land, swam for an hour, and hand-fucked himself under the slow-flowing water. If he hoped the water would cool him down he’d been wrong. Even the thought of what he wanted to do with Ari had his cock back at full alert within seconds of coming. He’d watched the strings of cum dance away in the current and sighed. It should be filling Ari, not the river. Pollution wasn’t something he wanted to add to. His cum was Ari’s, not the river’s.

  He rang the bell, and grinned as he heard the tinny notes of Peter and the Wolf. Someone and the wolf certainly.

  There was a creak, and then slowly the door opened and Ari stood in the aperture. Jacob was sure his jaw dropped. The simple black jumper, which emphasised her pert, unfettered breasts and allowed her nipples to show how turned on she was, and pretty skirt were a perfect foil for his black shirt and denims. Black fishnet encased her legs, and the “fuck me” red flat boots suited her and made him ache to see how she coped with “slipper torture.” That erotic spanking with a slipper was an exchange he adored. There was something extra special about seeing your handprint and then replacing it with a perfect outline of a slipper. Every time she wore flat shoes and boots, especially the soft leather ballet flats she favoured, he found himself with a hard-on to rival all hard-ons.

  He hoped to hell those fishnets were stockings, and not passion-killing tights. The only good thing about tights was that they were perfect to use for bondage.

  “We look like we dressed to match.” He winked. “Perfect, pet.”

  Ari glared at him, and her lips tightened. Jacob tried to sense her thoughts, but she had managed to block them somehow. That was interesting, and proved he’d already passed some knowledge to her. But why was she doing it? What had he done wrong?

  “Oh I’ll soon change that, you bastard. Let’s see about blood down yours. How dare you get Jenissa to buy your presents for you? Are you too bloody scared to go into a knicker shop? Or tell me you bought them and why?” She shot her hand out towards his jaw. “Secondhand presents are a slap in the face, so here’s one for you. Asshole.”

  It was only his fast shifter reactions that saved him. Jacob saw red, and didn’t give Ari time to react. He twisted her arm up her back and then grabbed both wrists in one of his hands. Put him in a Dom situation and he was fine but otherwise? Sheesh, he’d never understand the convoluted way a woman’s mind worked. Wasn’t it better to get advice, rather than buy the wrong things? He saw red, and it wasn’t her thong.

  “Blood in the correct manner, I go for. However, you’ve overstepped the mark, pet. That’s it. You asked for it yesterday. Now you can have it and sod the rules.” She yelped as he marched her backwards across the hall and flipped her over his shoulder so her head bumped off his ass. As a shifter he had plenty of movement in his joints to allow himself to hold her wrist tightly as he carried her up the stairs. Luckily he knew her cottage as well as his sister’s, even if it wasn’t due to the activity he intended them to indulge in shortly.

  “Put me down,” Ari muttered, somewhat halfheartedly, he hoped. Then she tried to kick him in the balls. So, not halfhearted at all then. He stopped her by holding her ankles with his free hand. She tried to twist and push him off, but he was stronger and, he reckoned, more determined.

  “Give it up, Ari. You’ll end up hurting yourself, not me. You’re going to be sore enough soon anyway.”

  She stilled immediately. “Explain.” There was no fear in her voice. In fact if he judged by the way her breath hitched and she moaned oh so softly, she was turned on by the declaration. Why on earth had they skirted around each other for so long?

  Because I’m supposed to bite first. Sod it. I’m going to show her what we can have, and at least I’ll know how amazing we could be together if she turns me down later. I’m the Alpha. I do what’s best. I overstepped the line yesterday and wasn’t going to again, but fuck it. I might as well be hung for a wolf not a cub. His mangling of the expression “might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb“ amused him

  It might cause trouble—it would cause trouble—but as Jacob was certain she wasn’t going to turn him down now, he’d risk it.

  “I’m going to do what you’ve been asking for, Ari. Seeing as a good straightforward fucking wasn’t good enough, I’m going to take you upstairs, tie you up, and spank that gorgeous bottom until it’s the colour of your thong. In fact, I can compare them, can’t I?” That thought was almost enough to make him rush things. Only the fact that he’d waited for so long held him back. This was too important to rush.

  “Er,” she sighed. “Blimey, what have I been asking? If that was straightforward, please hurry up and show me what I’ve been missing.”

  Jacob pushed open her bedroom door. Like the rest of the house it was neat and tidy. The bedspread in hues of gold and crimson was immaculate and the pillows plumped up. Perfect for what he wanted.

  He chose not to answer her directly. “From now on you always address me as ‘Sir.’” It was a tense moment as he waited to see if she’d scream assault or play on. From what he’d noticed over the years, and the titbits Jenissa had let drop, he thought it would be “play on.”

  “I do?”

  He dropped her on the bed onto her stomach, and held her there with a hand on her back.

  “Ari.” Did she hear the warning in his tone? She twisted her head, and grinned.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  Thank all the shifter saints. He wanted to punch the air and shout “hallelujah.”

  “Do you understand what I am? What I want?”

  “To spank me, Sir?”

  Her expression was a combination of innocence and brat. Something he didn’t think he’d seen before. In anyone else he would have said it was impossible. On the face of Ari, it seemed natural.

  “Sadly, you’ve not mentioned anything else,” she added.

  “Pet, you’re pushing it.” Jacob took a gamble. “Colour.” He snapped out the word.

  “Col… Oh, my safe word. I’ve thought about that. Wolf.” She licked her lips. “I feel incredibly safe, so ‘wolf’ is my green.”

  “So ‘wolf’ is safe. What is ‘maybe’? Or ‘no’?” He liked that idea, and he guessed he didn’t need to add each colour.

  “Well…” She looked thoughtful. “Not that I reckon I’ll need them, but let’s say instead of calling amber or yellow for maybe, I'll say ‘eyes’ and red or no is ‘danger’.”

  “So, you’re saying you have no hard limits?” Jacob flipped her skirt up around her waist and swallowed heavily as he saw her thighs circled by sexy fishnet edged in lace and the pale globes of her ass separated by a thin strip of red. It was a sight he never thought he’d see and his cock ached with his desire to bury it deep inside her ass and fuck her, wolf style.

  “Hmm. No, I’m not saying that exactly. Let’s say I trust you to know me as well, if not better, than I do myself.”

  His heart almost stopped. What a gift. He hoped he could live up to the confidence she bestowed on him.

  “You do know if we continue I will spank you? And fuck you my way?” It had to be reiterated. “And continue my way? Yesterday was a taster.”

  “That was the amuse-bouche?” She laughed, not at all worried it seemed. “Now it’s time for mains and desserts? You’re going to have me for dinner, not steak and chips?”

  Oh shit. With all the sexual tension surrounding them, Jacob had forgotten all about the alleged dinner date.

  On cue, Ari’s tummy rumbled. Jacob lifted his hand and flipped down her skirt.

  “Come on, we’ll just get our table if we hurry.” He pulled her to he
r feet, and finger-combed her tousled hair. Ari smacked his hand away and poked him in the stomach. It seemed to be a favourite action of hers. Not for much longer if he had his way.

  “Asshole, Sir.” He could almost see the two-fingered salute, as he backtracked on his sexual suggestions in favour of food.

  Blimey, how to make a salutation an insult.

  “Ari.” Shit, he sounded like a warning tape or something. “I can’t let you starve.”

  “Have you really looked at me lately?” She pinched the bare inch of spare skin at her waist. “Does that look like I’ll waste away if I miss a meal? Seriously, Jacob, please follow through or fuck off. I’ve waited for bloody years for you to notice me in this way. Last night was amazing and at least a quarter of my dreams came true. I’m not missing my chance now. Even if after one session you say ‘enough.’” She paused. “Sir.”

  He thought about it. “Well, I guess it is better to fuck on an empty stomach.”

  “Exactly,” Ari said in a triumphant voice. “And I have food in the freezer for later.” She sounded as if that sorted everything. Sadly, Jacob knew it didn’t.

  “I’ve been told to explain what this will all mean before I play with you. Okay,” he added hastily, “we have, but only we know that… apart from my sister, I guess.”

  Ari went a nice shade of beetroot. “Um.”

  “No, don’t fess up and make me think punishments for you both. There’s too much else to think about. In the excitement of seeing what a good little subbie you are, pet, I almost forgot that. Would you be willing to go to my home to play? Where I have everything we need?” Jacob held his breath. This would be the turning point. He’d deliberately not said that of course she could ring anyone she wanted, to say what was happening. Deep down, he needed to know her trust was absolute.

  * * * *

  Was it a test? Why did he keep reiterating that? Ari understood what he meant. From the little Jenissa had let drop, because Ari was human, and Jacob was the Alpha of the pack, anything he did with her would be forever. It couldn't be a fling or something unimportant, not when he was a shifter and she wasn't. Therefore, whatever happened would change her life for sure, however they proceeded after.

  “Sir, with respect?” Ari touched Jacob’s arm. “I said I trust you, and I do. You might be a shifter, but you’re also a man. A man I’ve watched grow up with me. A man I want. As my Sir.” She knelt on the floor at his feet, and hoped she was doing the correct thing. What next?

  “Then, my pet. Let’s go home and I’ll explain what linking with me will mean.” He sounded very serious as he put his hand to her chin and forced her to look at his face. “Bring your toothbrush. Take your thong off now, this minute, and hand it to me before anything else.”

  Ari nodded and let him pull her to her feet. Her skin was tingling and her pussy was wet. She knew if he looked anywhere in that direction he’d see the way her skin glistened with the evidence. She edged the hem of her skirt up to her thighs and wriggled out of her thong, careful to keep her pussy and ass covered. At that moment, showing them blatantly was a bit too much. Later maybe it would be different… Maybe.

  Jacob laughed at her contortions. “I’ll let you away with that, just this once, but in future I expect to see all of you, pet. If you agree to be my sub, why then, your body is for me to look at whenever I ask.”

  Her mouth went dry as she handed her thong to him. That appealed more than a little bit. All his? Oh my.

  With one of his slow, sexy, and wolfish grins, he lifted the thong to his nose and inhaled deeply. “This shows me how much you want me, pet. How aroused and wet you are. All for me.”

  Ari opened her eyes wide, and bit her lip to stop herself saying something silly. It was the most embarrassing but most important and personally emotional thing she’d ever heard.

  Jacob nodded. “Exactly, pet. I can smell you want me. It’s the hottest, sexiest, and most arousing scent in the world, as a man or a wolf. That sweet perfume of your woman’s arousal all for me.”

  Ten minutes later he’d helped her into his car, fastened her seatbelt, and seated himself in the driver’s seat in his top-of-the-range car, as they drove to his village.

  “Lift your skirt so I can see your pussy. Finger your clit and make yourself so excited you want to come,” Jacob said in a conversational tone. “Tell me exactly what you’re doing, pet. Make me ache.”

  Ari never considered she was very good at explaining her feelings. Especially when she had to make herself come as well. It wasn’t the best sort of multitasking she could think of. But as it was for Jacob… She’d do her best and hope it wasn’t crap.

  She lifted her bum from the seat and hitched her skirt up above her clit, and then she put her ass back onto the seat, expecting to wince at cold leather on warm skin. The leather seat was hot.

  “Heated seats.” Jacob interpreted her surprised glance. “I don’t want you to get cold. The only time you should have a cold ass is when I prepare you to take me there. A thorough spanking, to heat you up, and cold lube to prepare you until your juices are ready to do the job.”

  Her juices were more than ready considering the gush she got when Jacob made that pronouncement.

  “Er, good.” How lame can I get?

  “Waiting, pet. Don’t worry, it’s dark. No one can see you except me. I won’t ask you to go naked, not in this weather and not yet.”

  Naked? In the car? Surely that shouldn’t turn her on? However it did.

  “But I do expect you to do as I requested.”

  Ari wasn’t sure request was the correct word, but she wasn’t going to quibble. If this was her first test, she intended to ace it.

  “Well, I’m licking my fingers.” She suited the action to her words. I can do this. I just need to speak out loud what I’m doing. Imagine I’m thinking my way through.

  “Why?” His voice was harsh.

  “Why?” she repeated, and then what he meant sunk into her sex-befuddled brain. “Oh, er, well, because when I start to touch myself I like that bit of extra lube.”

  “Put your fingers in my mouth.”

  It was a testament to her reaction to the authority in his voice that she held her fingers to his mouth without hesitation. The rasp of his tongue over the sensitive pads made her shiver, and goose bumps dotted her skin. She really didn’t need extra lube, but to have his mingle with hers was too good a chance to miss. Ari put her fingers into her pussy hole and then onto her clit and rubbed.

  “Er, so, now that my fingers are wet, I’m rubbing my clit. I want to rub hard and fast because I’m so bloody turned on I need to come now.” She used her fingers to pinch, rub and circle her clit, and then dipped them inside her channel once more. She was oh so close to coming it was painful. “I’m going to hold my lips aside so I can get a better grip.”

  “Move your hand away… now,” Jacob demanded.

  She sobbed in frustration. “Please, I want…”

  “Did I tell you to come?”

  She shook her head to try and clear the sex fog that befuddled her. He hadn’t, had he? Just made her want to come.

  “N… no. Sir.”

  “Exactly, so you can hang on in there. We’re almost at my home.” Jacob turned the car up the drive and it scrunched over the gravel. He brought it to a halt outside the front door of the imposing stone house. The security light came on and bathed the area in a bright welcoming glow. “Wait there.”

  He opened his door and Ari heard his footsteps as he rounded the car to her side, and opened her door. She went to undo the seatbelt but Jacob closed his hand over hers. “My job,” he said firmly. “I help you in, I help you out. No, don’t pull your skirt down. I want to see that luscious ass as you walk in front of me.”

  Under the light? It was as well his house was set back from the road. Public nudity wasn’t her thing—yet.

  He took hold of her arm and she swivelled her legs so she could put them on the ground. The leather slid over her butt. It was
a weird sensation. One to think about when she had time. Ari stood up. Her skirt began to slide down from her waist and Jacob took hold of the material. “Do you value this?” he asked.

  Ari shook her head, somewhat puzzled by the question. “Not really.”

  “Good. One moment.” He got hold of the hem and pulled the material sharply. The flimsy cotton ripped without any hesitation, and Jacob laughed triumphantly as he twisted the material in his hands. “Perfect, all elasticated and exactly what I need. Put your arms under the waistband, pet.”

  That puzzled her even more, but she did as he asked. Outside the warmth of the car, she wished she’d put a coat on, and if tucking her hands under the waistband of the remnants of her skirt got her into the warmth of the house sooner, she’d do it with pleasure.

  “Good girl.”

  How sad was it that she was beginning to wait for those two words, and then bask in his pleasure?

  Shit, I’ve got it bad.

  Ari stared at Jacob’s head as he bent to sort out whatever he was doing. Cold air whipped over her pussy and she shivered. She’d be an icicle with frozen juices if he didn’t hurry up. To say nothing of her nipples poking a hole in her jumper.

  Jacob twisted the material through the waistband until she was unable to pull her hands out with ease, and wrapped one end securely round each wrist. Her hands were seemingly securely fastened to her thighs. How he managed to get the material to stretch that far she had no idea. She tensed each wrist and bit back an exclamation of surprise. She wasn’t really fastened tightly, and suspected it was a test of her trust and obedience.


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