Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series) Page 26

by Rachael Tonks

He looks at me with daggers. “And she told you the same thing?”

  “Yeah, why? Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, studying his face.

  He puts his hand on my chest, stopping me from walking any further. “So they both have the same story, and what? You really gonna throw in the towel on your relationship because your friend has a crush on her? Seems pretty simple to me, man.”

  “Well it’s not simple! Dude, don’t shrug this off as nothing. For fuck sakes, they kissed! Why would she kiss him?”

  “From what I hear, he kissed her. I’m not even sure she kissed him back. Are you?”

  I screw up my face. “Not really the point though, is it?”

  “Fucking hell, man! Stop over thinking this shit. Don’t mess up on a nothing kiss. You guys have been through too much to just throw it away on a whim.”

  I understand what Jake is saying, but he’s infuriating me. It’s not that simple. I only wished it was.

  “I guess I’ll have to face the music sooner or later.” I look up as Jake nods enthusiastically.

  “I suppose you won’t need our spare bed then tonight?”

  “I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion yet, but I do plan on going to the apartment to try and get to the bottom of this whole damn thing. I think it depends on whether or not she has feelings for him. I mean real feelings. If she loves him, well, that’s something I can’t ignore.”


  I’m exhausted and my face is red, the stain from my falling tears, something that even concealer can’t disguise. Reliving and telling a room of people about my time at the commune drained every ounce of strength from me. I want to get back home and crash. I quickly text Ash and tell him that I’ll come later to see Abbey, after a quick nap to revive myself from the exhaustion of today’s events.

  I feel the phone buzz almost immediately in my hands. I can’t figure out how he manages to type out a text so damn quickly.

  Ash: Still waiting. Doesn’t look like she’ll be out anytime soon. Get some rest! See ya soon, Barbie!!

  I drop my head back against the head rest, my eyes heavy, closing almost automatically.

  I feel a hand shake my arm and I jump in a fright, forgetting my where I am. My head frantically turns from side to side, trying to gather my bearings. I inhale sharply before my eyes cast upon Jocelyn’s face. I hold my hand against my chest, willing my heart to slow down as it thumps ferociously.

  “Dammit,” I grate out.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No, it’s fine. I think I’m just a little jumpy after today.”

  Surprisingly, Mr. Peterson turns to me. “Kennedy, you did a great job today. I know how incredibly difficult it was for you, but honestly, you did an amazing job,” he says in his stoic, authoritative voice. I glance up, shooting him a sad smile.

  “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, Mr. Peterson. I’m lucky to have you on my side.”

  He smiles, something I rarely see from him, and the kindness in his eyes reminds me of the same I see in Cole’s.

  “Always,” he says before turning and placing his hands back on the steering wheel. Jocelyn places a loving hand on his shoulder, smiling at me with pride.

  “Go get some rest.” She points to the apartment. “That’s an order,” she laughs.

  I unbuckle my seatbelt, lean forward, and kiss her lightly on the cheek. “Thank you will never be enough.”

  I push the car door open, grab my purse, and head to the apartment, waving over to Jocelyn and Mr. Peterson as they drive away. I dig into my bag, retrieving the keys to the apartment, and push the key into the lock. I try to twist the key, but it doesn’t turn. I remove the key and try the handle. The door opens. I feel my adrenaline spike at the thought that Cole came back.

  I walk in, push off my shoes, and drop down my purse. I call out his name but there is no answer. I guess he must be in the shower. I’m nervous but excited to see him. I hope that since he’s back, he’s ready to talk this all out.

  Hopefully this time I can get him to understand that it’s only ever going to be him. I walk into the living room, pushing the door closed behind me.

  Within seconds of closing the door, I’m pinned up against the wall, fighting for a breath. I kick my legs, my feet no longer on the floor, my eyes meeting with his.

  “I think it’s time we ended this, Kennedy.” His words are menacing and he means every single word.

  I can’t speak.

  I’m suffocating.

  I feel my vision blur and my body becomes heavy. I pull at his hands around my neck until I have no more strength. I feel my weight suddenly drop to the floor, my body limp and lifeless. I gasp and struggle for a breath. I swallow down hard, trying to soothe my throat, clearing it to speak.

  “Dennis, no…” my voice fades and is barely audible.

  “No what?” he roars. “Get used to the idea, Kennedy. Today you die!”

  I press my back against the wall, my eyes never leaving him as I watch him pace up and down the length of the apartment. I need to get to my phone. I need to get out of here. I look over to Dennis, noticing that one side of his shirt is tucked into his jeans. I intently watch as he moves, trying to see if it’s what I think it is in his waistband.

  As he walks right in front of me, I get a clear look at the weapon. I cover my mouth, trying to stifle my gasp as I see the handgun tucked inside his jeans. He looks over at me, his eyes dark and permeated with evil.

  “How did you get in here?” I ask, confused at how the door could be unlocked.

  “Well you made that easy for me.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Some fucker left the door unlocked. Don’t you think that’s just asking for trouble?”

  “But it couldn’t have been, I locked the door.” I stutter, the thud of my erratic heart causing my whole body to shake violently.

  He walks over to me, pulls his hand above his head, and strikes down, hitting me across the face. The force of contact makes me drop to the floor. His feet connect, over and over, with my upper torso and face.

  “I ask the fucking questions here, Kennedy! Not you. You know, I finally saw my dad for the first time in a long time today.”

  My mouth drops open as he continues to talk about Christopher.

  “He’s not the monster you’re making him out to be.”

  “You’re wrong,” I cry, pushing myself up from the floor.

  “No!” he yells. “You have everyone wrapped around your little fucking finger. Everyone thinks you’re this little angel. When, really, you just run around ruining lives. Somebody has to stop you, Kennedy.”

  He reaches down, gripping a handful of my hair, and drags me along the floor. I scream loudly as I try gripping onto something, anything. My nails dig into the carpet as I fight with everything I have.

  I watch as he pulls out the handgun, his other hand still painfully gripping my hair. I scream and shout, crying to get attention. Maybe a neighbor will hear me. But my voice is lost and becomes barely audible as I strain to be heard. My heart beats and breaths are rapid. I’m on my knees, the end of his gun pointed at my head. I hear him screaming at me, but his voice is just noise as my brain begins to shut down.

  “Answer me, you fucking bitch!” he roars, grabbing my chin and turning my head up to meet his.

  I stay in stunned silence, too scared to move, with no energy to speak. I feel the sting of the gun as it hits the side of my head. The trickle of warm blood runs down my face. I lay there blinking, trying to focus, but I just can’t. I feel like I’m drifting in and out of consciousness, willing myself to grasp onto life and never let go.

  I hear a loud slam. My eyes dart over to the door. I hear Cole’s voice. I try to shout. I try to warn him not to enter, but he continues to call out for me. He’s saying something about Abbey and hospital, but my brain struggles to process his words. My eyelids drift open and closed. Cole shouts, his vo
ice louder than Dennis. I try to push myself up but I have no strength. I catch a glimpse of Cole racing toward Dennis. I try to keep my eyes open but I’m fading from the struggle and shock.

  I feel the darkness become heavy. The shocking sound of gun fire. A thud as a body falls to the floor.

  The darkness takes me too. I can no longer hold on.

  It’s been nine hundred and eighty days since I escaped the commune.

  Eight hundred days have passed since Cole got shot.

  It’s also been eight hundred days since my very best friend died.

  And eight hundred days since the man who tried to kill me turned the gun on himself in our apartment.

  My baby girl was born seven hundred and twenty days ago – the best day of my life.

  And possibly the second best day of my life was five hundred days ago when Christopher and the other members of the commune got what they deserved.

  The last few years have been more difficult than I could have ever imagined, but with all the devastation came unexpected miracles.

  I never thought Cole would make it. The shot hit his side, luckily missing all of his major organs, but doing enough damage that he needed surgery and a few days in hospital.

  Dennis shot Cole right before he turned the gun on himself. The postmortem revealed that Dennis’ system was pumped full of drugs – the main motivation for his killing attempts.

  I remained unconscious for twenty-four hours. When I woke, I was told Abbey’s operation had been unsuccessful and she’d lost her fight. In that moment, I lost mine too.

  The devastation I brought to these people was almost too much to bear. Everyone I love had been hurt and it was my fault. Ash struggled with the loss of Abbey, my own grief stopping me from being the friend he truly needed. I was comforted however, by the fact that Jake and Ash had each other. They became so close from the mutual loss. Once school was over, they went to college together.

  Even though Abbey was gone, we were able to get her justice. During the police investigation into the commune, they found the vehicle used to run Cole and the guys off the road. The driver who killed my best friend was brought to justice right after Christopher. The bastard who killed my first true friend is currently serving life in prison for manslaughter.

  I spent weeks locked in my room, sobbing into the sheets. I also didn’t sleep. The only thing that could pull me from this grief would be to have her back. I spent many, many months in therapy to deal with her loss.

  Finally getting justice for Abbey helped to console my heavy heart, like I could finally be at peace with what happened. I will never get over losing my friend, but my unconditional love lives on through my daughter, who I named after the sweetest, craziest best friend I ever had. I can’t wait until Abigail is old enough to know all about the amazing friend she’s named after.

  Abigail was born a healthy, gorgeous little girl. She is my savior. She brought the light into the darkness.

  She was the wakeup call I needed.

  The strength I needed to stand up in court and give all the evidence against Christopher and the others involved.

  Cole’s love and support that followed the birth of Abigail was overwhelming to say the least. It doesn’t matter that she isn’t his blood daughter, because he is every bit the dad to her; caring and loving her like she’s his own blood. Cole is Abigail’s father. He’s her role model, her guide, and I know he loves her like she’s his own.

  Cole and I moved back in with his parents, the shooting enough for me to never want to return to that apartment.

  We now live a few houses down from them on the same street. Our house is much smaller but it’s home, and so great to be close to Jocelyn. She absolutely dotes on Abigail, treating her as her own grandchild.

  Cole is currently at college, pursuing his career as a professional football player. I’m currently trying to obtain my GED now that Abigail is a little older. High school clearly wasn’t for me.

  It took time, but I’m pleased to say that Pete and Cole are friends again, playing on the same football team. We see Pete regularly now that he’s settled and committed to Lizzy. I never thought I’d say it, but they really do make a great couple. Seeing them together makes me realize what happened between us was nothing but a stupid mistake.

  As we sit on the boat for our monthly get together, I watch as Pete wraps his arm around Lizzy lovingly, his thumb slowly caressing the top of her tanned, slender arm. She slowly connects her hand to his and he kisses her lovingly. I smile, as I watch the pair of them radiating to one another. Something that started as a nothing relationship turned into something quite special.

  I turn my head, my attention being drawn to the beautiful sound of laughter and squealing. I watch as Hope dances in front of an excited Abigail. She claps and laughs so loudly, her little body bobbing up and down with pure elation. Cole and Chuck sit watching the girls, neither one of them ever letting their princesses out of their sight. I push myself up out of my seat and walk over to Ash who’s standing beside Jake, as he steers the boat.

  He embraces me, his arm wrapped around my waist, as he places a small kiss on my cheek. I rest my head on his shoulder as the warm breeze washes over me.

  “Jake, dude, do you even know where you’re going?” Ash asks, eyes narrowed, a look of concern on his face.

  “Don’t ever doubt my abilities. I know what I’m doing.” He chuckles, before pushing Ash hard on the chest, causing his boney ass to fall into the seat just behind him.

  “But seriously, I have an important date tonight. I can’t be getting lost on no damn boat!” Ash screeches, crossing his legs dramatically, resting his hand on his crossed knee.

  Jake’s head snaps toward Ash, his eyes wide and his mouth open ever so slightly.

  “Date? Like, for real?” Jake asks.

  “Is it so hard to believe that someone would actually like to date me, Jake?”

  “No, man! I’m just shocked you didn’t tell me,” Jake shrugs. “I mean, we are best friends after all.”

  “Well what do you think I’m doing now?” Ash stands up, walking until he’s standing beside him, placing his arm over his shoulder.

  “You know we had this conversation before, Jake.”

  “What conversation?” Jake asks, his eyebrows drawn in confusion.

  “About how I love you and all, but you’re just not my type. I’m sorry, bro.”

  Jake turns so quickly that Ash doesn’t get time to react. Before I know it he has him in a headlock, rubbing his clenched fist with force over the top of Ash’s head. The laughter and screeches causes everyone to look up. Hope runs toward Jake with Abigail following her lead; her arms held out in front of her as she tries to grab onto Hope.

  Jake soon has Ash on the floor, the girls climbing on. Both of them tickle Ash until he squirms, squealing for them to stop.

  “You look radiant,” Cole whispers into my ear. The hair on my neck stands on end as his breath wisps against my ear. I shudder a little, the goose pimples covering every inch of my skin.

  I turn to him, his eyes so bright and consuming. I step on to my tiptoes, kissing him lightly on the lips.

  “You don’t look bad yourself.” I smile back. I gaze up at him, and think about how perfect we are together. Each moment is more perfect than the last. It’s all I could ever want.

  Cole’s hand runs through my hair, grazing my waist. I lean in to him, needing to feel his body close to mine.

  Within seconds we hear the gruff sound of Chuck clearing his throat.

  “Save it for later, you two,” he winks.

  Hope runs to him as he swings her around before placing her on his broad shoulders.

  “I can reach the sky from here, grandad,” she yells, her arms reaching as high as she can.

  “The stars and beyond, princess.” He smiles, the creases deep around his eyes.

  My heart speeds a little as I watch the love between two people who managed to find their way to each other, despite the hor
rendous circumstances.

  My eyes search for Abigail and find her little legs running toward Cole at speed.

  “Daddy” she screams, her arms held out in front of her, her long curly blonde hair waving in the breeze.

  “What’s wrong, sweet thing?” he asks, bending down on one knee, his arms open and ready for her.

  “Me too. I want up.” Her tiny finger points to Hope on Chuck’s shoulders and back to Cole.

  “Well alrighty then,” he sings, picking her up and placing her on his shoulders. “Hold on tight, baby girl,” he warns before he starts walking toward the other guys with speed. Her little squeals and giggles are heartwarming. He circles the front of the boat, making his way back over to me. I hear Abigail shouting for me, her bright blue eyes like a pure reflection of the clear blue sea.

  “Mama, down,” she giggles. I reach for her, taking her from Cole and holding her against me so tightly. She is every bit my daughter. I look at her, her eyes the same as mine, her hair the exact same tone of white blonde. There’s never a doubt that I made the right decision to keep her. Every day I look at her and it re-affirms that something so amazing, so truly beautiful can come from something so brutal and horrendous.

  Cole’s arm encompasses the two of us. He places light kisses on both of our heads. I look up at his adoring face.

  “I love you, Mr. Peterson.”

  It’s only been thirty days since I pledged my undying adoration to the man I will love forever.

  The day was no frills, no fuss, just us declaring our love for each other in front of our friends and family. It was utter perfection. A day I will remember for the rest of my life.

  When Cole said we would make our own memories, I could only have dreamt that this is what he meant. As I sit looking at the wedding ring and again to Cole, I appreciate how lucky I really am. We’re most definitely in the honeymoon period, and yes, we still can’t keep our hands off each other. Having Jocelyn so close by means plenty of mommy and daddy time and things have never been better between us. The way Cole looks at Abigail tells me everything I need to know about this man. He loves unconditionally.


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