Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5) Page 2

by Kora Knight

  “Well, that was fun!” Jay looked at Marcie and wagged his brows. “And if you slide your sweet ass under the table, I’ll gladly give you seconds.”

  “Aw, how sweet. But I think I’d rather dance.” Smiling, she stood up and tugged him off his chair. “Come on, Romeo. Let’s burn off some empty calories.”

  “Oooh, good idea,” Ned agreed from across the table. “I’m suddenly in the mood for a sandwich.” With his blue eyes locked on those two girls dancing, he shoved up out of his seat. One rake of fingers through his black layered locks and the guy was ready to go.

  And just like that, the three were off, merging into the collective throng with only Jay’s curly blond crown visible. Tad turned to his sole companion. Breck still looked peeved, but at least his eyes were starting to get glassy. Soon all irritation would melt away as alcohol did its thing.

  “So, hey,” Tad called to him over the din. “Straight up. What’s the deal with Kai?”

  Breck shrugged tersely. “The dude’s just too fucking cocky. Worked my last nerve when I took his class… Kinda like he’s working them now.”

  Tad glanced to the bar to regard said nerve worker, then went completely stiff. Kai had his arm draped over Scott’s shoulder with his mouth way too close to his ear. Both were laughing at whatever he was saying while Max broodingly scanned the crowd. Tad frowned, not liking that shit at all. Sensei needed to keep his hands to himself.

  Tamping down a growl, he forced his eyes back to Breck. “That the real reason you bowed out of Taekwondo?

  His friend’s dark features turned almost sheepish. That’s right, buddy boy. Tad hadn’t forgotten his big fat lie at the gym— that schoolwork was the reason he’d quit Kai’s class.

  “Yeah,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Couldn’t stand it. The dude was just too much. Didn’t know when to back the fuck off.”

  Tad’s frown deepened. Great. Was Kai like that around Scott, too? Pushing boundaries, invading personal space like he happened to be doing right now? Insides twisting, he looked back at Scott— who’d not only extricated himself from Kai’s hold, but was making his way to the restrooms. Hope sprang to life. Maybe if Tad hustled, he could catch him alone.

  But as Scott disappeared around the corner and Tad stood up, he spotted Sensei heading that way, too. Goddamn it. The guy couldn’t stay away for two frickin’ minutes? Jaw ticking, Tad settled back into his seat. Mission aborted. No doubt Kai would make any hopes for one-on-one time flat-out fucking impossible.

  “I should kick his ass for sending those shooters,” Breck shouted across the table.

  Had he just slurred?

  Tad glanced back at his friend, then followed his line of sight. Huh. Looked like Mr. Point Guard was tracking Kai, too.

  “You need backup?” Tad offered. “Got nothing on my plate.”

  Breck’s lips twitched. “Careful what you offer, bro. I just might take you up on that.”

  “God. Please do. Would totally make my night.”

  The dude’s gold gaze shifted to Tad, one brow lifting curiously. “He pissing you off, too? What am I missing?”

  Tad shrugged.

  Breck eyed him, then grunted and squared his shoulders, full attention returning to the restrooms. “You know what? I am. I’m gonna give that smug a-hole a piece of my mind. Right motherfucking now.” But as he shoved off his seat, his tall frame listed.

  Yup, his buzz was definitely kicking in.

  “Sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Tad chuckled. “He’s pretty big and you’re pretty wasted.”

  Breck’s face twisted incredulously. “Please. I can take him. Hell, I have taken him.”

  Tad’s brows shot up. “Have you now.”

  Birthday boy stilled, a shadow masking his features . “Yeah. I have.” Stiffly, he maneuvered himself into the aisle. “Be right back.”

  Tad watched his buddy stalk off. Since when was Breck such a mystery? He always told their posse when he got into scraps, but never had he mentioned Kai. Maybe he’d just meant they sparred at the dojo...

  Thoughts churning, his eyes wandered back to the bar. Again, his brows jacked into his bangs. None other than Sean had emerged from the masses to say hello to Max.

  Damn. Small world, indeed.

  Tad’s muscles twitched, but not from irritation. Just the mere sight of Blondie had a deluge of memories surging to the front of his brain. Really kinky, dirty memories. Of the night he and Scott played voyeur in that room while Sean and Max rewrote hardcore porn. Man, those two were some pervy motherfuckers. Tad’s dick thrummed hard in remembrance, because what ensued between him and Scott afterward had ended up just as hot.

  Taking another swig, he studied Sean closely. By his appearance alone, no one would ever guess his dark and kinky little secret. College kid by day, dungeon sub by night. And not just because he was wearing clothes— which, Tad had to admit, he looked really good in. The stuff accentuated his bod like a champ. Sean just carried himself differently than Tad would’ve expected. Instead of looking shy and inconspicuous, he oozed an easygoing confidence. In fact, the way he strode right up to Max was downright impressive. With Red’s disposition, Tad would think it best to approach him nice and slow. Like confronting a freaking viper and shit. Evidently, that wasn’t the case with Sean if the way he just hugged Max was any indication.

  Scott returned a minute later, and notably without Kai. Which should’ve made Tad happy… but nope. Because now he had to watch Sean wrap his arms around him, too. All snug and affectionate, bodies pressed tight.

  Tad scowled, his insides going nuts. Too close. Little Blondie was way too close. Holding Scott like he should be doing.

  Tad’s chest welled up with an ache so raw, he had to bite back a groan. Because he remembered how good those things felt, from the times Scott had hugged him, too. Each had been unexpected, coming during or after sex, but were amazing all the same. Kind of made him want one now. Like the one Scott was giving Sean. With his cheek all pressed against Blondie’s hair...

  Tad shifted in his seat, hating what he was seeing. Hating the way it made him feel.

  Anxious. Edgy. Angry. Jealous.

  He forced his gaze to the dance floor, needing a distraction. Because for all he knew, Scott and Sean had something going. Hell, maybe Scott had been “helping” with him on nights Max was feeling generous. Tad wouldn’t put it past Red to share in the name of education. Ménage 101 or some stupid shit. The thought had his stomach clenching hard, visuals assailing his brain. Sean’s mouth on Scott’s body as Max pounded the kid from behind…

  Motherfucker. He so did not want to be thinking about this crap. Skin feeling tight, he tipped back his bottle, then eyed the shots of tequila. Yeah, screw that. Getting plastered would only make his imagination worse.

  Eyes on the dance floor. Do not look at Scott.

  A second later, his evading gaze stumbled onto Marcie and Jay. Laughing, touching, moving as one, grooving in their own little bubble. God, their eyes when they looked at each other. Like nothing else mattered in the world. Kind of like the way Tad felt about Scott. Million-dollar question, though— did Scott feel the same? Or did the things he felt for Tad only run skin-deep? A buddy to scratch the itch came that urge came to call.

  Unable to help it, he glanced at the bar— then immediately wished he hadn’t. Because, yeah, the eyeful he was getting now had gone from bad to worse. Max had Sean’s back against his chest and was holding his head by the hair. Scott, however, was pressed against Sean’s front, holding a shot to his lips.

  Fire and ice pumped through Tad’s veins. Fucking Scott was fucking standing way too fucking close— not that sub boy seemed to mind. Especially with the way Max was palming his crotch and biting the shit out of his lobe. Sean’s mouth fell open as he visibly shuddered, those big, blue eyes rolling shut.

  Scott laughed and shook his head, getting busy with that shot, pouring it straight down Blondie’s throat. Tad growled and clenched his jaw. Did Scott rea
lly need to stand so close? Yeah, okay, so maybe he did, so that liquor would hit its mark. But still.

  Max’s teeth released Sean’s ear to snag a lemon wedge instead. Then Red twisted Blondie’s head to the side so his mouth was facing his own. Obediently, Sean latched on and sucked at his lemon ’til Max yanked him back by the hair.

  Tad scowled and glanced away. Oh, yay. Kai was on his way back. The second he arrived, his big-ass arm hooked around Scott’s neck. Tad tensed in aggravation as he yanked him close, watching as the bastard’s big fat mouth shot right back to Scott’s ear. What, he couldn’t shout like everyone else? The music wasn’t that goddamn loud.

  Fingers clenching, Tad growled long and low. He could feel his heart rate starting to spike, adrenaline lighting up his blood. Mr. Sensei Man needed to step the fuck back or Tad was going to do something stupid. Like try to remove the asshole’s head.

  Shit. There he went again with that possessive crap.

  Note to self: Get a fucking grip.

  Cursing, he looked away and downed the rest of his beer. Breck marched over a split second later. Wow. The guy didn’t look even remotely gratified. Guess his little ass-chewing didn’t go off as planned.

  Despite his aggravation, Tad barked out a laugh. He couldn’t help it. The dude’s disgruntled expression just looked way too frickin’ funny. “Damn. What the hell happened?”

  Breck shoved into his seat and downed another shot. “You mean after I interrupted his private little party with your buddy in one of the stalls?”

  Tad’s smirk vanished. “What?”

  Breck shook his head, disgust and frustrating rolling off him in waves. “I’m tellin’ you, Kai’s a fucking nut job. God only knows what they were doing in there.”

  “I… I don’t understand.” And he really didn’t. Scott crammed into a stall with Kai?

  “Don’t ask me. All’s I know is, when I walked in? Your boy was heading outta that stall as dickhead was jacking up his fly.”

  Every inch of Tad’s body went rigid. “Whoa. Hold up. Kai had his pants down in a stall with Scott?”

  Breck gave an irritated shrug. “Sure as shit looked like it.” Turning his head, he scanned the dance floor. “The guy has no shame. At least Scott had the good grace to look embarrassed.”

  Another low growl rumbled in Tad’s throat.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Were the two of them messing around in the bathroom?

  No. Fuck, no. Scott wouldn’t… Would he? Oh, God. Maybe he would.

  With lava in his veins and a fierce ache in his chest, Tad turned to glare at the foursome. So help him, if Kai so much as—

  His lips pursed instantly. Goddamn it. Why did his dumb ass keep looking over there? Nothing good ever came from it. Now Sean had Max and Scott by the wrists and was dragging them out to the dance floor. Scott was laughing and shaking his head no, but Max had a nice big smirk. Jesus. If Tad had to witness the three of them grinding, he’d bust a frickin’ blood vessel.

  He’s not yours. He’s not yours. He’s not fucking yours.

  But Tad needed him to be his. His and his alone. With a driving kind of urgency he’d never felt before.

  Max extricated Scott from Sean’s hold a second later. Tad exhaled in relief. Oh, thank God. But as the two sank into the masses and Scott headed back to the bar, Tad realized this wasn’t any better.

  Why? Because Kai, that’s fucking why. Currently lying in wait.

  Glowering, Tad watched him slide up to Scott from behind. Arms snapping tight, he bear-hugged his ass and lifted him off the floor. As both guys laughed and Scott twisted to get free, it was all Tad could do not to blow. Kai’s hands-on bullshit needed to stop. Otherwise, Tad was going to rip off his limbs to help him break his nasty habit.

  Across the table, Breck growled angrily. Tad glanced his way. Had he been watching that stupid crap, too? By the way he’d just downed another shot, Tad had to wonder. Shoving to his feet, Breck tugged at his shirt and stared down a tableful of girls.

  “Going dancin’.”

  Clearly, Tad wasn’t the only one needing a distraction.

  A heartbeat later, Jay and Marcie returned, dropping in a breathless heap.

  “Hey, Tadpole. Saw Max on the dance floor getting down with a dude. Gonna go out on a limb and assume he’s gay.”

  Laughing, Marcie nodded. “Oh, yeah. The way their hips were grinding together? Definitely gay.” Grinning wide, her little brows wagged. “And totally hot.”

  Jay leveled her with a deviant smirk. “You like that, do you?” Growling, he shoved his face into her neck.

  “Hell, yeah!” she squealed, arms snapping around him tight. “So, now you know what to get me for my birthday!”

  Jay laughed, pulling back to gawk. “You dirty little bird. I’m totally gonna remember that shit.”

  “Woo-hoo!” Marcie cheered, throwing up her hands. “Best boyfriend ever!”

  Tad blinked at the two, admittedly surprised, then glanced back over at Scott. Because, evidently, he never learned. As usual, he and Kai stood way too close, but this time it was Scott doing the talking. Gesturing to Max and Sean on the dance floor with an expression that was downright intense. If only Tad could read lips. Kai, however, seemed pretty frickin’ skilled. What, with the way he was staring at Scott’s mouth. Tad couldn’t help wondering if he was fixated on said mouth because it’d just recently been on him. Like back in that bathroom before Breck arrived. Bristling, Tad fought the urge to launch from his seat, tear across the bar and beat Kai’s ass.

  “Jesus, Mitchel,” Ned laughed, sliding back into his seat, a raven-haired bombshell in tow. “You look like you’re about to take someone out. What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” Tad muttered. “I’m fine.”

  Looking away, he grabbed his beer, then cussed, remembering it was empty. Not that it mattered. He wasn’t doing this shit anymore, spying on Scott from afar. It was making him crazy. And fucking irrational. Watching him around his friends was just too much.

  And one seriously major eye-opener.

  Because he’d never witnessed Scott in public before. At least not like this. He and his buddies were just too damn physical, all touchy-feely and crap. Which, as far as Tad was concerned, put Scott’s history with these people that much more in question. For all he knew, Scott was not only “helping out with Sean,” but exploring his “similar interests” with Kai on a regular basis, too.

  So, no, Tad couldn’t deal with anymore. Not tonight, at least. Especially being just a few beers shy of buzzed. But he wouldn’t be able to stave it off forever. His buddies would eventually make him catch up. And if that happened, there was absolutely no doubt about it. He was going to do something rash. Like start a bar fight or some stupid shit. Which he really didn’t want to do. Because confirming to Scott that he wasn’t boyfriend material was hardly a priority.

  Hence, he needed to get the fuck gone. March his ass out of there before he lost his cool.

  It wasn’t until his jaw started throbbing that Tad realized he was clenching his teeth. Forcing himself to focus, he quickly started plotting his escape. No one was going to let him leave now that he’d been drinking. Not that he was drunk. Because he wasn’t. Not yet, at least. All that shot-dodging and beer-nursing had actually paid off. But his friends didn’t know that and honestly wouldn’t care. They’d make him stay. It was Breck’s birthday, after all.

  And didn’t bailing just make him one seriously lame-ass friend. But, shit, he just couldn’t do it.

  Clearing his throat, he leaned across the table. “Yo, pretty boy. Toss me my keys.”

  Ned paused from schmoozing his conquest-in-the-making. “Why?” he frowned. “You’re not leaving.”

  Tad shook his head. “Forgot something in my Jeep.”

  Total fucking lie. Bad friend all around.

  His buddy studied him skeptically. “You forgot something in your Jeep.”

  “Yeah. I got something for Breck.” And that was
actually true. A big fat bottle of Green Apple Smirnoff. Birthday boy’s favorite. He’d swung by the liquor store on his way to the club, planning to give it to the guy.

  Ned regarded him for a second longer. “Yeah, all right.” He finally shrugged. “Just keep an eye out for cops. They catch you at your ride and they’ll make you take a Breathalyzer.” Leaning over, he dug out Tad’s keys and tossed them across the table.

  “I will,” Tad muttered, more to himself than anyone. Swiping them up, he slid a couple twenties inconspicuously under a mug. Enough to cover his part of Breck’s tab. Now, time to get the fuck out of Dodge. Or at least as far away from Scott as humanly possible. Pocketing his keys, he shoved off his seat and headed for the exit.

  Don’t look at the bar. Don’t look at the bar…

  But like the glutton for punishment he was, he glanced over his shoulder. Max was back, exceptionally flushed, with Blondie nowhere in sight. No, wait. Sean was just a few dudes down, but looking less than happy. Probably because Max was now fully focused on shooting the shit with Kai. Something that should’ve made Tad happy. Sensei’s attention finally elsewhere. But it didn’t. Not at all. ’Cause now Scott was talking to —and smiling his killer smile at— a Channing Tatum bartender lookalike.


  Scowling, he shoved through the double doors, down the steps and into the parking lot. God, everything he thought he’d figured out now felt all fucked up. Seeing Scott in this new light, under these unexpected circumstances, really knocked him off kilter. Made him doubt even more what he meant to the guy. Because right now all he felt like was backup fun. Just a side-pocket sex source that Scott could cash in on with just the toss of a few endearing sentiments. Something Tad had clearly been a sucker for. Did Scott pull that shit on other people, too? Like Max, and Kai, and Sean? That hug between him and Blondie sure looked affectionate. For all Tad knew, that good looking barkeep was next on Scott’s list of to-dos.


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