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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

Page 9

by Kora Knight

  Goddamn, he was stunning.

  Even now, after everything, Tad still couldn’t understand. How he’d won such a perfect guy.

  “Babe,” Scott murmured, reeling him in. “Take that sweet mouth lower.”

  Aaaaand there went the wild, crazy flutteries again. For real? How in the hell could he still be nervous when so damn ready to go? Stupid freaking head needed to get a stupid grip. Scooting further down, he settled on his stomach, pressing his boner into the bed. Right on cue, it bucked in protest. Must not like being pinned.

  Scott’s legs pressed against him like a lower body hug, all nice and snug and warm. Savoring the feel, Tad gripped the dude’s ribs. Then clutched his hips. Then palmed his abs. Anxious hands touching everything except for Scott’s junk. Grr. Why the hell was this so dang hard? Probably because a Greek frickin’ god was waiting for him to suck his cock.

  As if unable to help it, Scott let out a laugh. “You can touch it, Tad. Jesus. It doesn’t bite.”

  “Shut up,” Tad chuckled. “I’m fucking nervous. Never tasted dick before.” He tried to sound causal, but really, what was the point, when his face was as red as a lobster.

  Dark eyes smoldering, Scott’s smile faded fast. “God, I love being your first.”

  “You’ve been my first for a lot of things.”

  “And now they’re my favorite memories.”


  “Yeah.” Scott smiled. “Wouldn’t trade ’em for the world.”

  Liquid sun flooded Tad’s system, dousing him from head to toe. “Yeah, well,” he mumbled, “the feeling’s pretty mutual.”

  “That right?”

  “It is.”

  “Then how ‘bout you prove it.”

  “… Prove it?”

  “Mmm.” Scott grinned, canting his hips. “Starting with my nuts.”

  Tad’s flush this time was from pure arousal. One hand moving to grip the dude’s dick, the other dropped to cup his sac. Hairless and heavy, warm and soft. Nice. Tentatively, he moved his fingers, stroking and rolling, just like he’d been shown. Damn, this business was kind of fun. And then his other hand got busy, too. Pumping Scott’s shaft from base to tip with a nice, slow, super-loose grip.

  “Fuck,” Scott moaned. “I love your hands.”

  Tad grinned. “They like you, too.”

  “Babe,” he exhaled. “Use your mouth.”

  Tad licked his lips, pulse jacking up. He could do this. He could. Hell, he’d tongued Scott’s ass. This couldn’t be any more hardcore. In fact, this should be cake. Even if the guy was still watching him like a hawk.

  Besides, in all honesty, Scott’s balls looked delicious.

  That’s it. No more pussyfooting. Bon appétit.

  Dipping down, he slid his tongue out to play. Another initial fleeting taste, then a longer and bolder lick. He closed his eyes on a quiet moan. Yup, Scott’s nuts tasted as good as everywhere else. He let his tongue roam to the base of that sac, then slowly dragged it back up.

  A low, throaty rumble resounded above. Shit, yeah. Tad wanted more of that. So, he started the next swipe a little bit lower, spurring an even huskier response. God, just the sound made his boner hum.

  Inching closer, he drew in one ball and gently started to suck. Damn, how bizarre. He had scrotum in his mouth. Definitely another crazy first. Shaking off the urge to laugh, he focused on his tongue. And how it’d started circling Scott’s nut without even being told. As if somehow wired for this stuff.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Scott growled. “Just like that.”

  So, Tad promptly did it “just like that” again. Then a couple more times to the other one, too, all while pumping his cock. A few minutes later, though, Scott pulled his hips away. Tad frowned and looked up. Whoa. His man’s dark eyes were nearly black.

  “Need that mouth on something else.”

  Tad’s stomach flipped in restless anticipation, his excitement now exceeding his nerves. In fact, except for his fear of gagging, he flat-out couldn’t wait. Because the reactions he’d elicited so far were amazing. And they’d only get better with dick.

  Straightening up, he gave a nod. “Okay… So, yeah, um… just like you showed me.”

  Scott’s gaze hooded lower. “Fuck, yeah, baby. Just like I showed you.”

  Tad inhaled and looked at the cock in his hand, then leaned in and… started laughing. “Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m going to suck a cock.”

  Scott flashed his killer smile. “Memories in the making.”

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, dipping back down. “Ones I’ll never forget.”

  He extended his tongue to touch Scott’s base, then slowly trailed it upward. So freaking silky, yet rock frickin’ hard. And damn, did things suddenly get quiet fast. He was pretty sure the big guy was actually holding his breath. Which in and of itself was completely engrossing.

  Tad forced himself to take his time, to revel in the moment. First time ever with his mouth on a dick. This shit was momentous. And totally insane. But also utterly perfect. Giving this kind of sensual affection to the man he effing adored?

  Hell, yeah. This jazz felt straight-up incredible.

  Reaching Scott’s crown, he gave it a lick, right at that sensitive spot. Scott inhaled sharply, then exhaled a curse. Guess he’d reconsidered breathing. Tad smiled and did a repeat, ending with another flick. Tense thighs twitched beneath his arms. Yeeaaah. Someone really liked that. Time to raise the bar.

  Sizing up that firm, round head, he parted his lips wider and—

  “Tad,” Scott growled. “Eyes on me.”

  Tad paused, heart skipping a handful of beats. He had to look at the guy while sucking him off? Jesus, how embarrassing. Biting back a groan, he lifted his gaze. And damn if that punkass wasn’t smirking.

  Tad tried to scowl, but could only laugh. “You got something against comfort zones, don’t you.”

  “No,” Scott chuckled, hips shifting against Tad’s hold. “Watching is more for you than for me.” His big eyes glimmered. “Trust me. You’re going to wanna see my face.”

  Oh, man. Tad hadn’t thought of it like that. Watching Scott’s expression as he teased him good? Yeah, come to think of it, maybe the awkward would be worth it. He just needed to concentrate on driving the dude nuts. His boner gave an eager kick, clearly liking the thought.

  “Alright. But I swear, if you fucking laugh...”

  Not bothering to finish, he pulled Scott’s dick close again and gave it another lick. Nice and slow around the crown, while holding that chocolate gaze. Scott swallowed, but stayed quiet, so Tad did it again, then moved to linger at the slit. Hmm. Subtle. Salty. The perfect blend of Scott. Literally, sex on a stick.

  Fighting back a smile, his tongue got lapping as Lil’ Wayne bumped in his head.

  He licked me like a lollipop… He-he licked me like a lollipop-lollipop…

  Next thing he knew, his lips were sinking down and around his crown. Scott’s whole body stilled, then rolled out a shiver. And wasn’t that shit magnificent. Insides purring, Tad started to suck. Gentle at first, then gradually stronger. Scott’s thick lashes fluttered. Damn. Talk about encouraging. Tad circled his tongue around and around while keeping that suction steady.

  “Shiiit…” Scott moaned. “Do that again.”

  So, Tad did —which earned him another sweet moan— then made a go at taking things deeper. Scott watched intently as his cock filled Tad’s mouth. And fill it, it definitely did. A whole lot sooner than Tad had expected, too. Nearly gagging, he glanced down and… balked. Mother of fuck, he’d only gone halfway. Flustered and disconcerted, he quickly withdrew.

  “I can’t. Goddamn. You’re too fucking big.”

  Scott grinned from ear to ear like that shit was a compliment. And, duh, Tad supposed it was. “Don’t freak out. It’s all about angle. Just straighten up and try again.”

  Said the guy whose tonsils weren’t in jeopardy.

  Tad shifted uneasily against his big, thick thighs. The
angle concept did make sense. So, he propped himself higher and tried not to stress.

  You got this, Mitchel. Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.

  Locking onto Scott’s gaze, he inhaled deeply and gave it another go. Again, that fucker hit his throat. Not wanting to choke, he tried to retreat, but Scott palmed the back of his head.

  “Wait, babe. Stop. Get used to the feel.”

  Tad peered at him pitifully, blushing like mad. God, he must look ridiculous. All wide-eyed and wary with a mouth full of dick. The dude was going to bust out laughing. To his surprise, though, he pretty much did the opposite.

  Gripping Tad’s scalp, Scott growled gravelly low. “Fuuuck... My God… Just seeing you like this… all nervous with your lips around my cock… Shit, if I didn’t wanna fuck you so bad, I could totally fucking come.”

  Tad blinked in surprise. What the— Scott found this kind of thing hot? Strange, since his comment didn’t feel very flattering. Well, at least his boner was taking it in stride, all pulsing against his belly.

  Screw it. Knowing his awkwardness turned Scott on did make things easier to swallow—pardon the pun. In fact, come to think of it, if the shoe was on the other foot, Tad could see how it might look hot. Yeah, watching a newbie in hardcore lust struggling to overcome his embarrassment could definitely hold some appeal. Too bad the newbie at the moment was him.

  Whatever. He was over it. Scott was getting his blowjob, no matter what it fucking took. Tad would just have to pace himself— and steer clear of his tonsils. If things got ugly along the way? Oh well, at least he’d tried.

  Giving himself an inward nod, he got his brain back on track.

  Up… and down. Up… and down.

  Not too fast… Not too slow.

  Steady suction… Lots of tongue.

  Along the shaft… Around the crown.

  Hell, this business was pretty fun, too. Not to mention, how fast he was starting to love the feel of Scott’s dick in his mouth. Sleek titanium sheathed in satin. All warm and tasty and hot. Made him want to frickin’ growl— then grab his own damn wood.

  Scott moaned and loosened his hold on Tad’s head. “Aw, babe, that feels so good.”

  Tad preened like a peacock. Not so much from Scott’s words, though, as from his expression. That look on his face was erotic as hell. His gorgeous features tightening up as that midnight gaze sparked with heat. Effing intoxicating. Just watching him made Tad’s insides pulse. Down in his cock, behind his ribs. Inside every single fiber of his soul.

  Picking up the pace, he strengthened each suck, gripping Scott’s thick base tight. He wanted to see the guy’s big chest heave, watch that eight-pack jump. And damn if he didn’t deliver. Torso dancing, Scott’s hips gave a jerk, then fell into small, rhythmic pumps.

  “Aw, fuck…” he rasped. “Grab my balls, babe, quick —ungh— before I come.”

  God, this was just too hot.

  Curling his free hand around Scott’s sac, Tad squeezed as his mouth gave a pull.

  “Uuuhhhh…” Tense fingers gripped the shit out of his hair. “Jesus, you’re a quick study.”

  Tad chuffed a laugh and squeezed a bit more, turning that groan into a growl. Scott’s jaw ticked fiercely, making him that much more stunning. But in a rough, primitive way, all teeming with testosterone. Aggressive and utterly male. Which, yup, quickly triggered all the same things in Tad.

  Muscles tensing, he hit the gas, his mouth’s up-and-downs getting faster. Sucking Scott harder, squeezing him tighter. Never once looking away. Because, honestly, why would he? Nothing else could compare.

  Another strained groan parted Scott’s lips. Fingers getting fidgety, he started to thrust. Tad tried to hold him steady, but it didn’t really work. Not with both hands totally busy and Scott urgently fucking his mouth.

  “Shit,” he ground out, clutching Tad’s head, knees all but crushing his ribs. “Slow down and —aw, fuck— squeeze my nuts harder.”

  Tad tried to comply, but focusing wasn’t easy. Not with the eyeful he was getting. Scott, all panting and grappling for control. Hell, yeah. That shit was ridiculously hot. Made Tad want to lunge at the guy. Tackle him and get busy fucking.

  Easing his tempo, he held that brown gaze and steadily tightened his grip.

  Scott winced and slowed his hips. “So bad,” he rasped. “I’ve wanted your lips wrapped around my dick.” Tad rumbled and drew his mouth slowly up. “Ahhh,” Scott groaned, ass trying to lift. “Goddamn, you were worth the wait.”

  Inwardly grinning, Tad ate up the praise. Though, honestly, his current visual was plenty praise enough. The way Scott’s eyes kept rolling back? Or those hitches of breath when he twitched? The dude was riveting. And Tad was causing it all.

  Shoving it in gear, his mouth sped back up as his hold on Scott’s sac grew snugger.

  Up-down-up-down... Fingers clenching tighter.

  Scott shuddered from head to toe, then bit out a curse.

  Oh, fuck yeah. Tad watched a grimace of pure euphoric bliss seize his handsome features. Gaze flashing, lungs throwing out more ragged pants. Until, that is, Scott ceased breathing entirely and craned his head back into the pillow.

  Whoa. Shut up. Scott broke eye contact first.

  “Fuck, Tad, fuck,” he strained through clenched teeth, dropping his hands to fist the covers. “Don’t wanna come yet. Shit, babe. Stop.”

  Tad growled around his mouthful. This newfound sense of power was intoxicating as hell. Chuckling low, he pulled Scott free and grinned against his crown. “Hold it back, baby. Time to test your endurance.”

  Scott stilled, but before he could answer, Tad’s lips were back in action. Sinking down, dragging up, along that rigid shaft. Scott thrust his hips, then started to squirm, as if fighting his need to come. But, of course, that only made Tad want to work him more.

  So, he amped things up and sucked even harder, moving his mouth faster— and deeper.

  Scott choked out a laugh and scrambled to sit up. “Shit, babe. Goddamn. I’m not Superman.” He reached his big hand forward and shoved Tad off.

  “You sure?” Tad laughed, wiping his mouth. “You looked pretty super to me.” Beaming in satisfaction, he let out a sigh. “God, you should’ve seen yourself.” His hazel eyes quickly scanned the room. “Any chance you got that camera rolling in here?”

  Scott smirked darkly. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Tad chuckled. “Would watch it every day.”

  Scott’s subtly twitching lips were Tad’s only warning. Next thing he knew, he’d been tackled onto his back.

  “You,” Scott murmured, “are quite the perv yourself.” He shifted his big body to pin Tad more fully. “I should roll your ass over and spank it.”

  “Yeah,” Tad laughed. “Good luck with that. Didn’t you learn at the gym? Lying on this bed is like being on the ground. Which is totally my domain.”

  “Hmm.” Scott smirked. “I should gag you, too.”

  “Damn. Spanking and gagging. Should I be getting worried?”

  Scott growled and grabbed his wrists. “Don’t tempt me,” he warned, pinning the things by Tad’s head. “I still dream of you bound to my wall.”

  Tad stilled in surprise. “Do you really?”

  “Shit, yeah. All the fucking time.”

  Whoa. Totally hot.

  Absently, Tad twisted his hands in Scott’s hold. “I think about that night a lot, too.”

  The dude’s gorgeous gaze went all intense. Leaning down, he claimed Tad’s mouth, his kiss hitting Tad’s brain like a drug. Firm, warm lips. Unyielding tongue. Straight-up contact buzz. Tad’s eyes slid closed on a deep-throated moan. God, he loved that fucker’s mouth. But just as he started to really heat up, Scott put on the breaks and sat back.

  “Ready for your final lesson?”

  Tad’s lids slid back open. “Final lesson?”

  “Yeah. Time to show you how it’s really done.”

  “How what’s really done?”

/>   Scott grinned. “It’s pretty involved, so I’d rather just show you.” Gaze gleaming sinfully, he gestured to the headboard. “Lie down on those pillows, beautiful.”

  Tad’s insides clenched with wary excitement. What the hell did Scott have planned now? No doubt something extreme. So, really, the question was, could Tad handle it?

  Only one way to find out.

  Moving the party to the head of the bed, he made quick work of getting settled. But the second his eyes returned to Scott’s face, his lungs flat-out seized in his chest. The guy was raking his naked body with one seriously ravenous stare. So damn hot, Tad could literally feel it searing his fucking skin.

  “Knees bent, shy boy. And feet apart.”

  Tad winced. Swallowed hard. God, he hated this part. “Hey, ho! Come look at my junk!” But it was Scott who was looking, whom he couldn’t deny. Even if the dirty deed was beyond embarrassing.

  Cheeks back to burning, he spread himself wide. A husky rumble rose from Scott’s throat as his gaze dropped between Tad’s legs. Drinking in the sight of him like a drunk toppling off the wagon. Tad clenched his jaw tight. Shouldn’t he be used to this shit by now? Draping a forearm over his eyes, he tried like hell not to groan.

  “No, babe,” Scott murmured, uncovering his face. “Not doing that anymore.”

  “Says who?” Tad grumbled.

  “Says me,” Scott laughed. “The days of hiding are over.” With two fingers, he pointed back and forth between their eyes. “This. The whole time. No looking away.”

  Tad balked. Sure, eyes open had been one of the conditions, but he hadn’t thought it meant continuously.

  “The— The whole time?” he practically sputtered.

  “Every… single… minute.”

  Oh, Jesus. Anxiously, he shifted atop the pillows. While he’d admit the prospect was definitely arousing, it also was unsettling as fuck. Because obviously Scott would milk that shit for all it was freaking worth. Making Tad squirm and cuss and blush at every opportunity. Thing was, down deep, Tad knew he’d enjoy it. Love it even— once past his mortification.

  He wondered if that’s how it’d always be with Scott. Never quite feeling totally in control with both feet on the ground. He supposed in a way that’s how it went when someone was head-over-heels.


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