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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

Page 13

by Kora Knight

  He gave another smaller shrug. “That night you gave me a massage. Your table was like another form of you. A place where I could relax, rest my brain and… just be.” He held Scott’s eyes. “You’ve always been that to me.”

  Scott smiled and Tad found himself smiling back.

  “Anyway, that time was a lot about comfort to me. The whole gamut, mind, body and soul. Just like, well, a professional massage. And I needed that shit. Even though the idea of liking you made me want to run. Hell, if it wasn’t for the reassurance you instilled that night, I don’t think I would’ve come back.”

  “Ha. If I recall correctly, I tracked you down next.”

  “Yeah,” Tad laughed. “But you gotta admit, I came pretty fucking willingly.”

  Scott grinned. “You totally did.”

  “Pathetic, huh?”

  “Not even close.”

  Tad held his gaze for a nice long time, then resumed where he’d left off. “Well, that next night, after working out, when we were in that room playing voyeurs? That two-way mirror was kinda like me finally taking a good look at myself. At who I am and what I’m about. What moves me and makes me tick. And how fitting that your reflection was in that mirror, too. The answer to my questions was right in front of my face. You are what moves me. You make me tick. And if that doesn’t touch on the very heart of who I am, then I’m not really sure what does.”

  Scott made a happy sound and tossed the towel, replacing it with the warmth of his hands. “And our last encounter… Tuesday at the gym?”

  Tad could feel his eyes heating, and before he could stop it, a soft, husky growl rumbled free.

  “That night’s similarities are probably the most obvious of all. Not only did it symbolize me wrestling with the last of my reservations, but it also ended up highlighting for me just how formidable you are. How powerful. And not just in the brute strength sense…” He slid Scott a knowing smirk. “But in how strongly you affect me inside, too.”

  He paused for a second to savor the feel of fingers drifting up his sides.

  “But above everything else… when you let me take you… then gave me that incredible kiss…” He licked his lips. “It was like I’d been pinned —and shit, forced to tap out— with the fact that giving in and letting go was the only way I’d ever win. The only way I’d ever be happy.” His wry grin returned. “Fortunately, being balls-deep inside your ass made all that pretty easy to see.”

  And get the fuck out, Scott straight-up blushed.

  “Ah, shit,” Tad laughed. “Check you out.” He thumped his hand searchingly atop the covers. “Where’s my freaking phone.”

  Scott shook his head and grinned, looking away. “That night was just really… fucking… yeah.”

  Tad paused at his odd expression, all thoughtful and private and… boyish. Connecting the dots, he blinked in surprise. “Wait…When you let me top you…” Scott met his eyes and Tad had his answer. “It’d been the first time you bottomed in… years?”

  “Almost ten,” Scott murmured, leaning down to claim his lips. “But with you was by far the best.”

  “Yeah, right.” Tad grinned against his mouth. “You making fun of me?”

  “No,” he chuckled. “I’m serious. Best fuck I ever had.”

  Tad would love to take that shit and run, but no way could it be true. He’d only had sex a handful of times.

  “Because you’re considerate,” Scott explained, as if sensing his doubt. “You think about your partner and not just yourself. God, babe. At the gym? You were so worked up that you easily could’ve just pounded my ass. But you didn’t.” His voice dipped lower to a gruff kind of soft. “You took things slow and got me ready, like no one’s ever done before.”

  And didn’t that just make Tad feel like a million bucks. Insides beaming, he hugged Scott’s body and rolled him onto his back. Damn, he loved how he felt beneath him. Grinning against lips he loved just as badly, he let loose a husky growl. Scott’s answering rumble vibrated his chest. Which Tad found beyond cool as hell.

  Shifting, he slid in between his man’s thighs. Time to get serious with that kiss. Two seconds later, his tongue found its play pal and promptly started getting frisky. Teasing grazes, flirty strokes, until Scott clamped his big hands down on his ass.

  “Careful, shy boy. You’re making me hard.”

  Tad grinned and ground his dick into Scott’s crotch. “You insatiable motherfucker.”

  “You have no idea. Got half a mind to show you, though.” He made a face, then patted atop the covers. “You know what? Fuck it. Gimme my lube.”

  Tad barked out a laugh and pinned his arm. “Don’t even joke, dude. Any more dick action up my ass and—”


  Scott stilled, features tightening as his smile dropped away.

  Great. Only one person that could be.

  Tad rolled off Scott’s body and onto his back.

  “Cover up,” Scott muttered, climbing off the bed.

  Tad scooted up and sat against the headboard, pulling the cover up over his hips.

  Another round of knuckles raps.

  “Scott. You in there?”

  “Yeah. Hold on.” Yanking on some shorts —but not bothering to button up— Scott cut off the tunes, walked over to the door, and coolly tugged the thing open. “S’up.”

  Standing in the hallway —with hands in pockets and face no longer bleeding— Max offered up a small, contrite smile. “Hey, man… Listen… I just wanted to—”

  His words stopped short the second he saw Tad. Who, at the moment, was trying to look chill when, yeah, he felt anything but.

  “Oh. My bad. Didn’t realize you were here. I’ll just… come back later.”

  Scott shook his head. “Nah, it’s cool. Come on in.” Heading back over, he plopped on the bed, hip all snug against Tad’s. “He’s gonna be here a while, so say what you gotta say.”

  Max eyed them curiously, but didn’t enter, just leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. “You two good now? Everything’s… cool?”

  Scott looked at Tad, held his gaze, then smiled and looked back at Red. “Yup. Everything’s cool.”

  Max smiled, too. “Good. That’s good.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “It is.”

  Reaching over, he palmed Tad’s bent knee, like the act was no big deal. And Tad supposed it really wasn’t. Unfortunately, that did nothing to help calm his nerves. Because this was it. His first real out to others show. With Max of all people looking on. Again.

  Inhaling deeply, he squared his shoulders. He could do this shit. Nothing fucking to it. With a tentative hand, he returned Scott’s gesture, resting it atop the guy’s thigh. Rock steady eyes stayed locked on Red.

  Max shifted against the door, noting their hands. Out of nowhere, his expression turned… sad. But not like he was jealous, or unhappy that they were together. Just somber. Wistful. Like the sight of their contentment had unearthed something in his head. Something not particularly happy.

  “So,” Scott prompted softly, as if sensing the same. “Was there something you wanted to say?”

  Max stilled, then nodded and cleared his throat. “Um. Yeah.” He scratched his neck. Ruffled his shaggy, red mane. “I just wanted to…you know… say sorry. For being a dick before.” His lips curved impishly. “You were just being so fucking stupid.”

  Scott smirked. “Mmhmm.”

  Again, Max cleared his throat, his smile dissipating. “I guess maybe I was dumping some of my frustrations out on you, too. Which wasn’t cool. I just… I gotta lot of shit on my mind and—”

  “A lot of shit?” Scott interrupted gently. “Or a lot of someone.”

  Max stiffened, his features turning sharp. Dark. Cold. “No. Just shit.” His hard gaze cut back down to their hands. Lips pursing, he straightened and spread his stance, big arms folding across his chest. “But that brings up another matter.”

  Tad could damn near feel Scott’s stomach sinking. “And what’s t

  Max lifted his chin defiantly. “I changed my mind about Kai. I... I’m cool with him being Sean’s Dom. Call him. Tell’m he can have the kid.” Expression turning downright miserable, he reached up and scrubbed his face. “I… God, I just can’t deal with that kind of hassle.”

  “Max…” Scott murmured.

  Red dropped his hand and shook his head. “Just call him,” he snapped, turning on his heel. Stalking his way back down the hall, he bit out over his shoulder. “Gotta head out. I’ll be back later.”

  Tad and Scott just sat there staring until they heard the front door slam.

  “Damn,” Tad finally muttered. “Is he okay?”

  Scott sighed heavily. “Not at all.”

  “I’m getting the impression he doesn’t really want Kai to Dom for Sean.”


  “He wants to do it himself.”


  Tad frowned and looked at Scott. “So, why doesn’t he?”

  Another heavy exhale. “Because Max is one fortified, fucked-up mess.” Yeah, Tad was starting to get that. Scott groaned. “In a way, offering Kai was my way of making him see the obvious in his situation. But apparently, it didn’t work.”

  “He doesn’t realize he’s got it bad for Sean?”

  Dark chuckle. “Oh, he realizes. Just isn’t willing to go there.”


  Scott dragged a hand through his just-got-finished-fucking hair. “That stuff that happened when he was younger. Like I said before, it messed him up. Not sure he’ll ever be right.”

  He looked at Tad, held his gaze, then donned his killer smile. “But I don’t wanna talk about him. About any of that stuff.”

  Tad nodded, eyes dropping to watch his thumb stroke Scott’s thigh. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah. Though, technically, you just did.”

  Tad’s lips twitched, remembering a similar exchange the night they first met “Smartass.”


  Tad drew in a breath, then bit the bullet. “What exactly is it that you like about me? I mean, when we first met, I was grumpy and awkward and… straight. To a guy like you, I can’t see how any of that could come across as attractive.”

  Scott chuckled. “Who says you’re not grumpy and awkward now?”

  Tad fought back a grin. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “See?” Scott laughed. “Case in point.”

  Tad flipped him the bird, then shoved his shoulder, but that only made him laugh harder. Growling, Tad hooked an arm around Scott’s neck and tugged the dude’s back against his chest. Only then did Scott settle down and answer him earnestly.

  “Nah,” he sighed, leaning his head against Tad’s shoulder. “I like you because you’re fun and make me laugh. But also because you’re real… and refreshingly untainted. A tough guy, yeah. Sarcastic, absolutely. And yet you don’t have a mean bone in your body. I’ve had enough mean to last me a lifetime.”

  He exhaled and Tad had the feeling he was staring into space.

  “It’s the way you look at me, too… Like no one else ever has. Makes me feel so damn good inside. I don’t know how to explain it. But, shit, having those warm hazels on me just now? While I was taking you, making you mine?” A soft, velvet rumble rose up through the quiet. “Nothing fucking sweeter.”

  Tad smiled, pressing his lips against Scott’s head. “So, I’m real. And nice. And you like the way I look at you.”

  Scott chuckled, his hand sliding up and down the inside of Tad’s leg. “Yeah. But also how open-minded you are.” His voice turned honey-drenched husky. “So fucking willing to try new things. God, I think I love that about you most.”

  “Figures,” Tad laughed, releasing his neck. “Taking such pleasure in corrupting me.”

  “Mm.” Scott rolled over and tugged Tad beneath him, his dark eyes glittering smugly. “Not hearing any complaints. In fact…” he purred out, pinning Tad’s wrists. “The only shit I have been hearing’s a whole lot of, “Oh shit, oh fuck, that feels so damn good. God, baby, don’t fucking stop...””

  Tad blushed profusely even as he laughed. “Shut up and kiss me already, before I kick your ass.”

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