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Just A Friend: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  Even frat douches would admit that was a justifiable beating.

  Only to my great disappointment he just stood there clenching a fist and glaring at us. Whatever. If he was too pussy to actually do anything, and it seemed like being a huge pussy was his MO considering he’d been drooling over Katie for so long without actually having the balls to make a move, then that was his business. I could enjoy the satisfaction of getting the upper hand for the evening. It sent a warm feeling coursing through me that had nothing to do with the warmth of Katie’s body pressing against me. Though I did have a fleeting thought of her pressing her body against him and that made my cock throb in my pants.

  I shook my head to chase that thought away. Those had been occurring to me far too much lately, and it was confusing me.

  I leaned down and gave Katie a kiss, a kiss that I made sure went from a short peck to a lingering make out session in the middle of the kitchen. Then with one final glance towards asshole I turned and pulled Katie to the back entrance. I felt a small flash of irritation as Katie turned, smiled, and waved at Eric. I glanced over my shoulder and sure enough he was all smiles. He waved back to her as though there was nothing wrong. Of course the glare returned as soon as her head was turned forward and he was sure only I was looking. I smiled and waved at him again, and I was gratified to see a scowl return to his face. I was disappointed to see that once again asshole didn’t actually do anything about it.

  Bad, but also good. I was really worked up and a fist fight with that prick was sure to ruin Katie’s mood.

  3: Confession

  We stepped out into the night and made our way back to Katie’s house. One of the joys of living in off-campus housing was we didn’t have to worry about driving to any of the big parties. No, everybody that we wanted to hang out with was a short walk away from her place which was awesome both for convenience and for avoiding a pesky DUI.

  I pressed Katie against the wall as soon as we were through the door at her house. I pulled her arms up and pressed my lips against hers devouring her mouth. As our tongues danced together I pressed my cock between her legs, grinding against her in a way that I’d wanted to at the house party. Grinding against her in a way that Eric could only dream of with her tits pressing up against me and her letting out quiet little moans.

  Damn it. Why was I thinking of that asshole grinding against my girlfriend? Why did I keep thinking how hot it would be to watch her with another guy?

  I was sick of those thoughts crowding into my mind, turning me on so much. It scared me how much those thoughts turned me on. It scared me that I might do something stupid someday because of them.

  But that day wasn’t today. We’d made it to her house safely. We’d gotten home and she hadn’t gotten carried away with Eric. Sure he’d sniffed around like he always did, but we were in the clear and I was making out with my girlfriend and preparing for what looked to be one hell of a fuck session.

  I moved a hand up behind her neck and tugged on the string holding her halter top in place. I pulled back and yanked the straps down. It was one of those halter tops that didn’t have a bra which meant that as soon as I pulled it down her treasures were exposed to me completely. I moved down between her tits and moved first to one and then the other sucking her delicious pink nipples into my mouth. She responded by gasping and wrapping her hands around the back of my head, pulling me towards her.

  I was overcome with lust and I moved up again to start making out with her. Only this time I picked her up, cupping her incredible ass in my hands and moving towards the bedroom. A moment later I tossed her down on the bed and then I was on top of her and we continued our make out session with her tits exposed and me dry humping her as she pressed her hips up to meet my every thrust.

  “God you are so fucking hot,” I breathed.

  “You’re certainly worked up,” Katie gasped.

  “I don’t know what it is,” I said.

  That was a lie. I knew exactly what it was. As I was pressing into her body, as we were making out, as I moved a hand up to cup a tit, I was imagining Eric doing the same thing. Imagining how turned on he’d be at the opportunity to climb on top of my girlfriend like this after he’d been lusting after her for so long. And somehow that thought, thinking of how turned on he would be looking at my girl, was sending me into overdrive.

  “Well you’re certainly being naughty,” Katie said.

  “Not as naughty as you,” I gasped.

  “What do you mean?”

  I was overcome with lust. I was overwhelmed with the thoughts running through my mind. I was overcome with the memory of her dancing with him at that house party earlier in the evening. Overcome with the memory of his hands running up and down her stomach. Of the way he was glaring at us, thinking about him jerking off thinking about what I was doing with my girlfriend.

  And it just came out. I blurted out without thinking.

  “You were so fucking naughty with Eric.”

  I meant for it to be a part of our dirty talk. An extension of this little game we were playing. Only from the way she immediately stopped, from the way she tensed under me, I could tell something was wrong. I could tell I’d said something wrong.

  I pulled back and looked down at her. Shit. She didn’t look happy. In fact, she looked downright pissed off. I hated that look. That look meant nothing but trouble. That look meant I’d just taken the little reconciliation we had at the house party and blown it to smithereens. I braced myself for the explosion.

  “Damn it, are you really bringing this up again?” she asked.

  I felt panic rising. This wasn’t what I meant. This wasn’t what I intended. We’d been having a great make out session and I could feel the mood slipping away. Damn it.

  “Katie, that’s not what I meant by that. You don’t understand,” I said.

  Only I stopped. I didn’t finish what I was about to say. How could I finish what I was about to say? How could I explain to her that I’d meant that as a bit of fun dirty talk? How could I explain to her that it turned me on to think of her being naughty with that asshole? Especially after all the times I’d gotten angry seeing her with him.

  That wasn’t the kind of thing that I could just go back on. That wasn’t the kind of thing I could explain away easily. That was the kind of confession that could potentially be a relationship ending event, and it definitely wasn’t something I wanted to cop to without having any idea how she might react.

  Katie was really worked up now. She opened her mouth again and it was obvious she was really ticked off. I cursed. I was going to have a hard time getting out of this one.

  “Besides, all I wanted to do was dance. I didn’t see you out there dancing with me! If you were so worried about him having a good time with your girl then why weren’t you paying attention to me?”

  I opened my mouth to say something but my mouth worked silently. I couldn’t get words to come out. What could I say? She was absolutely right. I’d had the same thought while I was at the house. I was in the kitchen joking with Jake while she was out trying to have a good time on her own. It’s not like I was out there with her enjoying myself until Eric came along and decided to spend some time with her.

  “Besides, he always wants to dance with me. He doesn’t mind,” she said in a quieter voice.

  She had a look on her face. A look I recognized. A look that said there was something she wasn’t telling me. Only I didn’t dare try to get it out of her. Not right now. Not while she was still somewhere in between being completely angry with me and maybe salvaging the night. Maybe having a little fun with each other after all.

  Besides, even with this weird fantasy running through my head there was a thin line between lust and anger. And the way she was lying there under me talking about how he enjoyed dancing with her as though that made it okay for her to carry on with him had the anger rising to the forefront once more.

  I was about to say something stupid. I knew it, and yet I couldn’t stop myself. I c
ould feel the words forming in my mind. I knew all I had to do was shut my mouth and everything would be okay. I also knew there wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to shut my mouth. I knew that as angry as I was everything definitely wasn’t going to be okay. We were past the point of no return.

  “So because I don’t like to dance at house parties that makes it okay for you start grinding against other guys? So does that mean I can go out and find some girl who likes giving blow jobs and maybe have a little fun with her? Because by your logic that would be perfectly fine!”

  I rolled off of her. Which was a good thing because I rolled off just a moment before she shoved me away. She let out a noise that was halfway between a scream and a strangled cry. I rolled away from her on the bed, ducking the potential slap that could be coming. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d gotten her so pissed off that she resorted to that. From a safe distance on the other side of the bed I looked at her, and boy was she really upset now.

  “You know what? When you say asshole things like that it makes me glad I said yes!”

  I stopped and looked at her, raised an eyebrow. Made her glad she said yes? What exactly did she say yes to? My cock started to pulse as I thought of all of the things that he could’ve asked her that she could have potentially said yes to. Fantasies ran through my mind of their bodies intertwined, of her screaming yes over and over again as he moved in and out of her.

  Damn it. In the middle of an argument definitely wasn’t the time for me to start thinking about that sort of thing!

  “Hold on a minute,” I said. “What exactly did you say yes to?”

  Katie bit her lip and looked away from me, a blush rising on her cheeks as a guilty look passed across her face. My eyes narrowed and I leaned forward, the anger that had been ebbing away as I realized that I really had been an asshole with that blowjob analogy starting to rise to the surface again. What had she agreed to? What had she said yes to? And why did she have that guilty look on her face when she mentioned it?

  “What did you agree to Katie?” I asked. “What did you say yes to?”

  “It’s just a dance!” Katie wailed.

  “Just a dance? Are you talking about the party? I thought we were past that! Of course you said yes to dancing with him, I saw you grinding your ass against his cock!”

  Katie frowned, though I thought the points I made were perfectly valid. Nothing I said was untrue. She was in the middle of a house party grinding her ass against some strangers cock. And that made my cock twitch thinking about it. Damn it. No!

  This was one argument where I was not going to let thinking with my cock get in the way of winning!

  “Not that dance,” she said in a quiet voice.

  Suddenly the magnitude of what she was admitting to came crashing down around me. She didn’t say yes to dancing with him at the house party. She’d said yes to a dance. Not the kind of dance where you started grinding up against somebody at a drunken party, though I suppose that sort of dancing could happen at this dance as well. There was some big dance being put on by all the fraternities and sororities. They rented out the field house on campus and had a good time pretending they were back in high school at prom or some bullshit like that. I thought it was stupid, but then again I was of the opinion that just about anything that happened within the Greek system was ridiculous and stupid from first principles.

  Asshole was in a fraternity. Asshole would be going to that dance. Asshole would need a date to the dance. And apparently he’d found a date. Apparently he was going to be going with my girlfriend.

  “You agreed to go to that dance with that asshole?”

  She bit her lip again and didn’t say anything.

  “Holy shit Katie! What were you thinking? That guy’s always sniffing around, always trying to get with you, always trying to drive a wedge between us and you agree to go on a date with him? Seriously! What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “He’s just a friend,” Katie said.

  “Oh yeah?” I could feel the heat rising. I could feel the anger rising. I couldn’t believe she was actually trying to pull that line on me! “What kind of a “friend” asks you out to a formal at his frat?”

  “You’re being ridiculous,” Katie said.

  “I’m being ridiculous? My girlfriend just agreed to go to a dance with some other guy! And I’m the one being ridiculous? Really?”

  “Exactly,” she said. “I’m glad you agree with me.”

  That just made me even angrier. “Agree with you? I’m not agreeing with you! I’m pointing out how ridiculous you’re being!”

  I was yelling. Yelling was bad. Yelling was just going to piss her off which would inevitably lead to me losing the argument. Well, if I didn’t lose the argument exactly then it would definitely lead to the argument being shut down and Katie being pissed off at me for the rest of the night.

  I could already see the look on her face. The way her eyebrows lowered. The thunderhead passing across her face. Her nostrils flared as her beautiful face scrunched up in an angry glare.

  God Katie was beautiful, even when she looked pissed off. I felt my cock twitch as she looked at me.

  “Why do you always have to be so jealous?” Katie yelled.

  “Jealous? He’s all over you whenever we go to parties,” I said.


  “Have you ever noticed how he seems to be at every house party you go to? It’s almost like he knows you’re going to be there. Like he’s stalking you.”

  Katie rolled her eyes. “He’s completely innocent. And he’s just a good friend. Of course he knows what parties I’m at! I tell him in class!”

  “Seems like a stalker to me!”

  I was still shouting. Why was I still shouting? Shouting never led to anything good when we were arguing. And I could see her getting more and more angry. Getting closer and closer to the point of no return. Once she crossed that point she’d be going to this dance with this Eric asshole and there wouldn’t be a damn thing I could do about it.

  “You don’t have to yell at me,” she said.

  “You were yelling at me first,” I snapped back.

  Okay so maybe that wasn’t strictly true. Maybe I was the one who started the yelling. But she’d gone along once we started. Besides, it’s not like it mattered who started shouting first. She started this argument when she agreed to go to a dance with another guy. How could she? I felt a raging jealous fire burning inside me, and I also felt something else. A raging hard on down below that pulsed in time with the jealousy. Now that was odd.

  “You know what? I think you can get out of here,” she said. She pointed to her door and I was halfway there, anger clouding my vision, before the more rational part of my brain took over and I turned and looked at her.

  “”Katie, we don’t have to argue like this…”

  “No, you had your chance to talk about this and be civil,” Katie said. She was hugging her pillow and I could see the beginnings of tears on her face. I hated it when she pulled that move. “Now you can get the hell out, and I’m going to have a good time at the dance with Eric. You can call me when you stop being such an asshole!”

  “Fine!” I shouted.

  I hadn’t intended to, but I was so damn mad. I was out of her room and storming through her small off campus house without thinking. Anger clouded everything. How could she agree to go to a dance with another guy? How could she agree to go to a dance at a fraternity house? Didn’t she know what went on at those things? For that matter, how could she agree to go to a dance with him of all people? It was pathetic the way he was always sniffing around, and she either didn’t realize it or she was playing dumb to make me feel better.

  Either way, I was pissed off and I didn’t feel like dealing with it.

  I slammed the door to her front porch behind me and sighed. Not for the first time I wished I didn’t get so riled up when she talked about Eric, but it was hard not to. The way he was always hanging on her. The way he was always trying t
o move in on my territory. The way she always giggled and said he was harmless when it was obvious to anyone looking that he was anything but. It just pissed me off and always got me going.

  “Whatever,” I muttered as I made my way through the small space between Katie’s house and the neighbor.

  4: Spying

  I was about to pull out my phone and see if any of the guys wanted to do something tonight when a sound from Katie’s house caught my attention. I looked up and realized I was about to pass by her bedroom window. Her screened in bedroom window that was open because it was still early enough in the fall that an open window was all it took to cool the house.

  And that screen didn’t block sound at all. It sounded like a Katie was talking to somebody in there, and I had a pretty good idea as to exactly who she was probably talking to. Who did she always talk to when we had an argument? That just made me feel even more pissed off. I thought of yelling at her through the window, giving her a scare before I stormed off to my place, but then thought better of it. I wanted to hear what she was saying to this asshole.

  I leaned against her house and caught the tail end of the conversation.

  “So you can come over?”

  I felt ice settle into the pit of my stomach as I heard those words. Sure she could be talking to one of her girlfriends, but something told me that wasn’t the case. Something told me she was talking to him. That he was going to be over here in a heartbeat. Why wouldn’t he? He was always so eager to be wherever Katie was, and there was no doubt in my mind that he’d jump at the opportunity to come over to my girlfriend’s off-campus house to commiserate with her after she had a big argument with me. I knew exactly the kind of commiserating he probably had in mind.


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