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Syn: Sex Is Syn, Love Is Pain

Page 15

by J Peach

  This nigga got his fuckin’ nerve.

  “First off, I’m not on yo arm, I’m nobody’s arm candy. Sorry, daddy, you got the wrong one. Secondly, don’t diss my car, it gets me from point A to point B which is all that matters— Shit,” It had just dawned on me that I was supposed to meet up with the girls before I left to go to work. They were probably blowing my phone up. “I need to use your phone.” I reached over to grab it from the cup holder, not waiting on his reply. I started dialing, but he took it from me.

  “We gon’ have to do something with that mouth of yours. You keep talking shit, I’mma fuck you up. I’m tryna be nice,” he snapped at me.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I looked out of the window, watching the trees go by as he drove down the highway. I waited for him to say something else but he didn’t. Instead, he turned up the stereo and continued on his journey to only God knew where.

  Chapter 13


  We had been driving for a couple of hours and during half of the drive I had fallen asleep. A yawn left my mouth and I glanced over at Parker to see his head bobbing to Lil Wayne. My eyes shifted from him to the window. I immediately noticed the change of scenery as we rode past real green trees, nice green lawns and stupid, big ass houses. I didn’t know where we were, but one thing I did know was that we were in the rich part of a town.

  Those houses were so freaking huge that besides TV, I’d never seen houses that big. Most of them had a huge front yard with a circular driveway while others were so big they barely had much of a front yard. Some houses were gated while others were open. No matter how they were made, each house had at least two Rolls Royce’s, a Bentley, and a Range Rover parked in the driveway. It was most definitely a buji ass neighborhood and I felt out of place just riding through there.

  “I think you made a wrong turn or something.” As soon as those words left my mouth, the truck slowed down.

  “Mm, you think? Damn, if I don’t know my way to the crib then something’s wrong,” replied Parker as he pulled in front of a huge, gated house. It wasn’t until he pushed a button on the ceiling and the gate started opening that I realized where we were going.

  “You live here?” I asked slowly, in awe of the massive house.

  “N’all, I just got my truck programmed to open the gates for no reason,” he responded smartly.

  I ignored his comment and stared at the tan brick house as he drove up the slightly long and circular cement driveway. There was a cream colored, circular fountain made of bricks sitting in the middle of the plush, trimmed, green bushes that made a medium size circle around it. The closer we got to the house the bigger it seemed to get.

  He parked next to a royal blue Benz and turned off the truck. I was amazed at how wide the house was, it had to be at least two stories maybe three with probably ten if not more bedrooms. The front of the house kind of reminded me of an entrance to a hotel because of how tall and open it was. There were at least two balconies in front of the house, one on the far right end and another on the left side of the tall threshold.

  “You coming?” Parker asked from my opened door.

  I closed my slightly parted lips and got out of the truck. Once I did, not a word left my mouth. I continued to look at the place, taking everything in.

  Parker took my hand and led us to the front door. I watched as he used two different keys to unlock the door and then pressed in a key code before opening it.


  Once inside, he deactivated the alarm. Upon his closing of the door, I noticed that there were more locks on the inside than on the outside. He had about three deadbolts more than the two he’d unlocked with keys.

  After locking the door, he reset the alarm. I was going to comment on the many different locks, but my words got caught in my throat as I took in the inside of his place. The front was connected to the living room on the right and the dining room sat on the left.

  Walking off without Parker, I went into the living room, taking in the spacious area. The living room was facing away from us. A three piece black couch sat in the middle of the room facing a huge, eighty inch TV that was built into the wall right above a fireplace. A nice sized bar was on the far right of the living room as well as a square glass table which sat right in front of the bar.

  “This is nice. About five of my living rooms can fit in here,” I stated with a laugh. “How many folks live here? And if you say one I’m hitting you.” Glancing around him to the dining room, I stared at the big circular mahogany table where at least ten chairs sat with a huge chandelier hanging above it.

  “You can look at this shit later, come on,” Parker grabbed my wrist and began to pull me up a flight of stairs.

  Once we were on the next story of the house, we passed about five doors before stopping at the one at the end of the hallway. Inside of that room, he let my wrist go and I took in the room. A huge, four post, king size bed sat on the left of the room with dark brown nightstands on each side of it. The matching dresser sat against a side wall of the room. Just like in the living room, a huge TV was built into the wall with a fireplace underneath. It was a beautiful, big, clean room.

  I walked to a door on the left side of the room and when I looked inside my mouth dropped open. Behind the door was a walk-in closet with a nice sized rectangular island in the middle. On the island sat many different colored jewelry, the table was full of diamonds. There were chains, rings, bracelets, earrings, and watches. There was so much shit on that table that at least seven people could live off of it for the rest of their lives.

  I put down the colorful bracelet I’d picked up and went to his hanging clothes. Everything was Coogi, Roca Wear, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Polo.

  “Damn, this nigga dress better than me,” I mumbled to myself as I ran my fingers over his clothes and hanging belts. Walking to the back of the clothes where there was another door, I opened it. “Oh, hell n’all!”

  This nigga has a shoe room!

  I mean, racks of shoes in boxes. There were so many fuckin’ Jordan’s, Nikes, Louis Vuitton, Gucci. He was the first nigga I knew that had Louis Vuitton and Gucci shoes. Where I lived, a nigga would kill you dead for that shit, so mothafuckas didn’t buy stuff like that. There were so many different shoes in there, a damn shoe store couldn’t touch it. Seeing another door, I went to it, pushing it open.

  More shoes.

  “How big is this fuckin’ room?” I mumbled to myself as I walked through the door. I followed the pathway around, coming across more shoes and clothes before I finally walked into a bathroom. “Oh, my God! I’m so sorry.” My hands quickly flew to my eyes as I walked in on Parker pissing. Hearing him laugh, I peeked through my fingers as he flushed the toilet.

  “Didn’t take you for the shy type. I mean, you done seen my dick plenty of times. Now you wanna cover yo eyes?”

  Smacking my lips, I went to the sink where he was washing his hands and sat on the counter. “Why the hell is yo room this fuckin’ big? I was just in a closet and now I’m in the bathroom. This is fuckin’ ridiculous. And you got more shoes than any bitch I know. Parker, two rooms filled with shoes, seriously? Look at this damn bathroom, this shit is sick.” My hands waved around as I talked. “You have a TV in your bathroom, Parker. What is that, a forty inch?”

  Turning off the water, he shook his hands in my direction, flinging droplets of water in my face before grabbing the hand towel on the rack beside my head. “That’s a fifty inch, girl. I need that damn TV. A nigga be in that tub with the jets on and watching the game. Whether that game be basketball, football or baseball, it don’t matter,” he said, pointing to a big white Jacuzzi tub that was facing the TV. From there was also a clear view into the walk-in shower.

  “Yo damn bedroom is bigger than both my cribs combined.” See, me and my girl’s about to turn into some stickup bitches and hit this nigga. After I thought that, I started laughing. “So you always bring random chicks to your crib?” I watched him take off his shirt. “What are y
ou doing—” My words faded as I looked at his chest, not seeing how I’d missed what I was seeing

  “I’m about to take a shower. Here,” he handed me both a dry and a face towel and then pointed to the shower. “You can get in with me or use the one down the hall,” Parker stated as he finished getting undressed.

  Once naked, he walked to the shower. Turning on the water, he got under the spray. My brows rose as I thought back on the many different times I’d seen him naked and how I’d failed to notice the scars on his chest. Then again, I was high out of my mind most of those times.

  I stood there watching him for a few seconds longer before undressing and getting in with him. Parker was running his hands over his head when I touched his back. He felt my fingers and glanced down at me before nodding behind him. “Gon’ use that head right there,” he gestured toward the other shower spray behind me.

  Ignoring what he said, I asked my question. “What happened?” His back wasn’t like the front, it had less marks, but they were still visible. I could tell at least five were gunshot wounds, a few looked like he’d been cut or whipped or both.

  “Shower,” he said, not answering me. He didn’t even look back.

  Parker grabbed his towel and his Irish Spring shower gel and started washing up as if I wasn’t there. I didn’t move at first, but when I did, I watched him. Regardless of the angry scars on his back, the two deep, red, angry cuts on his face, the really long cut on his chest that started from the center of his chest and curved down to the left side of his body, or even the healed, but visible shot wounds on his taut abs, none of that changed the fact that he was ripped and sexy as fuck.

  Letting out a breath, I turned away from him and started to wash myself up, washing away the earlier events with Smoke.


  A little while later, Parker got out of the shower without a word. Finishing up, I left shortly after he did. After drying off, I wrapped the towel around me, picked up my clothes and left the bathroom.

  “Can I get a shirt or some shorts until we get to my place?”

  “What the hell can you do with my shorts?” He asked while pointing to the bed where clothes lay. “Get dressed and we not goin’ to yo part of town until tomorrow.”

  My brows rose at that. “Oh, yes, we’re going back there today. I ain’t staying out here. I have to work tonight and then be back in the morning for school.”

  That got his attention and he stopped walking to look at me.

  “School, huh? What you going for?” He asked as I lifted the black, pink, and yellow Coogi mini dress off the bed.

  I looked inside of the dress to see the size. I hummed. “I’m not wearing your girl’s or ex’s clothes and I damn sho ain’t putting on her panties, nigga. Is you crazy? Even tho it’s cute, that’s triflin’.” Throwing the clothes on the bed, I laid my stuff out neatly next to it.

  “I ain’t got no girl or no ex-girl. I went out today before I called you and bought that. Shorty, I wouldn’t give you no hand-me-downs, especially not no damn panties. There are shoes on the other side of the bed,” he pointed in the direction. “I’m about to get ready.” With that said, he walked into the closet.

  Sighing, I picked up the dress again. It was cute, the man most definitely had taste. Well, hell, look at his damn closet. In the middle of my thoughts the price tag on the side of the dress caught my eye and I pulled it. Two hundred and forty-nine dollars. Considering he spent more than that on me in the club, the price he spent on the dress didn’t surprise me. What did, though, was the fact he went and bought me a dress along with a matching Coogi lace panty and bra set. Add to that, he also bought me some black spiked heels. Parker doing that surprised the shit out of me. He’d even gotten my size right on everything including the shoes.

  After putting on the outfit, I went to the closet where he was.

  “Hey, you don’t have a comb or a brush do you?” I trailed off as I found him in the last shoe room. Parker was fresh, I had to give him that. He was probably one of the best dressed hood’s I’d ever come across.

  He had on black Coogi jeans with a black and red Coogi beater to match. His jeans hung low, just below his ass. He has the nerve to have on a black belt. He grabbed a Jordan box and pulled out a pair of black and red Retro 2’s.

  “Well, damn, um…” He was just big and sexy. My God, his chest looked like it was ready to bust out of that shirt. I felt stuck at that moment, not knowing what to say or do— That’s a lie, I know exactly what I want to do.

  My damn!


  “Criminal Justice, I want to be a lawyer to help children from broken homes or to work at the Special Victims Unit back home. So um, yeah, that’s what I’m going to school for. What about you?” Damn, I sounded like an idiot rumbling over my words. “Angel, get yoself together, girl!”

  Parker suddenly let out a laugh. “You got yoself together now?” Oh, God, I said that out loud? “Yeah, you did. It’s cool, yo. I don’t go to school, it wasn’t my thang.” He pulled on a red Coogi shirt over the beater and walked past me. “Oh, you look good, that dress fitting you right.” He gave me a once over, licking his lips.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked past him this time.

  “Thanks. Can I use your phone to call and let my girls know I’m okay before they have a damn search party out?”

  Stopping at the table, he grabbed a nice sized and very noticeable sparkling, black diamond earring and a thick diamond bracelet. After putting it on his right wrist, he grabbed a black Rolex with a red diamond face and put that on his left wrist. He then slipped on a white gold diamond ring before he grabbed a thick, long, black chain. Picking up a red and black diamond cross pendant, he put it on the chain and slipped it over his head.

  Shid, I didn’t think I wanted to go anywhere with that pretty mothafucka. I found myself getting jealous of him. He was fresh ass fuck, way fresher than me and suddenly I felt insecure about my appearance.

  God, I hope we don’t go nowhere with a crowd of folks. I just feel so outda place right now.

  Walking out of the closet, I went back in his room and sat on his bed next to my folded clothes. Parker came out a few seconds later, jogging to the other side of the room and opening another door. Walking in, he returned seconds later with a black and red Bulls snapback on. Going to his nightstand, he grabbed two chrome Desert Eagles and tucked one on each side of his hip before walking over to me.

  Grabbing my folded clothes, he took them to a brown basket. Parker then grabbed a cordless phone from the dresser and handed it to me. “Call yo friends, let’em know you good and we’ll be back tomorrow,” he said before grabbing his ringing phone. “Gon’ make yo call,” he said as he left the room. Once the door closed, I quickly dialed Missy.

  After the third ring she answered. “Who this?”

  I rolled my eyes at how she answered. “Bitch, why you gotda be ghetto? Hoe, this me.”

  She laughed into the phone before talking. “Where you at? You lucky I answered. You know I don’t answer numbers I don’t know.”

  True, her ass never did. “Bitch, Parker kidnapped me.”

  “Big sexy from King’s party, right?” She questioned. Humming, I started explaining everything that happened from when he stopped me in the middle of the road. “No, bitch, he didn’t?” I could hear the disbelief in her voice.

  “Yeah, Miss, he did. Ol’ crazy ass nigga. Now he’s telling me he’s not bringing me back to Gary until tomorrow. Bitch, I cannot stay in this house with this man I barely know,” I stressed. Parker made me nervous and I did not want to be alone with him.

  “Girl, give that man some pussy and stop playin’. Yo ass is too uptight. You need to let loose and big sexy can be your releaser.” Missy burst out laughing after she said that and made me roll my eyes.

  “I already slept with him—” My slip shut her up immediately.

  “What? When? Where? Bitch, how was it?” Her questions shot off fast.

  That had me laugh
ing at her excitement. “We’ll talk about that later, but Miss, you gotda come get me. I feel so outta place and this big thug ass nigga is a straight pretty boy. Missy, come get me and bring yo bag.” We laughed at that, already knowing she was gon’ bring that damn purse of hers.

  “Where you at?” That’s a good question. Missy soon started laughing at my silence. “You don’t know?”

  Whining, I laughed. “No, I was too busy fussing at him and all I remember is him getting on I-95, that’s it. I don’t know what exit he got off on. Bitch, I don’t know where the fuck I’m at. Hold on. Parker— Oh!” He was leaning against the door staring at me.

  “We in Bloomingdale, you ready?” I’m sure the expression on my face was one of pure shock.

  “Bloomingdale? Oh, hell n’all.” Turning away from him, I got back on the phone. “Girl, why this man got my ass out in Bloomingdale? Bitch, I got warrants out here.” Missy burst out laughing. “Miss, that’s not funny.”

  “Girl, shut yo ass up and hang out with that man. Stop being a bitch and give that man some play. I gotda go, bye. Love you and give that man some more pussy!” She hung up before I could even reply back.

  “I can’t stand that hoe.” Hanging up the phone, I let out a breath before pursing my lips together. “So where we going?” Crossing my legs, I turned to face him, but his eyes were on my crossed legs. Since he was checking me out, I stopped feeling embarrassed about checking him out in the shower and in the closet.

  When his eyes had gotten enough of looking at my body, Parker looked up at me and smiled. “Let’s go.” He pushed off of the wall and opened the room door. “You got a warrant, why?”

  My hand waved at him as I got off of the bed and followed behind him. “No, I don’t. I got arrested out here a few months back for beating some sales woman’s ass, but that charge got tossed thanks to King,” I told him as we went to the front of the house.


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