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Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)

Page 4

by Evans, Bryce

  River took a few bites then answered. “Well I can cook, clean, and take out the garbage. I can do anything that you need done. I just need a job.”

  Ash smiled as she blew on her soup. “Well I need someone who can run errands for me, type, and is good with a computer.”

  River looked up. She didn’t want to act desperate but she wanted to jump up and down with joy. She had taken fifty hours of computer classes at the local college before she ran from Paddock. She knew how to operate a computer and type. In reality, she could probably hack into the DMV database and erase where the Sheriff ran her tag. But she felt confident that she was okay since the car was in Mary’s name. River had become what police would call a hacker. She didn’t do it much because she was always in fear she would get caught.

  “I can do that,” River said, trying to hide her excitement. “I have taken lots of computer classes and can type over one hundred words a minute,” River added.

  “Where did you go to college at?” Ash asked.

  River looked down at the soup. What do I say now? “Well I took them online mostly but if you need me to show you what I can do then I don’t mind.”

  Ash could smell a lie a mile away and this lady was laying drag down the road. What are you hiding, River Channing? Ash thought. “Okay, well tomorrow we will test out your computer skills.”

  River smiled then went back to eating her soup. She ate the whole bowl. She didn’t want to embarrass herself anymore than she already had by licking the bowl clean. Instead she drank all her water and that’s when it hit her. She needed to lay her head down. She was fading fast. The hot meal had done the trick. She felt cloudy and disconnected from her body as she blinked back the worries. When Ash got up to wash her hands in the bathroom, River grabbed the rest of the bread and wrapped it up in some napkins then put it under her pillow. She never knew what tomorrow would bring and River had to do what she had to do. She hated hiding food, but she would need something to eat before she got her first paycheck and she had to do this in order to survive the next day. All she could do now was take it one day at a time.

  Coming out of the bathroom, Ash could see how sleepy River was. Her eyes were droopy and almost closed. “Just lay down and sleep, River. You can take a shower tomorrow. No rush.”

  River didn’t need to be asked twice so she scooted the tray to the end of the bed, curled up, and fell asleep before Ash could take the tray and put it on the table.

  Chapter Four

  Ash waited until she knew River was asleep before she went snooping. She had seen what River had done with the bread and knew the poor girl needed help. Hell the woman was putting bread under her pillow. She knew River was a survivor. Ash had stolen food when she was younger and on the run. She had to feed Nash and herself. Clearly she needed help but wouldn’t take a handout. She liked that about River. She didn’t want anyone to give her a handout. No, River Channing, wanted to earn it.

  Ash got up and noticed River’s pocketbook laying on the dresser. She knew Larsen had already ran a check on her license but something didn’t feel right when Ash asked her basic questions. She was lying and Ash needed to know what it was. If River was going to work for her there would be no lies between them. Important information would be passed through those computers, so Ash needed to make sure her family and pack were kept safe. Information about the unit and the pack would be kept separate if River did work for her. Ash couldn’t put her finger on it but something was strange about River, even Ash’s tiger felt the difference. She was magical in some way. Ash wondered if she was a witch and didn’t know it herself.

  Unfortunately, River didn’t want to talk about where she was from and that made Ash want to know more about this mystery woman. It didn’t take a Detective to figure out that River Channing was hiding from something or better yet—someone.

  Ash looked in her wallet and saw a picture of an older woman and River smiling. No name was printed on the back of the picture. Ash continued to inspect the contents of her pocketbook when she located some old newspaper clippings about some murders in Prattville and Morganville, New Mexico. She didn’t even have a checking account that she could tell. No money was found in her wallet. She knew she would need to give River an advance so she had some money. Ash took the clippings out of River's pocketbook then slipped out the door.

  Larken and Larsen were walking down the hallway as Ash came out of the rooms. “Did you find out anything?” Larsen asked.

  Putting her finger up to her lips to be quiet, Larsen came up to Ash and jerked her to him, kissing her passionately. “See I can be quiet, my mate.” Ash giggled as Larsen bent down and kissed her again. Seeing the newspaper clippings Ash was holding, Larsen took them out of her hand as Larken kissed their mate. Larsen had to tear his eyes away from his mate to read what the newspapers were about. The more Larsen read the more he knew it was about vampires.

  Grunting as he read, Larsen couldn’t stop from swearing. “Damn, damn.”

  Ash jerked her lips away from Larken. “What is it?”

  “Vampires,” Larsen replied.

  Ash pulled out of her mate’s arms and grabbed the newspaper articles. As she read them she could feel the goose bumps come up on her arms.

  “I need to call Reece. Do you think vampires are killing these people? I don’t sense anything like that about River. I mean she feels different to me, but I know she isn’t a shifter or vampire.”

  “No she isn’t but she is magical and I can’t put my finger on it yet,” Larsen replied as he pulled Ash into his arms. He needed the comfort he got from her when he was thinking about something. Plus, he wanted his kiss from his mate.

  “The Alphas are going to meet tonight and discuss the unit. The funds have been set aside for the employees and it will be housed out of the lodge basement. And Jonas is going to be the Leader of the team,” Larken muttered quickly. Larsen and Ash gasped. Ash grabbed Larken’s arm. “Really?”

  “Yes, my love. He is making his cousin and Second Arden Bartley the new Alpha. He wants to be near the girls and be part of the unit.”

  Larsen shook his head. He couldn’t believe that Jonas was going to move to Freedom and give up being Alpha. Jonas Glenn was one of the nicest and giving wolves he had ever known. Losing him as leader would be tough on his pack. He would need to make the transfer slowly so the pack could get used to it. Larsen was happy now that Jonas would be there to protect Ashland, and Jonas would protect her with his life. Or face the wrath of his brother and him.

  “He will still be an Elder, but I really think this is a good move for Jonas. He is worried about how the pack is going to take it, but with our help he can handle it,” Larken explained.

  “We will help him, baby,” Ash offered as she blinked her eyes at him.

  Larken watched as his mate gave him the come-hither look. “Don’t do that, baby, unless you want to end up against this wall.”

  Ash giggled then got serious and pulled out her cell phone. “I know. Now let’s get Reece here so we can figure this out.”


  Jonas was sitting in the bar watching the bartender when Reece Ramsey walked in. Seeing Jonas sitting at the table, Reece walked over to Jonas’s table. Reece and Jonas had been friends for a long time and with Ash being his niece made them better friends. Jonas and Ash had a great friendship and it spilled over to include Reece and Levi.

  “How’s it going, Jonas?” asked Reece.

  Jonas got up from his chair and shook the vampire’s hand. He liked Reece. He was a good guy and a great leader. His clan had increased by two hundred people since he took over after killing his bat shit crazy dad. It seemed vampires were similar to werewolves and wanted to live in packs. Vampires lived in clans but they were similar in nature on how they ruled. Reece’s clan was known throughout the world as having a profitable clan. When he went to the Vampire Council, they always listened closely to what he had to say. Jonas knew it wouldn’t be long before he was asked to be on the Council. “I�
��m good, man. How have you been?” replied Jonas.

  Rubbing his hand through his hair, Reece leaned against a chair. “Well Ash called and needed my help on something. She said she would meet me here in the bar.” Reece looked around the bar for Ash. “You haven’t seen her have you?” Jonas shook his head.

  “No not yet. She asked to see me too,” Jonas replied. “It must be something big to ask us both to be here. You know Ash, she always does it big. Sit down and have a drink.” Jonas motioned for the waitress.

  “What can I get you, Mr. Ramsey?” the waitress asked then winked at Reece.

  “Whiskey,” Reece advised.

  “Yes, sir.” The waitress walked over to the bar and poured Reece a glass of Jack Daniel’s Whiskey.

  Reece watched as the waitress shook her ass a little more. He licked his lips as he watched her. It had been a while since he had a wolf and maybe today was his lucky day. He never had a hard time with women, but he had been too busy lately to put any time into dating. His business and the clan were thriving. He needed to turn over more responsibility to Levi and the others or he would never get laid again.

  The waitress brought his whiskey and sat it down in front of him then showed her pretty white teeth as she smiled at Reece. “What else can I get you, Mr. Ramsey?”

  Reece smiled showing just a little fang,” What time do you get off, sugar?”

  “Around ten,” the she-wolf grinned.

  “Meet you at ten then, sugar.” Reece watched as the she-wolf winked then walked back behind the bar.

  Jonas sat grinning as the vampire made a date to fuck. “So what’s the wolf’s name?”

  Reece wasn’t paying attention much as he watched the she-wolf behind the bar. “Who knows, but I guess I will find out tonight. Question is, do you know her name?”

  “Why yes I do. Her name is Misty and she is a very, very sweet girl,” said Jonas.

  Reece laughed aloud.

  “What are you laughing at?” Jonas asked.

  “You. ‘She is a very nice girl’. Come on, Jonas, how many of Larken’s pack have you had.” Jonas blushed as he looked back at Misty.

  “A wolf never tells. But let’s just say that Misty is a good and sweet girl. I just like to sample.” Jonas smiled then drank the last of his beer.

  “Good answer.” Reece chuckled as he sipped his whiskey.

  Jonas and Reece sat and talked about the changes he was making by joining the unit when Ash and her mates walked into the bar.

  “Hello, Uncle,” Ash spoke as Reece got up and hugged his niece. Reece shook hands with the twins then Larken directed them over to a table reserved for them.

  “It must be big if we have to move to the special table,” Jonas teased Larken.

  “What’s the big secret?” Reece asked.

  “Well I need to show you something and then you tell me what you think is going on,” Ash replied as she set the newspaper articles down in front of Reece. As Reece read the articles Ash could see his demeanor changing and not in a good way. His fair skin showed the blush that appeared on his face. He was mad about what the articles said.

  Reece looked up at Ash, frowning. “Where did you get these?”

  “Well that is a long story that I need to talk to you about,” said Ash.

  Larsen started the story out about how he came upon River sleeping in her car then Ash chimed in and told the part about the lies she was giving on the places she had lived. She explained how River didn’t appear to be a shifter or vampire but she was something else. “She is something magical and I can’t shake the feeling that I know her from somewhere. I have this urge to protect her too,” Ash explained, as she leaned over toward her uncle. She could see the concern in his eyes.

  “Well, baby, you do that with everyone. You are a tenderhearted love bug and you love to help people,” Larken added, as he reached over and kissed the side of her head.

  “She may be running from them then. That’s what it sounds like to me. It seems they are trailing her from the different places she has lived. You said she has been traveling all over the United States right?” Reece suggested, but Ash didn’t like the look on his face.

  “What? I’m lost here,” Jonas chimed in.

  Ash patted Jonas on his arm, “Well, honey, that’s not unusual for you. We called the special needs foundation and told them we had a charity case that we would take on. So don’t worry, my sweet. We will try to help you with it,” Ash said with an innocent look on her face. She got like that when Jonas was around. They played jokes on each other all the time.

  Larken laughed as he pulled his mate back to him incase Jonas grabbed her. He loved when his beautiful mate got Jonas back for him.

  Jonas smiled at Ash knowing she loved him but loved to tease him more.

  “Vampires. Bad ones too it seems,” Reece replied, bringing Ash and Jonas back to the conversation.

  “Why are they killing people then?” Ash asked. “I mean we don’t do that.”

  “Depending on the territories they come in they may have ran into trouble with different clans or they may have been seeking information about her from people. I don’t know yet but there is someone you can ask,” Reece added.

  “Hey, maybe this can be the unit’s first case, Ashland.” Jonas nudged her shoulder, playing around with her.

  Ash arched her eyebrow at Jonas. The amusement she was showing earlier had left her face. “Speaking of the unit. When were you going to tell me that you were joining the unit and giving up the pack?” Ashland looked at Jonas with her mean stare. She pointed her finger at him. “It’s me, Jonas. Me! And I had to find out this way.”

  Jonas looked over at Larken and Larsen for help. They both grinned as they stayed silent. This was Jonas’s battle and they tried never to make their mate mad at them. Plus they loved it when Ash ripped Jonas a new one.

  Jonas shook his head at the twins then address Ashland. “I was going to tell you, Ashy, but big mouth here told you before I could. He can’t keep a secret. How he is the Alpha escapes me.”

  “Hey you didn’t tell me not to tell anyone and you know I’m not keeping this juicy news away from my mate and brother.” Larken smiled, knowing Ash would ride Jonas for a couple of days because he didn’t tell her first.

  “Where is this River at?” Reece asked, distracted by the vampire conversation. The thought made him sick. He was worried about the outcome. They didn’t need some vampires running around the country looking for this girl and killing anyone in their way. It brought too much attention to the fact they drained the women of all their blood. He knew he needed to get to the bottom of this before it led to his clan.

  “River is asleep,” Ash responded. The poor girl was practically starving and sleep deprived. When she gets up maybe you could help me talk to her,” Ash suggested to Reece.

  “Yes, I think that would be a good idea,” said Larsen, then he smiled as Reece held up his glass. “Now let's make a toast to Jonas on his retirement, new job, and new adventures.” Everyone raised his or her glasses toasting Jonas.

  Chapter Five

  Paddock Reed glared at the vampire who shook with fear as he stood before him. “You didn’t find anything. No trace. Nobody who even knew her or anybody who looked like her?” Paddock demanded.

  “No, Master. Nobody seemed to know her or even heard of her. The last place she was seen was in that little diner. I killed the bitch that lied for her while she was really in the kitchen picking up her check.”

  Paddock continued to get angrier as the vampire spoke. “Do I have to do everything for you idiots? You are worthless. You had a chance to get her and you failed me. Then you brought attention to yourselves by killing the women and draining them of all their blood. Did you think the humans would just overlook that? You have not done one simple thing that I told you to do and that…will be the last time you disappoint me.” Paddock launched himself at the vampire, grabbing the vampire around the neck then slicing it open with his claws. He then pro
ceeded to rip into the rest of the vampire’s neck with his fangs. He sucked his blood until the vampire fell to the ground dead.

  Rick Johnson smiled as he watched as his Prime killed the man. All the vampires watched as their leader slaughtered the vampire for his failure. They growled as his blood flowed on the floor. Their eyes turned red as the bloodlust started to grow in each of them. Paddock had three more men strapped to the wall in chains. They watched in horror as their business partner’s neck was ripped open by Paddock. They knew vampires existed but never had they seen anything like this. Now all the vampires were looking at them like they were dinner.

  Paddock growled then threw his head back and screamed at the top of his lungs. He was pissed because River was special; her blood would make him stronger than anyone. He needed to get her back so he could defeat the one vampire who would put him on top of the food chain. Reece Ramsey was going down and he was going to enjoy doing it. He hated the vampire and all he wanted to do was drain him of his precious autocratic blood. He knew he wasn’t strong enough to defeat him yet but with River’s blood—he would be unstoppable.

  Paddock’s bloody gaze fell to the other men. “Dinner is served, boys.”


  River opened her eyes to the sun coming in through the window. She was feeling pretty good. Her belly wasn’t growling or upset. Her head wasn’t fuzzy anymore. She stretched then pushed the covers off her and got up out of bed. River picked out some blue jeans and a sweater from her to-go bag then went into the bathroom and took a much-needed shower. She knew she probably smelled pretty stinky since she hadn’t taken a shower in a few days.

  “Damn, look at this shit. Hell yeah!” River started doing a small dance in the shower. She stopped and looked at the knobs and buttons on the wall. “Hmm, wonder what this does.” River turned the knob as water fell from the ceiling of the shower. She allowed her body to stand under it and enjoy the moment for the first time in her life. The water cascaded down from the ceiling as if she was under a waterfall and it felt wonderful. She stayed in the shower until the water started to turn cold then reluctantly got out to get ready for the day.


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